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Monday, July 25, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-25-16 Part 1 of 3

 Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-25-16 Part 1 of 3
Deputy for the National: the need to redress the agricultural sector and austerity does not justify stopping dues peasants
25/07/2016 10:22 | Direction Press / Baghdad  MP for the Bloc citizen, Ali Grkan, on Monday, the government argued in the fiscal austerity does not justify its failure to pay the dues of farmers.
He stressed Grkan in a statement that "the trend Press" obtained a copy of it today, the need to redress the agricultural sector and farmers by the government because they make up 52% ​​of the Iraqi society, and we are by oppression and injustice, which occurred on them due to confusion and a lack of planning and support. "
"We call upon the government to speed up their dues, regardless of being two years ago did not receive any amount helps them to start a new agricultural season and the purchase of seeds, fertilizers and others."

He noted that " the government argued austerity and lack of revenue does not justify the non - payment ofdues of farmers , which has long called for by the House of Representatives , " warning "of a wave of anger by circles peasant , " adding that "there are internal and external parties are trying to eliminate the agricultural sector in Iraq ". the sa
tlm724   " the government argued austerity and lack of revenue does not justify the non - payment ofdues of farmers , which has long called for by the House of Representatives , " warning "of a wave of anger by circles peasant , " adding that "there are internal and external parties are trying to eliminate the agricultural sector in Iraq
House of Representatives session for tomorrow include voting and reading of the laws, including the abolition and merging ministries

25/07/2016 10:24 | Direction Press / Baghdad  The Governing Council of Representatives, on Tuesday, to vote its regular reading of a number of draft laws.
And it includes the agenda of the meeting, according to the information department of the parliament "to complete voting on the draft universities, colleges, civil law, and vote on the draft General Authority Act to ensure provincial rights and governorates not organized in a region, and voting in principle to the project integrating law and the abolition of ministries."
It also includes "The first reading of the draft law amending the decree passport filter atomic endowment No. 1 of 1955, and the first reading of the draft accession of the Republic of Iraq to the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law Law (UNIDROIT) in respect of stolen cultural property or Illegally Exported, the first reading of a bill the appeal in the interest of law in the judgments and decisions of the land ownership. "
It will "discuss the draft report and the National Commission for Informatics Law, and discuss the draft report and Informatics Crimes Act, and a report and discussion of the draft law to maintain the documents" show.Listed on the agenda.       
tlm724     Agenda of the meeting No. (5) Tuesday 26 July 2016
July 26.2016    First, read verses from the Koran.
Second: The vote on the draft law on public body was to guarantee the rights of the regions and governorates not organized in a region. ( Committee of the Regions and governorates not organized in a region, the Legal Committee ). (6 items).
Third: the completion of voting on the draft universities and colleges civil law. ( Commission on Higher Education and Scientific Research , the Legal Committee ). ( The remaining 25 articles).
Fourth: voting in principle to the draft law and the abolition of merging ministries. (Higher Education Commission, the Health and Environment Committee , the Commission services and ages, the Committee on Culture and Information , the Human Rights Committee, the Finance Committee ).
Fifth: The first reading of the draft law amending the decree passport filter atomic endowment No. (1) for the year 1955. ( Commission of Awqaf and Religious Affairs ). (2 items).
Sixth: The first reading of the draft accession of the Republic of Iraq to the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law Law (UNIDROIT) in respect of cultural property stolen or exported illegally. ( Committee on Foreign Relations , the Committee on Culture and Information , the Legal Committee , the Finance Committee ). (2 items).
Seventh: The first reading of the draft law to challenge the law in the interest of the verdicts and decisions on land ownership. ( Legal Committee ). (4 items).
Eighth: The report and discussion of the draft law of the body was the National Informatics. ( The Commission services and reconstruction , Commission on Higher Education and Scientific Research , the security and defense committee , the Committee on Culture and Information ). (Article 18).
IX: Discussion of the draft report and computer crime law. ( Security and Defense Committee , Commission on Higher Education and Scientific Research , the Legal Committee , the Committee on Culture and Information , the Human Rights Commission , the Commission services and reconstruction ). (Article 31).
Tenth: report and discussion of the draft law to maintain the documents. ( Legal Committee , the Committee on Culture and Information ). (15 articles).
Session starts at: eleven in the morning.
Abdul-Mahdi: "demographic indicators" serious warning bell
Direction Press / Baghdad  Counting the leader of the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council, Adel Abdul-Mahdi, demographic indicators higher proportion of the population a serious warning bell.
Said Abdul-Mahdi said in a statement received "direction Press" a copy of it today, "the Ministry of Planning recently published a" demographic indicators "We have to stand then, with all these indicators did not adopt the census and the census but are estimates adopted the 1997 census, and the process of" limited and punctuation " for the year 2009, so it may not be completely accurate .. despite the fact that many of its figures are "reasonable", useful and allow a lot of conclusions, and some of these, but not all.
The population has risen 1997-2016 of about 22 million to 37.8 in 2016, or about 15 million people during the 19 years, the rate of multiplication of net annual (1.9%), and this ratio is high, and will lead its continuation because of Iraq's population will double in 30 years ..
Is there preparations social, economic and security to cope with the results, or we will resolve it by relying on declining oil resources, population and slums, and infighting, unemployment, immigration, etc.?
He believed that "it is interesting and who needs to clear answers, is the low number of females than males. The number of females almost 11 million male and 10.9 in almost 1997 .. swerved equation in (2016) to become the number of male approximately 19.1, and females almost 18.7 million.
This may contradict with other numbers received shows that "life expectancy at birth" for females is higher than males, it (% 71.2) and (68%), respectively. it is even a whole poses many questions to explain the increase in the male. Is it because of internal and external wars that were harvested decline the lives of a lot of male .. and terrorism and events after 2003 have made women more likely to be killed than men?
or is demographic indicators are inaccurate, and that "limited and punctuation" process, if they reveal the number of housing units, but they do not reveal the true number of females in the family for social reasons or other?
or that we have a phenomenon that is talking about, "Amin Maalouf" in his novel "the first century after Beatrice," which refers to the spread of "scarab sacred pharaonic" (beetles that feed on the dung buffalo, which he considered the Pharaohs of life and fertility address) factory various Basmaih or drugs that are traded, which encourages the birth of males over females account,
the behaviors of discrimination nearest to the behavior of female infanticide ignorance, contemporary forms, in the West and the East "Kalandjab selective" and "racial abortion" and "sterilization"?
If they prevail in the new increases for males, do you not contradict that millions figures, which some posed for the high number of spinsters and widows, especially since the views suggest that the phenomenon of male celibacy is not so spread, in addition to polygamy, which is not extraordinary about it? In short, we need to explain, otherwise there is something wrong, in such a serious topic. "
He noted that "it is disturbing in the statistics is the infant mortality and under-five. It is true that indications point relative to the decline, but it remains high. It is 30.6 per thousand in 2016, and the mortality rate of children under the age of 38 per thousand in 2011 .. and the maternal mortality rate is 84 per 100,000 in 2007.
According to statistics, "the CIA" the infant mortality rate in Iraq in 2007 was 47.04 thousands .. whatever the figure, but refers to health care for mother and child degradation, which puts Iraq ranked the 61 top world in terms of infant mortality .. while in Bahrain, Kuwait and Lebanon up to 6.7 per thousand, without talking about global levels drop to 1-2 thousands.
The proportion of the population (0-14aama) is 41.2%, and (15-49 years), 49.1%, which form less than 50 years more than 90% of the population .. and that only 10% over 50 years .. The people of Iraqi young people too, judging from this fact must be built most plans, legislation and policies .. and this fact should be reflected in the budget and economic and social policies and educational, youth and electoral systems allocations, etc. Where are we from it all?
He called on the Ministry of Planning and the Central Bureau of Statistics and the various teams, that the statistics-live up to international standards that would solve the many shenanigans. The accuracy and integrity of information is the first ingredient for success in any policy or plan.
tlm724    He called on the Ministry of Planning and the Central Bureau of Statistics and the various teams, that the statistics-live up to international standards that would solve the many shenanigans. The accuracy and integrity of information is the first ingredient for success in any policy or plan.
[tlm724] they really do need an accurate census BUT that is almost impossible with millions displaced etc... Barzani has always claimed more people then there are in Kurdistan just to increase his share of revenue and payments for false military personnel etc... he'll fight the census when it does happen because it's always about the money honey
[tlm724] what are they gonna do say ok everyone hold still while we count lol
Jaafari arrives in Nouakchott to represent Iraq at the Arab summit
Direction Press / Baghdad   Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari arrived today in the Mauritanian capital Nouakchott to represent Iraq at the Arab summit meeting of the 27.
A statement Jaafari's office got "direction Press" a copy of it today that "Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari arrived in the Mauritanian capital Nouakchott to represent Iraq at the Arab summit meeting of the 27-level leaders and presidents to be set up on Monday."
"It is hoped that al-Jaafari will address Iraq shows from which Iraq positions of developments in the region and the need to do more cooperation to combat terrorism and prevent its spread and what is happening on the Iraqi arena and the efforts of the Iraqis and their victories achieved against Daash terrorist gangs."
He was President Fuad Masum, apologized in a letter sent to the Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, for his presence at the meeting "under exigent circumstances," according to the contents of the message.
It is noteworthy that, Planning Minister Salman Jumaili arrived last Saturday, to Nouakchott, Mauritania to participate in preparatory meetings for the 27th Arab summit, which starts today.
The summit is scheduled to be discussed today a number of files and issues, including the situation in Iraq and the fight against terrorism.
[tlm724] "It is hoped that al-Jaafari will address Iraq shows from which Iraq positions of developments in the region and the need to do more cooperation to combat terrorism and prevent its spread and what is happening on the Iraqi arena and the efforts of the Iraqis and their victories achieved against Daash terrorist gangs."
[tlm724] this is kinda a catch 22 situation, Iraq needs the support of the Arab nations BUT many nations are actually funding terrorism
[tlm724] in a perfect world they would all pull together but .....

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