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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Dinar Updates Sunday PM Chat 7-31-16   

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Dinar Updates Sunday PM Chat 7-31-16   

BGG says to graci():I have said over and over - I don't put alot of confidence in the comments by Alak in this recent article

BGG says():Is no one paying attention??

magnetlady says():I'm right here reading every word. Can't speak as to others
BGG says():Alak's job has been in question for 6 months or a year... AND - they are talking more and more - especially over the last 2 weeks.
BGG says():(about removing him).
magnetlady says():I thought that was iluding to that I believe it was yesterday in one of the posts
larrykn says to BGG():when he started talking about 2017 I stopped listening, I don't think we will have to wait that long nor do I believe they will make it that long without starting trading with the world which I believe will take a new rate
watson1 says to larrykn():larry you all act like 2017 is far away it really it not .plus each day they are moving forward more and more . so relax it is all coming together
loop says():Legal parliament: first a general amnesty laws that are discussed next week
Sunday , July 31, 2016   Legal Committee of Parliament has pledged to be a draft general amnesty law first laws that displays on the agenda of the meetings of Parliament agenda next week , along with other important legislation.
The new chairman of the Muhsin al - Sadoun in a joint press conference with members of the committee the other day that " the Committee met today in the presence of more than 13 members in the presence of the Speaker of parliament , who participated in part of the meeting,
where he was elected as new President of the Commission in addition to the election of the denominator bonded as deputy chairman of the Committee and Hassan Turan scheduled. "
He added that" the legal committee would go adoption of key legislation and will make every effort to cooperate with other parliamentary committees to view important legislation , "noting that" the draft general amnesty law will be the first laws that displays on the agenda of the meetings agenda next week,
as well as other laws the task of custody of the parliamentary committee, which is the law of the Supreme Judicial Council and the Law of the public prosecution , which will take its way successively to the legislation of the Federal Court, as well as the electoral law The new reconsider the law of the formation of the election commission. " In
turn, the deputy head of the Commission denominator bonded that" the parliamentary committee conducted the day the election process smoothly without hindrance, and voted to choose the presidency and on behalf of the decisions of the new Commission. "
" The next week will consider legislation crucial and important first of Law general amnesty, where there is a new vision agreed by the parliamentary legal committee on the bill, as well as other laws. "
loop says():  LINK
watson1 says():i am just happy we have a date and the are moving each day not like 2 to 3 year ago when nothing was happening
jbjb4 says():Pretty amazing Alak still holds his post.
magnetlady says():I agree jbjb4
david334 says():Obviously the execution of fraud protection is an ongoing challenge. What difference does it make to Iraq if they hold back electronic money till sometime in 2017?
Well I don't know what tpo make of Alak who is rumored to fired. Citizens have had in country cards for a while , the ISX has spent big time commitments and money to intgrate the ISX into a global electronic stock exhange, Tarrif revenues I thought were being transfered and tracked electronicly and the list goes on.
One small crack about the athletes ??? Olymic teamI guess getting cards and the buzz on deropping the zeros emerges. Then Alaki puts a dagger in the whole supposed evolution of electronic bank.
Well every other ME has EMT, Bahrain is positioning to become a fiancial center and Iraq has cash only.
A freind of mine told me that six months ago"they dont even have credit cards ". This is like chasing cats and i am wondering if the investment will happen in my life time. Abadi is moving a the speed of light ??? No global currency no gdp growth .
magnetlady says():hey david
david334 says():And long press article blames oil prices on the long delay in electronic system deployment thats BS . I am done
david334 says to magnetlady():I done. No more commentary. I will be silent from here out
magnetlady says():oh my
magnetlady says():sorry you feel that way. Im here for the duration
magnetlady says():i choose to remain positive
angus says():my son just ask: is there proof that the Kuwait dinar was brought back to its value that was what helped Bill c
Dr dave says():Hoping your not 99 yrs old David......
kalis says():well i am new to all this ,but it seem that there is always an excuse why it did not happen . I am hoping these next few weeks it will give a clear picture and if not oh well we will keep guessing .({) I am getting to point where if it happen great if not oh well it was fun being a part of it .
magnetlady says():kalis, its not if its when please. Keep positive. We do not know when the day will be, but it is a country's currency and it will change in value.
subgirl says to kalis():it is going to happen and we just keep being positive... watch the news .. The News is booming and Iraq is moving forward!!! Just hang in there!!!! :)
kalis says():i am enjoying all this cause this is new to me .
kalis says():i feel like i am part of something big . so no one is going take that away from me.
magnetlady says():Its awesome that you feel that way and I am too. Very proud an feel this is my one chance of a lifetime to be a part of anything this exciting for me.
subgirl says():WOW! look at this?
subgirl says():The new German Ambassador to Jaafari: We will make efforts to bring our companies to work in Iraq
2016/7/31 21:17  [Oan- Baghdad]  Received Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari on Sunday, a copy of the new German ambassador to Iraq, Franz Josef crimp adoption at the ministry headquarters in Baghdad leaves, discussed bilateral relations between Baghdad and Berlin, and the mechanism of developing them to serve the interests of the two friendly peoples.
According to a Foreign Ministry statement received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, that al-Jaafari welcomed the German Ambassador, "and wished" him Muwafaqiya and success in his diplomatic duties in Baghdad, expressed the readiness of the Foreign Ministry to provide all the support for the success of the mission in Iraq. "
He Jaafari, "thanks to the positions of Germany in support of Iraq in its war against terrorist Daash gangs, and the provision of aid," stressing "the need to raise the level of relations size comparable to the potential of the two countries, and to coordinate the security effort, and intelligence, and to cooperate more in the war against terrorists Daash."
Minister of Foreign Affairs, "the German side also called on to take advantage of investment opportunities and the arrival of German companies for work in Iraq," pointing to "the need to ease the procedures for granting visas to Iraqis wishing to visit Germany to enhance bilateral relations."
For his part, the German ambassador "his country's keenness to develop relations with Iraq at all levels," stressing that "will make more efforts to attract German companies to work in Iraq."
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larrykn says():Barzani: We are faced with two choices for the time being
The president of the Kurdistan region of Iraq not to allow Baghdad to share the Kurdistan region a separate delegation at the international donors conference in Washington, stressing that the Kurds are now "in front of two options at the present time."
Said Massoud Barzani, in a message posted on the official page on the social networking site "Facebook" on the international donor conference held in Washington to provide aid to Iraq: "When the work of the international donor conference held in Washington to help Iraq began, the Iraqi Foreign Minister to stand in front of the participation of a delegation area Kurdistan, which is considered a key player in the war with al Daash, unfortunately organizers of the conference responded to the demands of Iraq's foreign minister.
Barzani said, "We reject this act categorically, that does not conform with the great sacrifices made by our people, and to resolve these issues, we need to be the decision-makers for ourselves."
He said Barzani, "we are faced with two choices at the moment, either to accept the reality and accept any decision the others take our place and decide our fate when they want to and that Evtalo problems for us, and we remain under subordination to them, or that we are in agreement and the issuance of a joint decision to Nktoa toward sovereignty and independence " As he says.
The Barzani known separatist Bnzaath usually emphasize during his speeches on secession and the establishment of "a Kurdish state."   Source: Roudao

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