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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Dinar Updates Wednesday Chat  6-29-16  Part 1 of 2

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Dinar Updates Wednesday Chat  6-29-16  Part 1 of 2
da58 says():Jubouri determines July 3 as the date for the first session in the next legislative term
Political Since 28/06/2016 20:53 pm (Baghdad time)
Baghdad balances News   Said House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, on Tuesday, the start of the third legislative term of the parliament in the first of the month of July, noting that the twelfth of next month will hold the first session in this chapter.
Jubouri said in a statement received / balances News / copy of "The Iraqi Council of Representatives to announce the start of the third legislative year in the first of July, it calls for gentlemen and ladies of Representatives to begin their legislative and supervisory duties", pointing out that it "will be the first plenary meeting held in this chapter on 12/07/2016. "
"The Council is determined to proceed with the legislation of laws and important decisions affecting the needs of citizens and touches their aspirations, as well as the determination of parliament, the focus of this legislative year on corrupt and negligent in the performance of accounting file whoever they are and the perpetrators of the dereliction and questioning realized Terms questioned executives of different positions and responsibilities in the state.
" And that "this chapter will witness the activation of the exceptional work of the committees, and will be displayed evaluate its performance offerer soon in order to ensure her best performance and contributes to the result in the service of the citizen", calling on the government to "interest in affairs of the service, particularly in the electricity issue."
The Supreme Judicial Council, announced earlier on Tuesday that the Federal Court decided "Irrelevance" Bgelsta which were held on 14 and 26 April last Parliament.LINK  

da58 says(): BIG YEEEHAWW THERE!! ^^heading says 3rd.. but is it really reading that way?

subgirl says to da58():WOW! thanks for the news!!! WOW!
da58 says():darn.. I wish these guys spoke plain old english..
subgirl says to da58()::D guess that is as plain as you can get it lol
where'sthebeef says():Is it saying the first meeting of he 3rd legis term will be held on the the 12th?
Pablo says():3rd term starts on the 1st.
subgirl says to where'sthebeef():Jubouri determines July 3 as the date for the first session in the next legislative term
subgirl says to where'sthebeef():Jubouri determines July 3 as the date for the first session in the next legislative term
subgirl says to where'sthebeef():Jubouri determines July 3 as the date for the first session in the next legislative term
where'sthebeef says():I'm talking about when they will actually hold their first meeting of the term.
where'sthebeef says to subgirl):It also statest he first meeting will be on the 12th. Hard to understand what they are really saying.
Pablo says():Why would they wait till the 12th when they are in big rush to vote on stuff and get the loan?
subgirl says to where'sthebeef():good question!
Pablo says():I don't know about you folks, but the impression I get is that the PTB are in a rush for Iraq to get done and are pushing them to do so.
Pablo says):So I'm wondering...if there's such a push, push, push, why wait til the 12th? It makes no sense.
clay says to Pablo():none at all
subgirl says to Pablo():remember they can meet anytime for voting. (emergency meetings) ...
Pablo says():True.
Pablo says):But if it was up to me, I'd be calling an emergency meeting today.
da58:   Supreme Judicial Council: Upgrading 10 judges and others to discuss the transfer of
History of edits:: 2016/6/29 12:09 • 82 visits readable
Supreme Judicial Council: Upgrading 10 judges and others to discuss the transfer of
[Oan- Baghdad] Announced that the Supreme Judicial Council, upgraded 10 judges and discuss the transfer of others.
A statement by the flags of the judiciary received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, that "the Supreme Judicial Council was held Wednesday morning its eighth year in 2016, and discussed a number of issues on its agenda."
The Council decided according to the statement "upgrade 10 judges to the items that follow the current Snovhm, and to discuss the transfer of a number of judges and public prosecutors requests and took the legal decisions in question."
He acknowledged the Supreme Judicial "The formation of judicial bodies in the appellate areas, Bmnasptha has two judges promoted to the position of Vice President for the purpose of resuming coverage of this judicial formations."
Supreme Judicial Council and accept the judicial process in the presidencies of the appeal courts in the provinces, and to develop treatments that speed up the resolution of lawsuits, especially pertaining to the detainees and the efforts of exceptional.

Mudder says to Pablo   Your barking up the wrong tree... Phone them
Contact the CBI   Central Bank of Iraq
Head Office : P.O.BOX 64 AL-Rasheed Street ,Baghdad, Iraq
Telephone : +964 1 816 5170 to 5175    Facsimile : +964 1 816 6802
Website : http//; E-Mail :
Pablo says to Mudder():I don't think they speak English, Mudder.
da58 says(): History of edits:: 06/29/2016 14:07 • 93 visits readable
US credit facilities of Iraq's $ 2.7 billion military funding
[Oan- Baghdad] Iraq and the United States signed a memorandum of understanding on the implementation of the military to ease credit financing outside the Convention [FMF].
A statement by the Iraqi Ministry of Finance and the agency all of Iraq [received where] a copy of it, "Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari and US Ambassador Stuart Jones signed this day, a memorandum of cooperation between the two sides spend to provide credit facilities to the Government of Iraq at $ 2.7 billion."
He said this note is "to facilitate the purchase of military equipment within the Foreign military financing program for ground , air, and military equipment with advanced technologies and advanced technology significantly contribute to strengthening the military capacity of the armed forces so that they can win the victory in the war on terrorism and the entity Daash terrorist and edit all areas of Iraq from the clutches" .
the statement said, "this financial support comes within the efforts of the government of Iraq to get financial support from international financial institutions and friendly countries to meet the challenges of the financial and economic crisis that has plagued Iraq for the time being."
He also said "under this credit facility government allocates US $ 200 for the Peshmerga forces million in order to assist them in carrying out their duties, and the government is committed to using public money to continue to support and expand the successes of the popular crowd program, this program will be based payment mechanisms on credit with soft terms and repayment periods appropriate ".
He noted that the signing of the memorandum comes" in the context of the evolving bilateral relations between Iraq and the United States, in light of the strategic framework agreement , which covers various aspects of relations between the two countries. "
da58 says():History of edits:: 06/29/2016 11:07 • 160 visits readable
Kurdish bloc: the Federal Court decision will restore the parliament to normal
[Oan- Baghdad]  decision of the Federal Supreme Court of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan Bloc, said that in the case of Parliament will restore the House of Representatives to normal.
The MP said Xuan Daoudi bloc told all of Iraq [where] that " the sessions of Parliament on 14 and 26 April , they dust and foggy and it is logical deletion , being the Thompsan interests of the people and under the resolution has been canceled reshuffle and stabbed protesters House of Representatives and this is what will make us go back to square one and back sessions parliament as it was before the sit of Representatives. "
he called on " everyone to abide by the decision of the Federal Court , and I think everyone will return to the parliament and look differences within the dome in accordance with the constitutional and legal contexts. "
the Federal Court had decided at its Tuesday Irrelevance Bgelsta the House [ of Representatives of the protesters] daily 14 and 26 of April.
the court also considered the parliament session on April 26 , which saw the vote on the reshuffle "is unconstitutional because it was held in an atmosphere contrary to the Constitution." 
the President of the House of Representatives Saleem al - Jubouri, his respect for the decision of the Federal Court and that he "came to confirm what I went to him presidency of the Council of Representatives and most of the political blocs of unconstitutional practices by the number of objectors House of Representatives and that any change in the state institutions must be the starting point of the legal and constitutional materials. "

The al - Jubouri, said : " this decision does not fall his legal right to resume the establishment of criminal proceedings against the cause of sabotaging public money and shading of justice or of posing as an official status is not law , "declaring" the uniform of the parliamentary session in 12 of the next month of July.
For their part , said the protestors of Representatives that they respect the court 's decision, although they were "unconvinced Bklh" stressing "they continue to dismiss Jubouri. "

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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