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Thursday, June 30, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  6-30-16  Part 1 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner
BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  6-30-16  Part 1 of 2
Kuwait agree to postpone the payment of reparations Iraq for one year 
Author: BS Editor: BS 6.30.2016 13:10  Long-Presse / Baghdad
Kuwait agreed on Thursday to postpone the payment of reparations owed by Iraq for a period of one year resulting from the occupation of the Gulf emirate in August 1990.
A statement by the Ministry of Finance received (range Press) copy of it, "Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari, met on Thursday, Ambassador of Kuwait Ghassan Al-Zawawi and discussed with him the results of the fruitful visit to Kuwait to meet with Emir of Kuwait Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and officials and their understanding of the current situation in Iraq and the stand Kuwait government and the people with him to overcome the financial and economic stayed with him, as well as his war to fight and eradicate terrorism. "
The statement added that "the Kuwaiti ambassador told Zebari, the issuance of financial guidance to agree to the postponement of the repayment period for a period of one year ending on the first of January 2018, out of brotherly relations established between the two countries," 

noting that "Zawawi confirmed, that the decision is part of the responsibilities Kuwait within the international coalition aimed to help the brotherly Iraq to overcome the critical stage through which Aldaasha in the face of terrorism and the decline in world oil prices that Emms that the provisions of the relevant Security Council resolutions. "

 The Iraqi-Kuwaiti relations, witnessed great development, especially after resolving many of the outstanding issues, including, but not limited to, lift the ban on Iraqi Airways after the cancellation of the special suits for damages against it, and install the demarcation of land borders, and accept delayed payment of compensation during 2015 .        LINK
tlm724   Kuwait, Iraq agree to defer compensation to Desert Storm in 2018
BAGHDAD - A Journal    Kuwait agreed on Thursday to a request from Iraq to postpone the payment of the last payment of compensation imposed by the United Nations Security Council for its invasion of Kuwait in 1990 until 2018.
A statement by the Ministry of Finance, received (Il Giornale) copy of it, "Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari received on Thursday the Kuwaiti ambassador to Iraq, Ghassan Al-Zawawi, and discussed with him the results of the fruitful visit to Kuwait, and his meeting with the Prince of Kuwait Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and officials and their understanding of the current situation of Iraq , parking Kuwait government and the people with him in overcoming its economic crisis and financial as well as his war to fight and eradicate terrorism. "
For his part, Ambassador of the State of Kuwait, the issuance of financial guidance approving the postponement of the repayment period for a period of one year ending on the first of January 2018, out of brotherly established relationships between the two countries and the responsibilities of the State of Kuwait within aimed to help the brotherly Iraq international coalition to overcome the critical stage that passes by in the face of terrorism Aldaasha and the decline in world oil prices that Emms that the provisions of the relevant Security Council resolutions. "
It is worth mentioning that the Iraqi forces had set fire to more than 700 Kuwaiti oil wells during the withdrawal from Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm, the US-led liberation of Kuwait in January 1991. As a result, estimated the compensation paid by Iraq to Kuwait about 177.6 billion dollars, the values ​​of which compensation resulting from the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in August 1990. the United Nations has approved $ 37.2 billion received Kuwait, including 9.3 billion. LINK
Iraqi marsh residents hold tight to their reed homes. By Wassim Bassem
by Schuber Dr. Barik
An Iraqi Marsh Arab woman paddles her boat at the Chebayesh marsh in Nassiriya, 300 km (185 miles) southeast of Baghdad, February 15, 2013.
 The Marsh Arabs who had farmed this area for thousands of years, were badly affected by a campaign mounted by the government of Saddam Hussein in the 1990s to destroy their lifestyle.
The marshes were drained of water, and hundreds of thousands of Marsh Arabs were forced to flee to cities, where they live in poverty, the locals in this area said. Picture taken February 15, 2013. REUTERS/Thaier al-Sudani (IRAQ - Tags: SOCIETY)
NASIRIYAH, Iraq — Many houses in the towns and villages in southern Iraq are made of green reeds. The town of Nasiriyah, which is located 350 kilometers (217 miles) southeast of Baghdad, is one of them. The green reeds, found in the marshes of southern Iraq, turn into strong yellow sticks after drying.
Green reeds are environmentally friendly, and Iraqis are proud of their cultural value, as they date back to the days of the Sumerian civilization in Iraq in 4000 B.C., specifically in the southern regions of the country. Houses made of papyrus and palm trunks are also common in the south of the country.
Folklore researcher Khayoun Chaker, who lives in the marsh area in Nasiriyah, told Al-Monitor, “Clay inscriptions and cylindrical seals inscribed with the images of houses similar to these [homes] were found in the historical city of Ur near Nasiriyah. This proves that these houses made of reed are the same as those built by the Sumerians thousands of years ago.”
Journalist and Nasiriyah resident Alaa Kouli told Al-Monitor that people buy these houses, which are common in marsh areas such as al-Jabayesh and Hammar Marshes, because “they are cheap and can be built in a few days. They are simple and well suited to the marshes’ environment that has an agricultural aspect with people living off agriculture, fishing and hunting birds.”
Abu Abbas al-Assadi, a sheikh from the Bani Asad tribe in al-Jabayesh district, lives in a house made of reeds in al-Jabayesh, 70 kilometers from the city center of Nasiriyah. The area accommodates floatingvillages on the marshes. Assadi told Al-Monitor, “The raw material from which these houses are built are the plants and large papyrus fields that grow in water. Modern construction materials such as cement and bricks are not used here.”
Assadi said, “This area is still as it was thousands of years ago, and it is home to water, reeds and papyrus. People still hunt for fish in small boats.”
He spoke about the cultural role and status of these houses, saying, “Many of these guesthouses were built of reeds and papyrus plants. The people meet there to discuss political and tribal issues in the presence of prominent figures; social rituals and religious practices are also held there.”
Haider al-Salihi, an expert with 20 years of experience in the construction of reed houses, told Al-Monitor about the building method of such homes. “Reeds and bamboo are dry hollow sticks brought from swamps and marshes that are dried and cut to the desired measurement to be exported to consumers,” he said. “Bamboo sticks are connected by ropes to form six firm columns in the ground, which are considered the basis of the structure.
Long, bendable arms are made of these sticks to cover the ceiling and walls, which are connected with ropes. The structure is then covered with carpets made of papyrus plants or palm fronds to give the guesthouse its final shape.”
He added, “Roughly seven people take turns to build the guesthouse. They do not use any industrial machines, except knives to cut the reeds and ropes. But after the completion of the houses, they are furnished by their owners — if they are rich — with satellite dishes, internet, and heating and cooling appliances.”
In Babil province, which is roughly 100 kilometers south of Baghdad, Sheikh Majid Kallabi spoke to Al-Monitor about “the popularity of this method in the construction of houses, despite Babil being far from the marshes where reeds grow.”
He said, “This method of building houses became widespread in the 1980s when the region's population emigrated to Babil after the marshes were dried out due to the Iran-Iraq War [1980-88], and they brought this new method of construction with them.”
In Babil, Mohamed Hassan, a farmer, gave up his clay house and built a house of reeds, palm fronds and trunks. He told Al-Monitor, “This kind of house is adequate for the hot Iraqi weather because it provides a cool environment due to air currents that come in through the perforated walls of the house. In winter we insulate it well to avoid rain leakage.”
In 1824, military commander George Keppel described these structures as “lined-up yellow houses [across the Tigris River], ranging in length from 50 to 60 feet and resembling the structure of a capsized ship.”
To preserve this heritage in eco-friendly houses, the marsh environment — suffering from limited water resources — needs help. Water issues are pushing people to migrate and killing reeds and papyrus plants that provide the raw materials for the construction of these houses.
Iraq is seeking to include the marshes on the World Heritage List in mid-July at the UNESCO meeting to be held in Turkey, where member states will vote on the inclusion of new sites on the list.
Adel al-Dukheili, the official in charge of trying to get the marshes included on the World Heritage List, told Al-Monitor, “There are exceptional efforts made by the local government and the Nasiriyah provincial council in cooperation with the citizens to achieve this goal, which has political, cultural and economic ends.”
He added, “There is international sympathy for the inclusion of the marshes on the World Heritage List, especially the reed guesthouses in southern Iraq because of their Sumerian cultural and social role.”
For the residents of southern Iraq to maintain their culture of building homes out of reeds and to prevent the people from migrating, national and international support of the residents of the marsh areas is required.
(*)Wassim Bassem is an Iraqi journalist who tracks social phenomena in investigations and reports for various media outlets, including Al-Esbuyia, Bab Nour and Elaph.
TRANSLATOR Pascale Menassa    Source: Al-Monitor Iraq Puls, June 28, 2016
[ltr]Schuber Dr. Barik | June 29, 2016 at 6:12 pm | Tags: Ali Merza | Categories: Iraqi Culture & Society, Latest Publications | URL:]
Bondlady   “Roughly seven people take turns to build the guesthouse. They do not use any industrial machines, except knives to cut the reeds and ropes. But after the completion of the houses, they are furnished by their owners — if they are rich — with satellite dishes, internet, and heating and cooling appliances.”       Shocked Shocked Shocked cheers
tlm724     BL this reminds of when you said they do this like an old timey barn raising ! Didn't know they had all that fancy stuff too tongue
  Jones: cooperate with Baghdad to stop money laundering and cells dormant for Daash in America, Germany and Turkey
BAGHDAD - A Journal  Revealed the US ambassador in Baghdad, Stuart Jones, on Thursday, on the visit of US technical delegation to Baghdad to help the central bank to fight and stop money laundering operations, revealing Iraq's estimated 800 million in financial aid.
Jones said at a press conference at the US embassy in Baghdad, attended (Il Giornale) that "technically delegation visited Baghdad to assist the Iraqi Central Bank in the process of the fight against money laundering."
"The next month, specifically on 21 next July will see the establishment of an international conference in Washington to help Iraq financially," noting that "humanitarian and military aid to Iraq exceeded 800 million dollars."
Regarding Al2.7 billion loan nations (financial facilities for Iraq) Jones said that "a number of members of the parliamentary security committee in the Iraqi parliament objected to the loan without compelling reasons."
On al Daash attacks on European countries, he explained that "the terrorist organization has sleeper cells in all countries of the world, including Turkey and the United States, Germany and this poses a threat to everyone and must be wary of him."
And the participation of the popular crowd in Mosul editing process said Jones that "it is up to the Iraqi government to share or not," noting, "We are of our duties is to equip a crowd of Nineveh clan involved in the editing process."
Takeda to published (Journal News) on the destruction of columns for Daash in Fallujah, between Jones said the international coalition was destroyed columns Daash in the vicinity of Fallujah, said: "The international coalition aircraft discovered a convoy organize Daash near Fallujah, the first on Tuesday and targeted, on Wednesday, after keeping their distance for civilian targets and to make sure their identities.
He added that "the international coalition is still Asthsal information on the death toll from the organization in the process and mechanisms devastating," saying it "can not determine the number of wheels in the convoy," while likely at the same time, that "the number of destructive mechanisms more than 100 mechanism, not 450" .
He continued Jones, "The convoy left the organization in the form of three groups completely destroyed" .anthy 3   LINK

tlm724    go USA !!!!!!!!!!!

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