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Friday, July 1, 2016

Dinar Updates Thursday PM Chat 6-30-16   Part 2 of 3

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Dinar Updates Thursday PM Chat 6-30-16   Part 2 of 3
loop says():Rasheed Bank's efforts to develop its performance and contribution in advancing the national economy forward
30-06-2016 08:00 PM   Rasheed Bank director revealed that the bank seeks to expand its branches in the governorates and the application of the banking system.
According to a statement of the bank that 'the general manager of the Rasheed Bank and the sole agency Rashad Khudair held an expanded meeting with aides Director General and directors of departments and heads of units since taking office and discussed with them the issues important to the development of the banking business and the subjects'.

He added that 'Rasheed Bank Director emphasized many of the recommendations and the most important to strive to apply the universal banking system and expansion through the opening of branches of the bank in the provinces to provide better banking services and to address all the obstacles that hinder the performance to take the bank and clear steps in the banking labor market and thus contribute to boost the economy National to front.
loop says():Central bank sales recorded a decline in the sale of foreign currency
29-06-2016 05:00 PM  CBI reported sales, on Wednesday, a drop in the auction for the sale of foreign currency, sold $ 141 million after it sold $ 144 million yesterday.
According to a statement of the bank, the agency received all of Iraq [where] a copy of the 'amount sold volume today reached 141 million, 756 thousand and $ 285, priced at 1182 dinars exchange rate against the dollar, and with the participation of 30 banks and 17 companies of the financial transfer'.
The statement said that 'the sale amounts transferred to accounts in banks abroad be priced at 1190 dinars per dollar, and the cash sales price shall be the price of 1182 dinars per dollar. "
He pointed out that 'the amount of remittances and credits totaled 119 million, and 616 thousand and $ 285, while the quantity sold was 22 million in cash, and 140 thousand dollars.'
The face of the Iraqi Central Bank, licensed banks and money transfer companies, broker for the sale and purchase of foreign currencies by reducing the quantities of all foreign selling of US dollar currency for those wishing to travel outside the country.
And select the bank to these entities 'sale amount of $ 3000 instead of 5000 dollars for citizens wishing to obtain a dollar to cover their expenses abroad.'

_firefly_ says():Baghdad will have eight and a half years, including a one-year grace period, to repay the loan, which carries a 6.45 percent interest rate
_firefly_ says():including a one-year grace period
_firefly_ says():including a one-year grace period !!!
Bookumdano says to _firefly_():Which is funny when you think about the fact that the US Loans you the money to buy military equipment.
loop says to _firefly_():(y)
JETSET says to _firefly_():what's your thought on the significance of the grace period?
_firefly_ says(12:23 PM):
_firefly_ says():Follow the money
_firefly_ says():I know that's not an answer
popeye7 says to _firefly_():Alloting Iraq time so as to get their economic machine rolling along, and money consistantly rolls in... Just like Kuwait did... :) One year grace period
_firefly_ says():So ummmm .... is parliament still on break? lol
Dinarian1 says():This is NOT a new contract... Sooo... its ALREADY been a year.... time to start paying up Iraq. However, we may put off repayment like others have in order to get this RV rolling out for the country.
_firefly_ says():Where is Maliki?
_firefly_ says():Another delay?
popeye7 says():All being done now... Think about it folks... These nations know the deal.. (y)
Dinarian1 says to _firefly_():he's a non issue anymore. Abadi prety much put a sock in his mouth with Maliki's last effort.
_firefly_ says to Dinarian1():I was being sarcastic
Dinarian1 says to popeye7():(y)
Dinarian1 says to _firefly_()::D
popeye7 says to Dinarian1():Wonder if it was a dirty sock... :D
Dinarian1 says to popeye7():Abadi says as he holds Malikis head and forces the sock into his mouth..."'ve got the Toe-Jam, but whos got the peanut butter?" LOL(lol)
Dinarian1 says to popeye7():I've*
subgirl says to Dinarian1():oh my lol too funny lol :D
Woodywoodpecker says():we hadboy in our class that we called Toe-Jam
subgirl says to Dinarian1():BBIAB :)
Dinarian1 says to subgirl():Jokes seem to work sooo much better when you check your spelling BEFORE you post it HAHA!
Dinarian1 says to subgirl():KK
subgirl says to Dinarian1():lol
subgirl says to Dinarian1():I hear that lol
loop says():World | Thu Jun 30, 2016 1:18pm EDT Related: WORLD, IRAQ
Tony Blair in spotlight as report into Iraq war due to be published
Former British prime minister Tony Blair arrives for a service of thanksgiving for Queen Elizabeth's 90th birthday at St Paul's Cathedral in London, Britain, June 10, 2016. REUTERS/Ben Stansall/Pool - RTSGVMB
An official inquiry into Britain's role in the Iraq War will finally deliver its findings next Wednesday, seven years after it was set up, with attention firmly focused on how far it will criticize former Prime Minister Tony Blair.
Britain's role in the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and Blair's justification for military action in which 179 British soldiers died, is a highly charged issue for many Britons, millions of whom opposed the invasion, and still overshadows foreign policy.
It also remains a divisive issue for Blair's Labour Party which has been plunged into crisis since Britain voted to leave the European Union last week and the report's publication is likely to reopen old wounds.
One of the key issues will be the inquiry's conclusion on the legal basis for going to war, with many Britons believing Blair deliberately misled the public, an accusation he denies.
The main reason given for the invasion - that Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction - has been debunked after none was found. A spokesman for Blair declined to comment.
The inquiry, headed by civil servant John Chilcot, was set up in July 2009, shortly after the last British combat troops returned home, by ex-Prime Minister Gordon Brown to learn the lessons of the war and its aftermath.
Public hearings, including two appearances by Blair, ended in 2011 but since then the writing of the report has been dogged by rows over the release of secret government files and details of contacts between the British leader and the then U.S. President George W. Bush.
It was further delayed to allow those who faced criticism to give their response ahead of publication.
The inquiry has taken longer to complete than the British military involvement in the conflict itself, has cost well over 10 million pounds ($13.5 million), and runs to some 2.6 million words in length, about three times the length of the Bible or four times that of Leo Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace".
One of the five members of the inquiry committee, historian Martin Gilbert, died last year. The inquiry will publish details of notes from Blair to U.S. President George W. Bush and quotes from more than 130 records of conversations.
However, the inquiry has previously said that it is not seeking to use material that reflects Bush's views.
The war is now widely regarded by both politicians and the public in Britain as a huge mistake.
For many Britons, a report that fails to heap opprobrium on Blair and his senior team of ministers will be nothing more than a whitewash. A YouGov poll of 7,983 adults in May found 53 percent said they could never forgive Blair and just 8 percent thought he had done nothing wrong.
Labour's current leader, socialist Jeremy Corbyn, has said he believes the war was illegal and that Blair should be tried for war crimes if evidence showed he broke international law. Corbyn is currently facing a challenge to his own position which his allies blame on Blair supporters within the party.
(Reporting by Michael Holden; editing by Stephen Addison)
loop says():runs to some 2.6 million words in length, about three times the length of the Bible or four times that of Leo Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace".8-|
Dinarian1 says to loop():LOL
loop says():Run out and buy your copy today.
Dinarian1 says to loop()::D
popeye7 says to loop()::D I think that Barnes, and Nobles has it on sale..
popeye7 says to loop():All of those inquiries seem to lead to more inquiries... And so on, and so forth... Mysterious deaths, ect...  
_firefly_ says():  June 30, 2016 in Security   Britain will increase its training support to Iraqi forces taking the fight to Daesh, the Defence Secretary has announced today.
Expanding the significant capacity building mission already underway, the UK will send around 50 additional trainers to the Al Asad Airbase in Western Iraq to provide instruction on countering improvised explosive devices (c-IED), infantry skills and combat first aid.
The extra trainers will be working closely with US and Danish forces, providing training to the Iraqi Army 7th Division, Border Guards and Federal Police from behind the wire.
UK personnel in the region have already helped to train more than 18,000 members of the Iraqi security forces (ISF), including Kurdish forces, in Besmaya, Erbil and Taji.
The deployment is part of a broader response across coalition countries to a call at the Counter Daesh Ministerial meeting in May to accelerate the campaign following recent progress in key cities such as Ramadi, Hit and Fallujah.
Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said:  “Iraqi forces have Daesh on the back foot and are retaking territory, hitting its finances and striking its leadership.
“This deployment will help the Iraqi forces to build on this success and push them back further.”
As well as the extra training personnel, the UK will also provide around 90 personnel to assist with guarding the airbase, and around 30 personnel to form a Head Quarter staff to help command the mission. In addition an engineering squadron will deploy for around six months to build necessary infrastructure to support the deployment.
The deployment will add to the UK personnel currently supporting the multinational effort against Daesh, currently numbering over 1,100, including around 295, already involved in training Iraqi forces at Al Asad Airbase, Erbil, Besmayah and Taji. RAF aircraft have carried out around 900 strikes against Daesh from their base in Akrotiri, Cyprus.
The Defence Secretary also confirmed that Britain will provide Kurdish Peshmerga fighters with a further £1.4 million worth of ammunition.
(Source: UK MOD)

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