Don't WAIT!

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Stevel: "Things Are Looking Better & Better Every Day"

Post From Peoples Dinar

​Greetings all,

First of all, I am very sorry about not having the News Chat Room functioning correctly. There were some technical DNS issues out of my control. I was able to keep the forums going but not the chat. Chat is back on line. It is complicated, so I will just leave it at that.
Yes there has been a lot of awesome news lately. All I ask is that you do not get all caught up in the hype of the phantom or ghost experts that are now calling it every day. It appears there is another race to call the RV first. There are even new one's popping up that you have never heard of. Go figure.

The latest is miss XXXX  that is now calling it within the next few days, wait it was two weeks from now, or September of this year, or by the end of the year. She cannot seem to make up her mind as it changes daily. Yet another race to call it first. Whatever, we say. Could it happen, sure but will it happen is yet to be seen.
With the IMF agreement in place and Iraq desperately needing the money, I am just not sure how this will all play out. Iraq being a third world country seems to have maneuvered around many agreements in the past. Maybe this is different because the world is watching. Yet to be seen.
What I am trying to convey here is not to get all caught up in the hype that others are predicting because of self gratification and some prize that does not exist or after this happens, no one will even care or remember anyway who said it first, but rather focus on family and friends. 
I have to admit and agree, things are looking better and better every day. I am very excited about July, but still very cautious and not going to set myself or others up for more disappointments.
I plan on finishing this journey with you all and hopefully will be meeting you in the near future.
Have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend.
PS. I talked to Millionday yesterday and she is very positive about the news she has been reporting and will continue to report. Exciting times ahead!;

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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