Don't WAIT!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Dr. Clarke Tues.PM 6-28-16: "Dong Holders Should be Smiling"

Thanks Dr. Clarke for sending this to us today:

DR. CLARKE: Dong holders, should be smiling Big right now, after yesterday's report from the it here at this link:

Especially this part of the article, which we've been saying for 4 months.....that they will probably increase the rate slowly, gradually at first, then it will explode higher....

(from the IMF article): "The recently-introduced flexible exchange-rate mechanism is a commendable development. Permitting greater exchange-rate flexibility and strengthening monetary policy instruments, while moving gradually towards using inflation as the nominal anchor for monetary policy, will allow Vietnam to safeguard macroeconomic stability while buffering external shocks."

Iraq needs some more time, as we indicated in our last post. You saw what happened in Turkey today, with the bombing of the we said last time, ISIS is still active, even though they're being driven out of Iraq......
Mosul is NOT done yet, despite the rumor mill you hear, or some people's idea of a delay in being announced. It is better in and around Mosul, and progressing well, but the line has not been broken yet officially.

Mosul is NOT the last straw for the rate to be increased in Iraq, although it is important.

They can actually do it before, Mosul is announced as done......again, what we said last post.......the owners of Iraq (metaphorically) will decide, right on time......and it's Really close to that time, but now quite yet. We say late SEPTEMBER, and maybe mid July, as our last posts have indicated.

EVERYTHING will start becoming clear and jell more publicly worldwide, beginning this weekend, including the U.S. Presidential election, more Brexit, N. Korea, China (some surprises coming there),......and in the oil industry.....some things are going to, "flat disappear" soon, into thin to speak......which needs to happen, for the path to be clear.

There are already replacements - new and better versions (so to speak).

Tune out the BS, and watch the physical movement of persons, governments......and commerce (businesses).

Maybe, you put on your "Patience" hat, even though you hate it, and have been wearing it, what seems like forever......and join Forrest in a little park-bench sitting, enjoying the view, while the bus riders come and go....

You WILL take that hat off in 2016, for good. Diiiiiing........Dong!

I Intend the Very Best for ALL,

Dr. Clarke

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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