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Thursday, June 30, 2016

KTFA Wednesday Night CC "Dessert" Notes with Frank26 6-29-16


Aggiedad77: Family....your Dessert notes from last night's Conference Call...enjoy
.Aloha   Randy

*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***

 CC Notes for Wednesday June 29, 2016

 Frank26:  So where were we when we were last together Family…..well we really don’t need to go back and review do we….but what we will do is that we are going to tell you that there is a Letter of Intent….that more than likely no one is ever going to see… don’t really get to see these letters do you….

But what you do get to see are the guts of the LOI….and this past week wouldn’t you agree with me that almost every article had some mention of some aspect of the agreements they had between the IMF and Iraq…..I would say yes and I would hope you would say yes too
So this agreement…..we keep seeing shadows cast all over the place….and you do to because you are a student…..C$hessman is saying….yeah… is a loan sir almost a line by line item detail….what a beautiful way to put it….so yeah….we are seeing fragments….little pieces….you know the old comparison….like a jigsaw puzzle….here’s a piece….where does it go…..I don’t know….it looks like this color over here… it doesn’t fit there….and that is our confusion by the way….they don’t tell you anything….but they aren’t hiding anything either….

It is for you to be a student and determine what they release… that a piece….no we don’t need that piece….wait a minute….no that piece matches right here perfectly….and what we are seeing….IMO….are a bunch of little jigsaw pieces of the LOI that are being released to you…..because you are curious and you want to know….and the media knows it….and everyone who is a student of the IQD is very well aware of what is going on.
I loved it when Kuwait says to Iraq….hey you said you are ready to pay us for the war…..yeah…..don’t pay us right now….there are many indicators we said on Monday didn’t we….many indicators…..what we told you on Monday there it is the following day…..I even stopped….I was posting…..there it is that was on your CC notes, yep there it is….I just stopped because almost everything that was coming out we had told you the night before.
These little pieces of the Letter of Intent between Iraq and the IMF are important to me and my TEAMS…..because we trying our very best to piece all of these pieces together to make one explanation of what the LOI says.
One important factor… that every day Abadi is telling the citizens he is bringing them their reforms…..starting on Monday when he planted the flag in Fallujah….a few hours later he went out and he told them….I’m not forgetting you….all of the reforms…and the Financial Reforms.
Then on Tuesday what did DELTA do….he gave you a report….an update….from the CBI website….reassuring the citizens once again….hey I got you….I haven’t forgotten you….we are getting these reforms….we are getting the loans….we are going to start paying people….now can they do this at 1166….yes they can….that part you need to know….just because you like salt on your food doesn’t mean… better pay attention to the pepper too.
I want them to lift the value…..and I think that they will….IMO…..especially with us escorting junior as far as we have so far…..and it wasn’t because we had nothing to do… keep saying we Frank….who is we….you know….you are students.
The indicators are out there Family….left and right….and it is happening as we told you….right after Fallujah….we said Give me Mosul….Family they are giving you Mosul in little pieces….and by doing so….every time you read an article about Mosul….read deeper….not only in that article but deeper that day….don’t just stop at one source.
Let me give you an example of what I am trying to teach….”The Iraqi Government Officially Announced the Launch Editing of Mosul Operations and its Cleaning on the Participation of the Popular Crowd”….you see here you have the combination of four different things in one article…..

You have the Iraqi government who is actually busy passing laws….amending laws and following the LOI with Dr. Shabibi and Abadi….but yet we are being told the Iraqi government officially telling us of the launching of the editing….wait…why doesn’t the army tell us….why doesn’t the Commander in Chief tell us….we are being told about the Iraq government officially doing something….what….about Mosul….the cleaning of it….in participation with the Popular Crowd….four different subjects…the government…the city….the military….and now those that are helping the military.
What did we tell you on Monday….watch…..15,000 citizens…..and they call them the Popular Crowd….they are actually calling them a lot of names….but this is huge.
Give me Mosul….well we don’t want you to know what is actually going on….just yet….but the next thing you know….you are being told what is going on aren’t you…..there is more to this by the way…..Abadi says we will have a military formation an important role in the liberation of Mosul….now I said that was four subjects….make it six… when you read an article that is talking to you about Mosul….get close to it….or dig deeper that day to find in reference of it.
Here you have the Iraqi government telling you that we are officially launching the cleaning of Mosul….well that is the second stage….first there is the editing….oh….we also want you to know we got the citizens….they call them the Popular Crowd….and according to Abadi they are to have military formation….in other words….the military of Abadi…the commanding General of the Iraqi army is escorting 15,000 citizens of Mosul who are doing something….what are they doing….well it is an important role in the liberation of Mosul itself….and we can tell you about it now…..because if you think that 15,000 people all of a sudden got together in a day or two….sorry Family.
Abadi is looking really good with the citizens….and this is so important….for me and you….this is really extremely important for Abadi to come out looking like a hero to the world….and he is looking good….you see us….in the sense of the USA….we want a Ronald Reagan….you know what I mean….we want a Bush….we want somebody with a good set of idea…..we do not want any weakness….and this man is one of the most stubborn people I have studied….I love his stubbornness….and his stubbornness is bringing forth what he promised to the citizens….

And every now and then you get a little glimpse from DELTA that he is talking to the citizens in the same manner that he is not telling you about the 15,000 citizens….what you think they talked to them and boom… they talked to them for a long time….and prepared them….in military formations for their important role….that is what the article says… understand what that important role is….to take over their city… take over their banks….to take over their reforms…and the money is coming because they agreed on the LOI….that was studied yesterday….and will be shown to those that need to see it…..

You will never see the LOI….but you will see fragments of it….and one day you are going to wake up in the still of the night  and you will see a rate change for the IQD….and everything else will continue to wait and bow to Iraq’s decision about raising the value of their currency…and until that day happens there is not a whole lot we can do…..except to continue to threaten them, encourage them, push them….or drive them into the international theater where you cannot survive with a program rate…..

You can leave it at a program rate….but it would backfire big time….and the only way Abadi can keep the promise to his citizens… to give them jobs…..ahhh what….he’s not going to raise the value Frank…..he can raise the value 1 to 1 and they would blow their money in a few weeks…..and they would go back to the multi-currency policy….but that is not the ultimate goal is it.
So the citizens of Iraq…..only 15,000… they tell you….so the citizens of Iraq….IMO…are now working in the direction that we want….for all their reforms….and the Financial Reform is one of them….take care of those banks… got it….tell us who is doing it….you got it…..turn that person in….we can do that…..arrest these people….give us the authority…give us weapons….give us intel….but most of all give us the banks….because if you give us the citizens the banks we will gain confidence….the way the international world is gaining confidence in Abadi….

You keep talking to us Abadi….keep talking….keep telling us….and we will keep getting closer and closer….inch by inch….not all at once now… know how it is here in the ME….but we are close aren’t we…..I’ll tell you what….we will cooperate….we will pitch in….we will do anything and everything you want us to do.
Today you see the articles where something to that degree is occurring isn’t it…..the citizens need a reason to belong….all human beings do….all human beings want to be a part of something….no one wants to be banned from KTFA… one wants to be left out…in Iraq….Family it is the jobs….and it is the jobs the citizens are looking for…..and if you don’t get me jobs….the lifting of the value isn’t going to do any good…..I need for you to give me what I need in order to keep the RV going Abadi.
So Abadi tells the people….IMO….he will eventually tell you….IMO….look the international world still does not know what is going on….we have so many companies that are coming in right now…..we have so many agencies that are giving us the equipment we need right now… deal with the international world….not just in the bank world but in construction and many other different fields……..I even have a guy in the government that is going to say that all my ministers….all my technocrats that I told you about….he’s saying….no it was all rejected….don’t even pay attention to that….it is brilliant tactics by Abadi Family…..brilliant….give the citizens more purchasing power through the reforms and a sense of contributing to the development of Iraq…..along with their new hero….Abadi.
Now….IMO….this was something junior was given to do….and junior did very well with it and is doing very well with it…and that is why I said that Mosul will be given to you a little bit at a time….it might be that tomorrow they give you all of Mosul… might be that they give you everything tomorrow or the next day….and that is why we might have an extra conference call this week.
They have information that is making the citizens comfortable to join in not only with the removal of ISIS….but to also join in with the reforms…..they know about the digital platform that I believe is going to be launched in the first week of September…..they know about these things…and you wonder to yourself….what do they care about that…..well they know many emerging countries from around the world are being affected by what is going on right now….there are many of these digital platforms that are reaching out to these countries right now….China….Vietnam….Indonesia and many other countries and the citizens know this….

The citizens know there is an agreement with Abadi to open the financial accounts… that is huge….and they know…this so called new money…they know it is going to go to the provinces…they know that the loan money is going to the provinces…..they know that the CBI and their government is going to abuse this money….they are being told little details….down to the HCL…..they know about the HCL….they know about Mosul and Kurdistan….IMO…..they know Abadi is talking with Joubari….and the citizens they want to help…..they don’t want to be a problem….they don’t want to be a delay….

Do you remember….go back in your notes….what did I say was the biggest delay to all of this…..the citizens…..I’m the only guru that ever said that….everybody else said oh it’s Obama that is creating a delay….oh it is this or that….or it’s Maliki….but I looked you right in the eye and said….the reason we don’t have it is because of the citizens….they are mad….they are not cooperating….they won’t go into the banks….they won’t stop using all of these currencies…..they won’t help the military….but it is a different story now.
Many committees are now meeting left and right with each other…and they know what the CBI is doing….they know about the amendments that are going on too in their country with many of their laws.
Look at this….we expect this agreement….what agreement… know what agreement….and that is why it is given to you in little pieces….and by the way…..remember that I told you on Monday…..Abadi does not say….I’m lifting the 000’s… he doesn’t talk that way….he talks about…..we have an agreement…..yeah to lift the 000’s don’t you….and what about it……well we expect that this agreement is going to bring fruition….by improving the quality and the equity in the educational system….and also in the European Union…..

What…..well it is an important impact on the government of Iraq…..didn’t we say that on Monday….many currencies would be affected in a positive way….what else Abadi….well especially after the signing of the partnership agreement and the cooperation that we had back in 2012….yeah…..back in 2012 when Dr. Shabibi wanted to lift the value of their currency….yeah…what about it….well which aims to strengthen the relationship between the two sides and achieve the integration of Iraq into the global economy.
I’m sorry….what more do we want….there are many things they are doing and this is one of them…..and they are all being successful….so yeah the citizens are happy….so yeah the investors are happy…..and yeah you are starting to get happy aren’t you…’ve never been this happy before with this investment… know that too don’t you…’ve never seen these huge, gigantic, Paul Bunyan steps.
The ME countries….all against the same common foe….the militia obeying……and the Peshmerga and Iraqi armies obeying Abadi….the international world knows there is a keyword….and that keyword is…..agreement….IMO….every time you see agreement Family….anywhere….I want you to realize that IMO….they are talking to you about the LOI and they are trying to define little pieces of it for you….so that you can catch up with them…..hey…what we agreed upon…..we have done it…..

The IMF and Iraq is constantly meeting on these agreements Family….constantly…..and for one person from the Iraqi courts to come out…..Iraqi courts for crying out loud….what business is it of yours….you are a judge….you can be bought a dime a dozen…..and what was your opinion…..oh well ah…Abadi’s cabinet….he’s not going to reshuffle it….up yours…..who are you with….I’ll bet we aren’t going to hear from you again….seriously…..everybody is going in one direction and all of a sudden one numbskull….how much did Maliki give you….you know very well that is what happened.
Family the 000’s will be deleted from the exchange rate in the same manner that the 000’s have been deleted from the streets…..because they told you 75% of it had been collected….that was a long time ago….can you imagine where they are at now…..that is why there are holes in the things they are doing and telling us….that we are seeing.
 I love you and I have a present for you….Admins go ahead and put them up….now here is what I have….IMO….if I had the Letter of Intent….I wouldn’t give it to you…but I want to….on our forum at post 28 that has just been put up….I asked some of our TEAM members to go back….at least two years…maybe up to around 2014…..and I asked them to do me a favor…..I asked them to find me….every article that we have in our archives that defines the steps of lifting the 000’s of the Iraqi dinar….not only within the streets but within the exchange rate…and the plan that it was to take this….I want every member of Parliament’s opinion….I want Keywords….all of them on the situation of the country itself of Iraq about lifting the 000’s….pro or against…..

Now when you look at this and they are three documents….you have to download them into your computer….this is only for KTFA Family….no one else can do this….you can’t copy and steal this can you….because this took a lot of work…and IMO listen…..this is the LOI….you have three documents….they are all long…..they are all filled….unfortunately I apologize….we were not able to put them in sequential order as far as the dates… I would like for you to do that for yourselves…2014….2015….2016….Frank read the titles to several of these articles within these documents….all of this comprises the LOI….IMO….

And when you think very seriously about what we are telling you here….this present if for you for a reason….this gift if to you….it took a lot of work to put it together…..I want you to first put it in chronological order…then second I want you to pray about it….because the meat of these three documents that we just gave you….are our studies….and this is the way you should study….by compiling these all together in these three documents we are sharing with you some that is rather private and personal with us…..and if you pay close attention to these three documents….you may get emotional…..because you don’t have these documents stored up like this….

And for you to hear Monday’s call and this one and then read all the articles and understand what they are doing with Fallujah and Mosul now a little better…..and then you look back at these three documents….you can’t help but look at these documents and look at today…then go back to the documents…..back and forth….and you are going to smile….they are not hiding anything……they just aren’t telling you….but we thought we would tell you…..these three documents….IMO….are the LOI….

And they have given you ever indication they have agreed upon the LOI and are activating it and Abadi said he will take care of the citizens with the reforms….which is within the LOI.
Dismissed with a prayer.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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