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Saturday, July 23, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-22-16 Part 2 of 2

​Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-22-16 Part 2 of 2

Washington: We got the support of Iraq's $ 2.1 billion 
Author: AB, MK Editor: AB 21/07/2016 17:38     Long-Presse / Baghdad  Declared the US ambassador to Iraq, Stuart Jones, on Thursday, to get support for Iraq worth $ 2.1 billion in humanitarian aid conference, he confirmed that $ 450 million of the amount will be allocated for humanitarian support, as pointed out that Washington is the first contributor to that support.
Jones said in an interview to a number of media, including the (long-Presse), building the US embassy in Baghdad, he said that "humanitarian support for Iraq conference held in the United States resulted in the collection of support for Iraq worth $ 2.1 billion, including $ 450 million for humanitarian support in addition to promises of support to restore stability, "noting that" Washington was the first contributor to the support it provided $ 316 million, including $ 136 million for humanitarian support, and $ 180 million for the restoration of stability. "

Jones added, "The $ 80 million of the total amount will be allocated to raise the IEDs," he returned to "dedicated humanitarian support and $ 450 million amount is not sufficient, and must allocate more."
The US ambassador, that "the Iraqi government has begun this week to take advantage of the credit loan, which the United States provided the value of the credit loan from the US $ 2.7 billion," pointing out that "the disbursement of funds provided by donor countries for Iraq will be through the United Nations and some non-governmental organizations, and in a transparent manner and in coordination with the Iraqi government. "
Jones explained that "Washington will not conduct a direct investigation into the bombing of the Karrada district on the third of July," adding that "Washington will support the security forces in the Interior Ministry investigations into the incident by providing them with technical support."    LINK 
[tlm724] Jones said in an interview to a number of media, including the (long-Presse), building the US embassy in Baghdad, he said that "humanitarian support for Iraq conference held in the United States resulted in the collection of support for Iraq worth $ 2.1 billion,
 including $ 450 million for humanitarian support in addition to promises of support to restore stability, "noting that" Washington was the first contributor to the support it provided $ 316 million, including $ 136 million for humanitarian support, and $ 180 million for the restoration of stability.
[tlm724] *hallelujah* thank God ! And also the United Nations will oversee the disbursement of the funds
Canada sends 60 doctors on the ground in northern Iraq

History of edits:: 22.7.2016 10:13  {Baghdad} Euphrates News announced that the Canadian Department of Defense, to send about 60 doctors to northern Iraq continued to work in the international coalition field hospital.
He said Canadian Defense Minister Hagit Sagan said in a statement after a meeting in Washington, he said that "Canada will soon send up to 60 medical staff to manage the medical facility in collaboration with partners from the Alliance in northern Iraq, and add them to the special forces and trainers who have already sent Canada to Iraq the fight against terror Daash gangs. "
previously, Canada pulled out in March / last March of a campaign directed raids on Daash, so after the inauguration of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau 's office, but Ottawa is still offering reconnaissance planes intended for refueling in mid - air to support Althalv.anthy operations and aircraft
 [tlm724] "Canada will soon send up to 60 medical staff to manage the medical facility in collaboration with partners from the Alliance in northern Iraq, and add them to the special forces and trainers who have already sent Canada to Iraq the fight against terror Daash gangs
[tlm724] well done Canada !!
Defense: Washington and Erbil memorandum containing the Peshmerga's withdrawal from the liberated areas
Political  Since 07.22.2016 at 11:52 (Baghdad time)
Baghdad balances News  The Ministry of Defense on Friday for clarification on the memorandum of understanding signed between the US Department of Defense (Pentagon) and the Ministry of Peshmerga.
The ministry said in a statement seen by / balances News /, that "the note does not contain any presence of military bases to the US side of the international coalition, or at all, or any order of a sovereign be from the federal government the authority."

Stated that "the memorandum include the withdrawal of the Peshmerga forces and the region other than the liberated areas in the Nineveh operations according to a timetable approved by the Iraqi government," .anthy 29 / D 24    LINK

Defense explains 11-point memorandum of understanding between the Kurdistan region and America
07/22/2016 12:05  The Ministry of Defense on Friday for clarification on the memorandum of understanding signed between the US Department of Defense (Pentagon) and the Ministry of Peshmerga,
stressing that the memo does not contain any presence of military bases to the US side or the international coalition or any order of a sovereign be from the federal government expires, as shown that the note contains the Peshmerga forces and the region other than the liberated areas in Nineveh withdrawals according to a timetable approved by the government Alaracah.oukalt
the ministry in a press statement, said that "what has been signed between the US Department of defense and the Ministry of Peshmerga in Kurdistan not an agreement but a memorandum of understanding with the terms of provision of US help for salaries Peshmerga, nor the memorandum include any presence of military bases to the US side or the international coalition at all , or any other sovereign command , which is exclusively the prerogative of the government of the Federal Republic of Iraq. "
the ministry added, that" it was obtaining the consent of Iraqi government to provide financial assistance to pay the salaries of the Peshmerga, the Grant conditions have been imposed on the region by the donor , "indicating that" the memorandum include increasing the number of members of the Peshmerga present in the forward defense lines to prevent any infiltration by Daash gangs of terror. "
They pointed out that" the memorandum included the provision of moving troops to help in the operations edit Nineveh if the need arises, and to assign the international coalition in the training and arming elements of the crowd inside the territory of Kurdistan auditors by the Iraqi government contexts, as well as full cooperation and coordination with the Iraqi government in the liberation of Nineveh operations, in addition to continuing to assign and enable Iraqi security forces to use land Kurdistan in Nineveh operations. "
the memorandum, according to the ministry," assign and enable a temporary increase of the international coalition forces in Iraq 's Kurdistan operations edit Nineveh, including the use of the territory in Iraqi Kurdistan on a temporary basis after obtaining the consent of Iraqi government, and do basic and clear reforms in the Ministry of Peshmerga, leading to transparency Finance by the province in the check numbers and pay salaries. " the
ministry followed up by saying," it is the effective date of this note is the withdrawal of the Peshmerga forces and the region other than the liberated areas in the Nineveh operations according to a timetable approved by the Iraqi government.
Dollar prices and currencies in Iraq today
22/07/2016 09:38 | Direction Press / Agencies  Recorded local currency markets in Iraq, on Friday morning, a slight decrease of the price of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar.
Scored in the Stock Exchange market close fight in Baghdad price at half past nine o'clock in the morning 1279 dinars to the dollar, down from yesterday's price, who scored 1280 dinars to the dollar.
The buying and selling of the dollar in the prices of banking companies were:
The sale price of the dollar to 1285 dinars, ie 128 thousand and 500 dinars for one hundred dollars.
The purchase price of the dollar to 1275 dinars, ie 127 thousand and 500 dinars for one hundred dollars.
foreign currency:
Euro Global Price: 1 euro = 1.1030 dollars
Pound world price: 1 pound = 1.3250 USD
Turkish Lira Global Price: $ 100 = 305.80 TL
Other currencies:
100 US dollars = 133.76 Australian dollars
100 US dollars = 130.95 Canadian dollars
100 US dollars = 105.88 yen                  
July 22, 2016
Currency exchange rates against the Iraqi dinar
BAGHDAD - A Journal   Currency prices were, on Friday, a slight decline of the dollar exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar.
Scored in the Stock Exchange market close fight in Baghdad price at half past nine o'clock in the morning in 1279 dinars to the dollar, down from yesterday's price, who scored 1280 dinars to the dollar.
The buying and selling of the dollar in the prices of banking companies were:
The sale price of the dollar to 1285 dinars, ie 128 thousand and 500 dinars for one hundred dollars.
The purchase price of the dollar to 1275 dinars, ie 127 thousand and 500 dinars for one hundred dollars.
foreign currency:
Euro Global Price: 1 euro = 1.1030 dollars
Pound world price: 1 pound = 1.3250 USD
Turkish Lira Global Price: $ 100 = 305.80 TL
Other currencies:
100 US dollars = 133.76 Australian dollars
100 US dollars = 130.95 Canadian dollars
100 US dollars = 105.88 yen Iapana.anthy 6

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