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Monday, June 27, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  6-27-16  Part 1 of 3

Post From BondLadys Corner
BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  6-27-16  Part 1 of 3
Engineer confirms that the victory of Fallujah has only achieved through concerted efforts of all Iraqis
27/06/2016 08:59 | Direction Press / Baghdad  Deputy Chairman of the board of the popular crowd Abu Mahdi Mohandes, said on Monday that "the victory achieved in the liberation of Fallujah of terrorist factions gangs Daash not be only through concerted efforts of all Iraqis."
The engineer said in a statement received "direction Press" a copy of it today, "After that fulfilled our promise to our dear people that we re-Fallujah to the bosom of the home and the time that a renewed commitment to pursue cliques terror until the last inch of our land,
we stress once again that the victory historic check in the fifteenth of Shaaban, the battle has only been tremendous concerted efforts by all Iraqis fides of the place, so we must move forward, but the sincere thanks to everyone who helped and supported the security forces, both in the popular crowd or in other military forces. "
"We thank the families of martyrs and sacrifices who paid the most cherished what they have paid for this victory, and we thank Hawza honorable for their moral support to those who had been standing on the mounds He faces beliefs corrupt, the Iraqi government deserves appreciation and gratitude for their continued support, as well as ministries and institutions that supported our fight against terrorism ".
He said the "fighters and leaders of the crowd and the police of the Federal heroine and the army and the fight against terrorism and respond rapidly, and the Army Aviation and Air Force deserve to be proud of them and thank them for this great work, and we thank the Iraqi tribes thoroughbreds in all provinces, and singled them to stop with the crowd and security forces of the sons of Anbar ".
He continued, "Thanks for university students who have another picture of victory They are involved in the drawing board life are free, and we thank satellite channels and bloggers on social networking sites and the media which contribute to the documentation of victory and the truth and refute the false and lying together."
He concluded, "We thank the media, intellectuals and artists who labored word and attitude also thank processions Hosseinieh It provides aid and assistance in kind for the Champions fronts and displaced residents of Fallujah and all those who contributed to the moral and material support to the militants on the battlefield."
He was commander of the Fallujah operations Lt. Gen. Abdul-Wahab al-Saadi announced yesterday the liberation of the entire city of Fallujah and killed in 1800 Daasha during military operations, pointing out that "the troops will hand over the city to the local police in two days. Sa"
[tlm724] "After that fulfilled our promise to our dear people that we re-Fallujah to the bosom of the home and the time that a renewed commitment to pursue cliques terror until the last inch of our land, we stress once again that the victory historic
[cat] love it
[tlm724] *hallelujah* thank God they were able to achieve this and it will give them the confidence to march on to Mosul and take their country back !!
[shunshine] *hallelujah*
Deputy: the unification of the internal Kurdish house is better than a referendum secession

27/06/2016 09:17 | Press direction - Special /He stressed member of the Iraqi parliament  from the Kurdistan Islamic Group  Ahmed flesh on the need to consolidate the internal Kurdish house better than the threat of a referendum on secession from the center at present.
Meat in an interview for "direction Press" stressed that the Kurdish parties refused to Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani, who has called them to hold a referendum on self-determination and secession from the federal government, indicating that the disabling of the Kurdistan Parliament and the deportation of deputies of the MDC outside Irbil by Massoud Barzani, the party breakdown state consensus initiative between the Kurdish political parties, and there are no compromises appear in the horizon.
It is said that the Kurdistan outgoing President Massoud Barzani, called on Friday, 6/24/2016 all forces and Kurdish parties to convene a special meeting to hold a referendum on the secession of the province and report the next steps.
Barzani said in a statement seen by "direction Press" that "the situation of the region going through a new phase, and according to all indications, there are big changes coming," adding that "the people of Kurdistan and his experience in front of a sensitive and decisive phase,
you can not miss this unique opportunity to our people, to the center the people of Kurdistan today at the international level and a clear horizon, achieved great victories in the war against terrorism, the efforts of the Peshmerga heroes and thanks to the blood of our martyrs, and the steadfastness of the people of Kurdistan and the support of allies, the terrorists suffered significant defeats, but risks remain. "
 [tlm724] the need to consolidate the internal Kurdish house better than the threat of a referendum on secession from the center at present.
[tlm724] yeah what he said, get all the Kurd blocs on the same page and they can make some progress
[tlm724] stay part of Iraq and act like grown ups ! *slap*
[cat] yeppers
[tlm724] as BondLady pointed out yesterday the Kurds aren't going anywhere, too much money on the line !

Sabri: a meeting with the delegation of the Kurdish Abadi is a positive step to resolve the dispute between Kurdistan and the center
27/06/2016 09:44 | Direction Press Special /Dr. Saad al-Hadithi, spokesman for the prime minister's office said the prime minister Haider al-Abadi met in his office last Saturday, a Kurdish delegation from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and the movement of change to discuss political and security developments in the country.
Sabri said in an interview for "direction Press" that the Kurdish delegation presented a project for dialogue to solve the problems outstanding between the federal government and the government of Iraqi Kurdistan.
He pointed out that the meeting between Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and a delegation of Kurdistan has been reached through a common vision based on the adoption of dialogue as a means to overcome differences between the two parties and stay away from unilateral decisions on issues that make up the controversial points.
He added that the meeting also touched on the coordination of efforts between Baghdad and Erbil for the liberation of the city of Mosul from factions terrorist Daash, in addition to placed its oil wealth and the mechanism of production, export and distribute equitably among Iraqis, expressing hope that this meeting will be a positive step in moving beyond the crisis between Baghdad and Erbil.
It is said that the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and the Movement for Change has concluded, on 17 May last, composed of 25 articles of the Convention for the unification of the Kurdish political ranks and confront the crises facing the Kurdistan region.
Article 13 of the Convention issues concerning relations between the KRG and the federal government that "states parties agree on the need to provide adequate solutions to the problems between the province and the federal government for solutions through dialogue and on the basis of national and national interests."
 [tlm724] that the Kurdish delegation presented a project for dialogue to solve the problems outstanding between the federal government and the government of Iraqi Kurdistan.
[tlm724] *mission* tis a great thing and if they can come to an agreement then we should see the HCL passed too !
[tlm724] in addition to placed its oil wealth and the mechanism of production, export and distribute equitably among Iraqis, expressing hope that this meeting will be a positive step in moving beyond the crisis between Baghdad and Erbil.
[tlm724]  Very Happy
Jubouri looking with Kurdish parties to complete the parliamentary work[/size]
27/06/2016 09:57 | Direction Press / Baghdad  Search Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, with the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) delegation and the completion of the mass change of parliamentary work and pay the movement of the completion of legislation.
A statement from the Office of the al-Jubouri got "direction Press" a copy of it, that "al-Jubouri, received at his office in Baghdad, on Sunday evening, a delegation of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), and Change bloc, headed by Ala Talabani, where it reviewed the present delegation and the reality of union between them, and the need to consolidate efforts to complete the reform process and the House of Representatives held hearings to take the role of the Council to engage in the legislative and oversight duties. "
He Jubouri during the meeting to " the importance of completing the perceptions and attitudes and collect views and convergence of views to resume the legislative work with a new spirit accommodate all directions and address the glitches," adding that " the first tasks ahead of us pay the movement of the completion oflegislation forward, and follow - up phases of the comprehensive reform project". The sa
 [tlm724] Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, with the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) delegation and the completion of the mass change of parliamentary work and pay the movement of the completion of legislation.
[tlm724] it reviewed the present delegation and the reality of union between them, and the need to consolidate efforts to complete the reform process and the House of Representatives held hearings to take the role of the Council to engage in the legislative and oversight duties. "
[tlm724] so not only are these Kurdish blocs negotiating with the Abadi but with Jabber too ! It is way past time for this to happen and move the reform forward and get some laws passed !
[tlm724] IF they want money they better chop chop, just sayin ....
Abadi Office: signing of the memorandum with the International Monetary will provide Iraq with $ 14 billion
27/06/2016 10:38 | Direction Press / Baghdad   He said a spokesman for the Information Office of the Prime Minister   Saad al - Hadithi,  , that the Iraqi government submitted to the International Monetary Fund for an integrated vision in the process of its reform program and plans to address the economic problems and the reform of the administrative and financial system, adding that the signing of the memorandum with the International Monetary will provide Iraq with $ 14 billion.
The newborn in a statement received "direction Press" a copy of it, he was "untrue at all of what is rumored about removing part of the employees' salaries as a result of agreements signed with the International Monetary Fund note, as the expansion vessel tax settling accounts through does not include income tax, but with the higher grades and special grades and the staff of the first and second division only. " 
The statement continued that "this note will provide an important Iraq's financial support under the current financial crisis, where Iraq will get $ 5.4 billion from the International Monetary Fund over three years at an interest rate not to exceed 1.5% Fund will provide two billion dollars before the end of this year in batches" .
He explained, "The memorandum will improve the situation in Iraq credit which opens broad prospects for support, financial and economic support from many international and regional financial organizations, where Iraq will receive three billion dollars from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development as well as the assistance to be provided by donor countries."
Sabri revealed that "total Machristsal upon Iraq as a result of the signing of the memorandum with theInternational Monetary Fund would be about fourteen billion dollars and is complementary to the agreement with the Government 's program of reform Monetary Fund requirements." The sa
 [tlm724] The memorandum will improve the situation in Iraq credit which opens broad prospects for support, financial and economic support from many international and regional financial organizations
[tlm724] yes   Wink
[tlm724] nice kick in the pants to get the economy jump started, breathe life into it and make it a free market !

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