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Monday, July 25, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-25-16 Part 2 of 3

Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-25-16 Part 2 of 3
Government calls on the political blocs to support the army and overcome the state of division
Direction Press / Confirmed media spokesman of the Office of the Prime Minister Saad al-Hadithi that "The government reiterates its commitment to free education and the lack Msasha staff salaries.
A newborn in a press release received "direction Press" a copy of which was that "the Iraqi government based on its desire to provide appropriate political atmosphere for the continuation of victories of our armed forces valiant against terrorism and the liberation of Mosul, and the pursuit of national consensus,
which is a prerequisite for the completion of the Iraqi forces, efforts to purge all Lands Iraq from terrorism, after the return of parliament to convene again, we call on all political forces to shoulder national responsibilities in a direct and effective contribution in support of the government, armed forces and formations chock her efforts through the unification of the national ranks,
delivering a clear message to our fighters in the breakers of fighting that the political forces give the priority for the efforts of the brave recruited in the war on terror, and that by bypassing the political differences in favor of the supreme national interest to political interests or partisan gains for this or that party.
He noted that "the current special stage requirements in the security and economic reform aspects, should be an incentive for the various political forces to forget their differences and live up to expectations placed on it historical responsibility, to bring Iraq's victory the expeditious on terrorism and beyond the financial crisis goes on a program of government reform to its limit.
He added that "our fighters brave They make their lives and making their blood for the redemption of the homeland and Istron exploits of the tournament, advancing military position too much on the political situation,
they are looking to politicians and are waiting for their assistance and support autism to sustain liberalization momentum, and about the responsibilities as these fighters brave no less than to seek political blocs to overcome the state of division and build bridges of communication and build an atmosphere of trust among them
Iraq is worth all of us to go beyond the differences and adopt a positive attitude and ask visions constructive away from the atmosphere of political shipping, where political stability is a basic introduction to achieve the final victory over terrorism, and to overcome the economic fallout from the the financial crisis and to speed up the completion of the steps the government's reform program.
He said Sabri said, "Our troops have been able to punish those terrorists, murderers Maartkpt by the sinful hands of a heinous crime in the Karrada and the rest of the terrorist crimes, where they have killed more than a thousand of them a terrorist.
He said the "government is trying to provide all forms of support and assistance to our troops in the battle to liberate Mosul and mobilize all the national energies and mobilize all available capacity in order to preserve the unity of the national ranks and achieve the supreme national interest and accelerate the achievement of victory in the war on terrorism and cheaply as possible and in this context,
Haider al-Abadi commander General of the armed forces began in coordination with the political and social events in Nineveh regarding the unification of efforts to restore Mosul, and for the government's preparations to deal with a wave expected in the liberation of the city of Mosul,
 the process of displacement, the face of the Council of Ministers at its recent Bastnfar ministries and government agencies concerned with efforts to receive and provide the basic needs of the displaced.
He pointed out that "Iraq is the front line in the war against terrorism and interest, wisdom and justice that we use the international and regional levels in this war, and to Anharb support alone in the whole humanitarian war, and take advantage of all the support provided to Iraq in this war as long as they do not conflict with national sovereignty
and are in full coordination with the Iraqi government, especially with the fact that this support and assistance to contribute to accelerating the processes of liberalization and minimize losses among our fighters and protect civilians. "
He said he "in this context comes the last of understanding with the  American side where he will be sent less than two hundred experts and technicians American consultant with crews accompanying service for them - and this tradition is supported in US military action - to assume contribute to the rehabilitation of Qayyarah Air Base,
 the maximum to their importance in the liberation of Mosul process, in order to provide greater support to Iraqi forces and through counseling and logistical support for our troops in the advance towards Mosul and to provide more air support and the provision of air and an active and direct Iraqi troops fighting on the ground cover, it will not have the force of any combat missions ground for not need Iraq to foreign combat troops on the ground .
He went on saying that "the Iraqi government has adopted since it was formed the policy of openness to the international community and sought actively and continuously to establish a balanced foreign relations opened where most of the countries of the world and followed a sustained and flexible foreign policy to put the international community in the form of what is happening in Iraq,
and to clarify the government's efforts on the political, military and humanitarian levels in the unification of the Iraqi national ranks, fight terrorism and restore one Iraqi cities after the other, as well as in the framework of the displaced file and the reconstruction of liberated areas and stabilize them,
and this policy came under criticism by some were questioning the validity of the approach taken by the government in its dealings with the international community and its quest to gain support in the military and humanitarian fields by others. "
He continued, "it is that the days proved the policy adopted by the government in this area, which is managed wisely and deliberately Health and here is the Iraqi issue tops the attention of all the international forums and global conferences this was not to happen without the policy perseverance of the Government towards the international community
and the audience active and influential Iraqi government in all global forums at the highest levels and put the point of view of Iraq in front of the world by Haider al-Abadi Prime Minister and other officials in the government, and these efforts culminated in the recent donor conference held in Washington,
where Iraq won the amount exceeds two billion dollars of financial support, which will contribute to accelerate the government's efforts in the framework of the displaced file and to achieve stability in the liberated areas,
which serve as the adoption of the international community the pioneering role played by Iraq in the war on terrorism, valuing the efforts of the Iraqi government and our troops in the heroic confrontation against terrorists surveys.
He said that "we in turn appreciate the efforts of all countries and organizations that have contributed to the support of Iraq through this conference, which reflected the international community's solidarity with Iraq, and these efforts serve as an important message to Iraq, which  addresses terrorism.

In the axis between the newborn saying "with the convening of the Arab Summit Conference of the Iraqi government calls on the two conferences to provide support and assistance for Iraq, which addresses terrorism, which threatens Arab security also threatens the security of Iraq
and we look forward to the contribution of active Arab countries in supporting the Iraqi government's efforts and our armed forces in its campaign to liberate cities gang Daash and contribute to ease the humanitarian burden on displaced people and restore stability to the liberated cities
and adopt decisions to dry up the sources of terrorism on the intellectual, informational and financial levels and the application of UN security Council relevant resolutions including weakening of the capabilities of terrorism and contribute to the defeat it once and for all.
And he added that "the government emphasizes its commitment to free education at all stages depending on what the text of the Constitution is a right guaranteed to citizens, but the government is seeking to develop and reform education curricula at all levels to build generations conscious assume the functions of the reconstruction of Iraq and achieving stability and prosperity for its people.
He concluded by saying , "We stress again that absolutely no truth to rumors or is promoted by some around the feet of the government to reduce salaries, already pointed out that the reduction does not include only those with special grades and the staff of the first and second division exclusively, while the rest of the staff will not include recently Bai reduced .    
tlm724    we call on all political forces to shoulder national responsibilities in a direct and effective contribution in support of the government, armed forces and formations chock her efforts through the unification of the national ranks, delivering a clear message to our fighters in the breakers of fighting that the political forces give the priority for the efforts of the brave recruited in the war on terror, and that by bypassing the political differences in favor of the supreme national interest to political interests or partisan gains for this or that party.
He noted that "the current special stage requirements in the security and economic reform aspects, should be an incentive for the various political forces to forget their differences and live up to expectations placed on it historical responsibility, to bring Iraq's victory the expeditious on terrorism and beyond the financial crisis goes on a program of government reform to its limit.
"in this context comes the last of understanding with the American side where he will be sent less than two hundred experts and technicians American consultant with crews accompanying service for them –
and this tradition is supported in US military action - to assume contribute to the rehabilitation of Qayyarah Air Base, the maximum to their importance in the liberation of Mosul process, it will not have the force of any combat missions ground for not need Iraq to foreign combat troops on the ground .
"it is that the days proved the policy adopted by the government in this area, which is managed wisely and deliberately Health and here is the Iraqi issue tops the attention of all the international forums and global conferences this was not to happen without the policy perseverance of the Government towards the international community
and the audience active and influential Iraqi government in all global forums at the highest levels and put the point of view of Iraq in front of the world by Haider al-Abadi Prime Minister and other officials in the government, and these efforts culminated in the recent donor conference held in Washington, where Iraq won the amount exceeds two billion dollars of financial support,
"with the convening of the Arab Summit Conference of the Iraqi government calls on the two conferences to provide support and assistance for Iraq the government is seeking to develop and reform education curricula at all levels to build generations conscious assume the functions of the reconstruction of Iraq and achieving stability and prosperity for its people.

Agriculture: There is no water binding agreement for Turkey and dubious relationships exist in the minds of its promoters
Author: AHF, HH   Editor: AHF, HH 07.25.2016 10:27  Long-Presse / Baghdad
Technical caseworker likely to incorporate the marshes and archaeological areas within the global Jassim agricultural heritage, on Monday, the survival of water marshes if they did not intervene, "Ayad strange to dry," and while denied the existence of a water agreement with Turkey to provide water releases except for "moral and humanitarian duty", criticized the calls that warned of suspicious dealings in the marshes.
Jassim said agriculture in an interview with (long-Presse) on the sidelines of a seminar held in the top club, the center of Baghdad, on the occasion of the marshes and other Iraqi locations included into the World Heritage List, "The marsh extends life for more than 6000 years and this environment has automatic their sustainability, and if you do not intervene Ayad exotic dried or dare and the unfair attacks them they will continue along the history. "
Agricultural and added that "Turkey is bound by a duty of moral and humanitarian providing water releases of the marshes as with Iraqi antiquities have become part of the global heritage and legacy of great humanitarian," adding that "we must also develop a rational policy of water resources and we are working hard to find a management plan realistic and deal with new developments we are working on providing a minimum of infrastructure in these areas. "
Peasant who serves as Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, Environment and Vice-President of the General Assembly of the United Nations for the Environment, said: "What we were surprised is to intercept the Turkish side to the inclusion of the marsh than 24 hours before the vote,"
 pointing out that "Istanbul were not a candidate on the list of candidate cities to host the voting session, but the Turkish side has made great efforts and unexpected generosity in hosting the conference because they had tried two locations inclusion within the World Heritage list and could not that. "
He denied the agricultural, having a "no binding on states riparian agreement and there is no clear and binding agreement with neighboring Turkey over water quotas, especially that 80% of water resources in Iraq come from Turkey and 17% from the Iranian side and 3% of Iraq and we miss the strategic rational and clear to the issue of water resources but a bargaining chip is good and important for the future of Iraq with Turkey in this regard. "
He criticized the agricultural "religious invitations that warned of suspicious dealings in the marshes after their inclusion on the World Heritage, noting that" supposed to be our Palm Island after 13 years in the marshlands, and these ideas exist only in the mind from thinking about such things. "
For his part, the academic Kazem Mikdadi said in an interview with (long-Presse), said he "felt that there is a working group nationally was successful in marshes and other archeological sites in the World Heritage list inclusion, a great work is not easy, stressing that" Turkey and Iran are concerned with this file will not Taatlaaba water quotas are committed to understanding water quotas so that these pillars of civilization remain in Iraq. "
Mikdadi explained, "There is great optimism about the future despite the political performance and the time of fractures and loss we have an opportunity and such a beautiful expanse Bmndz." LINK
Technical caseworker likely to incorporate the marshes and archaeological areas within the global Jassim agricultural heritage, on Monday, the survival of water marshes if they did not intervene, "Ayad strange to dry," and while denied the existence of a water agreement with Turkey to provide water releases except for "moral and humanitarian duty", criticized the calls that warned of suspicious dealings in the marshes.
As you can see from this map Turkey really does hold all the water cards !
Economic Council: our initiatives to support the family economy
7/25/2016 0:00   BAGHDAD - Hussein al - Tamimi Tgb The head of the Iraqi Economic Council , Ibrahim al - Baghdadi important to have organizations and economic unions played a major role in the joint support of social benefits which is a moral obligation towards the people of Iraq, where they are allocated amounts compensating for the segments of society that are exposed to terrorism or to support needy families economy, noting the possibility to contribute to other initiatives that have a positive impact on the lives of citizens.
Baghdadi in an interview with «morning» praised the attention of the President of the Republic about such initiatives, including the «Loyalty to the Karada initiative» launched by the Iraqi economic Council and the role of this approach in alleviating the suffering of the families in the economic side, pointing that this initiative is done in cooperation with the Prime Minister 's Office and the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Health and the municipal Council of Karada,
a number of tables the names of the families of martyrs, the wounded and bereaved families in accordance with the questionnaire forms to indicate the cases according to the severity and extent of damage to its right to have compensation and treatment for each case.
He added that a delegation such as the Council he visited the President , who in turn praised the initiative and said it was a response reflecting the power of cohesion and concerted per the people in times of adversity , calling for expanded to include nice largest wider number valuing parking honorable businessmen from members of the Iraqi Economic Council , along with their brethren and their government in these circumstances difficult.
in turn , said council member Fadhel Ali Shamara: the Iraqi economic Council did not stand idly towards the suffering of Iraqi families and expressed the readiness of the members of the Council to develop this initiative and contribute to other initiatives that serve the community and the nation.  
Planning Minister / Minister of Trade and agency involved in the Arab Economic Council meetings
Websites 25 July, 2016   He chaired the Planning Minister / Minister of Trade and agency Dr. Salman al - Jumaili of the Iraqi delegation to meetings of the Arab Economic Council in preparation for the Arab summit Bmurtanaa, to discuss many of the items most important follow - up implementation of the previous summit resolutions.
According to a statement issued by the Information Office of the Ministry of Planning and the Minister Dr. Salman al - Jumaili headed the Iraqi delegation meetings of the Economic Council Arab preparation for the Arab summit Bmurtanaa », indicating that« the Council held at senior official level to discuss many of the items. "
The statement added that among the items that were discussed report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the regular follow-up and development decisions of previous summits and discuss the integration of the development summit, with regular summit », indicating that« the regular summits are held every year either developmental complexity every two years. "
The statement said that «in view of the existence of an economic incision in the regular summits decisions came this request annexation Development Summit to normal after the debate settled decision possibility Development Summit held every four years instead of two that are a follow-up to decisions every two years a report by the Secretariat of the General of the Arab League." .
The statement noted that «the meeting included in the third item review the findings of his university team on the reform of the Arab League institutions have been postponed this item and delete it from the agenda, and put in the Economic and Social Council at its regular and according to specialization».
He pointed out that « the meeting discussed the item and the actions of the Arab Customs Union of the Greater Arab Free Trade Area and the decision was commissioned by the Economic and Social Council of the pre - summit follow - up special committees that and the need to work for EU achievement in the fastest time with the need to follow up with the teams and national committees for the purpose of starting the preparation necessary to facilitate legislation trade and the customs union after its completion. "
he added that« the fifth item of the meeting included the establishment of a mechanism for the implementation of agricultural investment Sudanese President 's initiative and the decision came to welcome the recommendations contained studying achieving Arab food security including integrated sectoral plan for that as he was heading item VI and on the implementation of sustainable development plan came over from the first incision with the adoption of the operational plan for strategic water security in the Arab region to face the future challenges and requirements 
and this has a profound impact and great importance to Iraq through the move to international organizations by the university for the purpose of ensuring water quotas for Arab States riparian with other countries is Arab while the second part of the approval of the strategy of Housing and urban development and the third prong was about the social aspects of sustainable development plan in 2030 the decision was made ​​to adopt the Arab Declaration for the implementation of the sustainable development plan of the Ministerial Conference. "
The statement said that « the seventh item of the meeting for the adoption of the Arab strategy for scientific research and technical innovation was the decision to request the Education, Science and Culture Arab organization for the purpose of renovation strategy after the addition of proposals and visuals Member States and then re - presented to the summit at its next session."
The statement said that «item eighth and final of the meeting was the first two - pronged includes the establishment of an Arab center for medical research and laboratory based in Egypt , the second prong involves the establishment of a research HIV AIDS Centre, based in Algeria and the decision came Balhqin welcome the initiative of these countries to set up these centers and mandated by the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States in coordination with these countries and nations wishing to participate and take appropriate procedures to put the initiative into practice. "
the statement added that« will be held Iraqi joint Committee of Mauritania on the sidelines of the summit meetings for a period of 26-27 under the chairmanship of Foreign Minister Ibrahim al - Jaafari for the Iraqi side and the Foreign Minister of Mauritania ".

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