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Monday, June 27, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  6-27-16  Part 3 of 3

Post From BondLadys Corner
BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  6-27-16  Part 3 of 3
tlm724     diff source
Approval to open financial accounts to the provinces in the process of transfer of powers from the ministries

27/06/2016 11:03   The governor of Dhi Qar Yahia Nasseri on Monday unveiled an agreement with Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi to open a special financial accounts governorates in order to complete the process of transfer of powers from the federal ministries to local governments.
He said the Nazarene in a press statement, said that "the most prominent points of interest that have been processed in the regular meeting of the Supreme Commission for coordination between the provinces which was held recently in Najaf is approved to open financial accounts to the provinces irregular province pertaining to operational and investment Almoisntin to the provinces ,
 "he said , adding that the participants the meeting voted unanimously for the resolution, pointing out that the Council of Ministers will hereby invite the Ministry of Finance to work its content.
he said the governor of Dhi Qar to the importance of open financial accounts in the completion of the transfer of financial and administrative powers of the federal ministries to local governments, according to the law of governorates not organized in a region number action (21) of 2008, as amended.
the governor of Dhi Qar , had participated in the meeting 's League of the Supreme Commission for coordination between the provinces , which was held in Najaf on (Wednesday 22 Huzeizan 2016) and chaired by the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi.
the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi confirmed, earlier, to move forward with the support decentralized management to assist in the advancement of provincial powers of a broader, indicating the relationship between the federal government and other Kurdistan region and the provinces defined by the Constitution, and each of these parties a clear mandate and specific.
it is noteworthy that Article 45 of the second amendment to the law of governorates not organized in a region Law No. (21) of 2008 voted by parliament in its held in the (23 June 2013), states that "a commission named ( the supreme body for coordination between the provinces) headed by the Prime Minister, and the membership of ministers ( of municipalities and public Works, and construction and housing, labor and social affairs, education, health, planning, agriculture , financial, sports and youth)
 and Minister of State for provincial Affairs, governors and heads of provincial councils holds the "transfer of sub - circuits and devices, jobs and services and specialties practiced by those ministries with allocated public budget and staff and personnel allocations to the provinces within the scope of its functions set out in the Constitution and relevant laws gradually and within timeframe not to exceed two years and remains the role of ministries in planning policy.

Herat demanding disclosure of political collaborators with Daash
27/06/2016 11:25 | Direction Press Special / Deputy Prime clan elders Almtsidih Council of terrorism Mohammed Herat that the entry of Takfiri Daash gangs in Anbar province did not come from a vacuum, but was the product of military juntas and the remnants of the defunct Baath party and the remnants of the former Iraqi army, who were headed by Sunni politicians under the guidance of Arab and foreign countries.
He said Herat told the "direction" that they were the reason Asagatt Anbar province, however Daash Takfiri gangs because they belong to these gangs, which is the military wing of them, where were these works to transform Anbar province in order to Bmekdradtha control, vowing who was the reason the fall of the conservative punishment.
He added that the duty of the federal government, particularly Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi not be allowed to derail those arrested and found to be members of the terrorist Daash who have committed murders and violations of the right of Anbar sons, called on the government to disclose the names of political Doaash those who admitted Daash to Iraq and still Aterpon in office for the comeuppance of them as partners in the shedding of Iraqi blood.
It is noteworthy that the leadership of the popular crowd announced edit the entire city of Fallujah and the flight of the pockets Daash terrorist gangs of the city's neighborhoods.
He said in a statement informing the crowd "direction Press" obtained a copy of it, that "the leadership of the crowd officially wed the news editor of Fallujah City, and thanks the federal police and anti-terrorism, military, aviation Iraq and all those who contributed to and supported in the liberation of Fallujah."

 [tlm724] indeed they have to reveal who was behind this ! "Daash gangs in Anbar province did not come from a vacuum, but was the product of military juntas and the remnants of the defunct Baath party and the remnants of the former Iraqi army"
[tlm724] hang on just a sec I saw something earlier about this
Hakim: Daash gangs lost the political cover and the plot thwarted
BAGHDAD - A Journal   The head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq Ammar al-Hakim, said on Sunday that "the political objectives that formed on the basis of which Daash aborted and Daash became devoid of political cover, adding that" Daash paper scorched and goals and aborted the plot. "
The head of the Supreme Council Ammar al-Hakim during Ramadan evening hosted by the office and I followed (Il Giornale), he said, "Today, in a feat Satrz history chapters letters of light, and Stzla generations with reverence and admiration, I tear brave heroes of our armed forces from the army and police forces, retaining them, the crowd Popular and fighters of the clan,
a victory significant has been done in one of the greatest epics of Iraqis, when they wrested Fallujah dear, from the eyes of Aldoaash bad guys, and unwind by the families who long for nearly three years, restrictions, and to return to the embrace of home, with all the solemnity and reverence for an honorable after scan heroes for her gorgeous, all commented from the ashes of bad. "
He added, "As we are also proud of this great achievement, extend our congratulations and gratitude to all those who contributed to this great victory, the leaders and officers and soldiers and fighters from different Alsnov and labels, led by the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, and kissed her sincere thanks and gratitude to the supreme religious authority of Imam long live Sistani blooming, the sponsorship of generous parental whole for the Iraqis. "
And char-Hakim that "the political objectives that formed on the basis of which Daash aborted and Daash became devoid of political cover, adding that" Daash paper scorched and goals and aborted the plot. "
Separately, expressed his delight at high rates of success, saying, "Follow us with joy and pride today the results of the study, junior high and before middle school branches all pleased at rates high success in the first round and move our students dear to undergraduate, wishing for the rest of success in the second round," LINK
[tlm724] Daash gangs lost the political cover and the plot thwarted
[tlm724] nanners
[cat] uh huh
[tlm724] Hakim that "the political objectives that formed on the basis of which Daash aborted and Daash became devoid of political cover, adding that" Daash paper scorched and goals and aborted the plot. "
tlm724    Arrested on sedition elders of collaborating with the terrorist Daash466 Show Last update: Monday , June 27, 2016 - 13:18 Arrested on sedition elders of collaborating with the terrorist Daash
Security forces managed to arrest the elders of sedition, who issued fatwas inciting the killing of the army and police and all those who do not pay allegiance to "non-Islamic state," regardless of sect, and perhaps most notably the slaughter of martyr soldier Samir Murad, while escaping with displaced families from Fallujah.
The channel will broadcast the Iraqi News confessions of these criminals through the end Daash program.
Panic dominate «Doaash» Mosul
   Panic dominate «Doaash» Mosul...((again, plz pray for the poor people of mosul whos trapped and has death looming over them ev second daash is in control :((
6/26/2016 0:00    Arbil Sondos Abdul Wahab  revealed sources from within the city of Mosul, said the fear and panic Ajtahan and dominate the elements «Daash» after taking such a heavy toll in lives and equipment in the battles of liberation city of Mosul and Fallujah.
 A native of the Arab neighborhood, the city of Mosul, who declined to be named in connection with the correspondent «morning« that «most of the elements of « Daash »feel fear and panic and anxiety after the winning streak of the security forces in the battle to liberate and cleanse Falluja , which was the stronghold of President Asapthm».
he added that the terrorists are trying various ways sweeten citizens who have not stained their hands with the blood of the innocent in the city to fight, join together with the elements of «Daash» adding that «strict instructions issued by the Office of the calculation of the terrorist organization prohibits the use of devices never Satellite in public and private life ,
 and indoor and outdoor and delivered with all the accessories to the competent and subsidiaries of the Court of arithmetic authorities» noting «in the event of non - compliance with the instructions will be held accountable by the so - called organization Diwan calculation of them».
for his part, stressed citizen resident of the Al Faisaliah district in the city of Mosul, an unnamed fear of his life and his family, that «elements of the terrorist organization began at a time former impose instructions to hand over Satellite device with its accessories in every transaction we do, for example in the case of a marriage contract in the Syariah Court, the instructions refer to the need for Satellite & Peripherals device delivered by people with the bride with the groom and witnesses Monday to hold a Koran and will not be action only after delivery of Satellite device ».
the source added that« any transaction was to be directed by a birth certificate or death , or any violation of get by the citizens are not resolved in the office of the calculation only after delivery Satellite device and its accessories »adding that« these procedures are done by the Office of calculation of the gangs «Daash» has strongly increased after the winning streak of the security forces in the liberation of a number of villages in the district of drunk more than two months. »
 the source explained that the organization is trying to pull through Satellite devices from houses, shops and public areas, not to see the people of Mosul big victories achieved by the security forces through satellite channels, and defeats and heavy losses incurred by the members of the organization in the battles with the security services, particularly in the battles of liberation city of Mosul and Fallujah.
 For its part, citizenship Um Omar said, a resident of sugar neighborhood in the city of Mosul area, that «elements« Daash »Bdao deployed intensively with the start of Ramadan, especially after the Asr prayer, in order to monitor shoppers citizens in the markets, and the creation of any argument in order to hold them accountable, and the need to deliver services Satellite and its accessories before the sanctions by the Court Aldaasha terrorist . 

she Umm Omar several days ago has old daughter accountable eight years for not wearing the veil in public places before viewings of women belonging to the elements of the terrorist organization, they assured me the need to surrender Satellite & Peripherals device
In case of failure to comply with their instructions will be confinement for my husband and his skin, but pointed out that «elements of the organization they live in fear and the collapse of major, and consider all the innocent people in the city who did not belong to the organization 's enemies for them.]
tlm724     Yes BL prayers are needed !!
Lord Jesus grant these poor souls abundance of goodness, endurance, victory and charity. Lord we beg you to reach out your powerful hands and your most high and mighty arms and come to their aid.
Send your angel of peace over them to protect them body and soul. May You keep at bay and vanquish every evil power, every poison or malice invoked against them.
Then under the protection of your authority may they sing with gratitude. That they will not fear evil because you are with them, our God, our strength, our powerful Lord, Lord of peace, Father of all ages. Amen.
Bondlady    amen!!!! ty timmy
tlm724       Press Release: WFP concerned about the harsh conditions witnessed by more than 85 thousand people have fled Fallujah
15:34:23 27/6/2016 | (Voice of Iraq) - Press Release: WFP concerned about the harsh conditions witnessed by more than 85 thousand people have fled Fallujah , Baghdad - Feel the World Food Program of the United Nations deeply concerned about the very difficult harsh conditions experienced by more than 85 thousand people have fled from the city of Fallujah ,
besieged and its surrounding areas in Anbar Iraqi province over the past month. the World food Programme through its partners respond immediately where distributed yet enough rations to feed the nearly 75 thousand people of the newly displaced people arriving in the camps in the towns of Habbaniyah tourism and Amiriyah Fallujah.
Each share of the ready - made ​​foods to eat to feed the whole family for three days. In the spirit of giving that characterize the holy month of Ramadan, the other organizations to distribute additional food rations supplement rations by WFP, which makes it enough families a week.
She said Maha Ahmed, Deputy Director Qatar to the World food Programme in Iraq: "the people of Fallujah have been suffering for several months under siege , without access to food or medical care. and reach them now with food , life - saving and other humanitarian assistance has become a top priority absolute." she added: " the situation is heartbreaking too. 
We met this week a young mother survived the violence in Fallujah, carrying her newborn in her arms four days old was only when they fled. " since the start of military operations on May 22 / May to retake the city from Islamic State forces in Iraq and the Levant, provided waves of the people of Fallujah and surrounding areas.
People gather in small dozens of camps where conditions are very harsh, and where many families are forced to participate in tents already overcrowded. While stranded ways with others in the desert or a harbor to the mosques and schools. She said Ahmad: "We are working with humanitarian partners to ensure quick and massive relief to families affected , which has suffered so much already."
 And sends the WFP food rations additional urgent, Family and stakes, from its warehouse in Baghdad , which is only an hour 's drive from Fallujah, in order to provide emergency food relief for the growing number of displaced people.
In partnership with the World Food Programme Qatari Red Crescent prepares to offer cooking tools and food rations additional family displaced families from Fallujah. Have been displaced more than three million Iraqis since mid - June of last year, due to the conflict.
The WFP provides food assistance to more than one million displaced people underdog in all eighteen provinces. This is completely WFP funding from voluntary contributions, and depends on the support of governments, private companies and individuals to provide food aid to people in Iraq. In order to continue to assist the displaced families in the next six months , WFP urgently needs for a total of US $ 34 million.

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