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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

KTFA Monday Night CC Notes 6-27-16: Part 2 of 3

Part 2:
Frank26:  Doodlebug just said, yes it is the SBA….yes you don’t think I don’t know that….but the Family doesn’t realize that…..but we just opened the piñata for them didn’t we Doodlebug.
They are not telling you everything Family….they are just doing all of the agreements….they are doing all of the standards for the internationalism…..hey….you saw that word didn’t you….only one time in one article….internationalism.
So what happened on the 25th…..were there taxes and tariffs….no….but wait a minute Frank….there was an article that said they have taxes on this and that….but not all the things did they……no….that is true….well that is what we are looking for on the 25th and we didn’t see it….our FRIENDS….we looked… is what I am trying to say about that…..they didn’t put the taxes and tariffs on all the items….they only did it on part of them….only to certain things…..that is not what we want to see….

Well why did that happen….because they didn’t lift the value of their currency yet…..tomorrow we are going to learn more on whether or not they are going to apply those taxes and tariffs…and God willing under a new rate and not under a program rate….and that is why they didn’t do it yesterday…and what they told you today….it is just to keep you at bay…..they are using the cities….they will use the taxes and tariffs…..they were supposed to do it on the 5th….on the 25th….but they didn’t….and IMO that is good news…..I wouldn’t want them applied at 1166….the fact they weren’t done is HUGE….for me and my FRIENDS…and it should be for your too….it’s only logical.
So with this delay it simply means the IMF directors will meet some time tomorrow to see if they get those loans from the IMF.
I know that you saw the article today about the holidays but that actually happened on Saturday…..these people actually take about 250 days of vacation….there are 365 days in a year…and they take about 250 days of vacation….it gets pretty hot out there and they don’t like to work…and that is a fact by the way…..they have another holiday coming up…..oh yes Frank it is Eid….we saw it today….no….no….it is some cousin of Rasheed and they are going to take the day off on the 2nd I think….it is stupid….that really should have been in the LOI….stop taking so many vacations….wait that holiday may start today, Monday…..but it is not important….what is important is to see all the things we want in that LOI to come together by the end of June because at the end of June they were supposed to be international and they are….IMO.
So the month of July is important to them… lift the value of their currency… that is not a date…..ok….how many days are in this month….30….so you have the 28th, 29th, and 30th….how is that….I’m a student…that is it….a student…and it overlaps with our 4th of July….and it looks nice doesn’t it….because that is what Dr. Shabibi hinted at…..I mean stop and think about it….add their holiday….then add the Eid holiday.....this holiday I mean is now starting today….that takes them to Thursday, then Friday and Saturday they are closed anyway….then we are closed Monday 4th of July….and then they are closed up until the 11th they come back….that is a long weekend….a long time in which they could do something couldn’t they….but we are just guessing.
What is more important is like four weeks ago….we got this US Treasury guy that comes to Iraq… saw the articles and what did they say…..well once the battle in Fallujah is cleared we can start the Financial Reforms….and what did I say….that is another one who needs to shut up.
So when you read articles like the one that says they have $53 billion in foreign reserves… got to realize that is $53 billion USD… they are not telling you everything….they are just telling you parts of it.
Anyway, DELTA wants you to know that in May on the spreadsheet we see numbers….what you do is you take the foreign reserves, the $53 billion, and you divide that by the money supply….but the money supply is wrong…that is why I told you the M0, M1, M2, M3….they are wrong….but an approximation is good….so what we found….in May the rate was 0.96 and now this past week on Wednesday DELTA calls me and he says Frankie once again the numbers have changed on the spreadsheet….because they are putting up more numbers… it is 1.04. 
Now when you stop and think about it…..when Dr. Shabibi was removed by Maliki and Obama as far as I’m concerned… of the articles that I have is where Dr. Shabibi says we got to come out with about 1.17 or 1.13 for the next three years….when we see these numbers and based on what we have from the old articles….it’s an indicator….IMO….and the internet, I can’t believe they are not even studying this….but when we went in there….

Banks like Warka were offering up to like 22 or 23% return on the deposit….the bank was brand new, it is just a small bank and the only reason it is popular to you is that it is in the Green Zone and our American soldiers used it to deposit their money and send it home or whatever… Warka kind of grew a little…..but what we found out is they went from 6% to 4% is what they are charging now in the banks… we asked….is this in preparation for the Monetary Reform or the rate going up…..they didn’t answer that….there was no opinion….we were surprised…..what is wrong….we are communicating…..what is wrong…..instead the answer was…..look the reason why a bank lowers its interest rates is because a bank wants to make loans to citizens… we thought about this…

That is the relationship that needs to grow and become a stronger relationship…..and intimate relationship…..between the banks that are now coming back to security…..and that the citizens are now coming back to…this is a lot better than giving away Top Value stamps….a 4% interest rate and we want to help you start to rebuild the Economic Reforms…..well wait a minute….you also have a high interest rate with a program rate…..but you lower the rate when you increase the value of your currency…that is Economics 101….very basic.
You know another thing too…..we found out in this conversation….Iraq….the CBI has about 250 billion dinars in capital….now let’s just pretend they go up to  1 to 1… God that is impressive….that would be $250 billion USD…..Kuwait has 500 billion dinars as their capital…..I don’t know of any bank in the US that has that kind of capital backing it up it you gave 1 to 1….JPMorgan is only at about $180 billion USD capital…..this is an indicator…..what are you doing with this kind of money….and on top of it….with the potential for this kind of money.
I’m just curious is there anyone out there who wants a loan from the CBI….yeah….at that interest rate…..yeah….well how about at an international rate…..well 4% would qualify wouldn’t it….yeah it would….and on top of this we have the international standards to welcome the international world….in case you want any loans from us too….that is a good rate isn’t it….yes it is.
These steps are the steps that the IMF told us they were going to do Family….there is no date….there is no rate…..there is celebration….all honor and glory to God being thankful for what we see….that what we see is what the international community was promised by the IMF to bring Iraq into their theater….they are here….June is about to end….they are as international as the US is….as much as Iran is….as much as China is…..why….because they got businesses with them….deep businesses….Iran with their electricity…..China with their oil….the US with whatever… understand.
So Iraq you’ve been brought into the international world….we kept our promise….will you now lift the value of your currency…..well you know something….due to the investors issues….I don’t think they have much of a choice…..and due to the fact that we took junior by the ear and guided them every step of the way…..I don’t think they have any choice….in fact within my FRIENDS…..Basra is about to become the next Geneva….the Bible tells us we will bow to this part of the world….yes.
So they liberated Fallujah and now I say Give Me Mosul….and watch the Monetary Reform and all the other reforms  run into the month of July at a very….very quick pace.
In fact yesterday they tell you…..Abadi….check it out….this is my flag….boom….I plant it right here….right here in the heart of Fallujah….we got it back boys….we got it liberated….yes sir….got it.
And then about two to three hours later……he goes on Iraqia TV and tells the citizens…….Citizens I am not forgetting you…..I got you Fallujah….I promised you…..and the reforms….they are not forgotten….no I am not forgetting the reforms….the Economic reform or the financial sectors….with translation….the Financial reforms.
This is all in the articles which is chopped up and given to you in accordance with how much they want to tell you about these two cities….we are done with one….they are ready to tell you about the second one…..oh this doesn’t get any sweeter than this.
Look if we weren’t in the international theater….on the steps….I would be telling you Family we are screwed….the IMF says they were going to take them into the international world by the first half and they didn’t….we are screwed we still need them to take them international….so let’s see what the rest of this year brings….maybe next year they can raise the value….BUT WE ARE NOT SAYING THAT…..and the indicators are like the North and South Poles….they are pointing in the right direction…..they are INTERNATIONAL….so the next step is to raise the value of their currency… do they have to….no…..wait a minute…..what do you know….they don’t have to….they are a sovereign country now…..we are demanding it….now if they don’t we will just tear the place apart.
Abadi is on our side…..IMO….he will dismantle Parliament….we will go in with our forces and we will tear the place apart….and we build every building as we want… that what you want Iraq…..not according to your ego…..not according to your pride…..I am so depending on it…..because that is your pattern….you were pushed into this corner….you have to respond now don’t you… is the Middle East way….your turn.
The Western world right now has no idea what I just said…..oh you can so ok….yeah….cool….I can relate to that….makes sense….no you don’t.
The sun sets in the west….but they point to it.
Good for you liberated Fallujah…..Family Mosul is not liberated…..we are going to talk about it…..I hope you still have time with me.
Iraq keep moving and don’t let inflation catch up with you…..what phase are they at in Fallujah Family……well we got the editing, the cleaning, and the mopping up…..did they tell you about the mopping by the way….no….it is a very ugly thing to talk about… now we are in Mosul and what are we starting……the editing….wow….you think they will get the cleaning next.
IMO the citizens bellies are empty….and IMO….the US has had it’s belly full of all these delays…..I don’t care what you call it in the ME….it’s BS in the US…and we don’t waste time….and the citizens bellies are empty….but our bellies are full of your delays and we the US do not fail….it would be a stain on us and the only place we failed was in Vietnam and that will never happen again… fact we are good friends with Vietnam….this will not fail.
We are not waiting for them to enter the international world….we are here….and Obama watching…..I told you last Monday and I’m going to tell you again….he is sending Biden….he is sending envoys…..he is sending delegations….committees….to encourage them….to pat them on the back…what else do you need….for what….you are international…what else do you need….for what….to raise the value…what else do you need…..Obama has nothing….absolutely nothing in his eight years to show for… might say he has Obamacare…..the moment he is removed they will dismantle Obamacare…..

You may say well we have abortion now in America….good for you… might say that gays can marry now and we have a lot of homosexuality in America now….good for you… might say we have a whole lot of nations who have poured in, especially the Muslim nations….good for them…..but he has nothing to show historically….

So we express in more than a strong opinion….watch Obama as he does everything possible to point in the direction of the ME….not him…he cannot go…..interesting that those die-hards who still love Obama refuse to understand that too…..not allowed to leave the White House Family the only place he is allowed to go is the Asian theater… him pick up his speed because we got Fallujah…..and once they give you Mosul.
You know what I was thinking of doing….I was thinking of going to Wells Fargo when they finally raise the value….I’m going to WF with one million Monopoly dollars…..put it on the counter and say I want to exchange this for American dollars….and they will say hey you can’t do that….and I’ll say….that is a scam….bozos…..then I’ll walk out and go exchange somewhere else.
It will benefit you Iraq to raise the value of your currency… raise it…because you are now going to start paying in dinar….you guys are no longer wasting money….and you will not waste the money of these loans….that is so powerful….you will not waste this money….it will be for your reforms….and there is a new value in order for all that to occur….we want you Iraq to control everything….we want you to control everything the way we taught you….the way we do….HOORAHH.
So do we need Mosul……Mosul was actually used to kill time….in the same manner that Maliki is used right now for a reason….until that reason is fulfilled or he is no longer needed….then Maliki will be gone….so how long will we need Mosul…..I think about two more weeks….until we can get that LOI done, and talked about, and figured out, and ready to tell you….it could also happen tomorrow… could happen that quickly.
So they will tell you they are in Phase 1….then Phase 2, but they will never define Phase 3 to you….but they will eventually tell you that Mosul is ours…and as they are telling you about it….you will see all these meetings about the LOI with the IMF come forth….and once that comes forth…..the speed of the Economic Reform and the Financial Reform will be much faster….and all of this will be triggered….will be pivoted on what occurs tomorrow….but you won’t know tomorrow what they said… will be a couple of days after that….when they are done showing you this….then the IMF board will approve these loans….then a couple of months from now we can have Dr. Shabibi come and make that speech.
Our President Obama went on television and said…..well I’m shocked, I’m surprised…..I never expected the UK to vote itself out of the EU….really the President of the United States does not know what it’s Siamese twin is doing…what does that say about you Obama.
I like how everyone seemed to act in shock….oh my goodness….the UK has stepped out of the EU….what were you acting so shocked about….you didn’t follow the 3 Musketeers….you didn’t know this has been going on for the last four years in the planning…..Family….IMO….this is good…..this is supremely good….and IMO…..this will cause many countries around the world to move faster……move faster how….well some of them have to clean out their toilets… know…their central banks….like Iraq did….some have to increase the value….some have to decrease the value….some have to deal with anti-money laundering laws….the things that Iraq has done….the things that Iran is doing….the vote is going to cause a lot of currencies all around the world to sudden say…..hey we need to do the same thing….and if they do….they will either die….or they will survive…..and it is only the fittest that survive.
What are the consequences of this unpegging….well the UK all of a sudden finds its sovereignty within its currency…..its independence…..very interesting words…..its currency the pound will drop…..but it will find a lot of new girl friends…..better girl friends….prettier girl friends….and it will rebound….its a bloody nation for Pete’s sake….it’s not going to fold up…’s going through a midcourse correction…..a little hiccup with a purpose…..because the moment it happened the USD all of a sudden gained in power….oh my goodness… gained in value…..oh my goodness…..if I didn’t know any better this was planned….what is pegged to the USD….oh the IQD….well the USD is going up in value…..oh I guess the……well that is good timing…..IMO.
If the USD gets stronger….then the IQD will have to be higher than 1 to 1…..IMO….yeah…..because IMO the IQD will never unpeg from the USD….never…..Internationalism will not start at a $4 or $5 rate….it will start at 1 to 1….now I don’t know it may take a day….it may take a month… may take a year, or 2 years, or 3 years….I don’t know….and then reach their maturity….attrition and momentum of this currency pegged to our currency will carry it to its natural state…..Amen….Amen….Amen.
Meanwhile….Keywords…..excuse me I’m not the Keywords…..I know you are not….hey Allak…what is your opinion about raising the 000’s….you know getting the USD 1 to 1 with the IQD…..well I don’t think it is a very good idea….I’m against it…..yeah…whatever….shut up….now the whole point of that is….why in the world is a reporter asking Allak, the governor of the CBI, his opinion about lifting the 000’s……what you don’t care about Fosul…..(editor’s note:  I’m laughing so hard I’m crying as I type this now)…..why are you asking about raising the 000’s Mr. Reporter….because we know it is going to happen….and that is an indicator….a heavy indicator…..oh and by the way…..Allak’s English leaves Allak to be desired…..his English is horrible.
So the BRIXIT….so the UK decides to vote itself out of the EU….the UK Prime Minister Cameron turns around and says I quit…..I don’t blame you….this is a completely new generation….in fact the young generation in England will eventually blame you and the old generation….because they will say you stripped their future…..the young don’t know what you know….I wish you would stay….and I wish you had stayed to help your country….because they are handing it over to a bunch of young people who may make some bad mistakes…..

But I think what your country did was good…’ve been riding on a bus all this time and now you are going to ride in your own car…..good for you…..because it is only going to make you die….or survive…..I know the Euro is going to probably start heading down but who cares about that……I mean each country will develop its own way to survive…..I even told my wife when we saw it on the TV….that is just like one of the 50 states leaving the Union….and sure enough some of you are saying today that Texas wants to leave the Union too….they won’t….they always talk about it…..but they can’t….they would implode….they can talk all they want.
What the UK did though I think will be good for them….and good for all the other currencies around the world….the vote was 62% to 38%....that was rather significant and rather demanding….yeah….this is the way it is….this is what we want….they wanted their individualism….they don’t want to fight with those who are a part of the union….they want a relationship with other countries….a better relationship….a working relationship….

The UK wanted their sovereignty….they wanted to control their borders…they want to control their money….they want to control their decisions…..a change in their own house and not have to answer to other countries… you think it was a refugee issue…..we are getting too many Syrians in our borders….we have way too many Muslims here in the UK… are still going to get them….it probably was more that the pound needed to die and be resuscitated….you know….clear….apply the shock paddles….and little CPR here please….and that is what it is going through….

Oh yes it affected other markets but they should have known….they all knew this was going to happen….and for those who were saying they were caught off guard….oh we didn’t know…..shut up….it was to make the USD stronger…and make gold go up….because of what is going to happen very soon….IMO….in the ME…’s perfect timing…..I told you it is complicated….and England will be fine…they are going through that little resuscitation right now and they will be fine….and come back maybe even stronger….they will find new girl friends…prettier girl friends….they will find new partners… never wastes and opportunity….

England took back its country while the US took back its dollar….that is our best friend…..England….Siamese twins….Mother country…..oh I didn’t know it was going to happen…..really Obama….really….bozo.
So with the USD now going up….the IQD is now primed to lift the value….because they will soon be pegged to the USD….hey…..IQD….ride the wave….and by the way….this wave of opportunity that you do not throw away…this wave…..can only last so long…..this wave is your RV.
England voted out of the EU knowing it would hurt them financially….but it was worth it to improve their security….that is exactly what happened in Iraq…and that is why IMO….the dinar’s value will be raised….these are supreme analogies…..HOORAHH FRIENDS.
The pound is at its lowest since 1985….too many ignorant people call this chaos….it is a clue of what is to come…what is to come around the world….and we told you…didn’t we old-timers….when we are done…..yes some will be there….yes there will be life on Mars….but some currencies will go UP….some currencies will go DOWN….remember that old-timers.
Family if I may….if you want something to do….pay attention to what General Electric is doing in Iraq….pay attention to Caterpillar…..Ford, General Motors…..communications…these are companies who are in Iraq who are also in England who now have to make some decisions…..just something for you to consider….and I would study….change is good….evolution is good….I find it interesting that England comes out and they say….this is our independence day…..hmmm….I wonder what will happen on our 4th of July…..

I’m not saying a date… RV….I’m just saying…what will happen…..because from the 4th to the 11th they come back….they being the GOI…and from the 11th forward….all of the reforms will be at that speed we have been waiting for…..although it sure was pretty fast yesterday….Abadi announces his flag being planted in Fallujah and then he goes straight to the citizens I’m not forgetting the reforms….it was faster than we thought….but hey….Fallujah was set up to be released on that day and that same day the citizens were to be told about the reforms….time that is framed…..there is a lot of time that is framed….with titles.
Anyways as for the world markets or 401’s if they are experiencing any issues it is merely a smack in the side of the head….wake up….you too USD…wake up….so don’t be trusting on just one thing ever again…and stop this credit stuff….wipe the slate….some go up…some go down….let’s move forward.
I like how Allen Greenspan says….this is the worst I’ve ever seen….really….really Allen Greenspan….when was the last time you were in the Green Zone….there is a green light there…..I really didn’t appreciate that statement….people depend on your word…..why would you cause panic… are an elite economist….you know darn well what is going on….a phoenix is rising….from the world….a certain part of the world….that will be pegged to the USD.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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