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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Dinar Updates Wednesday Chat  6-29-16  Part 2 of 2

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Dinar Updates Wednesday Chat  6-29-16  Part 2 of 2
da58 says():Close to Abadi: Subtract "reshuffle" once again will be after new talks
Wednesday 29 June 2016 | 12:27 | Number of Views: 194
BAGHDAD / ... said the leadership of the coalition of state law Keywords, Wednesday, that put "reshuffle" once again will hold talks after new between the political parties, and denied knowing about the names that will be presented that would have been the same or a new Alasae raised previously.
Keywords and he said for "Eye Iraq News" that "put" reshuffle "once again will be after talks new between the political parties," adding that " the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi keen on the unity of Parliament and non - admitted problems and therefore wants to proceed with reforms and voting upon Among reforms is a reshuffle. "
The leader of a close associate of al - Abadi , "we do not know about the names that will be presented that would have been a new or the same names put forward previously," adding that " the talks between the political blocs will be launched before the resumption of the work of the House of Representatives."
And said legal expert Tareq Harb, on Tuesday, that the Federal Court challenging the sessions of parliament on 14 and 26 April, it means Saleem al-Jubouri return as president illegal for the House of Representatives, while explained that the emphasis on not hearing a constitutional Day 26 cancels all decisions taken during the meeting and restores the sacked minister.
The Federal Court has been challenged, Tuesday, Bgelsta Parliament on 14 and 26 April. It ended 2
da58 says to clay):"wants to proceed with reforms and voting upon Among reforms is a reshuffle. "
da58 says():CBI sales down to 141 mill, 30 banks and 17 companies.. etc..
where'sthebeef says to clay():I'm reading what da58 is saying. It's like a cheerleading clinice. lol The fact is, they always say the right things in their articles, but what they say is very rarely what they do. It's actions that we are looking for, not "wants to proceed with reforms and voting upon among reforms is a reshuffle". lol
where'sthebeef says to clay():They need to follow the old saying, "Don't sing it, Bring it"
da58 says():Sadrists: Snqil my presidency, parliament and government
BAGHDAD / .. confirmed the Liberal parliamentary bloc led by Muqtada al-Sadr, on Wednesday, they will be on the dismissal of the Presidency of the Council of Representatives and the government, after the Federal Court decision which canceled two sessions of Parliament on 14 and April 26.
The leader of the bloc of quitting for "Eye of Iraq News," "respect the decision of the Federal Court, it was estimated interest judgment the judge to cancel two sessions of Parliament on 14 and April 26," noting that "the mass move towards the removal of the Presidency of the Council of Representatives and the Iraqi government and choose a new government of independent technocrats away from quotas and sectarianism. "
Among Zamili that "the major political blocs support the dismissal of the parliament and the presidency to change the current by new government," adding that "the political movement for the removal of my presidency, parliament and government will start with the new legislative term and very easy to collect the signatures of Representatives."
The Federal Court has been challenged, on Tuesday, Bgelsta Parliament on 14 and 26 April.
da58 says():While confirming the parliamentary reform front, compliance with the decisions of the Federal Court, which overturned two sessions of Parliament on 14 and 26 April, and the presence of its meetings as an "opposition front", it announced its intention to submit a new application for the dismissal of the Presidency of the Council of Representatives.
The liberal bloc visited earlier in the parliament speaker Salim al-Jubouri, after the parliamentary claims his dismissal, describing the legitimate President of the House of Representatives, while the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr ordered block free to withdraw from the picket Representatives demands the dismissal of the Presidency of the Council of Representatives and Aovernmh.anthy 5
Pablo says():I thought this had gotten resolved.
da58 says():only the consitutionality of that session they voted to oust him... doesn't mean folks still don't want to do it.. they had no quorum in that session..
Pablo says():Oh brother!
Pablo says():They need to settle down and stop this bickering.
where'sthebeef says to da58():looks like the do have their guns pointed at him. Makes you wonder how much they will be able to get done in terms of getting laws passed when they come back.
 Will there be more infighting to oust him or will they actually reach a quorum and be able to come together and pass some laws.
I see what they say, but we all know that they always sing a good tune in their articles, about the laws they are going to pass when they come back from their holiday, but a different tune is sung when they actually meet after the holidays. "In terms of these laws we have been waiting for, for quite sometime". ,
da58 says():I'm not sure if 'love thy neighbor' would go over very well, would it! (lol)
clay says to da58():nope lol
where'sthebeef says to da58):ha, ya. that's for sure
clay01 says():Amnesty law on schedule to be voted on, and crooks do not want that voted through
clay01 says():fighting for their lives
da58 says to where'sthebeef():Abadi is determined to get his ministers, and he will.. over and over we've read it, this interuption is over now. As far as some wanting to vote Jubouri out? They will need quorum to do it, and I doubt we'll see it.
clay01 says():just crooks wanting to take away from what they really don't want to see happen, switch and bait tactic
where'sthebeef says to da58():I think Abadi will get them too.
clay01 says():disrupt the process any way they can
Pablo says to da58():They need a quorum to vote on the stuff for them to get the WB loan. They're not going to screw up and loose theur chance to get the money.
da58 says to where'sthebeef():I posted an article earlier in here, stating 'july 3' as the first session.. that's how the title read, but I'm not so sure that's how the article read, was a confusing translation.. we'll see! But Abadi is gangbusters for those new ministers.. and I'm sure he has many alternates selected for the ones they vote against for various reasons.
da58 says to Pablo():pretty sure they will have quorum - there's a lot of $$ on the table to go to these provinces now!! why would you not show up? money talks.
where'sthebeef says to da58():yes, I read it. hard to understand when the first meeting will be. Your right, the title says the 3rd, but the body says the 12th. Wonder if it is saying the first meeting of the 3 session will be held on the 12th? lol
da58 says to where'sthebeef():and yesterday - Abadi's office says - or someone 'close to' abadi's office, that there WILL be a session PRIOR to EID holiday, for the purposes of this minister cabinet... So - we'll see..
da58 says to where'sthebeef():regardless ... I think we're in the fast lane now!
Pablo says to da58():My point exactly.
da58 says():Zebari signed a memorandum of understanding to facilitate credit for military funding outside with US ambassador
BAGHDAD / ... signed by Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari, Wednesday, with US Ambassador Stuart Jones memorandum of cooperation between the two sides spend to provide credit facilities to the Government of Iraq $ 2.7 billion to facilitate the purchase of military equipment, while Noting there are allocating $ 200 million for the Peshmerga forces of order to assist them in carrying out their duties.
Said a ministry statement received by "Eye Iraq News", that "In the context of the evolving bilateral relations between Iraq and the United States, in light of the strategic framework agreement, which covers various aspects of relations between the two countries, Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari signed with the US Ambassador Stuart Jones memorandum of cooperation between the two sides spend to provide credit facilities to the Government of Iraq at $ 2.7 billion,
to facilitate the purchase of military equipment within the Foreign military financing program for ground, air, and military equipment with advanced technologies and advanced technology significantly contribute to strengthening the military capacity of the armed forces so that they can win the victory in the war on terror The terrorist entity Daash and edit all areas of Iraq from the clutches. "
The statement added that "This support comes within the efforts of the Government of Iraq to get financial support from international financial institutions and friendly countries to meet the challenges of the financial and economic crisis that has plagued Iraq at the present time."
He noted that "Under this credit facility government will allocate US $ 200 million for the Peshmerga forces in order to assist them in carrying out their duties."
The government has pledged according to the statement "Using public money to continue to support and expand the successes of the popular crowd program, this program will be based payment mechanisms on credit with soft terms and repayment periods suitable " .anthy 3
da58 says():Zebari signing Memorandum of Cooperation - with US for 2.7bill for the military needs.. "200 m for Peshmega's.'..
tman23 says():The US Ambassador to Iraq Stuart Jones and the Iraqi Minister of Finance Hoshyar Zebari signed a deal of $2.7 billion for the Foreign Military Finance (FMF) credit facility.
As Ambassador Jones noted, this FMF facility will allow the Iraqi Security Forces to defer payments for the purchase of ammunition and maintenance of its F-16s and M1A1 tanks," said the US embassy in Baghdad. According to Reuters, the deal gives Baghdad eight and a half years, including a one-year grace period, to repay the loan, with 6.45 percent interest rate.
_firefly_ says():require the selection of new departments able to interact with the banking reform desired requirements through young Akhttiaralchksaat have competence
_firefly_ says():ambitious undertaken by the government in cooperation with the Iraqi Central Bank to stimulate the productive sectors through the development of the Central initiative customize it $ 6 trillion dinars to lend to projects no matter how small was designed to be one of the private banks Ahumicosth and a great responsibility , and which are designed to be implemented through government banks
diagyAAAE says to BGG()::D
_firefly_ says():I can highlite this entire article !
popeye7 says to BGG():BGG Dinar Updates delicate flower... :D
magnetlady says():That would be great firefly
popeye7 says to _firefly_():(y)

_firefly_ says():We hope the rest of the departments of government banks suit my example TBI Uncle Albih Sulaimhlthakiq banking reform by adopting placed the partnership to achieve two goals first is to achieve reform , and the second step on the road to develop the first implementation of the requirements of a market economy, we will continue to see R
_firefly_ says():to achieve two goals first is to achieve reform
_firefly_ says():and the second step on the road to develop the first implementation of the requirements of a market economy,
_firefly_ says():and the second step on the road to develop the first implementation of the requirements of a market economy!!!!!
_firefly_ says():LOVE it
magnetlady says():WOW sounds like a plan to me
_firefly_ says():They are telling the people and the agencys exactly what they are doing
popeye7 says to _firefly_():Great update, and news... Thanks fire!... (H)
popeye7 says to _firefly_():Getting down to the nitty gritty now, and telling it like it is... Gotta love it.. 
_firefly_ says():HUGE read
_firefly_ says to popeye7():(y)
woodywoodpecker says():thanks fly
popeye7 says to _firefly_():Crunch time... (y)
dinarforme says():WOW thank-you
_firefly_ says to popeye7():We are past crunch time !
SRW says():Amen!

_firefly_ says to popeye7():IMO of course :)
popeye7 says to _firefly_():OK>.. Munch time...
popeye7 says to _firefly_()::D
_firefly_ says to popeye7():lol
_firefly_ says to popeye7():How can anybody question what is going on !
SRW says():Everybody that doen't listen to DU!
_firefly_ says():Sadr is gonna go nuts soon lol

popeye7 says to _firefly_(): It certainly is abundantly clear, and they are making no bones about their movement from an economic standpoint... (y)
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