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Sunday, June 26, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  6-26-16  Part 3 of 3

Post From BondLadys Corner
BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  6-26-16  Part 3 of 3

Iran and the New PUK-Gorran Alliance
Iran has used its historic relationship with the PUK in order to facilitate this Kurdish political reorganization consistent with their interests: preventing Kurdish independence, marginalizing Barzani, and returning to a stability in Baghdad consistent with the status quo prior to protests.
Iranian representatives therefore conducted a series of meetings with the PUK after the April 30 protests, likely in an effort to steer them politically and guide their demands.
Iranian Ambassador to Iraq Hassan Danaifar met with KRG Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani on May 3 to discuss the political crisis.
Danaifar met on May 4 with Second Deputy Secretary General of the PUK Barham Salih in an unpublicized meeting that did not reach vetted media. Iranian Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi likewise visited both PM Nechirvan Barzani and President Masoud Barzani in Arbil on May 15, the latter of whom Alavi invited to visit Tehran.
Alavi then with Barham Salih and First Deputy Secretary General of the PUK Kusrat Rasul Ali in another unpublicized meeting in Sulaimaniyah on May 15. Iran likely has their own requests of the PUK and Gorran, including the return of the Kurdish political parties to Baghdad in order to restore stability in the Iraqi government.
The Iranians have likewise used their relationship with the PUK to corral President Masoud Barzani’s move towards independence and attempts to monopolize power. 
The KDP Reacts
The new PUK-Gorran Alliance is also large enough to be a formidable rival to the KDP in KRG. The PUK became the third largest party within the KRG after the 2013 parliamentary elections when Gorran split from its ranks and formed its own party, seizing 24 seats in the KRG parliament and reducing the size of the PUK from 29 seats in 2009 to 18 seats in 2013. The KDP remains the largest party with 38 seats.
As 2017 elections in the KRG approach and as President Barzani continues to remain as president beyond his term limit, the re-merger between the PUK and Gorran, which at current numbers would boast a combined 42 seats in the KRG parliament, could pose a significant political driver and perhaps a threat to Barzani, who has occupied his office since since 2005. The KDP unsurprisingly denounced the new alliance as “deepening internal issues” within the KRG on May 18.
The KDP is now fracturing internally. Some members still call for independence.  One KDP CoR member stated on May 10 that the “partnership between Baghdad and Arbil has collapsed.” President Masoud Barzani’s speech on the centenary of the Sykes-Picot Agreement on May 16 called for recognition that the Sykes-Picot had “ended” and to treat Iraq as a “brother and neighbor” and no longer a partner.
These strong condemnations of continued contact with Baghdad contradict actions and statements made by other ranking KDP members.
Other KDP members would prefer to remain in Baghdad politics.  KDP member and Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari met with President Fuad Masoum on May 11 about the impending IMF loan.  KRG Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani stated on May 12 that “as long as we are part of Iraq, we should not be cut off from the political process,” calling for the Kurdish CoR members to return to Baghdad.
 Nechirvan Barzani’s statement echoes sentiments closer to PUK official Mulla Bakhtiar than to KDP associates and family members.  Some KDP members may therefore return to the CoR on their own accord.
Alternatively, the lack of cohesion in rhetoric may be a way for the KDP to maintain its political leverage. President Masoud Barzani’s continued rhetoric requires political negotiators in Baghdad – whether it is Abadi or the Reform Front – to likewise increase their bids for the KDP’s return.
Meanwhile, PM Nechirvan Barzani and key KDP officials like Zebari continue to soothe Baghdad’s concerns that their bids are unreceived and provide continued physical contact between the KDP and Baghdad.
The KDP will not relinquish power easily, whether in Baghdad or Arbil, and will play all its cards in order to make Baghdad cater to its demands..
Baghdad Sweetens the Deal
President Fuad Masoum arrived in Arbil on May 16 and May 17, meeting with President Masoud Barzani and later with Vice President Qubad Talabani to stress the importance of political solutions.
Masoum also met with PUK founder Jalal Talabani and with Gorran leader Nushirwan Mustafa in Sulaimaniyah on May 19 to congratulate the new PUK-Gorran Alliance and discuss the return to Baghdad.
Masoum seeks to bring the Kurds back to Baghdad while maintaining the cohesion in the Kurdish bloc.
On May 17, the Iraqi Central Bank, managed by Ali al-Alaaq, announced that it will open a branch in the Kurdistan Region as the result of talks between the “federal government” and KRG Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani. Alaaq, a prominent member of the Dawa Party, was part of the delegation personally sent by PM Abadi to meet with PUK and Gorran officials in Sulaimaniyah on May 12.
The opening of a banking establishment in Arbil that is directly and inherently connected to Baghdad suggests long-term coordination between Baghdad and Arbil and an intent to establish continued relations.
The opening also underscores that the Kurdistan Region will not move for independence any time soon and instead will continue negotiations that allow for long-term financial support from the Iraqi Government in return for the Kurdish parties’ return to the CoR.
Additionally, the announcement on May 19 that the IMF has  a $5.4 billion standby agreement to Iraq, with the ability to receive up to $15 billion from international aid over three years, and the rumor that the Kurds would receive 17% of this loan, adds further pressure and enticement for the Kurds to remain active in the Baghdad political process.
The personal visit of Oil Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi to visit President Masoud Barzani in Arbil on May 19 also suggests that the KRG and Baghdad will continue to conduct financial agreements. These signs of the KRG’s continued financial dependence on Baghdad indicates that all Kurdish parties will return to the CoR, however it is unclear when they will return and if they return as a cohesive bloc or separate entities.
Will the Kurds Return to Parliament?
The fracture of the Kurdistan Alliance will force the Kurdish parties to reevaluate their positions in both Baghdad and Arbil. It is unlikely that the Kurdistan Alliance as it existed before April 30 will remain.
The new PUK-Gorran Alliance will shift the power dynamics within the Kurdish political parties. The PUK and Gorran are likely to return to the CoR as negotiations, primarily over the IMF loan, continue.
The KDP may return as well, but it is unclear if it will return within the framework of the PUK-Gorran Alliance or outside of it. The new PUK-Gorran Alliance will likely work more closely with the Abadi government in Baghdad.
PM Abadi may find the Kurdish parties with the PUK-Gorran Alliance at the helm a more malleable and open-minded political ally that can help him retain his control over the government and keep pro-Maliki political forces at bay.
The PUK and Gorran will likely soften their position on Baghdad’s oversight in northern Iraq if Baghdad can guarantee substantial financial support to the alliance’s primary support base in Sulaimaniyah and Kirkuk provinces.
The PUK-Gorran Alliance’s current disinclination towards Kurdish independence will also ease the concerns of Abadi, Iran, and the U.S. which seek a unitary Iraq.
The KDP may seek new partners within the CoR in order to maintain its relevance as the PUK-Gorran bloc moves ahead. Maliki’s Reform Front is trying to entice it, a dangerous course of action because it could empower the Abadi government’s main challenger.
But the PUK-Gorran alliance itself is also negotiating for the KDP’s return, and it can offer a combination of concessions in Arbil and Baghdad that help stabilize both, a tremendous boon for an Iraqi government on the verge of collapse.
Jubouri meet with the families of Kirkuk and emphasizes the importance of planning for the post-Daash
26/06/2016 10:17 | Direction Press / Baghdad   Parliament Speaker Salim al-emphasized the importance of planning for the post-Daash terrorist gangs and the importance of building and reconstruction.
A statement by his office received "direction Press" a copy of it, that al-Jubouri, "met on Saturday evening crowd included elders and notables of the families of the province of Kirkuk, and accept the audience for House Speaker what ails their wallets from breaches in security aspects,
demanding the security forces of the importance of maintaining the sanctity of mosques and not left currently ongoing threats, also emphasized the need to open safe corridors for displaced people so as not to be vulnerable to gangs Daash. "
The Chairman of the Parliament that "the importance of planning for the next stage and beyond the demise of Daash After the liberation of areas," stressing that "this stage should be the participation of everyone to build a single country."
 Jubouri also stressed that "there are participants with us to build this country and all within the privacy that complement your social diversity of every individual," he said , adding "it is not still say that the treatment ofdysfunction vision of a comprehensive national, and the order of priority, and the transition from deeds to words, to ensure the desired success . " .
Bondlady    "the importance of planning**** for the next stage***** and beyond the demise of Daash After the liberation of areas,"**** stressing that "this stage *****should be the participation of everyone***** to build a *****single country."******
 Jubouri also stressed that *****"there are participants with us***** to build this country *****and all within the privacy that complement your social diversity of every individual,"*****
 he said , adding *****"it is not still say that ***the treatment ofdysfunction*** vision of a comprehensive national,*** and the order of priority,*** and the transition***** from deeds to words, *****to ensure the desired success . "****   cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers Smile
Bondlady    bounce bounce bounce sunny
tlm724   that complement your social diversity of every individual
tlm724      Parliament Speaker Meets elders and notables of the tribes of Kirkuk and underlines the importance of planning for the post-Daash and the importance of building and reconstruction
In June 25.2016   Met with Parliament Speaker Salim al - Jubouri, Saturday crowd included elders and notables of the families of the province of Kirkuk, and the presence of Mr. Mahmoud al - Obeidi.
And accept the audience for House Speaker what ails their wallets from breaches in security aspects, demanding the security forces of the importance of maintaining the sanctity of mosques and not leave it currently ongoing threats , also emphasized the need to open safe corridors for displaced people so as not to be vulnerable to gangs Daash.
Speaker of parliament pointed out that the importance of planning for the next stage and beyond the demise of Daash after the liberation of areas, stressing that this phase which should be everyone 's participation to build a single country.
as He stressed that there participants us to build this country and all within the privacy that complement each individual's social diversity, adding that he does not continue to say that the treatment of dysfunction vision of a comprehensive national, prioritizing, moving from words to deeds, to ensure the desired success.
tlm724:   Parliament Speaker Meets elders and notables of the tribes of Kirkuk and underlines the importance of planning for the post-Daash and the importance of building and reconstruction
In June 25.2016   Met with Parliament Speaker Salim al - Jubouri, Saturday crowd included elders and notables of the families of the province of Kirkuk, and the presence of Mr. Mahmoud al - Obeidi.
And accept the audience for House Speaker what ails their wallets from breaches in security aspects, demanding the security forces of the importance of maintaining the sanctity of mosques and not leave it currently ongoing threats , also emphasized the need to open safe corridors for displaced people so as not to be vulnerable to gangs Daash.
Speaker of parliament pointed out that the importance of planning for the next stage and beyond the demise of Daash after the liberation of areas, stressing that this phase which should be everyone 's participation to build a single country.
as He stressed that there participants us to build this country and all within the privacy that complement each individual's social diversity, adding that he does not continue to say that the treatment of dysfunction vision of a comprehensive national, prioritizing, moving from words to deeds, to ensure the desired success.
Abadi looking with the delegations of the National Union and the change the relationship between Baghdad and Erbil
26/06/2016 10:03     BAGHDAD / tomorrow Press : Search Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, on Sunday, with the delegations of PUK, and the Movement for Change, the political situation in the country, and the relationship between the Baghdad government and the government of Arbil .
A statement by the Office of Abadi, received " Tomorrow 's Press , " a copy of it, that " the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, received in his office on Saturday evening, a delegation of the coalition of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan ( PUK ) and the Movement for Change ."
The statement added that, " The meeting discussed the political situation the security and economic relationship between the federal government and the Kurdistan region and solving the problems according to the law and the Constitution, where the delegation presented a new vision and a project for dialogue to resolve these problems .
" He continued , " It was also stressed and agree on the importance of activating the work of the legislative parliament and supervisory ministerial work and support reforms to move the country to the right path . "
And arrived in Baghdad on Saturday, a joint delegation from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan party, Movement Alngaal, to meet with the Prime Minister, and a number of political parties and leaders in Baghdad .       LINK

tlm724     Prime Minister Dr. Haider al-Abadi receives a delegation from the coalition of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and the Movement for Change
Mr. Prime Minister , Dr. Haider al - Abadi met in his office on Saturday , a delegation from the coalition of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan ( PUK ) and the MDC. During the meeting , they discussed political, security and economic situation and the relationship between the federal government and the Kurdistan region and solving the problems according to the law and the Constitution , where the delegation presented a new vision and a project for dialogue to resolve these problems .
It was stressed and agreed on the importance of activating the work of the legislative parliament and ministerial oversight, work and support reforms to move the country to the right path.
Information Office of the Prime Minister 25 June 2016

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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