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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Dinar Updates Saturday Chat  6-25-16  Part 3 of 3

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Dinar Updates Saturday Chat  6-25-16  Part 3 of 3

rcookie says():E DU....PLEASE READ...
rcookie says():Governance axis starting the process of financial reform
6/26/2016 0:00 BAGHDAD - Hussein Tgb said financial expert Mohammad Ali Jaber that the reform of the financial and banking system in Iraq requires serious engagement by specialists in this field, pointing to the need to come together in efforts at this sensitive stage for the purpose of building a strong banking sector that has the ability to cope with the requirements phase in the construction sectors and development needed by the national economy.
He added in an interview with «morning» that the central bank 's statement about the correct course of some private banks led departments to review the approved work mechanisms have and the extent of its commitment to the principles of good governance and administration ,
which will be the focus starting a new phase, and the construction and reconstruction operations require efforts sophisticated companies which in turn are looking for a banking sector that provides services fit the large size of its work and capital that moves between the parties to work quickly pinpoint to accelerate the implementation measures.
he said that the construction of a banking sector properly requires a range of measures that can be described Baldharorah in the forefront of regulatory frameworks and enable them to to operate with complete independence away from the influences,
pointing out that the regulatory authorities involved in this matter the Iraqi Central Bank and the board of Supreme audit and the audit Committee of the Council of management of the bank as well as the external auditor and monitor compliance in each bank as well as control and internal audit departments in banks.
Jaber stressed the need to apply the rules of good governance , the administration for the purpose of monitoring the performance of boardrooms and executive departments and to ensure compliance , and designed to separate the responsibilities of boards of directors Commissioner and the Director, noting the importance of having and administrative organizational structures available for her treatments and responsibilities clearly with securing the existence of effective control of the follow - up full disclosure of their activities.
He pointed out that there should be unity in the private banks involved in the management of risk, the task of conducting patrol policies and procedures to review and work on the modifications in accordance with the Bank 's activities and risks.
Jaber pointed out that the reform measures also require activating the role of an observer compliance in private banks and be present in all events and meetings, stressing the need to create a trained and well - developed expertise occupy this important function , which means the Bank 's compliance and internal policies to all banking regulations and laws sound.
Hutch says():WOW !!!!
cjquade54 says):they are at the door
rcookie says():The participation of the public and private sectors serving economic model
6/26/2016 0:00 BAGHDAD - Imad Emirate confirmed economist d. Ahmed Omar al- Rawi of the Center for Arab and International Studies at the University of Mustansiriya: to look at the state of the private sector is still marginal being lacks some of the elements of growth, particularly the diversified financial resources.
He said al- Rawi said in an interview »Sabah» that restrict the activity of the private sector measures and laws are complex did not have the the ability to develop and grow, the size and prevented from making use of the opportunity to achieve capital accumulation, and thus economic system grew need to cooperate , and the correlation between private business and the public.
and: that the Iraqi private sector co - existence on the central economic activity, and did not have, at this stage, any role in the management of growth and movement in the country , but minimal in relation to the construction industry, construction and services.
in spite of that , there are some indicators that are worth mentioning in some aspects of development indirectly, but these indicators did not last long because of the war and its consequences and circumstances through which the country now.
He narrator, to the need to break the sharing restrictions between private business and the public, and the country transformed from dominant to participate in the management of economic activity.
narrator stressed that the partnership between the private and public sector will serve the right economic model for Iraq, in order to attain progress and maximize the economic and social well - being Maittalb strategies to adopt in the budgets of the next years ,
where oil revenues optimally invest to achieve economic and social development in Iraq through the activation of partnership with the private sector in the implementation of development projects and the strengthening of economic activity to ensure optimal use of resources , particularly in creating employment opportunities for the labor force and to reduce unemployment and to maximize the real level of economic growth.
rcookie says():Governance axis starting the process of financial reform
6/26/2016 0:00 BAGHDAD - Hussein Tgb said financial expert Mohammad Ali Jaber that the reform of the financial and banking system in Iraq requires serious engagement by specialists in this field, pointing to the need to come together in efforts at this sensitive stage for the purpose of building a strong banking sector that has the ability to cope with the requirements phase in the construction sectors and development needed by the national economy.
He added in an interview with «morning» that the central bank 's statement about the correct course of some private banks led departments to review the approved work mechanisms have and the extent of its commitment to the principles of good governance and administration ,
which will be the focus starting a new phase, and the construction and reconstruction operations require efforts sophisticated companies which in turn are looking for a banking sector that provides services fit the large size of its work and capital that moves between the parties to work quickly pinpoint to accelerate the implementation measures.
he said that the construction of a banking sector properly requires a range of measures that can be described Baldharorah in the forefront of regulatory frameworks and enable them to to operate with complete independence away from the influences,
pointing out that the regulatory authorities involved in this matter the Iraqi Central Bank and the board of Supreme audit and the audit Committee of the Council of management of the bank as well as the external auditor and monitor compliance in each bank as well as control and internal audit departments in banks.
Jaber stressed the need to apply the rules of good governance , the administration for the purpose of monitoring the performance of boardrooms and executive departments and to ensure compliance , and designed to separate the responsibilities of boards of directors Commissioner and the Director, noting the importance of having and administrative organizational structures available for her treatments and responsibilities clearly with securing the existence of effective control of the follow - up full disclosure of their activities.
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rcookie says():He pointed out that there should be unity in the private banks involved in the management of risk, the task of conducting patrol policies and procedures to review and work on the modifications in accordance with the Bank 's activities and risks.
Jaber pointed out that the reform measures also require activating the role of an observer compliance in private banks and be present in all events and meetings, stressing the need to create a trained and well - developed expertise occupy this important function , which means the Bank 's compliance and internal policies to all banking regulations and laws sound
da58 says():rockinrcookie - wow, great art... IRAQ IS REALLY STEPPIN UP TO THE PLATE! this is sooooo awesome to see.
subgirl says to da58():(y) yes it sure is!!
rcookie says():Governance axis starting the process of financial reform
6/26/2016 0:00 BAGHDAD - Hussein Tgb said financial expert Mohammad Ali Jaber that the reform of the financial and banking system in Iraq requires serious engagement by specialists in this field, pointing to the need to come together in efforts at this sensitive stage for the purpose of building a strong banking sector that has the ability to cope with the requirements phase in the construction sectors and development needed by the national economy.
He added in an interview with «morning» that the central bank 's statement about the correct course of some private banks led departments to review the approved work mechanisms have and the extent of its commitment to the principles of good governance and administration ,
which will be the focus starting a new phase, and the construction and reconstruction operations require efforts sophisticated companies which in turn are looking for a banking sector that provides services fit the large size of its work and capital that moves between the parties to work quickly pinpoint to accelerate the implementation measures.
he said that the construction of a banking sector properly requires a range of measures that can be described Baldharorah in the forefront of regulatory frameworks and enable them to to operate with complete independence away from the influences,
pointing out that the regulatory authorities involved in this matter the Iraqi Central Bank and the board of Supreme audit and the audit Committee of the Council of management of the bank as well as the external auditor and monitor compliance in each bank as well as control and internal audit departments in banks.
Jaber stressed the need to apply the rules of good governance , the administration for the purpose of monitoring the performance of boardrooms and executive departments and to ensure compliance , and designed to separate the responsibilities of boards of directors Commissioner and the Director,
noting the importance of having and administrative organizational structures available for her treatments and responsibilities clearly with securing the existence of effective control of the follow - up full disclosure of their activities.
He pointed out that there should be unity in the private banks involved in the management of risk, the task of conducting patrol policies and procedures to review and work on the modifications in accordance with the Bank 's activities and risks.
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rcookie says():Jaber pointed out that the reform measures also require activating the role of an observer compliance in private banks and be present in all events and meetings, stressing the need to create a trained and well - developed expertise occupy this important function , which means the Bank 's compliance and internal policies to all banking regulations and laws sound
subgirl says to rcookie():OH WOW!!! I love that article!!! starting the process of financial reform!!!! COOL!!!
cjquade54 says():RC's posted that 3 times ... me thinks it's important
subgirl says to cjquade54():oh I think you are right!!!! (y) :)
subgirl says to cjquade54():I think it is very exciting!!!
da58 says():I have a question.. this new capitalization of the banks, that is required per CBI - for June 30th - to 25m.... from around 7m I think it was.. where is that money supposed to come from? Where are the banks getting this? rcookie posted that art several days ago.. ?
da58 says():it was 25m for this june 30... and 50m next year.. 
BGG says to da58():That is a good question...
da58 says):was wondering if this is from the CBI.... in some fashion..
dovi says():it would be a good rate that would create the amount
dovi says():but what do I know?
BGG says to da58():probably not - more likely from IMF/WB directives TO the CBI (I would guess)...
daytrader says():Reserves come from deposits. Reserves can't be loaned, so would reduce the funds available for loans. That would create a conflict I would think.
dovi says():thanks
daytrader says():Banks told to loan more funds, but also told to increase reserves.
jeffjane says():Question - I read the Fed Court article rcookie brought in earlier and I think they are still on track for a June 28th ruling, Correct?
subgirl says to jeffjane():IMO I have not read otherwise... ? so we shall see... :)
jeffjane says to subgirl):Thanks.
BGG says to jeffjane():Well that would be good.
dovi says():({) just do it
BGG says to daytrader():No sweat - quit all the hinky corruption... problem solved.
dovi says to daytrader():would you put in a word with CBI please and tell them to please just do it?
daytrader says to BGG():I can believe that.
dovi says to daytrader():you ask BGG I'm afraid to and you have favor LOL
dovi says to daytrader()::P
daytrader says to dovi():I can try!!
daytrader says to BGG():Can you call the CBI and ask them to get this done....please! LOL
dovi says to daytrader():we gotta pull all the strings we can now
daytrader says():I'm just thrilled with all the news that's been brought in. It just looks like Iraq is sprinting towards the finish line.
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