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Monday, July 25, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-25-16 Part 3 of 3

Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-25-16 Part 3 of 3

The International Alliance departs from the bickering between the Peshmerga and the Iraqi defense 
BAGHDAD / long-Presse   Distanced International Alliance of himself, yesterday, for the bickering that you exchanged the Ministry of Peshmerga with the Iraqi Ministry of Defense on the background of the signing of the territory government memorandum of understanding with the Pentagon.
Christopher Garver, a spokesman for the international coalition during a press conference held at the US Embassy in Baghdad, attended by (long - Presse) , " the illustrative data issued by the ministries of the Iraqi defense and Peshmerga in Kurdistan on a memorandum of understanding between the Kurdistan region and the United States, is an Iraqi political matter has nothing to do us in."
so Garver said that " the city of Mosul , home to about 500 thousand to a million civilians . " he said , adding that "Iraqi security forces are determine the forces involved in the liberation of Mosul operations and how to share, and that the amount of time it will take to liberate the city process is unknown."
He pointed out that " the number of the organization Daash fighters in the city of Mosul , ranging from 5 to 10 thousand element at the moment , "expected to" number drops to between 5 to 6 thousand element during the launch of liberation of the city operations. "
the Ministry of Peshmerga has issued a severe statement worded received the statement of the Ministry of defense sought it to clarify the terms of the agreement concluded between the Kurdistan region and the Pentagon.
He said statement of the Ministry of Peshmerga, received a (long - Presse) a copy of yesterday, he was "starting from the date of implementation of the memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Peshmerga and the Pentagon, the withdrawal of the Peshmerga forces and other forces of the Government of the Territory of the areas that will be edited in the military for the Liberation of Nineveh operations, it will be under a specific plan for the timing of certain must be agreed upon by Erbil and Baghdad on a regular basis after the return of calm to the region. "
The statement added Peshmerga" this paragraph of the agreement does not mean in any way that the Peshmerga forces will withdraw from the areas liberated during the past two years , "asserting that "withdrawal would be the city of Mosul only."
the statement continued by pointing out that the "memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Peshmerga and the Pentagon was part of international efforts to confront the terrorists organize Daash , " pointing out that "America has pledged to expand its financial aid and air support and secure the weapons , medical supplies and fuel and food to the Peshmerga forces. "
The Ministry of Peshmerga , the willingness of the war of Liberation of Mosul , " is not something new to be linked to the memorandum of understanding and financial aid , "asserting that" the Peshmerga forces preparations are under way for more than a year for the war to liberate Mosul ,
but the Iraqi forces had not yet completed its preparations to now . " .onoh statement Peshmerga that "several months ago from the signing of a memorandum of understanding allowing the Kurdistan region of Iraqi forces to assume a drunk to get ready to fight the terrorists and eliminate them and after the financial crisis in the region and the difficult conditions of war and the presence of numbers of displaced people and refugees intensified territorial Government efforts to tackle the financial crisis and to demand financial assistance for the Peshmerga forces. "
the statement went on to say that" guns Peshmerga are not for rent , and she launches Rsasatha decision of the people and for the benefit of the people of Kurdistan and do not take the permission of one , "pointing out that" some in Baghdad if he thinks that the Peshmerga rifles for rent and obeys their orders or other commands , they are wrong. "
He concluded the statement of the Ministry of Peshmerga saying it" when she felt that there is a discourse is unacceptable with heroism and sacrifices of the Peshmerga , they will stop coordination and joint work with the Iraqi forces. "
following the signing of the Ministry of Peshmerga to the memorandum of cooperation with the Pentagon, deliberated , local media reported note included provisions undeclared to create permanent military bases in the region without federal government approval.
in order to clarify the circumstances of the Kurdish agreement - the US, issued the Iraqi defense Ministry issued a statement saying that "what has been signed between the US Department of defense and the Ministry of Peshmerga in Kurdistan is not a convention but a memorandum understanding the terms of the provision of US assistance to the salaries of the Peshmerga in the amount of $ 415 million. "
the Ministry of defense, in a statement seen by the (range) on Friday, that" the Iraqi government 's approval has been taken to provide financial assistance to pay the salaries of the Peshmerga, the grant conditions have been imposed on the region by the donor. "
the statement added that" the Iraqi government 's approval has been taken to provide financial assistance to pay the salaries of the Peshmerga, the grant conditions have been imposed on the region by the donor , "noting that" the memorandum include increasing the number of members of the Peshmerga present in the lines defensive front to prevent any infiltration by Daash terrorist gangs ".
utabat defense Ministry pointing out that" the memorandum also includes the provision of moving troops to help in the liberation of Nineveh operations if the need arises, and the assignment of the international coalition in the training and arming elements of the crowd inside the territory of Kurdistan auditors by the government contexts Iraqi, and the full cooperation and coordination with the Iraqi government in the liberation of Nineveh operations. "
He explained the defense statement that" the memorandum include continuing to assign and enable the Iraqi security forces from using the territory of Kurdistan in Nineveh operations, assign and enable a temporary increase of the international coalition forces in Iraq 's Kurdistan operations edit Nineveh, including the use of land in Iraqi Kurdistan on a temporary basis (after obtaining the consent of Iraqi government). "
the statement pointed out that" the memorandum states that the withdrawal of the Peshmerga forces and other forces of the region from the liberated areas in the Nineveh operations according to a timetable approved by the Iraqi government, from the effective date of this note, " stressing that " the memo also states do basic and clear reforms in the Ministry of Peshmerga,
leading to financial transparency by the region in the check numbers and the payment of salaries" .uget Kurdish parties harshly criticized the statement attributed to the Minister of defense Khalid al - Obeidi, during his participation in the international Conference of the alliance, which included a rejection to share the Peshmerga in the liberation of Mosul.
However , the Defence Ministry said, in a statement seen by the (range) yesterday, that " the Reuters news agency reported inaccurate information that reluctance defense Minister Khaled al - Obeidi , the participation of the Peshmerga forces in the battle to liberate Mosul."
the statement added , "We would like clarification The minister 's statement that the content of the permanent and its emphasis on the participation of combat troops , whatever the denomination will be in accordance with military plans in place and the decision of the commander in chief of the armed forces. "      

tlm724      Distanced International Alliance of himself, yesterday, for the bickering that you exchanged the Ministry of Peshmerga with the Iraqi Ministry of Defense on the background of the signing of the territory government memorandum of understanding with the Pentagon.
The International Alliance walked out !!
Legal Committee: Parliamentary privileges will be canceled before the adoption of the House of Representatives
Author: Editor: AZ 24.7.2016 21:28   Parliamentary Legal Committee confirmed, yesterday, seeking to abolish the privileges included in the draft House bill. Revealing its proposal to postpone the second reading of the law until the end of the current legislative term, to make way for proposals blocs.
The State of Law bloc expressed its objection to the benefits included in the terms of the law, saying it seeks to call it off because it is "not consistent with the public interest."
In turn approved the Presidency of the Republic received the draft law of the presidency of the parliament, and it has sent in the form of a proposed bill to parliament in its current form.
Seen daily (range) on a draft of the House bill, which Parliament completed its first reading in the first of the new legislative term sessions.
The draft law includes 32 articles. Under certain provisions of the law on the granting of the parliament speaker and his two deputies and members of the House of Representatives material and moral privileges equal to the privileges of the prime minister and its members.
The Articles 10 and 11, of the law that the parliament speaker and his two deputies are paid what is received by the Prime Minister and his two deputies from the salary and allowances. Parliament also will receive what is received by the Minister of the salary and allowances.
Article 12 gives the Attorney and members of his family, a diplomatic passport, to be maintained for a period of eight years after the end of the legislative session.
The bill also includes a non-refundable grant for once, given to the parliament speaker and his two deputies and deputies to secure the social and security requirements. The Vice-President has the power to determine the amount of the grant, according to Article 13 of the draft leaked.
 Article 17 of the law and ensure the treatment of MP inside Iraq, in the case of exposure to disease or injury serious during service or of her puppies based on a decision issued by a medical committee official authorities, or beyond if the committee recommended Ptadhir treated inside Iraq and regulated by instructions issued by the President in accordance with his deputies.
Article 18 confirms that have a president and two deputies the power to the Prime Minister and the appropriate minister in relation to the introduction of the formations of the Council and amending his angel.
According to Article (20) to the establishment of a general secretariat of the Council headed by a Director and his two deputies, with the introduction of two-year degree positions managers and directors of departments and consultants within the Secretariat.
Article 22 of the law also provides for a number of advisers to the Council a private degree graduate, linked to the president and be responsible in front of him, and determines their number and their decision of the president and his two deputies.
The parliamentary blocs expressed its objection to the proposed draft law, did not see the need because even with the deputy minister in material terms.
But some MPs pointed to the existence of a consensus within the Parliament on the need for equal rights with the deputy minister.
In turn, the parliamentary legal committee confirmed pursuit parliament to lift the vertebrae privileges in the House of Representatives a draft law in the second reading.
The MP said Mohsen al-Sadoun, a member of the Commission, in a telephone conversation with (range), "The privileges will be lifted in the second reading," stressing that "the draft law has read the first reading," pointing out that "the second reading include discussion of proposals of members of the council to amend the law." .
Kurdish lawmaker pointed out that "the Legal Committee submitted a request to postpone the second reading of the draft to the end of the current legislative term in order to give an opportunity to submit proposals."
He says Sadoun that "the law came to organize the work of the legislature and not to make concessions," asserting that his committee "will examine the draft proposals and thorough study." But he admitted that "the majority of the proposals want there to be equality between the minister and human rights attorney as stated in the Constitution, and not to give any privileges outside the Constitution.
In turn, Samira al-Moussawi, a member of State of Law bloc said that "the current draft of the law came from the House of Representatives by the Presidency of the Republic, and the Council is obliged to put it on its agenda for discussion and legislation in the House of Representatives." Confirmed al-Moussawi, told the (range), knowing the draft law, noting that "we found that there are many materials that are not consistent with the public interest."
She bloc member state of law "in principle to the refusal of some articles of the law, we need to discuss again the terms of the law." And it called for the need to reconsider the writing objectionable material on them, confirming the absence of the need to compare the MP privileges with Minister privileges.
Moussawi confirmed that the mass is not with any privileges detrimental to the public interest.
For its part, it recognized the presidency of the republic to re-draft law to parliament after receiving a copy of it and make some adjustments to its provisions.
Said Khalid Shwani, presidential spokesman, in an interview with the (range), that "after the election of the current parliamentary session in three months, was presented this project by the Presidency of the Council of Representatives to the Presidency of the Republic to submit the final form of the project." 
It prevents the constitution, according to the decision of the Federal Court, the House of Representatives propose laws without consulting the government, especially if it involved financial commitments.
It seems that this is why the presidency of the parliament to make the law across the presidency of the republic that are entitled to propose draft laws and sent to the House of Representatives.
Says Khalid Shwani "The presidency of the republic's advisers have held multiple meetings with advisers House of Representatives was agreed to prepare a final version of the draft law, and then the Presidency presented the draft to the parliament."
Presidential adviser stressed that "the House of Representatives are the owners of jurisdiction in the legislation or not , or an amendment to the paragraphs." He added that "paragraphs of the law does not include violation of the law or the constitution." From: Ahmed al - Yasiri.  LINK
Bondlady    (1) Name: Abdul Aziz Salman   history transmitter: 7/25/2016 10:21:51 AM
The members of the House of Peoples' Representatives for his service and control of the executive branch and imposed until the judiciary shall be subject to the highest authority which is the Constitutional Court ,,,, of wrongdoing,
the House legitimizes its members privileges and salaries and allowances not commensurate with the effort and applied in Third World countries who suffer underdevelopment, poverty and corruption and the absence of control of the various competent authorities and the lack of accountability of the misuse of public money, that will sound when the Council is asked to put his bill by the presidency of the Republic, which is empowered to rigging the Constitution was the text of the Constitution that are Aqtra
Tlm724    yep BondLady the Constitution needs some tweaking, it allows them to run roughshod and manipulate the system to their advantage ie: stealing money . Right now their Constitution reads like a third world comic book as you pointed out ! It should have been amended years ago !

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