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Saturday, July 23, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-22-16 Part 1 of 2

​Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-22-16 Part 1 of 2

Parliamentary economy reveal the government ways to repay international loans

Economy  Since 21/07/2016 20:33 pm (Baghdad time)  Special - balances News
Confirmed a member of the parliamentary Economic Committee Najiba Najib, on Thursday, said the government has taken a mechanism for repayment of loans by oil revenues despite the decline in prices.
She said Najib's / balances News /, said that "oil experts reckon rising prices in the coming days to more than $ 60 per barrel," indicating that "the government" adopted "in the mechanism repay international loans through the blister revenues despite the decline in prices at the moment ".
He added that "the payment of these loans, Iraq will have a credit environment and help the government to get loans from other industrialized nations."
It is said that the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and international partners have agreed, in the May 19, 2016, to give Iraq a loan of $ 15 billion at an interest rate of 1.5% .From: Haidar Almitm LINK

Jeepguy    this doesn`t really scream , this is how it will be done , just that they will take money out of the oil proceeds, and pay toward the loan ... they did mention the interest so they are going to play the " ride the wave ", and hope oil is going to go up !
Tlm724     Jeep they have to have structure (repayment plans) in place per the instructions of the IMF. They can't go all willie nillie on the payments as they have done in the past. Great to see they are working on it regardless of the oil prices they still must make payments. Without the structure no one would loan them any dough Wink
State of Law: Do not expect a change in the attitudes of the leaders of the Kurds over Kirkuk and the oil and gas law
21/07/2016 08:22 | Press direction - Has MP said the coalition of state law nostalgic Qaddo he did not expect a change in the attitudes of the leaders of the Kurds over Kirkuk file and disputed areas, as well as oil and gas law, especially with the political action of some leaders towards Kurdistan.[/rtl]
Qaddo In an interview with the "direction Press," said that despite the efforts of the political leadership of Nouri al-Maliki and others and try to melt the ice in relations between the Federal and the Kurdistan government, but it is subject to a set of basic factors that are considered strategic issues of Kurdistan, noting that Kurdistan is trying to go as much as possible about independence and the formation of a Kurdish state in the future, according to Kurdish leaders remarks.[/rtl]
He added: political leaders are not ready to compromise on Kirkuk and the vast land of Nineveh and oil export without reference to the Iraqi government, adding that he can not draw a new political map with the Kurdish conditions, especially with the presence of national political leaders do not propitiate at the expense of the right or interest of the Iraqi people.[/rtl]
He said Qaddo that visits to the Kurdistan are good and probably pay to understand the demands and the realities and trends Kurdish leaders in a clear and especially with regard to the Kurdistan do with Iraq and neighboring countries, and expected no waiver leaders of the National Union and the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the change with regard to Kirkuk and other areas, as well as oil and gas in Iraq and the Constitution Act as the sensitive points of the Kurds.[/rtl]
He continued: no real avail behind visits to Kurdistan that was not there before the faith of the Kurdish leaders need to stay in Iraq and fusion within the public interest and not to focus on water and ethnic division.[/rtl]
It is said that the leader of a coalition of state law, Nuri al-Maliki arrived last Monday, to the province of Sulaymaniyah in Kurdistan, in a visit scheduled to meet with the General Coordinator of the Movement for Change, Nawshirwan Mustafa.[/rtl]
Media sources said, he was greeted al-Maliki in Sulaimaniya airport, by the governor, Aso Feridun, the official body working in the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan's political bureau, Mullah Bakhtiar, a number of members of the Political Bureau and leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK).   
 [tlm724] BL says ((never say never, $$help a lot;))
[tlm724] true true money will do the trick, if the kurds want part of the loans they better play nice
[tlm724] and they want it badly  *wah*

Deputy warns of "corruption and side agreements" in the sale and rental of state funds law
22/07/2016 09:48 | Direction Press / Agencies   Warned the MP for the Reform Movement, Tawfiq al-Kaabi, Friday, from "financial corruption" and "side agreements" may be caused clause in a bill sale and rental of state funds, as he emphasized his intention refused to vote on that paragraph.
Kaabi said in a press statement that "the draft law on the sale and rental of state funds under discussion," adding that "there are first and second readings, during which we will discuss the paragraphs of the law and take legal and financial opinion in order to raise the negatives."
In response to a question on article 25 of the law which allows the sale of immovable property without a public auction, the decision of the competent minister or the head of the body is related to the Ministry, al-Kaabi stressed that "we will not agree to this paragraph, it is impossible to pass because that it will become a financial corruption and side agreements" .
 [tlm724] that "there are first and second readings, during which we will discuss the paragraphs of the law and take legal and financial opinion in order to raise the negatives.
[tlm724] In response to a question on article 25 of the law which allows the sale of immovable property without a public auction, the decision of the competent minister or the head of the body is related to the Ministry, al-Kaabi stressed that "we will not agree to this paragraph, it is impossible to pass because that it will become a financial corruption and side agreements"
[tlm724] we have article 25   Wink
Article - 25 - First - may sell immovable property without a public auction, the decision of the competent minister or the head of the body is related to the Ministry allowance appropriate, not less than (50%) fifty percent of the real wildcard for the drug,
according to the prevailing prices for those and neighboring assessed by the evaluation committee and approved by the competent minister or the head of the body is related to the Ministry to state departments and the public sector in the case of the use of the drug Department official purposes.
Second residential real estate may sell to government departments and the public sector without a public auction, the real price and prevailing prices for those and neighboring assessed by the evaluation committee and approved by the competent minister or the head of the body is related to the Ministry for the purpose of selling them to its members by way of public bid.
 III competent mayor after the approval of the Minister of Municipalities and Public Works and the Municipality of Baghdad sale earmarked for housing real allowance land and by mainstream counterparts and neighboring prices assessed by the valuation committee stipulated in this law, without a public auction to the Iraqis who do not have them or their spouses or their children minors house, apartment or land in residential independence and had not received a housing unit or a piece of residential land from the state or cooperative societies for housing.
IV concerned minister or the head of the body is related to the Ministry and through the minutes revealed with the Real Estate Registration Department to decide: A sale of the roads litter and waste resulting from any other source with a space of less than the minimum secretion or which can not be secreted.
B - piece detachment independent bond sale, which can be secreted and has a port on the main road a piece of independent public auction according to the provisions of this Law, provided that they do not block neighboring blocks.
[tlm724] this law is not showing on Parliaments website, just the title but I got it back on the 17th
Prime minister: the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding between Kurdistan and the Pentagon does not include military bases
22/07/2016 12:06 | Direction Press /Announced the prime minister said in a statement to the Iraqi Ministry of Defense, the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Kurdistan region and the US Department of Defense [Pentagon] in the 12th month of July.
She explained the prime minister, according to a statement of the defense got "direction Press" a copy of it, "in regards to the Memorandum of Understanding between the US Department of Defense and the Ministry of Peshmerga in Kurdistan region to assist in terms of Peshmerga salaries amounting to $ 415 million."
The show, said that "what has been signed between the US Department of Defense and the Ministry of Peshmerga in Kurdistan not an agreement but a memorandum of understanding with the terms of provision of US assistance to the salaries of the Peshmerga," adding that "the note does not contain any presence of military bases to the US side or at all international coalition or any sovereign something else which is exclusively the prerogative of the Government of the Federal Republic of Iraq. "
The statement stressed "taking the consent of the Iraqi government to provide financial assistance to pay the salaries of the Peshmerga, the grant conditions have been imposed on the region by the donor."
He pointed to the memorandum include increasing the number of members of the Peshmerga who are in the front lines of defense to prevent any infiltration by terrorist gangs Daash, providing moving troops to help in the liberation of Nineveh operations if the need arise. "
It also includes "attribution of the international coalition in the training and arming elements of the crowd inside the territory of Kurdistan auditors by the Iraqi government contexts, and the full cooperation and coordination with the Iraqi government in the liberation of Nineveh operations, and continue to assign and enable the Iraqi security forces of using the land of Kurdistan in Nineveh operations."
The memorandum refers to "assign and enable a temporary increase of the international coalition forces in Iraq's Kurdistan operations edit Nineveh, including the use of land in Iraqi Kurdistan on a temporary basis [after obtaining the consent of the Iraqi government]."
The statement pointed out that "It is the effective date of this note is the withdrawal of the Peshmerga forces and the region other than the liberated areas in the Nineveh operations according to a timetable approved by the Iraqi government, and do basic and clear reforms in the Ministry of Peshmerga, leading to financial transparency by the province in the check numbers and pay salaries." . 
 [tlm724] Barzani looks like a bunny rabbit LMAO
 [tlm724] omg too funny
Defense issued a clarification regarding the protocol and Washington and Erbil
Author: AB  Editor: AB 22.07.2016 11:48          Long-Presse / Baghdad  The Ministry of Defense on Friday for clarification on the protocol, which was signed between Washington and Erbil to support the Peshmerga forces, and while confirming that "memorandum of understanding" with the terms of provision of US assistance to the salaries of the Peshmerga and no agreement, denied ensures note any presence of military bases to the US side or any order of a sovereign Last .
The notification of the Ministry of Defense Directorate in a statement received (range Press), a copy of it, that "what has been signed between the US Department of Defense and the Ministry of Peshmerga in Kurdistan not an agreement but a memorandum of understanding with the terms of provision of US assistance to the salaries of the Peshmerga in the amount of 415 million dollars,"
 noting that "memo does not contain any presence of military bases to the US side of the international coalition, or at all, or any order of a sovereign else, which is exclusively the prerogative of the Government of the Federal Republic of Iraq."
The statement added, "The Iraqi government approval has been taken to provide financial assistance to pay the salaries of the Peshmerga, the grant conditions have been imposed on the region by the donor," noting that "the memorandum include increasing the number of members of the Peshmerga present in the forward defense lines to prevent any infiltration Daash by terrorist gangs. "
The statement continued, "The memorandum also includes the provision of moving troops to help in the liberation of Nineveh operations that need arise, and the assignment of the international coalition in the training and arming elements of the crowd inside the territory of Kurdistan auditors by the Iraqi government contexts, and the full cooperation and coordination with the Iraqi government in the liberation of Nineveh"
explaining that "the memorandum include continuing to assign and enable the Iraqi security forces from using the territory of Kurdistan in Nineveh operations, assign and enable a temporary increase of the international coalition forces in Iraq's Kurdistan operations edit Nineveh, including the use of the territory in Iraqi Kurdistan on a temporary basis (after obtaining the consent of Iraqi government)."
The statement pointed out, that "the memorandum states that the withdrawal of the Peshmerga forces and other forces of the region from the liberated areas in the Nineveh operations according to a timetable approved by the Iraqi government, from the effective date of this note," stressing that "the memorandum also states do basic and clear reforms in the Ministry of Peshmerga, which lead to financial transparency by the region in the check numbers and pay salaries. "     LINK   
 [tlm724] "what has been signed between the US Department of Defense and the Ministry of Peshmerga in Kurdistan not an agreement but a memorandum of understanding with the terms of provision of US assistance to the salaries of the Peshmerga in the amount of 415 million dollars,
[tlm724] "memo does not contain any presence of military bases to the US side of the international coalition, or at all, or any order of a sovereign else, which is exclusively the prerogative of the Government of the Federal Republic of Iraq."
[tlm724] ok then
[tlm724] "The memorandum also includes the provision of moving troops to help in the liberation of Nineveh operations that need arise, and the assignment of the international coalition in the training and arming elements of the crowd
[tlm724] "the memorandum include continuing to assign and enable the Iraqi security forces from using the territory of Kurdistan in Nineveh operations, assign and enable a temporary increase of the international coalition forces in Iraq's Kurdistan operations edit Nineveh, including the use of the territory in Iraqi Kurdistan on a temporary
[tlm724] "the memorandum also states do basic and clear reforms in the Ministry of Peshmerga, which lead to financial transparency by the region in the check numbers and pay salaries.
[tlm724] good to know Wink

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