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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

BGG News Time & Chat  6-29-16  Part 2 of 2

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BGG News Time & Chat  6-29-16  Part 2 of 2

​The promise of a book, the Office of the Prime Minister that, it "came in line with the reforms launched by the Prime Minister package, based on the provisions of the Companies Act No. 21 of 1997 as amended, and in order to control the settling accounts Alkmarki and tax procedures for the purpose of regulating the import and export of materials and goods and adjust the traffic movement amounts in foreign currency, including those funded by the Central Bank of Iraq. "

BGG says():BIG PIECE from yesterday...
BGG says() way a cenral bank controls the movement of its currency is with its value.
BGG says():...the CBI may be positioning the banks prior to authorizing/directing them to settle all foreign remittences with the IQD.
wisconsindinar says():One can only hope so...the list seems to be endless
BGG says():in other words... if the CBI is directing the banks to settle all foreign remittences with the IQD - 1182 IQD would be leaving the country for every $1 paid....
BGG says to wisconsindinar():Nah - relax, this is all good.
wisconsindinar says():I is good
BGG says():So how does the CBI control the outflow of the IQD........????
clay01 says():with price
Dinar Dave says():couldn't control it where it is Maybe do a better job when it has some value
BGG says():With the VALUE - of the IQD
SRW says():Who determines that value?
BGG says to SRW():Easy. The C-B-I under the "advice" of the I-M-F (as of recently).
flint says():What came out of the exchange rate meeting in Switzerland?
BGG says to flint():I don't recall them telling anyone??
malcolm says():this is great news but won't the nedd the pricing index calculation to be implemted?
BGG says to flint():lemme' guess. Which Guru said they know??
flint says():none that I know
flint says():have not heard anything about it
BGG says to malcolm():according to some "ponitificators" you would be correct... however the MoP has had reams and reams and reams of this data ready, willing and available since mid-2013. They WERE BORN READY!!
BGG says to malcolm():IMHO - that is a very, quick and easy calculation.
malcolm says():Thanks
BGG says to malcolm():YVW'
wisconsindinar says():do you think the IMF knows tomorrow is June 30th ? LOL
scottiegirl says to wisconsindinar():Good one!
BGG says():Another piece...
BGG says):Road to reform (caution - this is an Iraqi OP ED writing...)
Elane says():Where are the funds coming from for tomorrows capitalization for the banks
BGG says to Elane():I would like to know that myself.
BGG says to Elane():Great question.
wisconsindinar says():Investors /investments
BGG says to Elane():and they don't seem to have "frozen in place" to build that reserve up... auctions are steady... business as usual.
BGG says to wisconsindinar():Don't think so...
BGG says to wisconsindinar():the "chunky money" is still "in the wings" so to speak...
Elane says():Thankyou.....
BGG says to wisconsindinar():that is, the money in mattresses, held by us and other various savers.
BGG says():Back to this piece...
BGG says():Road to reform
BGG says():Ayad heavenly Federal Court decision yesterday to cancel two sessions of the House of Representatives in the fourteenth and twenty-sixth of April, brought political reform to point the subject of zero, the political powers are opposing announced its position to accept the decision and commitment him,
and that means the return of the House of Representatives to the pre-fourteenth of April, and means the return of political reform project to the forefront again after the cancellation of sessions and resulted from them, and the real reform demanded by our people, the oppressed and the helpless,
but reform demanded by Moqtada al-Sadr or Haider al-Abadi, or Saleem al-Jubouri, people want real reform of the structure and the structure of the existing political system, which failed miserably in building the system and institutions of genuine democracy, and gave the worst system of corruption and violation of public money in the world,
BGG says():this corruption that has lengthened everyone did not distance him to a political party or bloc , do not return anymore CSS or circumstance for which the Government of technocrats deceived by the people or for the chaos and the attack on state institutions.
The reform we want and seek it needs first and foremost a political wills secure political reform, and not to an empty mess and an assault on state institutions and tampered with slogans, there is no way to achieve this desired reform only through a parliamentary bloc transient communities adopt a reform approach and a way to get rid of the current system based on sectarian and national and party quotas,
the first step centered in the creation of this cross-sectarian political bloc, and the second step is to adopt a real program of reform takes it upon himself to rebuild the entire political process on the basis of non-foundations of the existing system,
and re-writing of the Iraqi constitution new hands that is hands that wrote the current constitution, the real thrust of the reform of the judicial system and build an independent judiciary away from the desires of the rulers and Msajrihm.
BGG says):After the decision of the Federal Court, it became the Salk Every member of the House of Representatives to join under the banner of the cross-sectarian political bloc the road, Vn quotas system on the satellite channels, media and stick it in the parliament,
it has become exposed and no longer fool the public opinion, and this is what we saw from logo (Hla gouge), which proved not to his credibility, it was sincere in his system quotas, here's the opportunity in front of him to enroll under the banner of this political bloc and pounce on this system that has brought us the scourge of corruption,
and my speech that is directed primarily to deputies bloc and Liberal MPs Badr bloc national and House of Representatives in the mass of Iraqi forces union, led by mass solution, and the House of Representatives of the Kurds who refuse to separate from the Iraqi nation and the preservation of a unified Iraq, there is no excuse anymore about who fails to enroll Front reform,
but everyone knows that the continued existence of quotas system will lead the country inevitably lead to division and sectarian fighting .
BGG says():Whew - I can breathe... my computer was jammed up for a minute...
BGG says():had to perform CPR :d
daytrader says to BGG():Thankfully the patient didn't die 
Elane says():So does this mean the parliment is BACK TO WORK?
BGG says to daytrader():Dude - I fix stuff.
BGG says to Elane():Ultimately - yes, I did warn that it was an OP ED piece... but gives us some valuable insights into what the "thinking on the street" is...
MeginHim says():Why do they want to get rid of Jubouri? Is Maliki behind all this?
puffdragon says():Sounds like ther mimicing our 3 branches of power of government !
BGG says to MeginHim():That is clearly a left-over from the recent attack by Maliki - this Jubouri business is the only thing the got out of the bag...
BGG says to MeginHim():and IT turned out to be a flop.
BGG says to MeginHim():so the whole thing (other than maybe a 3 month delay) was a waste....
BGG says to MeginHim():from the Maliki perspective.
MeginHim says():So is Jubouri safe now?
BGG says to MeginHim():probably.
7Shelia says():Could you explain what the lawsuit that Maliki filed was about? Is it true that because the supreme court ruled in Maliki's favor, will that mean all the ministers that Abadi appointed are not good??
BGG says to 7Shelia():It has been discharged and - it's not exactly in Maliki's favor... all of those sessions were deemed "illegal" - meaning Maliki's charge against Jubouri was not legit... OK, so Maliki got back several crooked MP's (for a while) - but explain to me how Jubouri being ruled as the "Official Speaker" is bad??
7Shelia says():Ok. Someone asked me that question and I didn't have a clue. TYBGG
BGG says():Ok - that's it for me tonite folks - hope you enjoyed...
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