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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

KTFA Monday Night CC Notes 6-27-16:  Part 3 of 3

Part 3:

Frank26:  You know before I leave this BRIXIT stuff…..Ronald Reagan, my favorite President, my hero in the field of politics…..Ronald Reagan….made a very….very smart move….when Margaret Thatcher became the Prime Minister of England….Ronald Reagan was running for the Presidency of the US at that time…and he ran over to see Margaret and he shook her hand and congratulated her….

This was a man who was showing the American voters I can be your President….I’m over here….I should be home gaining your votes….but I’m over here….I’m gaining the trust of others….and my foreign policy will be very good for you….and I thought that was a very good move…and he of course ended up being President for two terms.
Whether it was by luck or coincidence….it was interesting to see Donald Trump at the Scotland Gold Course….not answering questions about the golf course that he owns there…..but about the UK vote….but the problem with Donald Trump is he didn’t know what to say…and his answers are so vague and so dry it was like eating cardboard instead of peanut butter….he lost a good opportunity…..Donald Trump….which tells me….you do not have the qualities to be a President…..and besides you know who will be there at the end….sorry Donald….and don’t act so surprised….it got you a lot of business didn’t it Donald…and that is what you truly are.
So Saturday going into Sunday….Abadi comes out and says……we started something on the 25th…..what did you start Abadi…..we started the schedule of the new revenues and wages….you know the new revenues and wages of the general companies of the Iraqi ports began today…in the work to schedule the new revenues after the work has been delayed by the beginning of this month….you see that is complicated isn’t it…what a weird translation….but basically Abadi is coming out and saying we got new money….the only new money I know is the loans….what are you doing to do with it….well we are going to start….we had a delay but we are going to go ahead and get this thing started at the beginning of this coming month and we are going to start it with the Iraqi ports.
Ok so new money….taxes and tariffs….and they are going to start paying their wages…wow….just out of curiosity was there anything else on that Saturday….yeah check this out…..”The New Tariffs Have Seen a Slight Increase In Some of the Vocabularies and they are Used to Facilitate Company Vessels for Iraqi Ports for Regulatory Measures”….but you know what Family we need all of them….they only played with you….here are a couple…and a couple more….so why won’t you just go ahead and do it…..

We need to raise the value of our currency first… we can apply it to the taxes and tariffs….yes this whole article is complicated in its translation…what it is saying….we got new tariffs and we are going to put them in at the Iraqi ports….but we need the regulatory measures and their vocabulary….in other words what is in the LOI….in order to go ahead and do this…..

Now that was Saturday….on the day….the 25th that we were looking for them to raise their taxes and tariffs…..instead they come out with this crippled excuse…well… are a few things…but we are not doing all of it yet….they didn’t say they did all of it….only part of it….we need all of it don’t we….you know that…that is what we study together….and by the way….the IMF said….look we got new managers for the Rafadain and Rasheed Banks….they are new now….well this is exactly what is in the LOI too.
Meanwhile, oil prices rebound after a sharp fall….well so will the UK.
You know I like to role play….with all these indicators….hey Iraq…what are you doing…..nothing….hey Iraq…by the way there is this little green button that says RV on it…and that is what Iraq is looking at….hey Iraq….what are you looking at….nothing….nothing….come on…you looking at that thing over there….where…what thing….that thing over there….what thing….look at what my finger is pointing at….what….I don’t see anything….hey whenever you want to raise the value that is fine with me.
Then on Sunday our FRIENDS got together and we had a very long meeting….all of us on the phone….and once again we want you to understand it is not that we need Mosul….it is that we want Mosul…and we want all those banks that were taken and blown up…..Mosul back in April actually became secondary….look…April, May, June…that is over two months ago….and they are just now telling it to you….

Now this is IMO….Mosul became secondary after the convoys rescued the money in the banks there….that is why we left it alone….they will tell you about when they are ready Family…that is why when they rescued those banks we were saying wow….that is why we told you the moment they tell you about Mosul and what they have done there….the reforms…..well they can’t be fast after Fallujah….because we need Mosul and you know why…..

We  talked about it earlier in this CC….serves two purposes….and the Peshmerga army has been paid since July by the US….and now the momentum will be continued by Abadi as he said we now have the new money to keep paying you guys….and we also see cohesiveness and we see unity from Bahrain to Egypt, even Syria….all of the ME is coming together against ISIS/DAASH….against one thing…and we talked about this months ago…this is going to unify the ME….one common foe….and what did I compare it to….if we were invaded by aliens from another planet….human beings would be human beings….there would be no color….no black, white, brown, yellow….we would all be human beings against one common foe….and that is what the ME needed….to be against the tradition of terrorism…..regardless if it is being put forth towards the infidels… is being put in their own homeland…..because these are tribes who don’t really care about each other…..if one tribe could knock out all the other tribes….hey no problem…but there is a new attitude…..I need you and you need me….in the ME.
So Fallujah and Mosul…..ok….and once you get them in a package together….Abadi will pick the speed in tell the citizens and you about the reforms that are coming
He even said….citizens….I will not be stopped….I’m bringing you the reforms…..all of them….I wish they had said all for the terrorists but they don’t….IMO if Parliament does not go forward with Abadi and what he is doing with the reforms….IMO….Abadi will disband Parliament…and he is within his powers to be able to do that with Uncle Sam right by his side….in fact I can show you the articles that prove exactly what I’m saying right now….he will dismantle the whole place….it is a possibility that he can do that….but listen….we don’t seek that….these are not the demands from us to junior….we do not seek that….we seek the increase of their currency in value to comply with the IMF….and IMO…..Parliament will fall in line with this…..and I don’t care how long it takes….the indicators are telling me that the pattern has been established to do so….to raise the value of their currency.
On the 26th the IMF met with Iraq….what….oh you didn’t know that….they did…..I thought you said they are meeting tomorrow….the IMF Executive Board is meeting with themselves tomorrow…..but I am here to tell you that yesterday on the 26th….on Sunday the IMF met with Iraq for….let’s just call it a standards meeting…..and I wanted you to know it….and you do know that tomorrow the Executive Board meets and we are going to find out a lot about that LOI….but I want you to know something about the LOI…..Iraq met the deadline of the LOI… fact they met it ahead of time….they also met the deadline for the taxes and tariffs…the only problem is we do not see the full vocabulary and we do not see ALL of the taxes and tariffs…..these two points are very important for you to consider in your calculations….they had until the 28th….they did it on the 25th…..they met on the 26th and now we are going to find out about these loans and the taxes and tariffs and everything….soon….but I’m sorry no loans… reforms….at no program rate.
Our goal as the IMF… to have them lift the value of their currency…..but we don’t know the wording….so let us see what happens in the meantime….look right now my FRIENDS and I are studying the supply and velocity….they are important….you see the supply of the Iraqi dinar in Iraq is the amount that is pegged to the USD….now the velocity is the supply of money or the dinars they have….but we don’t have those “M” figures….we also need to know the number of dinars left in the streets…but again those are the “M” figures we are not privy to…..we do have the information that they have 75% of the higher denominations that have been lifted from the streets….

But the only way we know that is because they flooded the streets with the USD in the last few years….these are just not the numbers and variables that we need….but we are studying these two categories that I just told you in case you watch for supply and velocity to help us get close to…but not that we need to…..because the information that is given every 24 hours is so loud….so indicative….but right now the only thing that is loud is… dollar is 1166……and we are not about to say to you….clear….that you can come in now….until we cook this very well…..we are cautious as we study and we want the terminology of the LOI….and what they are saying about the taxes and tariffs….and what are these selected items if we don’t have a complete lifting of the value yet….you see the LOI is not the lifting of the value….the LOI is the shaking of the hand….yes we did these things… can we have the loans….did you lift the value…..well ok…then we can have the loans……this LOI…this letter of intent….these phases they are going through they are not hiding it….it is right there….but we need more information about it.
What are these selected items….you see the IMF told Iraq they had to implement their taxes and tariffs in three stages…..I don’t remember the three stages….I do remember the first stage….it was luxury taxes….I think the second phase was construction…and the third stage was day to day living things…..I think….I can’t remember.
Regardless of the stages….they are telling us about the first stage….look we got these luxury items here….and we got them with the codes and everything….no…no…I want to know about all three stages.
Abadi tells the citizens….I’m not going to give up on the reforms….we are going to get these loans….we are going to get you the reforms.
So in conclusion as we start to wind this down…this BRIXIT thing….it has essentially put the USD in the number one spot…..listen to those words heavily….and what is the USD in Iraq….it is what the IQD is going to be pegged to…..therefore that is what the IQD wants to reach…..1 to 1 in Iraq….then the whole world market will take that 1 to 1….so this BRIXIT plan is good and it worked good for the USD…and it is also good for the IQD that is pegged to it…..what is reflected on the USD will also be reflected on the IQD….and I want you to take note….IMO….the USD right now….is only going up in value due to the BRIXIT……and the pressure is now on….because many currencies around the world want to increase in value…..this pressure is good for currencies to shape up….to have better reserves….and to have better partners.
Note:  Abadi does not talk about the lifting of the 000’s…..he talks about the reforms….but in doing so he just talked about the 000’s…..for without the lifting of the 000’s there is no reforms….through the loans….through the talking of the loans Abadi talks of the 000’s to be lifted…..all backed by the USD due to the pegging….and extremely important….because they will share our credit rating…..indeed.
We need the vocabulary….we need the vernacular….and they even told you in the article that came out about taxes and tariffs….they used our keywords didn’t they….they said vocabulary.
We need to know more….especially what Abadi is saying in that LOI….Abadi is a finance guy….he’s not a soldier…but he is becoming a good one….he knows how to work finances….he knows how to work this….he knows how to tell the citizens.
You know something….no matter what position we hold in life we always go back to our roots don’t we….Abadi is a finance guy….let’s keep watching this finance guy…..let’s not guess….let’s watch him….he’s leading his country….he’s leading his currency….he’s leading his people…...he’s leading me and you….past Mosul.
Mosul is not where it was….IMO…about a month ago…..Mosul has had a resurgence…..IMO….of DAASH terrorism…by coming back with individual little cells….the editing that leads to the clearing that leads to the mopping is in the editing stage right now for Mosul…..I won’t play games with you I will tell you flat out….I believe this…..Mosul is right now having a civilian uprising….it is bad….well it is bad for the enemy….and good for the army….that loved the American GI Joe….that now looks up to the Iraqi army.
The Defense Minister said that the battle of Fallujah was clean….it had a distinction that was very quick….it paved the way for the liberation of Mosul…..dear God….yes right Minister of Defense…..and by the way what I just read you was from today…and another thing from today…..the battle of Mosul….will be easier and faster….there it is….our word…speed of light….or close enough to it….than the battle of Fallujah….TA-DA.
Fallujah was about 5 weeks for them to tell you….but when they told you it was really fast like in one day… the end….and I think that Mosul will take about two weeks Family.
There is an article that came out that is telling you something that you really need to know….there are over 15,000 Mosul citizens who have reached across and joined the Iraqi army….they are called the Crowd Clan and they are joining the troops…..holy cow….the citizens would never do this….unless they really want to speed things up don’t they…..because Abadi says…hey….I’m not forgetting…..we got Fallujah and as soon as we get Mosul and it will be a lot faster and easier….I’m promising you citizens….I’m not forgetting…I got your backs….I got the reforms…..I’m not giving up on the reforms….we are going to get the loans….I have already sent the LOI….they are going to see it tomorrow….they will study it….we are going to get these loans citizens….that is huge…..getting new weapons….F-16’s….look up in the sky.
Meanwhile….while he is talking and doing this….the World Bank meets with Zebari….and they talk about Iraq’s financial conditions….why….I can make the meeting really quick….1166…..meeting adjourned…..unless you want to talk about changing 1166….you World Bank sneak in here and talk all you want to the Finance Minister Zebari all you want….because tomorrow they are going to talk and find out what they really are.
Abadi tells the citizens….I got your back….I will keep my promises….the reforms….they are yours….the financial ones…..also….yes Family that is what he says.
So Frank26… your notes go past the month of June… you mind if they do….don’t throw that kind of junk at me…..I will give you all kinds of love….I will give you everything…..but I despise ignorance…..because it is a lazy trait… notes do not go past June….but they sure will in a few days won’t they… you want them.....Lexi….I’m not picking on you….but  you are picking on me…..every time you post it is negative….you and a few others….stop looking for a date….you drive me nuts….so let’s keep studying together….I love you in the name of Jesus Christ…and I don’t think you want me to stop do you….and I don’t think Dr. Shabibi wants me to stop…’s not when they are going to do it that is important… is the fact that they are doing it….that is important….and that was a line from one of our members named the greentree…now that is a positive post and that is the way to look at this.
The BRIXIT is playing a role that is causing the ME to be leery….or better yet causing me and you to be leery….this exit took the biggest threat away from the America dollar….the USD is now strong…..therefore Iraq is strong….if we go somewhere the IQD goes with us…..because we are pegged and we are still MCP with them.
Only a slight increase huh……well tell me what happens next week after tomorrow then….you only had a slight increase in the cost of living huh…..not enough.
Family there are approximately 12,000 terrorists in Mosul still…..5,000 IMO are inside of Mosul and about 7,000 are in the outlying neighborhoods of Mosul….it is not a rosy picture….therefore I am now leaving Mosul alone….based on what I know I cannot and will not talk to you about it until they do…..the jury on Mosul becomes you….you decide what you want to believe….but…..give them a couple of weeks to clean up the mess and let the citizens help the soldiers.
They are marching towards the Economic Reform even as they do what they do in Mosul.
They have been pounding Mosul for weeks…..and now the citizens are ready to get into the fight.
Sometime this week or possibly next week….sometime after Ramadan….my FRIENDS and I will receive some information…that we will think about…that we will pray about….and if we receive this information this coming week we will have an extra conference call.
We will NOT have a conference call next Monday a week from today.
But if we receive what we are looking for….sometime Tuesday through next Sunday….we will have a conference call….I’m not going to call it an emergency conference call…..some jealous people do not like me calling it that….I will be with you this week on Wednesday for our Liquid BioCell Conference Call….and we might do it on that night if we receive the information before then…..I will not talk to you about this until we are confident about Mosul and the information we are looking for….so depending on when or if we get this data will determine when we have a call.
The next call is this Wednesday, Liquid Biocell CC….then the next call will be on July 5th and it will be our monthly Prayer conference call….I will also have to do a Bible Study…..we will see what we do.
Family by raising the USD….you know the shock….it is excellent for Iraq…..and the USD.
Listen carefully….it’s not the dinars at 1 to 1….or 3 or 4 or 5…..that is not what is going to give the citizens of Iraq the purchasing power…what is going to give them purchasing power is jobs…and by lifting the value the international world trusts Iraq and its currency and its government so they will come in and create work to give jobs to the citizens… markets will create economic reform and that is why they are inviting them in…..lifting of the value of their currency alone will not satisfy them….will not fix the economic conditions….

They need the global markets in cahoots with many things that are going to happen all at once….they will come into Iraq with the Investment Laws….and when a company comes into Iraq….you may not know this…..50 to 60% of the employees of that company in Iraq have to be Iraqis….every citizen will be working….the purchase power will explode internationally…they will be happy at 1 to 1…and these companies will come in through the Investment Laws and their licenses will be in order….they will have their foreign company license ready to go…..and the citizens of Iraq will come in and work….and the companies will bring in the currency from their countries which will be converted into dinars which will only make the dinar stronger….and the citizens will have their currency to be proud of….not a foreign currency….this is the goal of the IMF….

That is why they wanted to be international….now it is up to them if they want to raise the value… is not up to you….it is not up to the IMF… is up to them….if they want to raise the value….now I ask you court of law….do you think they are to raise the value or do you think they will thumb their noses at all this potential of internationalism…that wants to embrace them…..and skyrocket their currency outside of the country….which will only add more security and power to the citizens who want the purchasing power of their currency at 1 to 1 inside of their country…..
Abadi is doing this…and it is not because he has an ego…and it’s not because he wants the control like Maliki….it is because the whole world is waiting for these reforms….and why is the whole world waiting for Iraq’s reforms…..because that was the plan…whether you know it or not….whether you like it or not….the British pound had to suffer……and it will help England…especially with their exports….and it will  collapse the Euro because it should….and the IQD will peg to the second stage….which is the USD….and both economies will explode….under a new presidency…the USA is in Iraq forever….so pegging to the USD is the only future.
An article came out this week and it said…..that the second half of 2016 takes effect the agreement with the IMF on all conditions…and they said the IMF Executive Board will meet tomorrow….to finalize the payments and the conditions….that will eventually raise the value that will cause you…IQD to become international.
We’ve been red since December 2015….our FRIENDS…we call it condition red…so let’s see what happens…..and pay attention to the indicators….because they are very loud….because they won’t say….lifting of the 000’s….Wednesday I will bring to you 50 or 60 or 100 articles that all say lifting of the 000’s… order for them to get this loan.
The IMF is right now looking at the paper that was sent to them….studying the wording of the document…..DELTA is watching very closely at the CBI website…and WalkingStick…is WalkingStick.
That is our conference call,  I hope you enjoyed it.
Dismissed with a prayer.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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