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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

News, Rumors, and Opinions Wednesday Morning 6-29-16

BEAMS : Gold & Silver Prices To Rise As Global Financial Reset Could Be Soon…Could a global financial reset push gold to $10,000 an ounce?

Let me start this one by saying that I am not the doomsday theorist. I'm not the guy screaming that the sky is falling. In fact, I like to see things in a positive light.

With that said, the world's financial system is facing big problems, and the evidence is everywhere. As a result, I'm expecting that sometime down the road, it could be months, years or even decades away, nonetheless, a global financial reset will need to happen.

Many say that it's likely to happen soon. If this is the case, gold and silver will climb in a big way. With that said, today we'll discuss the evidence that a global financial reset is necessary, how it would affect gold and silver, and what we can expect to see in the price of these commodities moving forward.
The Argument That A Global Financial Reset Is Coming
The experts arguing that a global financial reset is coming say that the big issues started when the gold standard was abandoned. In the past, cash money wasn't just a piece of paper. Instead, it was more of an I.O.U. If you ever decided to, you could have brought your cash to the Federal Reserve Bank and exchanged it for its value of gold.
However, that's no longer the case. Several years ago, countries started to sell their stockpiles of gold. Instead, the value of currency became largely focused on the interest rate that was attached to that currency. Essentially, money was changed from something with true intrinsic value to something that had no value other than the trust we place in it.
Since then, we've seen quite a bit by way of big economic problems around the world. Unfortunately, it seems like these problems are only getting worse. The best evidence of this issue is to look at actions made by central banks in the world's largest economies. Because the financial model isn't working, we've seen incredibly bad recessions. To ease the economic strain, central banks have been reducing interest rates, many of them pushing interest into negative territory. In layman's terms, central banks have been increasingly devaluing the currencies they control.
This brings us back around to debt. Due to mass devaluations and economic hardships, the world has far more debt than it will ever be able to pay off. When these debts come to maturity and there is no money able to be paid, well, the debts go into default. Now, what happens when entire countries go into default?
We saw this in Greece. When the country couldn't afford to pay back its debts, banks closed. The only way Greek consumers could access their money was through ATMs. Unfortunately, there were stringent limitations. Only about $60 per day per account was to be dispersed. This led to lines miles long outside of banks and extreme financial pressure on consumers.
Now, what would happen if the larger economies around the world ran into the same problem. Could you imagine if the United States, China, Europe, and the UK all decided to shut down their banking systems? Well, based on what we're seeing around the world, this is a real possibility at some point down the line.
With all of this in mind, experts argue that a global financial reset needs to happen in order to avoid a global economic depression. It's hard to argue against this opinion.
How A Global Financial Reset Would Shape Gold And Silver Prices   For Full article :





TnDr:  Here's some truth, finally!


Dinar Updates:


wmawhite   TOTALLY...WOW...IRAQ ECONOMIC GROWTH PROJECTION NUMBERS OF 4.35 FOR 2016...AND 5.6% IN 2017.  What does the World Bank know?  What do they see coming inside Iraq for Iraq to grow at that rate?  Again...what does the World Bank know?


Samson:  Iranian Industry: the discovery of 90 tons of gold within 3 years

06/29/2016 08:35 pm (Baghdad )
He Mehdi Cirbesaan, Assistant Minister of Industry, Mines and Trade, to the plans and projects that offer the Foundation's development and modernization of mining and metal industries companies (Aamydro) in the exploration, announcing the early stages to uncover the 400 million tons of iron, 500 million tons of coal, 90 tonnes of gold.
Cirbesaanaly pointed out that "(Aamydro) was founded in 2014 in order to improve and rationalize the discoveries of the country's reserves of minerals and it is active in the east of the country and reach the area where they are active to 250 thousand square kilometers."
 He pointed out that "the minerals that have been discovered shows that more discoveries rose at a rate of two and a half times over the past eighty years, the size, which promotes the national economy and the project rely on an economy without oil."
Cirbesaan He noted "the existence of cooperation with German and Canadian companies in the exploration , " he said , adding that "these companies have succeeded in drilling to a depth of 10 thousand meters under the ground thanks to a satellite owned by the techniques, while not exceeding exploration Iranian companies for the depth of 500 meters below earth. "  Link


Don961:  This man telling it like it is ... Iraq officials get a position ... 1st thing they do is change their phone , change their house, appoint relatives , and isolate themselves from their constituency ..... put up roadblocks .... stick their noses in the air and say "we don't need you , you need us " .... it's a club full of relatives without any expertise and without a clue....  nor a desire to serve the citizens ...

When they come back to Parliament , watch ... their bellowing and constant objections to just about everything except when to recess ... is them trying to sound important and  covering their butts .... they need to be weeded out .... like Frank teaches , the US has had enough of the delays and shenanigans ... time to grow up ...IMO

Tuesday June 28, 2016 - 11:42

Amer Morshedi: officials in Iraq fairness god

 Amer Morshedi general secretary of the gathering of the new Iraq , said that all officials with the upper grades in countries around the world are considered by their people staff to serve the country and the citizen is the same official server for his people and his homeland and the understanding of the role models for their people and they did not exercise their administrative and financial corruption but surprised when they hear tell of corruption in the countries of the world and the magnitude this corruption in Iraq,

Integrity have absolutely said Morshedi told Nun news reporting that most Iraqi officials first work of practitioners after they receive the position to change the phone number and the changing housing and appoint relatives and attention to contracts and put up dozens of roadblocks between them and the citizen and considered themselves Increase affair and the status of the rest of humanity and believe that they are not We need people, but everyone needs them ,

but you will find the vast majority of our officials are failing to perform their job duties are surrounded by relatives and understand the lack of expertise and contracts and other interests of citizens and some of them do not deserve to be more of a factor in his constituency service.  Link


Frank26 Video #1:


Emailed to Recaps:

SitRep   6.28.2016

Good Day Everyone,

Much has come in while you were sleeping. Below are some new intel points that may be very hard to swallow, but everyone deserves to be presented with the truth no matter how difficult then decide for themselves what's real so together we can witness what actually happens. When and how may change, but this is what we believe to be occurring in real time:

The entire shadow world government / banking octopus is being dismantled before our eyes now

Europe and the USA are the worst culprits, so their demise will begin showing at lightning speed. 

The master transition plan was to hit the world fast and hard with all the bad news coming in a consecutive and constant fashion, then to have a rational, logical, and permanent solution already in place before anyone really knew what hit them.

As a counter to all the upcoming bad news, the shadow arm of the UK government decided to ext the EU before it collapsed. This is why UK Prime Minister David Cameron allowed a referendum vote or "Brexit" during his first year after having been elected for 5 year

Cameron knew Germany would be leaving the European Union the following week. He thus scheduled his Brexit referendum the week earlier to get ahead of the crisis. This made Great Britain look like a leader in the sovereignty transition and not the leader of the shadow world government which in large part they were. Bizarre stuff, but true nonetheless.

German President Angela Merkel will make a formal announcement of Germany's EU departure very soon, then resign herself, à la Cameron.

Be aware that President Merkel negotiated her resignation two weeks ago in Beijing in exchange for the rescue of the German economy (Deutsche Bank specifically) with her Chinese counterpart President Xi Jinping

French President Francois Holland will also resign after Merkel's announcement as will Italian President Matteo Renzi.

The EU will will cease to exist as we know it, with all countries expressing desire for sovereignty by the end of the week.

As a direct result of these enormous political defections, the Euro master currency will collapse which will cause massive financial devastation across Europe and Western markets, including the USA. Countries will revert to their own currencies, all gold backed.
This will cause Obama and Biden to offer and announce their dual resignations on national television sooner than later.

This automatically makes Speaker of the House Paul Ryan the new interim Republic President following General Joseph Dunford who has acted as interim President since September 2015.

The entire world will need an immediate fiscal solution to a very big and systemic monetary problem. And, voilà, the "gold standard" is magically reinstated by all nations to avoid global financial ruin.

On this same timeline, our North American RV will be released and all old business (your foreign currencies) will be retrieved and recalculated into new USNs on the restored gold standard value system on or before Sunday July 3, 2016.

On Monday, July 4th, there will be some kind of official recognition of the restored Republic under the constitution, and perhaps the swearing in of the new President, Paul Ryan, formerly Speaker of the House and natural successor to the Presidency.

Donald Trump will then be forced to exit the race by the traditional Republican guard in favor of a sitting Republican US President.

Hillary Clinton will also be forced to step away as the Democratic nominee as the final nail in the coffin of her political career comes out via a newly released Benghazi Report.
Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren will then be elevated to Democratic nominee and run against Republic nominee President Paul Ryan and his VP(?) .

Paul Ryan will run and most likely win a fairly tabulated election and become Republic President for 4 years. Because the Republic will have no debt with a gold backed currency, Ryan may gain another four years as the politically conservative face of amazing new growth, debt reduction, and upward promise for the country.

Like it or not, believe it or not, this is what's happening in real time.

So be it.
Benghazi Report:
God is with us**

(This content is for general information purposes only. All information given is the sole opinion of the provider.   Dinar Recaps does not endorse, support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of this information.)

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