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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Wednesday Evening 6-29-16


Angel:  The $555 Trillion Derivatives Debt Implosion Is About to Begin

The next crisis is here.

The BREXIT or British exit from the EU is this crisis’ Bear Stearns: an unexpected situation that Central Banks will go all out to sweep under the rug.

Whether or not they will succeed remains to be seen. But what has started cannot be undone.

For seven years, the Central Banks have maintained the illusion that all is well. Meanwhile, global leverage has exploded to record highs, with the bond bubble now a staggering $100 trillion in size.

To top it off, over $10 trillion of this is sporting negative yields in nominal terms. Indeed, globally bond yields are at levels not seen since the BRONZE AGE.
The Brexit is just the first jolt to this house of cards. It won’t be the last. Spain, Italy and other EU problem countries will soon be lining up to renegotiate their debt levels with the EU.
At that point it’s GAME OVER.
Globally over $500 trillion in derivatives trade based on bond yields.
This is why EVERY move the Central Banks have made post-2009 has been aimed at avoiding debt restructuring or defaults in the bond markets. Why does Greece, a country that represents less than 2% of EU GDP, continue to receive bailouts instead of just defaulting?
Now that the BREXIT has happened, the restructurings will begin. Previously, the EU could always threaten the perceived financial Armageddon of leaving the EU to problem countries that wanted debt forgiveness.
Not anymore. Britain left the EU and Armageddon didn’t hit. So Spain, Italy and other nations will start threatening to leave if they don’t get debt forgiveness or a restructuring.
The derivatives markets smell this. This is why Deutsche Bank (DB) which sits on the largest derivatives book in the world, is on the verge of taking out a 20 year Head and Shoulders pattern.

LANDA GLOBAL REPLAY Conference Number:   641-715-3589 

Access Code:   484-959#

We will post call computer link when its available..



Robert001:  My simple question is ? The payment due to the IMF is due on July. Will it be paid? And if it is missed what are the consequences????   The billions loaned from IMF for. Three yeR period I think it was

Lilypad:  It is my understanding that the first of those payments FROM the IMF is due to IRAQ first of July. Not sure about the actual date the funds will be transferred. From something I read, I am thinking Iraq got a prepayment tis past week but not the full amount

Robert001:  It was my belief that that was why we were so confident that the RV would happen before the July 1st payment was done….or more correct ,, finished and paid

Lilypad:  Taxes and Tariff Implementation on all Items delayed until July 1st--T​IMING-

Lilypad:  This was on Iraqi TV yesterday--actually two days ago Iraq time. Mosul has not been liberated to the degree that the USA wants it don​e.

The loan pretty well indicates that Iraq is Article 8 complaint and leads the way for other counties to invest in Iraq. We are waiting to see the entire contains of the LOI which was signed and submitted first week of July. That document will tell up of the lifting of the three zeros is a condition of the loan.

With Abadi's televised message two days ago, he was telling his people that the financial and economic reforms will be implemented after EID which pretty well tells us it is

Yes Robert we agree that July 1st is not the drop dead date. Abadi has told his country he will implemtent economic and financial reforms after EiD


SassyD: 71% of Americans believe economy is 'rigged' -- June 28, 2016: 3:44 PM​ ET --

SassyD:  It's a horrible time to be a U.S. bank -- June 28, 2016: 10:20 AM ET -​-

SassyD:  Puerto Rico Says It Will Default Even With Congressional Aid - 6/29/20​16 --

Mountainman:  Yes the "NATURE" of a LOAN Always Comes w/shall we OWNERSHIP CLAUSE and a ROI=RETURN ON INVESTMENT.....

{ALL} will Come FULL CIRCLE here in IRAQ Very Soon.......After All It was the OBJECTIVE {ALL} Along......Right.....??? Yes....Indeed.......IMO

Blessings,Mountainman (8)=New Beginnings........for A MASSIVE PAY DAY.......
Samson:  Baghdad and Washington sign a credit facility of $ 2.7 billion to Iraqi forces

{Baghdad} Euphrates News Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari signed with the US ambassador to Iraq, Stuart Jones on {} declaration of intent to provide credit facilities totaling $ 2.7 billion in Foreign Military Financing FMF {}.

According to an embassy statement received by the agency {Euphrates News} acopy of it today , "the US ambassador to Iraq Stuart Jones and Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari today signed a declaration of intent to provide credit facilities totaling $ 2.7 billion in foreign military financing {FMF}.

He said Ambassador Jones , according to the statement "these credit facilities will allow Iraqi security forces to postpone payments for the purchase of ammunition and maintenance of the 16 planes F- and M1A1 tanks and allow the deal valued at $ 2.7 billion for Iraq a grace period of one year and the duration of payment of an eight and a half years to pay dues military procurement."

He continued , "under the strategic framework Agreement, the US embassy is working closely with the Government of Iraq to ensure that the current economic challenges facing Iraq does not affect the ongoing defeat Daash campaign, and provides this credit facility further support to the continuous development of Iraq as a strategic partner is stable and self - reliant"

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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