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Thursday, July 28, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-28-16 Part 2 of 3

​ Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-28-16 Part 2 of 3

Global Research: The next American president will support "of Israel," an update of the "US-Israeli lobby."
28/07/2016 11:11 | Direction Press / Reports   Global Research site today said the words of the writer, "Anthony Bahamiz" that the next US president will pump millions of dollars in support for "Israel" to achieve a new colonial state and a major nuclear power in order to control the Middle East and the world at large.
He said the writer: The large increase in arms and loans shipments are going to be the policy of the new White House to "Israel" to dominate the Middle East on behalf of America, and whatever the President of the United States in November, both Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump or Democrat Hillary Clinton it this project Sidan.
He started it is likely that it will be awarded hundreds of millions of dollars advantage of the money to increase the strength of the American-Israeli lobby, which is imposing major factors in this international movement to legitimize the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights.
 The writer added that upon completion of the seizure of Palestinian land, the Netanyahu government will implement its plan to annex all the occupied territories, while expel five million indigenous Palestinian owners of the land within the forced repatriation of ancestral lands to new refugee camps in neighboring countries plan.
The writer continued by saying this would signal the start of "Greater Israel" project, the expansion program, which extends from the Nile to the Euphrates in order to fulfill the agenda of the Likud Zionist work and get on with nuclear character dominant force and that would be not only on the Middle East able to control , it is through agents and government ministers who have become an integral part within the British parliament and the US Congress, are now dictating the global defense and foreign trade of NATO policy.
He started it in the midst of individual tenders to achieve the goal of the White House is expected that he and both Trump or Clinton, will for Amehdod support to legitimize the settlements and the annexation, amid the refusal to establish a Palestinian state through the deliberate rejection of the will of the United Nations in flagrant violation of international law.
Abizaid and writer: and those politicians who follow the self-interest want to drag the world back to the military dominance the time to create a new colonialism, "nuclear superpower" that would impose its will on the political and economic for more than half the world's population trend, which wants to dismantle Europe .
He concluded his essay writer Mtzlaila: "How do we, the Security Council of the United Nations we will, stop this global catastrophe.
The Zionist lobby has effectively and the impact of major in American society, and this is due to a number of data and indicators of the extent of Nglglhm into the fabric of American society, and the joints of the American nation, and therefore governed maker American decision, on several levels, whether it is the executive branch of the US President or the legislative branch of the US Congress.
That which in turn reflects on American foreign policy, especially with regard to the Arab region and theZionist entity. Where the Zionist lobby seeks to harness the US policy to serve the Israeli entity and preserves its security and stability, at the expense of the interests and rights of countries in the region,
 by seeking to weaken and fragment it and Tcherzmha, which in turn achieves the goal of the Zionist lobby desired, to remain "Israel" is the most powerful state controls the fate and future of the peoples of the region, economically, politically and militarily. aq
 [tlm724] I don't buy into a lot of crap BUT someone needs to stand with Israel !!!
Young trillion
Author: Yasser incumbent    7/28/2016 0:00    The value of the initiative undertaken by the Central Bank of Iraq customize it trillion dinars for unemployed youth to add to his previous initiatives loans development.
These loans are an effective means for converting the convictions of young people from clinging to the general functions and rely on government jobs , which has become not accommodate all the graduates on the one hand as she soaked unemployment compelling and inertia have no instantiated.
noble goal requires a focus on young people to make a go of entrepreneurship and private, on the other hand, the State is obliged to achieve this objective to support and encourage entrepreneurial institutions and oblige the adoption of youth products in their small businesses. The problem of the private sector product is dumping commodity and import everything the question, either it is time to reform trade policies and determine import?
The culture of dependence on the state has what is enshrined in them provide retirement law that guarantees employee and future rights at the end of the service, which means to speed up legislation parallel to the Social Security Act retirement if it can not be merged.
eight employee productivity and the estimated percentages shameful are also pushing for the selection item but such a culture make young people reluctant and do not like the work, which requires reform of employee productivity and combat numbness is unacceptable.
I repeat: that such initiatives which fall in the data State toward reform require contrast make it a success through challenging junctures that deliberately some departments to put in place to block any successful experience.
the salvation of the state of inaction is paying the private sector to lead productive file and economic being a deal pay according to productivity and that 's what does not work whereby the state. We wish Central to the initiative of supporting unemployed youth to achieve their objectives and requirements and the requirements of success to change the deal and deal with the public positions firmly and accelerate the achievement of administrative reform as a complement to economic reform.
Moreover , the implementation of these loans must be fully transparent and mechanisms simplified provided go loans to unemployed young people, especially graduates adoption Statistics from the Ministry of planning . From our side , we will follow up the results to induce the expansion covered in the future.    
tlm724    noble goal requires a focus on young people to make a go of entrepreneurship and private,
they MUST get the young people into businesses and let them make the difference for and in a market economy !
The problem of the private sector product is dumping commodity and import everything the question, either it is time to reform trade policies and determine import?
The culture of dependence on the state has what is enshrined in them provide retirement law that guarantees employee and future rights at the end of the service, which means to speed up legislation parallel to the Social Security Act retirement if it can not be merged.
2 different laws and they are both modeled off our laws ie: private and government or state retirement and separately the Social Security program
We wish Central to the initiative of supporting unemployed youth to achieve their objectives and requirements and the requirements of success to change the deal and deal with the public positions firmly and accelerate the achievement of administrative reform as a complement to economic reform.
come on get the loans out for petes sake !

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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