Don't WAIT!

Monday, June 27, 2016

WingIt Monday Call Notes and Replay 6-27-16

Notes for Wing It Call 6/27/16

Gerry:  Who would have thought we were going to still be here.

Pastor:  Prayed.

Gerry:  Disclaimer.

Art:  Good afternoon everybody.  Everything sounds pretty good.  We were supposed to get numbers over the weekend and every night.  Entities are getting paid. 

Emails with 800 numbers were sent out supposedly but not sure when they will be distributed.  We are going to be gold backed and there are no longer sovereign rates.
Gerry:  This is for Kenny.  I asked for donations for someone else.  Go to my page and donate. 

Today is a great day. 

Read an email.  I believe this email speaks for every one of us. 

Tell the PTB to stop lying to us.  Remember this is about power and money and they lie.  There is nothing we can do about that.  But there are things that are happening.
You want to address Iko the third paragraph.

Iko: The problem with speak to the masses is it is impossible not to lie.  When you are trying to get 300 million people to get something, you lie.  I am not condoning it, it just happens.  Just with our communication with Dinarians.  It is unbelievable what people take away from what you say. 

Gerry:  What the hell are they waiting for; they are trying to salvage things. 

The Brexit exit, they said you can bring your own pen and can fill it in.  They voted to leave.  These are the people who want to get out of a sinking ship.  Several countries want out of the EU because they see the writing on the wall.  The richest man in England lost 3 billion dollars last Friday/Saturday.  Some lost 2.7 trillion.  Report of some other Brits who lost money.  Central bankers met.

Iko:  I am not condoning their actions, when you are on top you believe you have a magic wand.  Not all wealthy people are evil; there are some good wealthy people.  There are so unbelievably bad ones. 

Finally over the weekend they had a meeting and they realize they are in trouble.  Iko has received phone calls that they were scrambling over the weekend.  There was panic over the weekend that were holding out.  Not just the bad guys but everybody.  You could not fly into Reno for four hours. 

There were emergency meetings all over the world.  The straw that broke the camel’s back is the bond market, which is in serious trouble.  It does not show that.  They all decided not to have a world crash, let’s just have a bumpy landing.  Hard core sources who know nothing about Dinar are talking about revaluation.  It is in play. 

We are not going to talk rate or date.  It is finally moving on all fronts.  The general consensus;  we get it, we have to do this now.  We have to try to figure out how to get the ride out of the next system.  It is not like the bad guys are going away they are just going to have a hard time to pull the wool over our eyes.

Gerry:  Iraq is taking actions.  They implemented their tariffs.  They have 30 days to pay it off.   Letters of credit is the practice.  Iraq has a part in it.  When their currency comes out it will be asset back.

Iko:  There is no way we can explain that we can touch what happened over the weekend.  It is like going back to Dinar 101 and go back to the beginning. 

The amount of mis- and disinformation and speculation that has gone down over the last few years is almost impossible to unravel.  We have to start learning all over again. 

It appears now that everybody was in agreement…now the critical mass is finally in agreement.  Try to keep it simple.  If you look at is as a progression of steps.  This weekend was the final step. 

The realization that the fiat market can no longer exist; China has been doing in the background and there is finally a checkmate.   Executive order 13303 will be what protects us in our exchange.  We are covered.  We are in good shape. 

Gerry:  Look at the amount of information we have provided in 30 minutes.  We are way past of Dinar 101 to get the masses prepared.  We have to go forward.  It is going to be okay.  Relax.

Jack Lew put out a video, treasury secretary.  It does not look like a financial crisis. 
Iko: It is both a truth and the lie.  The world wants the US to go in the corner and shut up.  It brought it out into the sunlight.  It put it out in main stream media.  Brexit brought out all this stuff is there.  Somebody in Dinar land.  As soon as Lew and Yellen or Greenspan.  If they come out and say everything is fine, it isn’t.

Gerry:  Reading another two paragraphs.  The challenge for world leaders is to provide stability, etc. (He continued to read what Lew said).  It would be another economic head wind.  Britain may have said they were asset back.  We had no ability to complain because the PTB had most of the politicians in their pockets. 

Iko:  One of reasons this has come about is because of the internet.  There is nonsense there and rock hard truth.  Information is power.  We are a direct result of that maxim.  We all found out about it. 

The twitter champion worked.  We showed up because we heard about it through the web.  That will continue to make us powerful.  That information has a great deal to do that the world can go to the GCR. 

Countries who have been able to be controlled are being heard from because of the web.  No longer any third world countries, just poverty is left.

Gerry:  Let me read a little bit more.  What I am reading is what we are waiting for.  The Brexit moved what we are waiting on a little more.  He is reading what Jack Lew said on the video that was released.  The fiat dollar is dead.  Unilateral action is the RV.  He is telling the truth and putting a spin on it at the same time.  If they don’t deal with it now it will be worse than what happened in 2008.

A couple calls back I had a suspension they would wait until the end of the banking quarter.  Best days for banking is Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Iko:  The problem with this call.  I think what we should use this call, because we believe we will have an RV before Friday.  We could share some things we learned that could help them.  There is some helpful stuff for all of us. 

There are a couple of maxims over the last couple of weeks.  When we get into that exchange this is a bank transaction.  They have to pay attention to the laws.  Executive order 13303 says that we are equal and we have to have all of the same things available to us as those who have received.

When it comes down to negotiate with the bank, what is the very best that you can do? 

We all have to be treated fairly.  When they say we are going to go you X for your dinar and Y for your dong and Z for your zim and you can come right back I have heard that I can get this, what is the best rate that you can give me? 

I have a philanthropic venture that I need x amount of money.  We’re going in there and doing a transaction that the best and brightest minds focused on.  WF does not want to set themselves up for liability.  It is in their best interest that they give us the best.  If it comes out we were snowed they are in trouble. 

Even though they have selfish interest is that we come out whole.  This things really has been set up for everyone and the law says it was for everyone.  We are safe in that exchange meeting.  We can ask for ever what we think we need and what we are.  This is our one shot.  Don’t allow yourself to be thrown by this.  I need this much money. 

Every penny is a million dollars on a 100 trillion note.  If it’s worth a dollar it is worth 1.00 it is worth 100 million.  The dong is coming out at a great rate.  This is your chance to set up the funding for these ventures.  Go for it now.  Go for broke.  Go way beyond your comfort level. 

It is their interest to give you the most money that they can justify giving you.  It’s frustrating that it took this long to get here but we are finally here.

715:  If we are supposedly to go gold back and we are parity isn’t that one to one?

Gerry:  We won’t know that until we get there.  4.71, 5 or 10 dollars.  Be flexible.  Let’s just say they give you 10 to 1, if we happen to go asset back in a couple of days it is a windfall.  Be flexible and be prepared.

305: The goal was June 30th.  Is that where we are today?

Iko:  It is convoluted, by June 30th we are may be at the bank.  How that will look on the books?  There is going to be an accommodation from fiat US to asset backed.  There may be inflation on some items and some will go to parity right away. 

Caller:  Will we be in the bank by June 30th. 

Iko:  I feel good.  I am only speaking for me.  Don’t forget the “but;” it is always out there.
Sin City: One thing that concerns me from the beginning.  I just read that the Rothschild’s made a bundle.  Did they set up the Brexit just to make a wind fall.

Gerry:  We can’t stop them from doing that.  We are hoping the people who are working for us.  We are hoping that God is using the good people so we can do the good things. 

Caller:  I think it is important for all of us to recognize this was their goal but we need to shine a light into the corners.  We need to understand what they do and why they do it. 

Savannah, GA: What happened to the sovereign rates?

Gerry:  We don’t know.   There was only one person that was ever talking about that.  Let’s stay grounded.  Still six, three, and no zeros dropped off.

Iko:  The Rothschild’s had both of the Brexit votes cover.  That is what the transparency issue is trying to solve.  If we all a parity, that type of manipulation is a lot harder to do and much harder to get away with it.  The system will eventually recognize it. 

That is one of the fundamental issues that need to be solved in the 21st century.  Education is going to be a big thing now
Galveston, TX: Iko said he has two maxims, he brought forth the first one.

Iko:  You got me.  I was talking about specifically two maxims. 

Gerry:  He can’t talk about the other one.

Iko:  The main point is to remember this is a very well thought out and well thought out process.  Ask for what you want. 

Lankum Creek, TX:  They are saying the banks are going to be safe.  Do you think you are saying you will be safe.

Iko:  You always want to spread your risk.  You want to have a balanced portfolio.  If what we are hearing from the financial industry that the derivatives are going to be wiped out they are okay for a while.  They will be okay long enough for the financial community to learn the new rules. 

Caller:  What would be a safe period of time to leave your money into a bank like WF.
Iko:  I can’t deal with that.

Gerry:  Sir, I would think closely about how long you will look at protecting your new found wealth.

Iko:  There is another way to look at this.  You had to look at a ten year average.  There is going to be disruption.  If you are in an economy, if you wait it out.  We also have the law of large numbers.  You will be okay.  You diversify sooner than later.

Chapel Hill: You talked about how they want things orderly.  How are they going to manage these internet groups?

Gerry:  Slowly.  Iko take a stab at that.

Iko:  Here is some brand new information.  It might or might not be true.  The way they are going to release the green light is different than what we have been told.  This is simply a piece of information.  There may not be an 800 number.  There may be an email that goes to identified group leaders. 

It could be Gerry, Ray, and Bruce, anyone who has been identified as a group leader. 

Everyone will know by word of mouth though the internet and everyone will get the information.  It will allow, the folks to who get it and they can start their learning curve on us.  From what we have been told the exchange centers are separate corporations.  It has nothing to do with their different departments. 

They feel they have a system that is fairly bullet proof.  The people who were worried about giving out an 800 number.  If you send an email to a particular sender they are covered.  It becomes the senders’ fault.  There may be an email distribution system
North Bend, WA: Ask for what you need for each particular currency there are those out there that do not have a clue.  They may be well invested, how are they going to find out what the rate is?  Nobody has been talking about rates lately.

Gerry:  How long have you been in this?  The last rates that you heard can you share those.

Caller:  .03 to .11 cents for the Zim, some $1 dollar or $5 dollars and 4 or 5K for the Zim.  For the dong we have always hoped for over four dollars and for the dinar $28 to $32/33 dollars per note.

Iko:  And you should ask for that.

Gerry:  I was sent many questions on the forum.  Question 10:  Will we have access to the wing it chat after the RV.  Yes.  No celebration after the RV.  If you are in my shoes and you really don’t want to be in the limelight.  I don’t want people to see my pink flip flops.
Iko:  But you do want to hang out with fellow Dinarians.  You want to compare notes with them and associate with them. 

Gerry:  Q 1: When you talked about double dipping.  If I have currency with Sterling is that double dipping and is it a lost cost.  No to double dipping and hopes it works out.

Pastor:  Prayed. 

Gerry: Say good bye.
Iko:  Happy life everybody.
Monday WingIt Replay 6-27-16

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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