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Thursday, June 30, 2016

Dinar Updates Thursday AM Chat  6-30-16  Part 1 of 2

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Dinar Updates Thursday AM Chat  6-30-16  Part 1 of 2
da58 says():The issuance of arrest warrants against 12 ministers, including ministers in the current government orders
Date: 30/06/2016 12:06 | Visits: 382   Hassan al-Yassiri integrity   Information / Baghdad ..  The chairman of the Integrity Commission Hassan al-Yassiri, Thursday, for the issuance of an arrest warrant against 12 ministers, including orders ministers in the current government, while pointing out judicial orders for the arrest of six people with special grades.
Yasiri said in the semi-annual conference of the body and I followed the agency / information /, said that "the number of decisions issued during the first half of the current year amounted to 900 rule, including the provisions of the convicted four ministers or their grade and 20 with special grades and general managers and their grade."
Yassiri added that "the number of ministers and their grade who were sentenced arrest warrants amounted to 12 ministers of whom are still in the current ministerial cabin," pointing to "the issuance of 432 a court order to arrest them issued against six of those with special grades and general managers and their grade."
The Integrity has revealed, today announced the referral in 1891, accusing them of six ministers to the Iraqi judiciary during the first half of this year, as pointed out the resolution of some 8,000 communications during the period Matha.anthy / 25 p.
da58 says():WOW
subgirl says to da58():thank you for that... and yes WOW!!!
bronclee says():Arrest Maliki and I'll jump up and down! :P
subgirl says to bronclee():(y)
da58 says():We hinted uncover the hidden: the court's decision was a deal between the presidencies and the leaders of the blocks
30/06/2016 13:11 pm (Baghdad time)  Prime reform parliamentary bloc honest hinted on Thursday that the Federal Court decision on the two sessions of Parliament revealed was a deal between the three presidencies and the leaders of the political blocs.
He said we hinted, L / balance News /, "The court's decision was expected and is no stranger to the decision, the fact that there is a political topic in the bush."
He added that "the decision is not to resolve the political crisis, but he came for the purpose of healing the parliament, and then will begin to resign and interrogations requests," pointing out that "this is not a radical solutions but rather a prosthesis solutions sought by the three presidencies and political blocs alike."
And he criticized the political blocs we hinted by saying that "the blocks I used to come out of the crisis and other crisis since 2003 until today, and will not find realistic solutions to resolve the crisis in Iraq and the region in general."
And the Chairman of the reform, said: "This shows a lack of vision, planning and management."
The Supreme Judicial Council announced on Tuesday that the Federal Court decided Irrelevance Bgelsta Parliament on 14 and April 26    LINK

da58 says():"reform parliamentary bloc honest hinted"
subgirl says to da58():thank you for the news!! :)
da58 says():So - with 12 arrest warrants, maybe they need an 'extraordinary' session to select new ministers? looks like a reshuffle to me.. c'mon reforms!
subgirl says to da58():YES!!! that is absolutely right!!! come on Iraq!!!!
dale says():Da58, Subgirl : Rockin !!!
subgirl says to dale():hey there dale :) how are you? :)
subgirl says to dale():yes it is comin right along!!!!

BGG says to da58():I saw that coming a MILE OFF -
subgirl says to BGG():good stuff coming in the news...
BGG says to da58():SJC sends 'em back... Abadi lets the Integrity Commission do it's job :D
BGG says to da58():Who couldn't see those "reinstated" MP's WEREN'T going to get arrested.
BGG says to da58():but...
BGG says():That ruling was one way for the Fed Court to appear "fair"...
dale says():Subgirl : Hangn in there .... I'm guessing like everybody .....
dale says():Hangin
BGG says():it would have been a problem had they nullified the session in which Jubouri was ousted and not somehow come down (at least partially) on the side of the "protestors"... "sitters"... "opposition"...
subgirl says to dale():yep hanging in there is what we are all doing...:) lol but not for long...:)
da58 says to BGG():just as the IMF dangled the carrot in the faces of Baghdad to get their act together.. with 5.5 bill on the table - does it seem to you that abadi has just done the same thing with the ministers, having transferred power to the provinces a few days ago? The citizens must realize that a big chunk of that money is sitting on their table now... and will be getting excited I'd suspect..
magnetlady says():Sounds like a great tactic to me da58
_firefly_ says():Just in from CBI
_firefly_ says():Mr. Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq , Dr. Ali Mohsen Ismail meeting was attended by the crisis cell , headed by the Prime Minister on Monday , 27 - 6 – 2016      06/30/2016
( A meeting ) met with the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq , Dr. Ali Mohsen Ismail on Tuesday which falls 21 - 6 - 2016 British Ambassador Mr. Frank Baker and his entourage      06/30/2016
( Meeting ) Mr. Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq , Dr. Ali Mohsen Ismail weekly meeting of the Economic Commission of the Council of Ministers attended on 21 - 6 – 2016    06/30/2016
magnetlady says():Thank you for bringing in the news. That sounds interesting.
_firefly_ says to magnetlady():talk about holding on to the news till the 11th hr
magnetlady says():Yes Inoticed the difference of dates in those titles
_firefly_ says to magnetlady():check the dates
da58 says():firefly - wow, it's lookin goood.
_firefly_ says():Something appears to be cooking
da58 says to _firefly_():boiling maybe?
_firefly_ says():So what haven't they told us yet?
Soonergirlie says():({)
graci says to _firefly_():a date and a rate :D 
_firefly_ says():Minister of Finance signed a memorandum of understanding with the US ambassador on the implementation of the military to ease credit financing of its external FMF Agreement
Wednesday June 29, 2016   In the context of the evolving bilateral relations between Iraq and the United States, in light of the strategic framework agreement , which covers various aspects of relations between the two countries , Mr. Hoshyar Zebari, Minister of Finance and Mr. Stuart Jones Ambassador of the United States signed this day , June 29, 2016,
a memorandum of Cooperation between the two sides spend to provide credit facilities to the Government of Iraq in the amount of 2.7 to two billion and seven hundred million dollars to facilitate the purchase of military equipment within the Foreign Military Financing for ground, air, naval and equipment
with advanced technologies and advanced technology program contributes significantly to the promotion of the military capability of the armed forces so that they can win the victory in the war on terrorism and terrorist entity Daash and edit all areas of Iraq from the clutches.
_firefly_ says():the two sides spend to provide credit facilities to the Government of Iraq in the amount of 2.7 to two billion and seven hundred million dollars
_firefly_ says():WOW
_firefly_ says():This financial support comes within the efforts of the Government of Iraq to get financial support from international financial institutions and friendly countries to meet the challenges of the financial and economic crisis that has plagued Iraq at the present time.
_firefly_ says():This financial support comes within the efforts of the Government of Iraq to get financial support from international financial institutions and friendly countries to meet the challenges of the financial and economic crisis that has plagued Iraq at the present time.
_firefly_ says():Under this credit facility government allocates US $ 200 for the Peshmerga forces million in order to assist them in carrying out their duties, and the government is committed to using public money to continue to support and expand the successes of the popular crowd program, this program will be based payment mechanisms on credit with soft terms and repayment periods suitable
_firefly_ says():the government is committed to using public money to continue to support and expand the successes of the popular crowd program, this program will be based payment mechanisms on credit with soft terms and repayment periods suitable
loop says():Chairman of the parliament separates the three deputies because of absences
Political Since 30/06/2016 17:56 pm (Baghdad time)Chairman of the parliament separates the three deputies because of absences

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