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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Wealthwatch News Excerpts & Comments 6-26-16 Part 2 of 2

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Wealthwatch News Excerpts & Comments 6-26-16 Part 2 of 2

Tootsie: Abadi called on Iraqis from Fallujah to get out into the streets and celebrate the liberation of the city Sunday June 26, 2016 17:37 Alsumaria News / Baghdad He called on the commander of the armed forces, Haidar al-Abbadi of the city of Fallujah, Sunday, Iraqis out into the streets and celebrate the liberation of the city. Followed ..

Tootsie: ^^^^ breaking news
chattels: The city of Fallujah was 5 square miles in size and about 100,000 people. Mosul is 250 square miles and still 700,000 people.
chattels: Most of the citizens of Fallujah are in tent camps and few have been allowed to enter Baghdad or can return to Fallujah as yet.
chattels: ‹@Tootsie› gm
Tootsie: Abadi calls for community reconciliation and peaceful coexistence among Iraqis Sunday June 26, 2016 17:41 Alsumaria News / Baghdad He called on Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Sunday, to community reconciliation and peaceful coexistence among the people of Iraq, pointing out that the organization "Daash" did not differentiate between a component in the killing and another targeted Iraqis with all their sects and nationalities and religions.
Ebadi said in a television interview upon his arrival to the city of Fallujah, and I followed Alsumaria News, "The community reconciliation has become a necessity and can not recognize without them," he said, adding that "there are those who want to stir up sectarian ethnic nationalism among the people of Iraq members in order to make a problem between the people of the community, although that unified the community. "
 Abadi added, "We must end all these differences through community reconciliation," pointing out that "the danger and the one and threatens all the people."
He said al-Abadi said "organizing Daash did not differentiate between Sunni or Shiite Aocarda or Arabic or even Aoturkmena Yazidi," explaining that this organization, "Kill everyone and causing a disaster for all."

The Abadi arrived on Sunday June 26, 2016, to the city of Fallujah after the liberation announcement completely.

Tootsie: picture of Abadi w/troops
chattels: Abadi's office has issues a statement regarding Fallujah humanitarian planning, the proxy appointments of the inspector generals, and the IMF. Worth the long read.
chattels: Mosul Soon ?, but Abadi to Ban Ki-moon: the financial resources are not sufficient to meet the requirements for editing
chattels: " The Iraqi government has begun the process of restoring stability in Fallujah and other areas in addition to re - displaced people to their towns, but the financial resources available are not sufficient to meet all the requirements for editing and restoring stability due to lower oil prices. "
chattels: " ............. the financial resources available are not sufficient to meet all the requirements for editing and restoring stability ..........."
chattels: In terms of human rights among the al - Abadi said , " this issue is one of the priorities of the work of the government as well as national reconciliation , "underlined "we are involved in a comprehensive reform program , which was announced and to move forward to build a state of institutions."
chattels: We shall see what " involved " produces by by of any real reform or reconciliation.
Tootsie: Take Care all ! Have a good day ~
chattels: ‹@Tootsie› bye
SWSD: why would the IMF say Iraq wuold enter the global market, if they werent going to? My fear has always been that 'enter the global economy' could just be a.....specualation/translation of the words
SWSD: Or did the IMF NOT say that, and it has just been speculated as such by gurus
chattels: I posted the following yesterday : " The pundits who have preached on the imminent prospects of an increase in the value of the IQD have become married to an indefensible narrative which while ” happy news ” is not based upon any discernible ” real ” news, IMO."
chattels: and " I note that the ” hype ” regarding the near certainty of movement in the value of the IQD in the first half of 2016 has abated. Probably because there are only five (5) days left until the second half of 2016."
SWSD: was there no 'real' news by the imf saying that about them reentering the global economy
chattels: ‹@SWSD› I understand that the IMF may have made such a statement, but what does it mean even if it should happen ?
SWSD: right
SWSD: AND does that mean they will enter the market globally with a significant increase in value
chattels: ‹@SWSD› This event will not be so transparent or predictable, IMO.
SWSD: another feari have is that they won't let us get what we have been waiting for WHEN/IF it happens
chattels: Anytime someone says that because of " x " then " y " MUST follow, well .......
chattels: ‹@SWSD› I have those same thoughts from time to time.
chattels: Remember when the tariffs were going make for the " RV " ? Well the tariffs have been implemented and increased / applied as of today.
SWSD: So tarriffs ARE a go now
chattels: ‹@SWSD› There have been some tariffs for the past year, but additional items have been added and the tax amount raised as recently as today.
chattels: I do not know whether the tariff law has been " fully implemented "
chattels: Yesterday. Ports start working to apply the new tariff revenue and wages 06/25/2016 12:03
chattels: " the new tariff has seen a slight increase in some of its vocabulary "
SWSD: all this is dutch to me. all i know is people's thoughts on if tarriffs are implemented,fully(?),there needs to be an increase in value?
chattels: " vocabulary " means / should translate as " various items " I believe
chattels: Nobody knows or will know. I keep up with the news because it helps pass the time and there is some intellectual exercise to it.
chattels: And it helps me discern when someone is talking nonsense in the dinar community.
Doug_W: and we appreciate it too "C"
Tootsie: FORBES Quote ofthe Day “Timing, perseverance, and ten years of trying will eventually make you look like an overnight success.” Now, wonder if we can apply this to Iraq?? - Biz Stone
Tootsie: ‹@SWSD› a tariff is essentially a "tax" and has nada to do with a currency increase/decrease or becoming a "legal tender" Just nonsense to keep people in 'mood'
SWSD: ‹@Tootsie› Yea I knew a tarriff was a tax. But I was only curious as to why so many thought it to be an indicator to an increase in value.
Tootsie: Bashing is the non de plume for yonder ~ shows
chattels: susannah george ‏@sgreports 47m47 minutes ago Iraq victory in Fallujah declared (again) but humanitarian crisis persists
chattels: A member of the parliamentary security: to provide the names of the team leaders of the parliament and the government warn of a stall
chattels: for the security and defense committee member of the parliamentary Qasim al - Araji stressed the need to end the government to file a proxy appointment is final.
chattels: " the need to send the government the names of team leaders and above, as well as independent bodies and deputy ministers student , send them to parliament for a vote by constitutional provisions. "
chattels: Abadi's position is that he has the authority to replace and appoint subject to consultation with the parliamentary integrity committee, so this rhetoric bespeaks a bit of a power struggle between the executive and parliamentary branches of government. Nevertheless there is no functioning Parliament at this point for submission of the names.
chattels: Tuesday, the 28th, is the day that the Federal court has indicated that a decision will be made on the legality of the parliamentary leadership. The political blocs have stated that they will honor the court's decision and move forward. We shall see.
chattels: Let the " healing " begin ! :)
chattels: Will Iraq develop a sense of national interest over the selfish concerns of individuals and political factions ?
RVPlease: Read:
chattels: All of the current news on Fallujah is posted in our forum
chattels: If the foregoing is supposed to be a counterpoint to the quoted material from me on Dinar Guru, you may note that I posted such on Wednesday of last week. Hardly current.
chattels: Daesh areas of control are shrinking rapidly
chattels: Sajad Jiyad ‏@SajadJiyad PM @HaiderAlAbadi speech tonight will confirm that Fallujah reconstruction phase begins, to prepare for IDP return. IEDs still being cleared 
chattels: Loveday Morris ‏@LovedayM 7h7 hours ago Still lots of IEDs, booby traps and burning houses in #Fallujah today, but fight seems to be over. For now at least
chattels: Hawija operation postponed as Sunni factions oppose Shiite involvement
chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region--- The operation to recapture areas south and west of Kirkuk including Hawija, Ryaz and Rashad from ISIS was suspended for the third time by Sunni Arab groups in the Kirkuk Provincial Council. The groups have said they want Peshmarga and Sunni Arab forces to take part in the operation without the participation of Shiite militia forces, known as the Hashd al-Shaabi.
chattels: Iraqi leaders visit Makhmour frontline to prepare for Mosul
chattels: Politicians from Baghdad visited the Makhmour frontline as the Iraqi army prepares for the Mosul offensive, which the political leadership vow will happen this year.
chattels: “As we, Mr. Prime Minister, and military officials have said, and we will say it again, 2016 will be the year of ending ISIS in Mosul and other areas [in Iraq],” Obaidi told reporters in Makhmour.
chattels: Jabouri stressed that humanitarian concerns must remain a top priority. It is expected that one million people will flee the city when the assault begins; half will likely seek refuge in the Kurdistan Region where preparations for their anticipated arrival are underway.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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