Don't WAIT!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

KTFA Monday Night CC Notes From 7-25-16  Part 2

Part 2: 

Frank26:  Hillary a long time ago prepared herself…..a long time ago….I think it was eight years ago when she flew over there with a big convoy of people and she came back with some ownership of some of the refineries….well good for you Hillary….and then she said when she came back…..if you are looking to invest in the country of Iraq… might be too late….yeah because you bought everything up….that was an amazing statement on her part…..I think she didn’t want the Republicans to know about the opportunity to buy the IQD.
The Holy Men in Iraq are being very supportive of Abadi….and that is HUGE….they like his ministers….they actually went out and said we like Abadi….you can stay…..shut up….Sadr you are a pain…..Sistani you are ok…..I am glad you like the new ministers….what you say Holy Men is Holy words to the citizens ears….so they can say…..Holy laws….Holy reforms….they don’t say holy cow….no they don’t say that.
Their television is loud….so loud… is as though they show their pride….you know what we do in America to show our pride….we used to pledge allegiance to the flag….but we don’t do that anymore…..but not bad Trump with the pledge of allegiance….not bad.
The new technocrats…..Abadi likes them….the Holy Men like them….the citizens like them….you are going to like them….these guys can’t be bought….they represent equal representation…and who are these guys….who put them there….who suggested them….you know a change of face in order to change the reforms….they are taking responsibility…..and you will see it soon….these technocrats are taking responsibility of the reforms….now to a degree they have to waste time….and I’ve given you the reasons why….the troops with Mosul….Abadi with the technocrats….

There are a lot of reasons…..but you have to give them time…..they aren’t wasting time….but it does seem like they are wasting it….and it does look that way….but they are not….right now they have to reject the USA….I know it sound hypocritical….it sounds insulting….but they have to in order to claim their own victory in Mosul in order to bring further unity into the citizens….because what did I tell you  about the citizens…..they are about 90% of the reason why we don’t have the RV yet…..but great accomplishments are being done with the citizens…and the UNSC is hot right now….they are on right now…..and notice you keep bringing us UN articles and that is good.
By the way this thing that happened with the Prime Minister of Turkey….he is not to be trusted…..I don’t like him…..don’t like what happened….I was trying to support the citizens….and I know it was a military coup….but the military is the citizens for crying out loud…..this guy is not to be trusted… fact he is trying to hit Iraq and Iran right now….how stupid is that….because he is thinking….I survived the coup….I’m going to do all of this…..I’m going to fight back even more now… are so stupid.
This unification is the glue….it is the coming together of the citizens with everything around them…..mainly the GOI and the CBI and the Holy Men…..”Issues of Unification of Forex Rates and Money Laundering Measures Need to be Tackled by the Department….Unification of the Forex Rates is the Number One Priority”….yes we know that….and the citizens know that too…..oh yeah…..they know what is happening September 2nd.
Think about it….why would the IMF ask Iraq to launch the Economic Reforms….because the IMF has taken Iraq to the point of being ready to do this….as quickly as possible… don’t tell junior….clean up your room….when they are outside playing in the playground… soon as they get home and are in their room…..junior clean up that room….alright.
This 2 by 2 by 2 is allowing so much to come to us…..look I told you one of the 33 things…..UNAMI…..I told you about UNESCO……I’ll tell you today about UNAMI….they are working hand in hand….many agencies….I saw one about the Red Cross today that was a good one too…..Christian agencies…..government agencies….international agencies….many are working….UNAMI is in there saying….HURRY UP with things…..look let’s get some things done…..what…..1). The Finance Sector where do you need help on that….well we need equipment, we need smart people, we need accountants….you got it….what else….we need electricity….did you notice they got electricity grids up….what is another thing…..well they want us to change the government seats……you got any suggestions of people for Abadi….what else can we do says UNAMI to Iraq…..corruption….what about it….we need to get rid of it….we need more security…..we can bring people in for that…..we can stand guard…..well you said about the Financial Sector but we need all the economic reforms… got it….and you can see many of the services going up.
Family the 2 by 2 by 2 is for the physical stuff to come forward because of the decisions that were made in order to really and truly remove Article 8.
DELTA comes in and he tells you….the IMF calls on the government of Abadi to achieve reforms in the exchange for loans….they still haven’t got those loans have they… they haven’t….have you raised the value of your currency….nope….then you aren’t getting the loans…..but we are talking about them…..well you can talk until your face is blue….but you aren’t getting them….says the IMF… you want them….yep….achieve the reforms and we will exchange them for the loans… much more clearer can it get.
How are you doing UNAMI…..well we really helped out….no…what you did is going to help other countries peg to the Iraqi dinar….along with the other things that you helped…..yes it is.
Hey by the way Sadr….like I said….I don’t really care for you….and you told the American troops….get out of Iraq….but that is not the way to take the victory…..Abadi is doing it….you just shut up alright….you know we are there forever….so don’t say something stupid….but I hate you guys… will always be infidels…..we know that….but you are supposed to set a good state for the citizens and us and everything else… be quiet Sadr….ok….the Americans are fighting hard citizens….security is coming to us much quicker… know something Sadr….Sistani tells you to shut up….you know why….because Abadi tells Sistani to tell you….Sadr….be silent….I protect the American troops…..I deal with them…..don’t you dare touch them….Sadr shut up the next day.
September 2nd is really interesting….and to me September 9th is really interesting….as we study….not as a date or a rate…..but of what Frank….something big…..maybe from an outside source….and I want to see the change made on the 2nd of September….if not….this gets changed too…..I give it to you the best that I can….it’s not cooked….it has too much salmonella.
It’s interesting isn’t it when last week out of no where......where it’s hot….it’s too hot….hot my….my stove….come on it is always hot….110….115…that is why you guys never work….that is why you are always indoors…always taking holidays….why did you close Wednesday….why did you close Thursday….Friday….and Saturday….no auctions….then you came back strong on Sunday….what did you guys do…...come on….what Sunday was cooler….you had an auction today….was it freezing outside….what did you guys do….you don’t go around closing like that… didn’t proclaim a holiday….but you took a holiday and you didn’t even go anywhere…..what did you guys do…..come on Willis….what are you talking about….we didn’t do anything….you met with ten international companies….IMO….no one else has an opinion about that but I like to express it….you met with ten international companies coming into Iraq to help you….and I’ll leave it at that.
There is fear….because a change is coming….but this change is good for the citizens and they know it… fear of the Iraqi citizens is heightened and it is for their awareness of their surroundings….but it is also good because the citizens have learned a trick….the trick with fear is to acknowledge it….but to not let it paralyze you….they fought back….in ways that one day you will learn about it…..”The Prospect of Retaking Both Mosul and Raqqa by the End of the Administration Seems Remote”….actually they should say that it is being remotely controlled….because that is what is going on.
Amnesty Law out of the Federal Courts will come out soon and help the citizens….look for that Family…..the House of Representatives held its meeting on Tuesday to complete the integration of the voting on the draft law to obliterate some ministers….did you catch that….to complete….that is what they did….we told you….then you saw it a few days later….and these laws that they are working on….that we’ve been telling you they have been amending…..they guarantee the right of the private sectors….and that is why the economic reforms are ready….and that is why these provinces are governing themselves….to get ready for this….we told you that the IMF and the United States know very well what they are doing…..Abadi’s economic momentum is succeeding.
Here allow me to go into my phone….what I do is I take pictures of articles….here is an article that is coming from the Islamic Banks of Iraq….and they are talking about the economic and financial futures of the Islamic banking industry….now let me tell you something….this is HUMONGOUS…..because we are talking tonight about the glue that is going to bring forth the reforms in the 2 by 2 by 2 frame….and if you are an Iraqi citizen and you see all of a sudden….hey we got the Islamic Banks now ready for you….for the economic and financial reforms….for me….the citizen of Iraq….yeah….and we got some good financial liquidity….we have a lot of trust within our banks….we are in the international world….we are pretty modern….and we are going to do the economic and financial reforms through us, the Islamic Banks….we are going to promote everything….these Islamic Banks are so important….why…..

Because the citizens only know and trust the Islamic Banks that belong to them….the citizens know that these Islamic Banks follow a certain protocol….that the Muslim world follows….they know they won’t be disrespectful to them as citizens of this country….they know that their agenda…that their interest is connected to the true lifestyle of the Muslim world…..not of the militant Muslim world….ISIS/DAASH….they know they can have security for their money…..they know that they can move forward…that there is a future that they can promote each other…..if they deposit their money in this Islamic Bank they feel good….they feel safe.
So to know that Abadi’s economic momentum is succeeding it is part of many things….and these two Islamic Banks are so big for the citizens….and to be told so many different ways….we got these banks for you citizens….come on in now….that is HUGE…that is very big in all of the reforms for them to be successful….we called them BBB’s…..remember that….these were the Islamic banks that the citizens trusted….we needed them…and Don961 had a beautiful article that came out and talked about it….the citizens IMO….right now and then have always been the number one reason we haven’t seen the Monetary Reform….because they won’t cooperate with the banks….but now with the introduction of the Islamic banks into the citizens I think the citizens are now ready for the revaluation of their currency.
The citizens know within the CBI there was a lot of corruption….there was a lot of fake representation….and they know there won’t be any of that inside these Islamic banks….this is huge…..the internet is not talking about it in the way I am….I can say it is all IMO….but no….this is GIGANTIC.
Iraq is in preparation stages right now….2 weeks….2 weeks….2 weeks…these are three stages of time periods….that are well framed….and it takes time to go from A to B like I told you….after a decision has been made….and I noticed….after these decision and after these banks….they are talking in trillions….they are talking about trillions to be given in loans to students….they are talking about trillions to be given to farmers so they can advance for the citizens…..the reforms are being fueled by trillions….but how.
Iraq’s export of oil to 31 international companies and their revenues are rising slightly…….somehow or another you guys are slightly….slowly telling us….how you are doing this…..but you are leaving the RV until the very end aren’t you.
I think that by the beginning of next month we will have Mosul to give to the Kurds… we told you a long time ago….there is still  something about Mosul that we don’t understand….yes we know it is the gift….the deal to give to the Kurds…..yes we know that Saddam and Maliki tried to take away these areas from the Kurds…..and we know that Abadi will present to the Kurds a package called Mosul with many different things in it….there is an olive branch in Mosul….Abadi is presenting Mosul to the Kurds….and somewhere in there is an olive branch….a new heart…this is almost as big as….well it is as big….as the two Islamic banks…..and is now going to glue the citizens to the Monetary Reform.
Time is bring framed….right after they were brought into the international world…..and we saw that in July…..a lot of framing of events that all lead up to the lifting of the value of their currency.
Abadi needs to replace his cabinet with the technocrats….and his transition time….well they are just one of the things being transitioned.
Abadi went to the Arab League and he asked them for support…and the Arab League turns around and says….no worries….we will do it….here at the summit here is what we will tell you….accelerate….accelerate your reforms says the Arab League….Abadi says….yeah….we are doing it.
The G-20 meets and they said last week….”Use All Available Means to Insure a Stable and Balanced Economic Growth in Iraq”….excuse me G-20 why didn’t you say get rid of corruption….bring stability into the country and into the banks….oh I see….instead you say to Abadi at the G-20 meeting….all you 20 countries….Abadi….use everything that is available….all things available to ensure the stability and balance for economic growth in your country, Iraq… know why Family….because that is the stage they are in right now….that is the 2 by 2 by 2….you know why says the G-20….why says Abadi….why says Iraq…..why do you want us to use everything possible to get these reforms going…..because the IMF made it very clear to you a third time this past week that the reforms are going to promote the economic growth and a sharing of benefits on a large scale in your country…..yeah they sure are.
Family the 2 by 2 by 2 has been of some help to you I hope….give me a second because I want to take you on a quick little tour of some other articles.
Last week our brother DELTA brings to you….something for you to think about….and what it is was an article that was released on February 27th, 2015…..he says….Family I did bring this from last year to refresh your memory….when the CBI decided to withdraw the 50 dinar notes they did state the reason why….Family as we know…..the new 500 dinar is already confirmed with Kurdish language….that is why I do believe….IMO….that we are so close to seeing an increase in the exchange rate….

Now when you look at the article Family…..”The Central Bank of Iraq the day before yesterday the currency was withdrawn from the category the 50 dinar from circulation due to low value and due to the fact that we want to stop it from being circulated within the public”… according to a statement from a bank Family….a source at the CBI told that the term “the bank does not want a conflict between the currency of the 50 dinar with the 500 dinar in case of deletion of 000’s from the last.”……holy cow that is why DELTA brought this to you….when you stop and think about it….when they raise the value….the 50 IQD note would be confusing with the 500 that is going to have the Kurdistan language….

What did I tell you about the 500….that will be the highest note that will be out there….by now you have studied and you’ve confirmed it haven’t you… going to the CBI website and looking at the currency they have up there…..they made it very clear….we are getting rid of the 50….because we don’t want it to interfere with the 500 that has the Kurdistan language on it….in the case of the deletion of the 000’s….I asked you not to forget that….and I asked you to remember that because it comes from the CBI….not my opinion….and I asked you when you ask me when are they going to raise the value of the currency of Iraq, I asked you to pay attention to the fact that 2 by 2 by 2 is bringing the physical aspects that this article is claiming about…..50 IQD down the toilet….why….because we got a 500…why….because we want include the Kurdistan language…..why….because we are about to raise value….why….because we are doing the financial reforms….why….because the IMF brought us into the international world to do so…..why… we could be out of Chapter 7 and Article 8…but you are out of Chapter 7…..still have Article 8.
“The Arab Foreign Ministers are meeting to talk about Iraq”….why do you want to talk about Iraq….we want to figure out a way to support them….the Arab Foreign Ministers….well yeah we are at the Arab Summit meeting too….what did you guys learn at this meeting…..Iraq is doing everything the IMF told them to be doing…..from getting rid of corruption….to bringing in security… holding their own remote control….terrorism they did a good job….many things…and we the Arab Foreign Ministers are meeting right now at the Arab Summit meeting to tell Iraq…..bravo….you stood up and fought back….and look at where you are right now….very close to bringing all your economic reforms through your financial reforms….bravo….how else can we support you to finish these reforms…..this is the 2 by 2 by 2…..we need this time where all of this will gel together….these are the ingredients to an amazing recipe….remove one ingredient and the recipe will taste terrible…..don’t be so impatient that you would put something bad in your mouth….be patient….be silent… know that God is there with you.
Iraq is going through a lot of testing with the IMF right now…..come here junior….what….what else do we have to do…..look here….on July 14th we presented a lot of documentation to you…..filled with a lot of constitutional wording you know… was something we were trying to get you to do so you could retake your economy…and be strong…..they passed the test….you read the article….”IMF agreements test for Iraq”…..if you didn’t read the article I am sorry…..I’m assuming you did.
I know it’s hot….I know…..I know the mid-west US is hot….heck in Toledo it was 102 just a couple of days ago…..I know the world is heating up…..I know the polar caps are melting…..I know that the Book of Revelation….the end times….it’s all perfect….but I want you to know it is a lot hotter in Iraq than just temperature wise than you can ever imagine….and Prime Minister Abadi is doing everything that he can to work with the citizens and create this unity….Abadi ordered civilians to be protected from so many lost souls….he calls them his children….he is doing everything he can to give them places to stay with sanitation, water, food, electricity, power….he knows it is hot….you saw the pictures that were brought in yesterday…..a soldier holding a baby in his arms….just trying to find shelter for this baby…..Abadi is reaching out to the citizens….this is what is important….not a date….not a rate…..seeing this glue….seeing this glue in the 2 by 2 by 2….now you need to see it harden…and it is…..very excited by what we are seeing by the way.
I told you….IMO….they shut down because they received ten international companies….they called them global companies…and these ten companies were to finish some port in Basra….the port of Faw…and this is wonderful….because you got international companies coming in to compete against each other for projects that are being done in Iraq….this is the economic reforms….this port will be huge….maybe one of the biggest on earth….all for 1166…..the things we are seeing are cream of the crop….superior….I know you want a rate or a date…..but I don’t study that….right now the only thing I have in time frames is the 2 by 2 by 2 that leads us to September 2nd….and if they do that….September 9th….I’m looking for something to come to Iraq.
Last week they even announced they were going to launch the income tax to the citizens of Iraq….the Finance Minister said…wink…wink…wink….we are going to have to start charging you guys income tax…..I think his winks meant the citizens are about to get some money….so they can handle this tax….these are wonderful indicators….especially the one about the ministers running for it….I hope they show you the rest of the ministers as well too.
Many of you called me and said….Frank read this….”CBI Agrees to Open Windows for the Sales of the United States Dollar in Cash for Travelers”…and you said that is not what we want…..I thought you said we wanted to get rid of the Multi-Currency Policy….are you a citizen of Iraq….and the guy on the phone says to me….no I’m not Frank you know I’m from Tennessee…..I said then why are you worried about this…..what do you mean….

It says….the CBI agrees to open windows for the sale of USD in cash for travelers…..tourism….they aren’t going to open no windows and give the citizens USD….they are getting rid of the MCP…and the guy on the phone says….gosh…..this is a good thing….a wonderful thing….and you know the IMF gave Iraq many requirements and one of them was for Iraq to bring their currency into the international theater….to be convertible….tradable… go up in value….if they do this…..I think Iraq will be flooded with tourism….I think they will be flooded….and the IMF told them to remove a lot of the restrictions that they have on their currency and to improve their banking structure….which is now going to be able to take care of tourism.
There will NOT be a TEAM chat this coming Friday, July 29th.
There will NOT be a Monday Night CC on August 1st.
Next week’s CC will be moved to Wednesday August 3rd at 7:00 pm EST.
TEAM chat will be back again on Friday August 5th.
I have one more thing I would like to announce…..I would like to talk with Don961, Doodlebug, and ReddStarr… I know that ReddStarr posted and said they would be posting less because of some other responsibilities, but I would still like them and the other two to call me…..if I don’t answer just leave me a message….call me at your convenience.
Question:  Have we finally seen the last of Maliki……Answer….we as the US cannot do anything with Maliki….pay attention to what happened to Saddam….once we captured him…what did we instantly do… Maliki is good for intel because he is so stupid and loud….but he is useless now….but we can’t do anything about it….so maybe we need to see the formation of a government that can bring justice to the people of Iraq because of Maliki….and there is a lot of headway that wants to go after Maliki….we have more important things to deal with….this iceberg that was Maliki is nothing more than a simple little ice cube that goes into someone’s cocktail drink now.
Question:  Anymore news on Vietnam…..Answer…..IMO….many currencies that were once put under something which was called GCR…which does not really exist….there is no currency reset going on….but ironically enough it sure looks that way….so the answer to that question is the dong ready…..I believe the dong and many other currencies are in that long line that we talked about….or are actually up in the front of that line… I think the dong is ready the way the Iraqi dinar is ready….but I don’t know the date or the rate for it…..I also believe that many other currencies are ready….I don’t know the date or the rate….that is my opinion based on my studies of your question posed to me.
Dismissed with a prayer.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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