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Sunday, June 26, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  6-26-16  Part 1 of 3

Post From BondLadys Corner
BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  6-26-16  Part 1 of 3
Panic dominate «Doaash» Mosul   
6/26/2016 0:00 Arbil Sondos Abdul Wahab  revealed sources from within the city of Mosul, said the fear and panic Ajtahan and dominate the elements «Daash» after taking such a heavy toll in lives and equipment in the battles of liberation city of Mosul and Fallujah.
 A native of the Arab neighborhood, the city of Mosul, who declined to be named in connection with the correspondent «morning« that «most of the elements of « Daash »feel fear and panic and anxiety after the winning streak of the security forces in the battle to liberate and cleanse Falluja , which was the stronghold of President Asapthm».
he added that the terrorists are trying various ways sweeten citizens who have not stained their hands with the blood of the innocent in the city to fight, join together with the elements of «Daash»

​adding that «strict instructions issued by the Office of the calculation of the terrorist organization prohibits the use of devices never Satellite in public and private life , and indoor and outdoor and delivered with all the accessories to the competent and subsidiaries of the Court of arithmetic authorities» noting «in the event of non - compliance with the instructions will be held accountable by the so - called organization Diwan calculation of them».

for his part, stressed citizen resident of the Al Faisaliah district in the city of Mosul, an unnamed fear of his life and his family, that «elements of the terrorist organization began at a time former impose instructions to hand over Satellite device with its accessories in every transaction we do, for example in the case of a marriage contract in the Syariah Court, the instructions refer to the need for Satellite & Peripherals device delivered by people with the bride with the groom and witnesses Monday to hold a Koran and will not be action only after delivery of Satellite device ».
the source added that« any transaction was to be directed by a birth certificate or death , or any violation of get by the citizens are not resolved in the office of the calculation only after delivery Satellite device and its accessories »adding that« these procedures are done by the Office of calculation of the gangs «Daash» has strongly increased after the winning streak of the security forces in the liberation of a number of villages in the district of drunk more than two months. »
the source explained that the organization is trying to pull through Satellite devices from houses, shops and public areas, not to see the people of Mosul big victories achieved by the security forces through satellite channels, and defeats and heavy losses incurred by the members of the organization in the battles with the security services, particularly in the battles of liberation city of Mosul and Fallujah.
For its part, citizenship Um Omar said, a resident of sugar neighborhood in the city of Mosul area, that «elements« Daash »Bdao deployed intensively with the start of Ramadan, especially after the Asr prayer, in order to monitor shoppers citizens in the markets, and the creation of any argument in order to hold them accountable, and the need to deliver services Satellite and its accessories before the sanctions by the Court Aldaasha terrorist ». 
she Umm Omar several days ago has old daughter accountable eight years for not wearing the veil in public places before viewings of women belonging to the elements of the terrorist organization,
they assured me the need to surrender Satellite & Peripherals device In case of failure to comply with their instructions will be confinement for my husband and his skin, but pointed out that «elements of the organization they live in fear and the collapse of major, and consider all the innocent people in the city who did not belong to the organization 's enemies for them.]
tlm724    Yes BL prayers are needed !!
Lord Jesus grant these poor souls abundance of goodness, endurance, victory and charity. Lord we beg you to reach out your powerful hands and your most high and mighty arms and come to their aid.
Send your angel of peace over them to protect them body and soul. May You keep at bay and vanquish every evil power, every poison or malice invoked against them.
Then under the protection of your authority may they sing with gratitude. That they will not fear evil because you are with them, our God, our strength, our powerful Lord, Lord of peace, Father of all ages. Amen.
Bondlady     amen!!!! ty timmy
Washington will host a donors' conference to support Iraq's efforts
6/26/2016 0:00 Baghdad , Alaa al - Taie , while the government continues to mobilize local and international efforts to support the displaced people and the reconstruction of liberated areas of «Daash» Washington announced its intention to host a conference of donor countries to support Iraq in the twentieth of next July, in collaboration with a group of allies,
and in order to collect financial aid urgent to address the challenges the Iraqi government objected to support the displaced people and the reconstruction of liberated areas process.
the official government spokesman, Dr. Saad al - Hadithi, said in a news briefing, said that « the Council of Ministers approved carry out a national campaign to support displaced people and speed up the reconstruction of their cities and their return to their homes , »
calling « the international community and humanitarian organizations to to act more effectively to support the displaced people and to support Iraq in the consolidation of the humanitarian and security stability of the areas that have been liberated from the «Daash».
in the meantime , the United States announced, in a statement quoted by the US State Department, and seen by the «morning» intention to host a conference of donor countries to support Iraq in the twentieth from next July , and in cooperation with a group of allies to collect financial aid «urgent» to meet the challenges faced by the Iraqi government, pledging to support efforts to stabilize the humanitarian situation in Iraq, during the conference.
According to the statement, he said that « the United States, will host the twentieth of next July, in collaboration with Canada, Germany, Japan , the conference of donor countries to support Iraq in Washington , DC, indicating that this international effort comes in conjunction with the achievement of the Iraqi military successes against« Daash »in Fallujah .
she said the US State, that « the conference underlines the urgent need for the international community to continue to support humanitarian efforts and efforts to achieve stability in Iraq , » indicating that « the United Nations established through cooperation with the Iraqi government and the international coalition fund to achieve immediate stability (FFIS) in Iraq supports the implementation of the rapid stabilization projects ».
He hinted the statement, that the achievement of immediate stabilization fund (FFIS) was employed in each of Tikrit, Ramadi and my years and Rabia, dizziness, Mkeshivh and Saadia, to help restore electricity and water services and debris removal and rehabilitation of schools , medical clinics and help resume business , stressing that those «efforts have enabled more than (725) thousands displaced Iraqis to return to their homes , despite the need to do more than that«.]
 [tlm724] Washington will host a donors' conference to support Iraq's efforts 6/26/2016 0:00  Baghdad , Alaa al - Taie , while the government continues to mobilize local and international efforts to support the displaced people and the reconstruction of liberated areas of «Daash»

Washington announced its intention to host a conference of donor countries to support Iraq in the twentieth of next July, in collaboration with a group of allies, and in order to collect financial aid urgent to address the challenges the Iraqi government objected to support the displaced people and the reconstruction of liberated areas process.
the official government spokesman, Dr. Saad al - Hadithi, said in a news briefing, said that « the Council of Ministers approved carry out a national campaign to support displaced people and speed up the reconstruction of their cities and their return to their homes , »
calling « the international community and humanitarian organizations to to act more effectively to support the displaced people and to support Iraq in the consolidation of the humanitarian and security stability of the areas that have been liberated from the «Daash».
[BondLady]to stop the quota system an make them agree on things the "outside" (US, COALITION JUST ABOUT EVERY 1 LOL) is paying them to do it, money honey  Razz  it is literally all about the $$$$$DOLLAR$$$$$$$$
[tlm724] money talks BS walks
[BondLady]they all want and need the money it over rides every thing thru out the years, we've all seen it ,the suffering of the people ? not important just give us money and power pretty much, agreed ?
[tlm724] no doubt
[BondLady] money talks and bull shiites walk,   pardon the punners  tongue  
[tlm724] such great things happening in Iraq, things that have taken years and years, great to watch history in the making though, wouldn't miss it   
[BondLady] Shiites are gettin under control as well they needed taken down a notch...but so did Barzani and so did Allawi and we saw them all be forced to go the principles office by the Imf, UN, WTO, WHO, US, Britain, EU, coalition etc etc etc) and get their butts shredded with that big board paddle with the holes in it   Twisted Evil   that'll give you a change of heart too, a attitude adjustment
[tlm724] attitude adjustment for sure 
[BondLady] still postin news but I'm excited with all the azz whoopins goin on over there right now whippin these clowns into shape  clown or get outta here 
[tlm724] indeed !
[BondLady]  they have a lot to do before the new year and a short time to get there
[tlm724] but with that paddle up their azz they can do it !! lol  
[BondLady] as I've seen in arts today 6 months to do stuff if all goes according to plans, get the industrial going for 1
[BondLady] ok I gotta finish me news, waves  cheers
[tlm724] tyvm Lady !!!
[BondLady] curtsy's an runs out lol
State law: paper separation Barzani have no political cover or regional Aodola for implementation[/size]
26/06/2016 09:47 Direction Press / special
Said the leadership of the state law Mohammed Ugaili that separation paper that looms by Massoud Barzani does not have any political cover, regional or international for its implementation.
Ugaili in an interview for "direction Press" said that what happened to the problems within the Shiite House and the Sunni and Kurdish led to sharp divisions in the forces that fall under the mantle of this house, and now those forces seeking to heal the limbs and leaves, especially in Kurdistan.
He said Massoud Barzani, and after losing more supporters to him in the political process in Kurdistan is trying to collect the Kurds within certain targets including secession and self-determination, adding that this paper is open now and does not have political cover or regional and international so that Barzani of secession or a referendum to secede.
He continued: Kurdistan governed by a constitution and it is Almrkhal for Barzani to hold a referendum on self-determination for the fact that process associated with changing the constitution, something unlikely, he says ,.
He pointed out that Barzani Ugaili whenever suffers from problems within Kurdistan is trying to export to the federal government and in addition to that whenever the federal government to strengthen the military side Barzani is trying to hit below the belt in order not to be no stronger than the power of the Kurdistan Regional Government.
He pointed out that secession can not be implemented at the moment, especially with the rejection and the MDC Talabani's party. Barzani and that if the Baghdad government resorted to a national identity without resorting to sub-identities will be able to pass a lot of the interests of the Kurds.

Bondlady   see what just happened?  last few articles all confirming the agreement between the mdc and kurds and Baghdad cheers cheers cheers .............
this is a biggie, barzani don't like it but he was holding bagdad in a strangle hold constantly threatening to separate from Iraq in self determination if the fed government didn't give him(barzani) his whey....  
talabanis party says, just cause barzani says all this stuff an gives the government ultimatums ....and just because talabanis group and barzanis group came together as a team to better advancement in parliament and block strength...
talibani a few days ago says just because barzani says it doesn't mean talabanis people agree to all the kurd demands an now sides with the government an international heads who also aren't((are not)) siding with barzani over this self determination at this time ...
kurds an talabani both need bagdad financially and security wise...talabani knows this, so does barzani but hes still workin that good ole boy quota system for more gains and  as this article states ...
hitting below the belt to get gains for the a time of financial,economic crisis's, security and all the reforms in motion to completely change Iraq and bring them up to par  in the digital world, the international world...
this brings a long awaited agreement between them all and ill wager the hcl is within all this """agreement""".....we wait and see as usual, but...
very exciting days for us investors to see everything falling into place and getting done is so awesome Smile  cheers cheers cheers cheers    ..
Said the leadership of the state law Mohammed Ugaili that separation paper that looms by Massoud Barzani does not have any political cover, regional or international for its implementation.****
said that what happened to the problems within the*** Shiite House*** and the ***Sunni*** and ***Kurdish*** led to sharp divisions in the forces that fall under the mantle of this house,***
and now those forces**** seeking**** to heal the limbs and leaves****, especially in Kurdistan.****
He said Massoud Barzani,*** and after losing more supporters to him in the political process in Kurdistan*** is trying to collect the Kurds*** within certain targets*** including secession and self-determination,*** adding that this paper is open now ***and does not have political cover or regional and international*** so that Barzani of secession or a referendum to secede.***

Kurdistan governed by a constitution*** and it is Almrkhal for ***Barzani to hold a referendum on self-determination for the fact that process associated with changing the constitution,****
something unlikely**** He pointed out that Barzani Ugaili whenever suffers from problems*** within Kurdistan*** is trying to export to the federal government*** and in addition to that ***
whenever the federal government to strengthen the military side ***Barzani is trying to hit below the belt*** in order not to be no stronger than the power of the Kurdistan Regional Government.****
that secession *****can not***** be implemented at the moment*****,****** especially***** with the rejection *****and the MDC Talabani's party.*****
Barzani and that ***if the Baghdad government resorted to a national identity without resorting to sub-identities will be able to pass a lot of the interests of the Kurds***  BLC
RCS1947    thanks BondLady!  Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
tlm724     Thank you very much BondLady, your comments are spot on !! I looked up some information this morning about the political blocs in Kurdistan to help us understand some of the intricacies and I found this from the Institute for the Study of War.

It includes a great graphic of the seats in Parliament as well. It is really well written and is current up until May 21, 2016 but thats okay because you pointed out the current state of affairs , again thanks so much !

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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