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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Dinar UpdatesTuesday AM Chat  6-28-16  Part 2 of 2

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Dinar UpdatesTuesday AM Chat  6-28-16  Part 2 of 2
rcookie says():Iraqi Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri
Jubouri is a federal decision , " the end" of attempts to disrupt parliament and threatens to sue the "spoilers" of public money
Author: AB Editor: AB 28/06/2016 14:46 Number of Views: 279  Long-Presse / BaghdadThe President of the House of Representatives Saleem al-Jubouri, on Tuesday, his respect for the decision of the Federal Court judge after esteem Bgelsta on 14 and 26 April, as promised "the end" of the attempts that you want to "disrupt" the work of Parliament in the next stage, threatened to sue the "cause of sabotaging public money and Shading justice or holds himself out of official status. "
Information Office of the Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri said in a statement received (long-Presse), copy of it, "House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, expressed today, his respect for the decision of the Federal Court, which was issued this day and on the unconstitutionality of the two sessions on 14 and 26 April."
The statement quoted al-Jubouri, was quoted as saying, "This decision was made to confirm what I went to him the presidency of the House of Representatives and most of the political blocs of unconstitutional practices by the number of objectors House of Representatives," noting that "any change in state institutions must be the starting point of the legal and constitutional materials ".
Promised al-Jubouri, said: "This decision came at the right time and finished all the attempts that you want to obstruct the work of the House of Representatives in the next phase," stressing that "he was careful that the court ruling issued before proceeding with the work of the House of Representatives the third legislative year, and in order for the Council of its constitutional duties on a regular basis, and to cut the road in front of each of protest against the decision of the Federal Court for non-compliance with constitutional duties entrusted to it by the people. "
The head of the House of Representatives, said: "This decision does not fall to resume his legal right to institute criminal proceedings against those who caused sabotaging public money and shading justice or holds himself out of official status is not the law."
The Federal Supreme Court decided on Tuesday Irrelevance Bgelsta the House of Representatives on 14 and 26 April, while the reasons attributed to the sessions violation of articles 14 and 38 of the Iraqi Constitution.
It is noteworthy that the Federal Supreme Court resumed on Tuesday to consider its claims challenged in the two sessions of the House of Representatives, which were held during the month of April.
The Federal Supreme Court, in (13 June 2016), held during the month of April, until the 28th of June current, decided to postpone consideration of claims challenged in the sessions, which the parliament and among the five new experts called Bamhalam until the 26th of this month to submit their report, approved Federal Court on visiting experts to the House of Representatives for the detection sites without interference from the parties to the lawsuit.
And resumed the Federal Supreme Court, in the (June 13, 2016), to consider its claims challenged in the two sessions of the House of Representatives, which were held during the month of April, as echoed by five legal experts right in front of the court.
It is noteworthy that the Federal Supreme Court, in (8 June 2016), to postpone consideration of claims challenged Bgelsta the House of Representatives, which were held during the month of April, to next Monday (13 June 2016), which called for the parties to the suit by choosing new experts decided.
And resumed the Federal Supreme Court, in the (June 8, 2016), its to consider claims challenged in the two sessions of the House of Representatives, which were held during the month of April, while I listened to the Committee of Experts' report, it decided to postpone consideration on the grounds of some ministers dismissed the appeal against the constitutionality of the dismissal hearing until the resolution of the appeal proceedings Bgelsta parliament.
The Federal Supreme Court, in the (June 6, 2016), (8 June 2016), decided to postpone consideration of the appeal submitted claims Bgelsta the House of Representatives, which were held during the month of April to the while confirming that the parties to the suits supplied with ten compact discs (CD) on sessions.
The Federal Supreme Court has resumed, in (29 May 2016), its to consider claims challenged in the two sessions of the House of Representatives, which were held during the month of April, while the meeting witnessed the performance of media experts and legal right to offer their expertise on two sessions of the House of Representatives, handed over the presidency of the court files for Paljlstin, and given them six days to present their views.
The Federal Court, in (25 May 2016), decided to postpone consideration of a case two sessions of Parliament on Sunday (29 May 2016), after a hearing during the first session to the prosecutors of the House of Representatives of the protesters and the Presidency of the Parliament and to assign experts from the Faculty of Information to present their views on sessions.
The federal judiciary announced that, in the (18 May 2016) for determining, on the 25th of May 2016, as the date for the first hearing on claims of appeal submitted Bgelsta the House of Representatives, which were held during the month of April, while the later called on President Fuad Masum in the (21 of
rcookie says():submitted Bgelsta the House of Representatives, which were held during the month of April, while the later called on President Fuad Masum in the (21 of May 2016), the Federal Court to "accelerate the exceptional" to resolve the problem of the House of Representatives.
It is noteworthy that the Federal Supreme Court called for in the (17 May 2016), the parties inviting me to appeal Bgelsta parliament sessions held during the month of April, to submit their answers within 15 days, and as pointed out it seeks to resolve the two cases in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and the laws and regulations in force, confirmed that the hearings concerning the invitations, which Tlguethma in the (12 May 2016), will be made public.
rcookie says():Relationship carries the responsibility of Government and Parliament Iraq reserves to 53 billion dollars.
June 28, 2016 74   Our economy/Baghdad  The Central Bank Governor said the agency relationship to Iraq's foreign currency reserves reached 53 billion dollars, except that it is in line with international standards and regulations of the International Monetary Fund, the House of representatives and the Government reduced the reserve because their make a friend of balancing its fiscal deficit.
He said the relationship he briefed reporters our agency newsletter, ' foreign currency Bank reserves reached 53 billion dollars could change up or down depending on what it wants from the Ministry of finance ', stating that ' the amount within the Bank and the International Monetary Fund last demonstrates enough to reserve in accordance with the international standard of the existence of the amount of foreign exchange to cover the size of the local currency of the dinar.
He added that relationship ' means the Central Bank foreign currency reserves exceed local ', adding that ' high or low reserve caused by factors outside the Central Bank's will or control, being influenced by two factors, namely the dollar amount to the Bank, selling oil, and what you get Finance Ministry of oil sold by dollar bank to get JD to cover their expenses.
The CBI had been rejected in (13 January 2016) draw from Government reserves, while attributing it to law ' not allowed ' to the Government, invited them to issue bonds and sell them to banks.
mfree05 says():Eid al Fitr is on Tuesday July 5th, I hoping we see a parliament session either Wednesday or Thursday July 6 or 7th.
Pablo says():Isn't parliament supposed to mee on the 1st?
Pablo says():I thought the plan was meet on the 1st and then vot on all the basket of stuff and get things done before the Eid holiday.
clay01 says to Pablo():Things in constant state of change over there
Pablo says():But the reason why they needed to go back on the 1st is because they were being pushed by the WB to get the stuff done so that they can get their loan.
Pablo says():Money talks.
mfree05 says():Pablo, Last thing I read was from some MP who said the next session would happen after the holidays which end on July 5th. Wish it was sooner.
Pablo says():You'd think they'd want their money now.
clay01 says to Pablo():the loans come with strings attactched, some over there don't want the strings
mfree05 says():Sounds like parliament has a full agenda ahead of them once they get back; 4 laws needed for SBA loan (hope it's first !!), remaining cabinet reshuffle, Fed court law & Amnesty etc. Wonder who long it will take them to go thru that list.
mfree05 says():how long
Pablo says to clay01():That doesn't surprise me.
puffdragon says():My recolection was the parlement to meet July 1st before the holliday and get settled ! This after the 28th (today ) the court rulling final decision no other apeals alowed ! 
_firefly_ says():Direction Press / Baghdad   Rafidain Bank, announced Tuesday the opening of its new branch in Haifa Street in Baghdad to conduct banking activity and provide services to citizens.
Press office of the bank said in a statement that "the trend Press" obtained a copy of it today, "it was the opening of the new building in Haifa Street, near the Ministry of Justice building in Baghdad after they were rehabilitated completely."
He pointed out that " the bank to develop a plan to improve the work in order to raise the level of services provided to citizens and keep abreast of developments in modern banking systems and the use of electronic management for that".
_firefly_ says():raise the level of services provided to citizens and keep abreast of developments in modern banking systems and the use of electronic management for that".
mfree05 says():Articles like that always make me wonder when I see phrases like the bank is to "develope a plan" - leads one to think this electronic system is really in infancy, when I had the impression from earlier articles that these systems were close to completion?
Angel_CY says():Could someone tell me if the court's decision came down for or against Abadi and Jubouri on the April meeints. thank you
Pablo says():Yes, it's in our favor.
Angel_CY says():Thank you Pablo
Pablo says():So, wondering now what the next step is.
Angel_CY says():I think from the DU Chat last night and posts the Parlament will meet between now and the end of EID July 5 to pass the laws that are waiting for a vote
Pablo says():That was my understanding as well.
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