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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Dinar Updates Sunday AM Chat 7-31-16   Part 1 of 2

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Dinar Updates Sunday AM Chat 7-31-16   Part 1 of 2
larrykn says():Baghdad prepare to execute 40 condemned crime Spyker
12:08 2016 Sunday July 31  The Iraqi Supreme Court ratified the death accused resolutions in offence martyrs Spyker of Tikrit. Perth now from Baghdad: Baghdad announced today the Iraqi Court of Cassation authentication provisions execution 40 condemned by participating in a crime by elements of ISIS and local collaborators killed 1700 air college student at Camp Speicher in Tikrit in January 2014 amid expectations by implementing these provisions.
Federal Appeals Court ratified Sunday "on death accused resolutions in offence martyrs Spyker," declared the spokesperson for the judiciary judge Abdul Sattar Bayraqdar.. He said reporters had examined the reading "" illaftrain Federal Court considered the claims of the defendants in a crime the martyrs of Spyker.

 The lawsuit considered by the body in the Court where death decisions was approved by the Central Criminal Court in Baghdad. Conviction of the participants In Feb 18th, Central Criminal Court sentenced to death by the Iraqi high 40 suspects after being convicted of participating in the crime of Spyker
and whitewash 7 others where elements of ISIS and helpful locals around 1700 a cadet at the air force College of Tikrit after a quick trial, which was attended by a number of almghadorin have been listening to confessions of a number of accused of participating in the massacre.
During its 47 stood trial accused of an offence Spyker made a number of them confessed to participating in a crime where a court 40 of them sentenced to death with seven others acquitted.
These provisions have been issued in accordance with article 4 of the law on combating terrorism. And one of the accused confessed to driving a truck from within 8 with and transporting kidnapped soldiers in Tikrit, Baghdad mankrag downtown. Referring to his participation in the crime which has killed more than 1700 where Cadet after the fall of the northern city of Mosul, capital of Nineveh in June 2014.
larrykn says():Fury
It was the Organization of "ISIS" had carried out executions shot b 1700 students in air force base "Spyker" near Tikrit in Salahuddin governorate (172 km northwest of Baghdad) when they took over the city.
In mid-September the Iraqi Central investigating Court called specialized issues of terrorism and organized crime with information about the crime to provide it by asserting that warrants issued against some crime suspects banner would benefit from all the videos of the incident in support of the case file.
ISIS had seized Tikrit a day after he seized the city of Mosul with the help from relatives of some of the symbols of the former regime had captured 1700 troops after they left the base Speicher plainclothes ordered by their leaders and view a film documenting the regulatory process of mass executions of these young people and throw them in the river and other mass executions in the desert area.
The crime caused widespread anger among Iraqis and raised questions about the reasons for the failure to prevent this crime occurs where military leaders interrogated Parliament Minister of Defense and security leaders with a Committee was formed to investigate the incident.
Sleeper cells
Survivors of the massacre, confirms that the perpetrators were militants of the Islamic State and the sons of the tribes in the region because aldwaash weren't arrived after conservation.
And show the videos that have been viewed hundreds of military students and had left their base and were in civilian clothes and carrying weapons after they left their costumes and identities in military base after being granted her a leave for 15 days and told them he would be notified later to any military sites will join later.
When students are looking for Hitchhikers to their towns they came out Iraqi militants who belong to the tribes in the region and informed them that they will provide them cars carrying them to Baghdad, when exiting students were taken in a mass kidnapping to the presidential palaces built by Saddam Hussein in Tikrit and detained meeting within reach all the killers were in the form of totals per group comprises between 200 and 300 interrogated collectively shot.
 In other footage shows a hooded man carrying a gun and another with bringing altabaa one after the other to prepare a shot on their heads and throw them in a river where some were subsequently recovered 280 corpses.
larrykn says():Basra Investment Commission: we have 12 investment opportunity for housing in the province
2016/7/31 14:32 {Basra: Euphrates news}
Basra Investment Commission announced on Sunday, Mohammed GASPE having 12 investment opportunity for housing in the province in addition to other business projects under implementation.
He said Mohammad {Euphrates news} today, that "our investment map in Basra are limited to 200 investment opportunity bmhatlf 10 projects residential opportunities in the Shatt al-Arab bmhatlf 2 spaces in the County.
"Today we dragging vacation investment project, probably will be announced soon, pending submission of the investors," revealing "sign contracts with the municipality of Basra in the coming days for commercial projects in addition to waiting for some financial authentication project decades overdue."
He was Chairman of the Basra Investment Commission on GASPE Mohammed earlier said "the County Council should develop appropriate mechanisms to facilitate the investors with a view to carrying out investment projects, reflecting the importance of its investment projects of conservative reality development.
larrykn says():Looks like China wants in on the game :
larrykn says():Barzani and the Chinese Ambassador stressed the need for a political accord before releasing the connector
July 31, 2016 The head of the Kurdistan region Massoud Barzani humanitarian tax payment Division of sacrifices in the war against terrorism.
Barzani called on during a meeting with Chinese Ambassador to Iraq ohina ويتچينغ to sign political agreement before releasing the connector provides for how to manage the post conservative Islamic State in order to secure the lives and future of national and religious components.
The territory's Government said in a statement that discuss relations and friendship between the two sides that China offered assistance to the territory in all areas including military, economic, in addition to training and rehabilitation.
The statement pointed out that the Chinese Ambassador hailed the security and stability in the region, compared with other cities and provinces on the territory's role in Iraq and appreciated the reception and assistance to displaced persons and moving away from sectarian and ethnic nationalism.
larrykn says():I find it amazing how they are starting to get electricity since they got a new MP
larrykn says():Electricity power distribution will privatize Kurdistan in Kurdistan
July 31, 2016 Kurdistan, electricity Ministry announced Sunday, its electricity distribution in the territory assignment to the private sector at the end of this year, noting that the territory spends billions on the electricity sector and gets to collect 10% only.
Ministry spokesman Mohammed Amin "horami Ministry seeks to transmit electrical power distribution sector in the Ministry to the private sector at the end of this year", stating that "process designed to organize and maintain the electricity distribution sector better and to collect electricity fees from subscribers via small companies empowered."
He said horami, that "the project will contribute to providing electricity for 24 hours as well as providing financial resources to develop the electricity sector, in addition to reducing consumption", noting that "the territory spends billions on electricity sector gets just 10 percent levy.
Hawrami noted that "transmit power distribution sector to the private sector come under reforms announced by the Government of Kurdistan," adding that "the current regime applicable to manage electricity establishments was incompatible with the times".
DIGIman1 says():the old one only knew how to steal, not how to actually run the equipment, i guess...
larrykn says():yep , I totally agree
larrykn says():Legislative power: Iraq will not exceed annual revenue of 30 billion dollars annually.
31-07-2016 12:26 PM  Detect oil and energy parliamentary Committee member Ibrahim Bahr Al-Ulum that Iraq will not increase the annual income of 30 billion dollars, with oil prices expected to not more than about sixty dollars for the next two years.
Ulum said Iraq's annual revenue would exceed $ 30 billion, while balancing Iraq 2016 placed five and forty dollars per barrel to 3.6 million barrels are exported, indicating that these percentages have not materialized so far,
and therefore there is an original deficit and another deficit added by the descent of oil prices.Ulum added that prices will stay at its current state for two upcoming meetings, thus Iraq must hire case to live with oil prices within that sstraoh between fifty and sixty dollars for the next two years.
larrykn says():this is a good sign, I keep thinking this is like our VA.
larrykn says():The popular crowd opens first hospital for physical therapy and physiotherapy in Basr
Saturday 30 July 2016 21:13 Sumerian news/Basrah   The Bureau said the crowd in Basra Saturday, the opening of the first integrated hospital in the province of altibai therapy and physiotherapy for free medical services for injured fighters, in Exchange for a symbolic price for other citizens.
The Director of the Bureau in the province Ammar Al-Jaafari in the interview for alsumaria news, "wounded and rehabilitation Department of the popular crowd opened hours before the first specialty hospital for physiotherapy and physical medical rehabilitation for injured after making the types of surgeries",
stating that "the hospital is running a Government palaces left behind by the ousted regime, have been equipped with modern medical equipment, a foreign medical team has been assigned to work in the hospital for several months."
"Jaafari drew hospital will provide free medical services for wounded Mujahedin, in Exchange for a symbolic price for other citizens of Basra, adding that the hospital can receive beneficiaries at a rate of 20 to 30 a day.
Office Manager, confirmed that "the wounded who need rehabilitation and physiotherapy and a physicist were suffering from the lack of a medical center or hospital specialist of this kind in the province," adding that they "were forced to travel to Baghdad for treatment.
DIGIman1 says():ppppfffttt......ONLY 30B a year? lol.......that sounds like a 10 project for canada.....
larrykn says():Basra is the main tributary of the popular crowd, since the majority of fighters and a large percentage of field commanders, owns most of the factions and the crowd in offices and Badr Organization (military wing), Hezbollah brigades and battalions Mr martyrs, awaited Brigade, and peace brigades and Saraya Al-Quds, creed and supporters of Ashura, AHL headbands, Youth Brigade, prophetic, nujaba movement, Sadr forces, and loyal supporters of God movement.
**From late last night, just found it interesting about the use of "palaces" as well as another "first" in Iraq**
larrykn says():tell me the world doesn't know something is about to happen and want in on it.
larrykn says():Infallible invites Germany to contribute to Iraq's reconstruction plans.
Sunday 31 July 2016 14:16 Sumerian news/Baghdad The President called it WAD infallible, Sunday, Germany to contribute to Iraq's reconstruction plans and emphasized cultural conventions activation and academic exchanges between the two countries.
Masoom said in a statement issued after receiving credentials from the new German Ambassador to Iraq Franz Josef krempe today in the Peace Palace in Baghdad, alsumaria news received a copy of it, that "Iraqi ties are important German for both countries," stressing the "need to strengthen and upgrade them at different levels in the interests of the peoples of the two friendly countries."
"Infallible" Germany has a privileged position to support Iraq in its battle against terrorism and humanitarian assistance for Iraq, particularly in the area of refugee relief and military assistance to the Iraqi armed forces, "stressing the importance of" cultural and academic exchange agreements signed between the two countries. "
Called "privileged role Germany infallible to contribute to Iraq's reconstruction plans, particularly in areas affected by the hostilities and pushing the European Union to contribute to the development of the Iraqi economy," reiterated "Iraq's readiness for cooperation in the field of intelligence and information filled GE revealed transnational terrorist cells."
Infallible leader stressed "the importance of activating the cultural conventions and academic exchanges between the two countries, stressing Iraq's interest in scientific and cultural evolution in Germany." 
larrykn says():The Ambassador said the defendant "Germany look to Iraq and help it overcome the economic security through continued military and humanitarian support and expand constructive bilateral cooperation in various fields."
The Iraqi Finance Ministry announced Monday (25 January 2016), that Germany will provide a loan of 500 million euros to carry out service projects in the liberated areas in Iraq.
larrykn says():Abadi and chairman of the US Chiefs of Mosul discuss liberalization plans [Extended]
2016/7/31 14:06   [Where - Baghdad]  We discussed the general commander of the armed forces, Haider al-Abadi, on Sunday, with the head of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Joseph Dtnford who arrived in Baghdad today edit the city of Mosul from Daash terrorist gangs plans.
A statement by the prime minister's office received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it today that al-Abadi, received in his office, on Sunday, Gen. Dtnford and his accompanying delegation,
"During the meeting, they discussed strengthening cooperation between the two countries in the field of training, arming and continue to support the international coalition for Iraq the fight against the terrorist gangs and plans liberalization of Mosul. "
The statement pointed out that "Gen. Dtnford reiterated his country's continued support for the Iraqi government headed by al-Abadi in its efforts to liberate the land and the blessing of the victories achieved, pointing to the keenness of the United States to secure the government's needs in its fight against terrorism."

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