Don't WAIT!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Late Friday Night 7-22-16


Rocker66:  For those that are interested and Bill will bring in, the first step of the process of funding did end today. It is on to the next which I hope includes the groups like the internet

Jed54:  Rocker, how long do you think it will be before the rest of us get to be funded? Best guess?

Rocker66: I don't know and have never professed to know timing but with this done one can sort of sketch out a timeline. Either late tonight or tomorrow, we will have word of the proposed timeline. If it can be shared, Bill will be able to

Rocker66 : The other thing is Super P's were funded Tuesday and have a 72 hour strike price to set and then funded. So, this falls in line with bonds and currency

Rocker66:  Zim was given the go ahead today but I do not think that has started based off of some information we received
WSOMN Cont………

Gnosis:   what was completed today?

Rocker66:  gnosis, it appears all groups with SKR's were funded. However, that does not mean the individual Sellers within the groups are ALL liquid yet. Some are

Kermit53:  Interesting that we are hearing a lot more of the Zim exchanges and almost nothing about other currencies

Rocker66:   Kermit, 10 days ago the others started to become liquid. Bill has independent information of that.

Gnosis:  so with end of SKR groups are we next in line?  or is someone else in front of us?

Soupkettle:  Rocker...and liquid means they NOW....RIGHT NOW have spendable cash?

Rocker66: Liquid only means one thing which is you can take your card and go to the ATM. Liquid but not released is an oxymoron

Scotchie:  Awake-in-3D was om Gerry's call today, and one thing that was professed was:::GERRY: YES, NO ONE GET PAID UNTIL EVERYONE GETS PAID.

Rocker66 :   Scotchie, it is factually incorrect

TerryMac:  As per Awake-in3D:SKR accounts are FULLY funded. Paymaster needs authorization from Gov. to release those funds and make them CA$H accessible. GREAT NEWS: SKRs funded -We will be funded NEXT and no one gets CA$H access until we have all exchanged -What could be more fair ?

Rocker66:  Ok, I was just popping in. Moving forward, please read my information as the state of affairs as I know it. I am not here to convince anyone of a timeline or believe what I post. I don't know the others like Awake so can't respond to that. I am keeping the room abreast of what I know because I told Bill I would. Take it, leave it but we hope for the best

Rocker66:  This is not a me against those that believe otherwise. Take it with descernment and vet it with your own contacts or information


Emailed to Recaps:
Fisher : The Finance Ministers and other attendees of the G20 mini-meeting are not at all happy that they arrived and nothing had happened as they were told to expect

That is putting it very mildly, but will give you an idea of how angry they all are

The people involved in that meeting have issued an ultimatum and have demanded that they be involved on resolving the problem, whatever that might be

There are some very intelligent, logical and experienced people now involved, and they are resolving minor technical issues and quickly hope to come to a combined resolution to the problems that have become public this week

NO attorneys are involved, and all attorneys were even told to stay out of it and let the financial experts deal with it without any input or arguments from the legal teams

You would recognize some of the names, and might even be able to guess who some are, that would be because some of you are smart

Anyway, the deal now is that the ministers are now working with the Elders and some other "visitors" to get this done by this evening. They fully realize the impact that the constant stalling and problems have put the planetary economy in a very serious situation and that that situation MUST be resolved, and quickly, to prevent a total and complete collapse of everything they have worked so long to see come to pass

If you get the idea that these are serious people dealing with a dire situation, with lives and futures at stake, you are correct

Namaste : yet it appears they have done a fine job of protecting these assets for millennia.

Fisher : Protecting assets they did well, now they have to finish what they started, imo

Fisher : Yosef was obviously very frustrated, and probably had more to say, that is what happens when you get too emotionally involved in a "project"

Fisher : Everything is "on hold" as far as the Republic, NESARA, the Galactics, etc, waiting on a few numbers is driving all of them nuts

Fisher : There are some who questioned the logic of using a computer program to make a determination as to the "perfect" time

Ethericblue : So you are saying we are on a random number generator for release

Fisher : It was put in the "hands" of a super-computer.  One that got input on the various financial aspects from all over the world.  No one seems to know how it actually works its "magic", and maybe they've come to see that the magic just wasn't there for it to manifest, it might have gotten scared itself

China mom : a computer does not have a heart this transition is ALL about heart

Fisher : The "old" hearts might have needed new blood to pump correctly and in accordance with the needs of humanity

I think the new blood will make sure things happen in time, we need to pray for that

Brigantine : Sometimes when one has spent a great deal of time waiting and protecting, Actually moving forward becomes difficult. After a lifetime of protecting, finally going, may have its own set of obstacles.

Fisher : good analysis, and quite correct from what we've been seeing….they typically plan things for hundreds of years, and are very patient, which, in this case, was itself a part of the problem

Imagine expecting for your plan, hundreds of years in the planning stage, to be perfect in this world of corruption and confusion

Angeljourney : I have read to the bottom but didn't see anything re the G20. Are we hopeful this is the turning point that releases our blessing? Thanks

Fisher :  we are


End Of An Era: The Rise And Fall Of The Petrodollar System

by Tyler Durden

Jul 22, 2016 6:00 PM

Submitted by Claudio Grass via,

The Transition
    “The chaos that one day will ensue from our 35-year experiment with worldwide fiat money will require a return to money of real value. We will know that day is approaching when oil-producing countries demand gold, or its equivalent, for their oil rather than dollars or euros. The sooner the better.”   Ron Paul

From a Gold-Based Monetary System to the Petrodollar System

Former U.S. Senator Ron Paul explains that “understanding the Petrodollar system and the forces affecting it, is the best way to predict when the U.S. Dollar will collapse.” The origins of the petrodollar system go back to the Bretton Woods system, the 1944 post-war agreement, which made the U.S. Dollar the sole reserve currency.

From then on, only the U.S. Dollar would be convertible into gold at a fixed rate of USD 35 per ounce. This also meant that only the U.S. was able to change the price of gold and, in turn, it committed to maintaining the value of the Dollar by buying and selling unlimited quantities of gold, at the agreed upon rate of USD 35 per ounce.
In 1945, the U.S. Treasury held 17,848 metric tons of fine gold, which at the time represented around 63% of official global gold reserves. The gold-backed Dollar offered the world a reliable and stable reserve currency. However, cracks in the Bretton Woods system began to emerge, as US export surpluses began to drop after 1960.
The Kennedy and Johnson administrations were rather big on money printing, be it to finance the space race, or to spend on domestic social programs. A significant burden on the U.S. budget were also the wars fought in Korea and Vietnam, which had to be paid for by resorting to the usual war funding mechanisms, i.e. by borrowing money.
Thus, the country began to live on credit and banks worldwide were  flooded with US dollars. These dollars represented gold claims on the United States though. In 1971, the US “temporarily” suspended convertibility of the Dollar into gold, and announced that the dollar would be devalued to USD 38.00 per ounce.

A run on gold ensued, as European states, particularly France and Germany, were skeptical and wary of another devaluation. As a result, US gold reserves eventually shrunk to about 286 million ounces. Richard Nixon then “closed the gold window” in August 1971 and the dollar was devalued for a second time by 10%.
The gold price shot up to USD 42.22 in one go. This essentially meant that the U.S. Treasury defaulted on its promise to back the dollar with gold and thus, the financial system as it was constituted at the time was no longer sustainable.  Read full article here:

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via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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