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Thursday, June 30, 2016

Dinar Updates Thursday AM Chat 6-30-16   Part 2 of 2

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Dinar Updates Thursday AM Chat 6-30-16   Part 2 of 2
popeye7 says to _firefly_():Good morning firefly... More great news on the financial front... Thus showing more, and more that Iraq is making the right moves on the economic front... As we await the MOVE we all are waiting for... Thanks for news... (y) Progress...
_firefly_ says to popeye7():And ..... what they are showing us now is from days to weeks old as in past tense !
loop says():Looks like the heads of the MPs that have missed too many sessions are starting to roll.
Soonergirlie says():awesome loop! Glad to see this happening. (y)

Soonergirlie says to _firefly_():Thank you (F)
_firefly_ says to Soonergirlie():VW :)
popeye7 says to _firefly_():As the aforementioned article indicated you brought in about the meetings with the CBI... Oh yeah, we are the last to know... Days sometimes weeks later...

_firefly_ says to Soonergirlie():So what have they finished that we haven't seen yet in print
loop says():Integrity: the assignment in 1891, accusing them of corruption and six ministers
Writings Thursday , June 30, 2016 Public Integrity Commission announced the receipt of a communication 13226 during the first half of this year , of which 7888 was completed by 54%. She said the number of accused Referred to eliminate reached in 1891 , including six ministers.
Hassan said Yassiri chairman, told a news conference on the semi - annual report of the Commission: "The size of the communications and Alakhbarat and consider issues during the first half of this year , a very large global comparison, and the completion rate is a big so in six months , "he said , adding:" the number of suspects transferred to eliminate 1891 of whom six were ministers. "
He said , " of these , 99 of those with special grades, and the number of verdicts reached 900 sentenced them 454 a guilty verdict, in which 561 were convicted accusing them four ministers and their grade. "
and:" The number of ministers and their grade issued against them court orders, 12 ministers, mostly from the former and sentenced to 18 an arrest warrant, and 51 of those with special grades and general managers and sentenced to 104 orders arrest warrant. "
He Yasiri: "The Commission was able to recover more than 135 billion dinars, by exposing 49 billion and 562 million 439 thousand dinars , and bring it back to the Treasury, and to stop and prevent the waste of funds amounted to 47 billion and 56 million and 618 thousand dinars, and bring 16 billion and 550 million and 469 thousand dinars to the state treasury, and the recovery of 23 billion and 973 million and 870 thousand dinars a judicial ruling. "
and the extent officials in response to the detection of their financial interests, pointed out that" the response to the president 100 percent during the first week of the first month of the year, in addition to the heads of the Cabinet and parliament, as was the minister 's response by 83% and heads of independent bodies and who are the rank of minister 88% and members of the House of Representatives 18%. "
He said:" The number of cases referred to eliminate during the first half of this year reached 9041 issue resolved , including 34 cases of 14% was converted 1536 of them to the court of inquiry by 17%, reaching referred to other courts in 1051 by the completion of 12%, and the single judicial decision 225 2% and the cases under investigation 5004 by 55%. "
He revealed al for the lack of cooperation of countries in the world with Iraq in the most wanted financial issues file or operations to recover the money smuggled out of the country.

_firefly_ says():General Manager's speech: Global realignment and policy rebalancing
Speech and presentation of the key messages of the BIS Annual Report delivered by Mr Jaime Caruana, General Manager of the BIS, on the occasion of the Bank's Annual General Meeting, Basel, 26 June 2016.
_firefly_ says():Global realignment and policy rebalancing!
_firefly_ says():Drawing on the Annual Report, the speech discusses the realignment taking place in the global economy and the required rebalancing of policies. The large exchange rate and commodity price movements that had played out even before the recent market disturbances can only be fully understood by considering long-term trends in the global economy.
Rising debt, lower productivity growth and diminishing room for policy manoeuvre have contributed to a build-up of vulnerabilities that give rise to three threats: macroeconomic instability; the adverse effects of persistently low interest rates; and a loss of confidence in policymaking.
Countering these threats requires that prudential, fiscal and structural policies take on a more prominent role. More realism and clarity about what central banks can and cannot achieve would facilitate the rebalancing. Recent shocks make this task more complex, but also more necessary.
_firefly_ says():the speech discusses the realignment taking place in the global economy and the required rebalancing of policies.
da58 says to loop():The issuance of arrest warrants against 12 ministers, including ministers in the current government orders
Date: 30/06/2016 12:06 | Visits: 382  Hassan al-Yassiri integrity  Information / Baghdad .. The chairman of the Integrity Commission Hassan al-Yassiri, Thursday, for the issuance of an arrest warrant against 12 ministers, including orders ministers in the current government, while pointing out judicial orders for the arrest of six people with special grades.
Yasiri said in the semi-annual conference of the body and I followed the agency / information /, said that "the number of decisions issued during the first half of the current year amounted to 900 rule, including the provisions of the convicted four ministers or their grade and 20 with special grades and general managers and their grade."
Yassiri added that "the number of ministers and their grade who were sentenced arrest warrants amounted to 12 ministers of whom are still in the current ministerial cabin," pointing to "the issuance of 432 a court order to arrest them issued against six of those with special grades and general managers and their grade."
The Integrity has revealed, today announced the referral in 1891, accusing them of six ministers to the Iraqi judiciary during the first half of this year, as pointed out the resolution of some 8,000 communications during the period Matha.anthy / 25 p.
loop says to da58():Looks like the axes are starting to fall. This is really good news.
da58 says to loop():sure does..
loop says to da58():We are getting closer to this blessing everyday.
_firefly_ says():Let me ask you folks a question before I shut down. How is it that both Gold and the USD went up in value the day of the BREXIT?
magnetlady says():not sure firefly
diagyAAAE says to popeye7()::D
puffdragon says to _firefly_():Thats not normal , nont knoe FF
_firefly_ says():Gold is Nueteral
puffdragon says to _firefly_():dont knoe
foxrun says():Gold always goes up in time of uncertainity...the USD is a reserve that atttracted money from flight from pound
_firefly_ says():as currencys rise the price of gold SHOULD drop
da58 says():usd shouldn't have.
da58 says():they should be oppostie
_firefly_ says():and vice-versa
da58 says():right
magnetlady says():So . . .
_firefly_ says():ok (})
da58 says():it's FIXED
magnetlady says():manipulation
foxrun says():IMF had already forecast the $ rise
Woodywoodpecker says():just like Hillary's poll figures are fixed
foxrun says():But then this is a rules
puffdragon says to _firefly_():Money leaving eu and brit going to dollar ?
foxrun says():Yep
puffdragon says():we have had 8 plus years of the manipulation of the US markets, along with the fed artificialy proping things up ! Gota crash sometime !
da58 says to subgirl():geeze - is there any bad news?? nuttin! lol - 'global rebalancing' outta the BIS.. big.. added to the iraq news, things are just sensational lately
subgirl says to da58():yes they are !!!! :) WOW! no frowning here :)
da58 says to subgirl():sorry - the word was 'realignment' - .. all pretty powerful
popeye7 says to da58():I know right... We have every reason to be optimistic about this investment... Thanks for the news again.. (y)
da58 says to popeye7():I generally stay pretty grounded... (omg - that's such a lie! (lol) - but - I JUST CANT now..
_firefly_ says():OPEC basket rises to $ 45.82 a barrel
da58 says to _firefly_():been watching it return the last couple days.. nice to see..
popeye7 says to da58()::D Nothing wrong with getting excited... I have been excited for 5 years... Since investing in this venture... Met some fine people along the way, and realized that the longer that this has gone, the more opportunity others were granted to invest as well... It is all good.. (y)
clay says to popeye7():(y)
puffdragon says to _firefly_():I read an article the other day some expert was saying oil to go down to to 20 to30 dollars a brl soon ! Still to much surpluss out there !
puffdragon says to _firefly_():Wonder if anybody realy knows ?
_firefly_ says():Time magazine: the battle of Fallujah has seen the first strategic agreement between Iran and America
puffdragon says to _firefly_():Another area of manipulation, should be a supply and demand factor ({) 
popeye7 says to puffdragon():So many conflicting reports out there... We just have to wait it out, and see...
_firefly_ says():It's only conflicting if you're looking in the wrong place
_firefly_ says():or places
loop says to _firefly_():Great point
Woodywoodpecker says():I was in Galveston last week and counted 32 big tankers out in the gulf waiting to be unloaded. they were there Monday and didn t move the whole week
Woodywoodpecker says():oil tankers
popeye7 says to _firefly_():Problem is many do not look in the right places...
puffdragon says():Seems with the advanced technoligy of today we have found and are able to extract more than before, more oil than we have removed to date !
popeye7 says to _firefly_():Like myself... I have seen oil analysts say it is going up to 80 dollars a barrel, and some indicate it is going down... ({) Remember they had said oil was going to fall into the teens a while back...
_firefly_ says():Time magazine: the battle of Fallujah has seen the first strategic agreement between Iran and America ^
SRW says():Is this the beginning of the Bombshell you were referring to last night Mr. BGG? With all the news we are receiving from Iraq today.
da58 says():so... fast forward, post rv... ya run into some old friends.. askin how ya been, what you been up to.. where ya been the last 6 the heck, you ever gonna explain how you've been living in a virtual world and they'd never understand... 'oh really? a dating site ya mean? ' uh..... not exactly bud.. you wouldda had to have been there.... sheesh!
da58 says():only dinarians are going to understand us!
_firefly_ says():Even post RV most are going to be asking for a date and rate :D
popeye7 says to da58():I gave up on sharing this with others... :D Certainly has been interesting at times...

j10000 says to da58():8-)(lol)
popeye7 says to da58():A lesson in a great many things... Patience being one of the biggies.. (:o)
subgirl says to da58()::D(lol) Ihear ya lol that is funny about how to explain where ya been for the last 4 years lol
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