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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

KTFA Monday Night Call Nights 6-27-16  Part 1 of 3


Aggiedad77:  Well if you were just on our Bible Study CC you know I was about finished with the notes from last night's they be...enjoy    Aloha    Randy

*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***

 CC Notes for Tuesday 06-27-2016

Frank26:   We are not going to have a conference call next Monday 07-04-2016….is it because it is the 4th of July……..well why Frank…..because in this program tonight you will learn the details of why….and we will explain it in depth……we are looking some information… a TEAM…..with my FRIENDS…..we are looking for some information…..what is it…..none of your business really…..right now….but when we do get it we will study it….we will think about it….and we will pray over it…..and then we will decide whether or not we will share it with you…..
But if we decide to share….then we will have a conference call…..I don’t want to call it an emergency conference call…..that causes trouble with a lot of bad people that want to cause trouble…..but it is…..obviously it is a special conference call… may happen tomorrow….Tuesday… may happen Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday…..

But there will NOT be a conference call next Monday…..because the next day we are going to have a big conference call… is our monthly Prayer Conference Call on July 5th with Andy….and I’ll be there….and I’ll also be doing a Bible Study because Randy won’t be able to….but I will explain a little bit more in depth….

What is it that we are looking for Frank…..well it is what I am looking for…..not necessarily what you are looking for….but once we find it and we are ready we will share it with you… right now I need for you to kick back and relax….we are going to be here for a while….and LiveStream works….now I’m going to put this phone down….and I am hoping and praying I speak loud enough that you all that are on the phones can hear me with no problems.
That is right C$hessman we do cook our information very well don’t we….but you are also going to see what it is that we are cooking as I am talking to you.
So tell me Family how was your week… week was very interesting….it was packed… was filled….and it was the way I wanted it to be….with our investment that is…..many things occurred during the week…..and what I’m going to do tonight is I’m going to take you step by step….we were with you on our Monday call….but then we not with you for the rest of the week….so I’m going to take you from last Tuesday all the way up until this afternoon….and what I’m going to do is break down each day…..of the significance of those days…..because so much occurred every 24 hours….in the direction of our investment….IMO.
Logic says that one should never give away your plans… should never reveal nor give away your battle plans when you go into war….and this is the reason Fallujah and Mosul were protected for so long….while these events were occurring with these two cities…these two major cities…there were also other cities that we told you about that you read about two or three days later and you said…..there they are…..those are the cities that Frank was talking about on his Monday night CC….but they started to tell you about those cities because they weren’t ready to tell you about Mosul….they dragged Fallujah out as long as they could….and when we were last with you…..we were looking for that weren’t we.
We left you with the idea that Barzani with the Kurds was going to meet with the Iraq delegation and the US delegation and they were going to talk about the war on DAASH…..they did….but you see that war on DAASH has a lot to do with those two cities and one of them is Mosul…and you know Mosul… is not that we need Mosul to become victorious….to have the reforms…..we want Mosul because we want to give it to the Kurds….they helped out in removing terrorism from that area and this is ONE of their rewards.
So the information of these two cities slowly started to come out to you during the week….literally the next day on Tuesday you started to see things…..”A Pledge to the Iraqi Citizens in a Meeting with the Ministers”….well what did you pledge…..we pledged that we will free all of the Iraqi lands and all of the Iraqi cities…..well good for you…..because you seem to have done that…..and you are telling the citizens….why….because we don’t care about the international world…..because they want to come in……as soon as we raise the value….they are going to pour in….

It is the citizens that are important….and for weeks….months now Abadi has been doing a very good job with the citizens…..reaching out across the table to shake their hands… gain confidence and trust within them…..and staying in Fallujah and showing them the leadership that he is as the Commander in Chief of this country…..and he promised them….as he looked them in the face….I haven’t forgotten you….I got your back citizens… want the reforms…..I got them….we are doing them….in fact we are having lots of meetings…..they don’t have to tell you everything Family…..they are just doing everything.
So the members of the committee of Economics and Investments got together and created the LOI and sent it to the IMF….and the IMF….as we told you when we were last together… going to consider what that letter says on the 28th of this month…..which is tomorrow.
But we needed to see if there was going to be any taxes and tariffs on the 25th….which we will talk about tonight….but these members of the Economic and Investment Committee got together while the Ministers also got together and Abadi came out of that meeting and told the citizens….we got your backs….we are doing everything….we are getting all the reforms….everything is going to be ok.
Keywords….out of the CBI comes out on Tuesday and says…..”We got a lot of reserves….what’s that…..$53 billion and we also got a lot of gold….that is the responsibility of me and our government to you citizens”….we bear the responsibility not to fail….why….because this is in line with the international standards….that we have established here in this country….that we have been trained to do….that our employees have been trained to do….and are now about to be paid….because they are trained internationally…..

We have met the regulations and we have given it to the IMF… is an agreement of all the regulations….and we are telling you citizens…..the existence of the amount of foreign currency that we have in our vaults right now….is enough to cover any of our local currencies….wait a minute….what do you mean currencies….that is the problem….we need to get rid of all the other ones and just concentrate on ours….will you do this citizens…..well based on what you are telling me….YEAH….bozos….you have never said this before…..we’ve never been in the international world before….well….you are going to give me power….purchasing power…..yep…..I’m not going to be rich….nope….is this cool…..and you aren’t telling them…..we don’t care about them….we care about you citizens… you see the flavor… you see the pattern Family….do you see what they are doing.
Meanwhile the rest of the world….like you and me say….excuse me Mo….excuse me Mo….you mean Moe, Larry and Curly… I would like to know what your MO is…..I would like to know what your M1 is….I would like to know what your M2 is….I would like to know what your M3 is….would you also like to know the color of my underwear….yeah….well you aren’t going to get it says Iraq….and you never will investor….international world….until they… fact you know what….they never will tell you…..53…..53 what…..$53 billion….in what….in our reserves…..dinars…….foreign currency….let’s say it is $53 billion USD….oh….well what else you got….gold… much……..excuse me how much gold……..I’m sorry….how much gold do you have….gold….you aren’t going to answer me are you……..

So you have $53 billion in reserves and you have a mountain of gold….why don’t you….why won’t you tell me how much…..because they will never tell you their M0, M1, M2, M3 figures Family….if you knew that you would know exactly where they are at right now with their financial reforms….but they are still on trajectory….that shell has been fired and it is on trajectory….and there is no mid-course corrections by the way….IMO….it is in sight….the reforms….and it will end….it will end the suffering of the Iraqi citizens…..when the dinar becomes international….it will help a lot of countries….at whatever rate that may be.
You can see this all unfolding…’s just that it is fragmented and it can be confusing….they just now are telling you the things we want them to tell you…and it is being done by baby steps and that is ok with us…..we are in no hurry…..some people are….we aren’t….we have no respect for those who want a date or a rate….I am sorry… respect….we will not even talk…there is no sense in even having a conversation…..that is not what we are about…..we are students and right now your brother DELTA….he didn’t want to come anyways…but if he came it could become nuclear….this guy is a little too excited……but that is our brother DELTA and I love him.
I will tell you what…..we are assuming that they are reporting to us $53 billion in USD…..but they are not telling you the percentages….they are not giving you the M1, M2, and M3 figures…..and I tell you another thing….the numbers we see on the spreadsheet….IOO….they are not USD’s….I’m sorry they are dinars… you understand the power of what I just said….IMO….they are not giving you the numbers….they are not giving you the two numbers….but what we are seeing and studying on the spreadsheet…..they are wrong numbers…..they are incorrect numbers….IOO….these are not currency….they are not even percentages….you see they told us they had collected…..I think it was last year that they told us they had collected 75% of the 000’s from the street….really….well what about the other 25-30% that is supposedly hidden underneath the mattresses….and that is why the numbers of the M0, M1, M2, M3….

They just do not work….and they also don’t work in the translation of the spreadsheet….there are translation issues that look like they are lying….but they are not…..they just don’t have to explain those numbers….those variables….those M1’s…and I can’t believe, to be honest with you, that they are lying…..they are working….I cannot believe that these documents are falsified….they are working….with the IMF…and IMO it is a translation issue….and IMO it is working in their favor…..they are not hiding anything…..they just don’t have to explain anything to you….whether it be in dinars or USD’s….inside or outside of Iraq….it’s not what they say….it is what they are doing…..outside we see a lot of payments going on don’t we…….they are not hiding anything….you just can’t see it Family.
Check this out….I think Tuesday going into Wednesday….”The IMF Approves International Loan Payments to Iraq”…..hold it right there….the IMF who is looking at the LOI…..has approved the international loan payments to Iraq….well first of all did they get the loans….yeah….now you are telling me they have established the method they will get these loan payments in….yeah….they did something to qualify for those loans didn’t they….yeah….can you tell us….no….when….when we are ready….ok….can you say that again….sure….

”The IMF Approves International Loan Payments to Iraq”….the Executive Board….you can’t get no higher than that….that is who is meeting and that is who is reading the LOI….and that is who is making these decisions…and that is who is going to give them the loans…..the Executive Board of the IMF increased the granting of the financial loans to Iraq….saying such an approval comes through Abadi’s memorandum of understanding….approved by the GOI and Parliament… other words Family the IMF is saying we are going to give them the money and we have the schedule set up because of Abadi’s memorandum of understanding….son of a gun.
So IMF….you going to give them the money….yeah….you already got the schedule set up…..yeah….you got everything set up….yeah why….because the memorandum of understanding that Abadi sent to you guys….yeah….what about it… says….they agree with us….Abadi’s memorandum of understanding….there it is…the MOU….and you saw it….I think….but you didn’t respond to it….Abadi….what did your MOU…what did you tell them…..what is up….I’m telling them that we are doing everything….all the conditions that they wanted of us….that they demanded of us… what…..I don’t know… cutting our spending….like firing the bank managers and putting in the right ones in…especially Rafadain and Rasheed banks… increase our non-oil production to not just count on oil….so that is why we threw in the gold and everything….remember they told us…..all this stuff they told us we are doing….and we sent them the memorandum of agreement and they said cool and they are happy…and now they are going to have another meeting….who….the IMF Executive Board….when….tomorrow on the 28th.
Wow remember Family we told you that everything must come together at once…..I don’t care if clipping the toenails to Abadi…..if that was one of the IMF requirements….I want to see it done….and I want to see the verbiage….and I want to see the LOI….remember what we told you….everything must come together all at once….and it is….if you really look at this and you lay it out on a spreadsheet….if you plaster this up on the wall with strings attached from one source… are going to see a pattern….you cannot deny this pattern.
You know when the US says…..the sun sets in the west….ok….you can understand that Americans….ok….but when a Middle Easterner speaks of that….he doesn’t say it the way we do…..the sun sets in the west….you know what he does….know what an Iraqi does…..he points to the west.
So Wednesday going into Thursday….we have a lot of information that is being spilled…..basically about the LOI contents….well we can’t see it….yeah you can….all the articles that are coming out and they are telling you they did this…they did that….they did this….that is the LOI checklist….and it was handed in…and that is how we started our conference call….but now it is at a different state.
The IMF Executive Board is studying it and they will come up with a decision on it tomorrow….on whether or not they get the loans.
Yeah we are going to talk about the taxes and tariffs that were actually yesterday….what happened…you will see.
So on Wednesday…..”The Trade Bank of Iraq has achieved JPMorgan’s award for excellence in the year of 2015 for their financial transfers…what….really….you mean to tell me that Iraq….that Iraq’s banks all of last year they were doing international business by doing financial transfers….yeah….wow…and is it true by the way since we are on banks….is it true that the Trade Bank is building a website right now in English for international usage….yeah….wow….you know what….you guys are doing everything aren’t you…..yeah….we are making it comfortable for the international world to accept us… know for the IMF to say they can….yeah.
This Thursday…..”Abadi Makes it Clear that the Investment Atmosphere is Because of the Victories in Fallujah that has Brought More Political Stability”……yeah…and that is why these cities were subdivided into little pieces to tell you a little bit at a time….you can’t be told all of the battle plan….then Abadi comes out and says….you know this investment atmosphere we have here in Iraq….it is because of the success we have had in Fallujah…..yeah it is….in fact everyone in the international world is all of a sudden turning in your direction Abadi and looking at you saying….not bad.
How are you doing in Mosul…..well we are going to talk about that too Family…..Iraq….”Iraq is Looking for Investment Opportunities to Add New Services that were Never Offered Before to the Citizens of Baghdad”….come on….every one of these spokes leads back to the center…and what is that center….the LOI…..every one of these spokes is a qualification that the IMF demanded and that the IMF will be reviewing tomorrow.
Meanwhile, “Specialists:  Our Armed Forces are Able to Quickly Edit Mosul”… this was going into Thursday…..really….who said that…..Defense Minister……Mr. Defense Minister you are telling me that your armed forces are to the point where they are so specialized that we can quickly edit Mosul….yeah… quick can you do it… quick can the reform work….it depends….we will learn more tomorrow won’t we….yes we will….then we will determine if we need a conference call between now and next Sunday….yes we will….well not bad Defense Minister….because right now many countries are sending weapons to your country…..left and right…..lots of weapons….and that is unprecedented and that is not natural…and that is uncalled for….I know you are sovereign…but Article 8 should not allow that….what happened….how did you get all those jet fighters…those F-16’s.
And while this is going on….the Emir of Kuwait gets a second letter…..a second LOI….hello….when did he get the first letter…..and now a second letter…..why are they treating Kuwait like the Kurds…..why are they updating them step by step on everything they are doing….and ignoring Iran….hmmm….in a month….the Emir of Kuwait gets an LOI…then a second one within a month…..and it is on the mutual interest of the latest development of the region and international areas…..yeah….in other words do we have Mosul….it is for the Kurds and the CBI banks.
And while the cities are being given to you….by the way…..Fallujah is given now to you…..they put up the flag….it is 100% secured….it is yours.
But Family we need to talk about Mosul tonight and we will…but before we do…..I want you to know….”ISIS Ordered Mosul Citizens to Pay Them in 25k’s for Ramadan for the Poor People”….you lying piece of garbage you….the reason why ISIS/DAASH is telling those still in Mosul….hey give me your 25k’s….they know darn well it is going to go up in value….why do you think they robbed the banks and started printing more 25k’s….they know very well the CBI is going to lift the 000’s from their exchange rate….there are many things in Mosul that have to be released slowly….with their framed time….probably within the next two to three weeks Family.
ISIS/DAASH is actually cannibalizing itself even more….they executed four of their leaders….their commanders….because their commanders did not want to fight in Mosul any more.
Kuwait….”Kuwait Tell Iraq I Want You to Postpone Paying Me for War Reparations”….why….well due to your financial crisis….how blatant is that…that is as blatant as ISIS telling the citizens….give me your 25k’s for Ramadan for the poor….whatever…’s Kuwait….telling Iraq….hey you know the payment you were going to start making to us for the war reparations….don’t pay us…..don’t pay you…..well don’t start paying us now…..why…..well it is due to your financial crisis….you mean our rate sucks….yeah it sucks eggs really bad….there should have been a second paragraph to the letter that went like this….IMO….pay us when your money is worth something….because right now it is not worth anything to pay us.
IMO Mosul is buying time for Abadi and the GOI for many other things to gel and come together….Abadi and the CBI are following the IMF orders….demands….their agreements….step by step…and tomorrow the IMF is going to determine if that report is acceptable or not to give them their loans….and if it is acceptable and they give them their loans…..I’m sorry somebody raised the value of their currency.
Could it be that they gave them the loans without raising the value of their currency….yeah….they sure could….and what if they give them the loans and they are still at 1166…..well that is when you get out of this investment because you don’t think they are going any further….or you continue to study with us.
By Friday….Friday night going into Saturday….”Customers Will Not Be Allowed to Come Into the CBI and Mess With Any Kind of Permit or Any Kind of Payment”… never again….really Keywords…really governor of the CBI….you guys are that secured….you got all these reserves….you got rid of the bad people and you are collecting money from all over coming back to the CBI….and you are telling me that customers that try to come in and fake you out…you just aren’t going to allow that….you are going to force them to pay their taxes and tariffs….not bad….I’ll bet you that is in an LOI…..I don’t know….I don’t need to guess.
So….”Abadi Addresses a Letter on DAASH Politics and Underlines the Lack of Backing Away From the Reforms”…..oh come on man….these indicators are getting to be a bit too obvious…..Abadi….what do the reforms have to do with DAASH…..well a lot….once we get rid of them….you know… there any more to that article Abadi….why don’t you go ahead and read all of it Frank…..ok…ok….so Abadi addresses this letter, obviously an LOI that is telling the IMF we are sticking with the reforms and we are not backing away from anything….so here is what it says…..and “the Reforms that have Begun in Security to Pay Off the Differences”…..the reforms that have begun….there it is again….you guys aren’t hiding anything….you just aren’t telling us everything are you….yeap.
“Iraq Contracts a US Company for $30 million USD to Build an Academy to Train Iraqi Officials”… are wasting your time at a program rate to do that….there are so many indicators….there are just so many indicators that are telling us the LOI must be good…..because the indicators are what are in the LOI…and tomorrow if they get that loan….oh boy….maybe there won’t be any notes in July……..we are going to go into July by the way….because we have to get these loans and get them appropriated and spread out and see what is in the LOI…and the meetings on the reforms and see what they have to say…..and don’t you dare roll your eyes.
So if they do the financial reforms they are going to get that loan… know what I did….I asked one of my Admins and a FRIEND of mine….what they did was they went back…..I think they went back to the time when Dr. Shabibi said he was going to lift the value of the currency to what it was like in the ‘80’s and ‘90’s….and we are going to be doing that this year…..etc…etc…..I said….Mr. Admin…and FRIEND….will you go back and pull out every article you can find from Dr. Shabibi that says they are going to lift the 000’s and add value…..they agreed….and it took them about three days and they sent it to me in two big emails….and I had intentions of reading them to you today….but there are too many of them….and that alone is an interesting point……

Family on Wednesday we are going to have a Liquid Bio-Cell conference call….but I am going to show you what it is that is in that LOI….because every one of these articles….they are the definition of the Monetary Reform….which IMO….is in the LOI…..which they have agreed and accepted because they want the loan….we now have three emails of these articles….it is a plethora of articles….a cornucopia of articles……and every one of them is like a cookie….you know when you eat one cookie you got to eat another cookie then another….I will read you one article…then another…then another like a stadium wave.
So the taxes and tariffs, the lifting of the 000’s…that is important for you to get the loan….check this out…..on Friday going into Saturday…..”The Intent of the USA After the Resolution of the Battle for Fallujah is to Provide Advice and Information to the Iraqi Government to Implement the Measures for the Financial Reforms in the CBI”… juicy is that… big a cookie was that….that is exactly what we want to hear…that is exactly what they said they would do…..that is exactly what is in the LOI and that is what they will look at tomorrow….they are compliant…and all the evidence….all the evidence that is fossilized….is right in front of our eyes…they have done everything to be compliant with Article 8….
In fact I have even hinted to you that Article 8 has been ripped up to the point where it doesn’t even exist anymore…..we are just working together with you to get you into the international world….we are there….now let’s work together to raise the value….we are…..look at the LOI…..IMO….they are about two weeks away before they tell you about the contents of the LOI….and they are telling you about them in every article they release….they did this and that….and they will conform to that….and we will use these international standards….and we got rid of that bad guy and we got new governors here…..and we are going to get the loans under the SBA….

What….is that an opinion….did you read the articles….they talk about a Standby Agreement don’t they….Family let me tell you something….if they get these loans….this might be the most powerful line you write in your notes tonight….IMO….if they get these loans….within the next two or three weeks….under the SBA program….then Article 8 is gone….it would be vaporized….there are so many dominoes that are going to be knocked over and knocking over other dominoes….but you can’t knock them down just yet….because not all of them will fall down at once…..this has to be done all at once….and it is….coming into that venturi effect.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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