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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wealthwatch Late Evening Chat  9-22-15  Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room  9-22-15
Wealthwatch Late Evening Chat  9-22-15  Part 2 of 2

newbieDA: ‹@Donnie› can you look up something for me on the Parliament Laws? the National Card Law, it has been read twice but no voted?

newbieDA: going through my notes, think I have it passed and its not
newbieDA: any value increase with a chance of more is what I am looking for
newbieDA: just found a 1976 2 dollar bill, checking the worth

MichelleL: are they worth anything newbie? I have a half dozen in sequence, but I think the hurricane may have taken away that "fresh as a daisy" appeal

Donnie: ‹@newbieDA› found this on the national card law

MichelleL: I used to have more, but in that time of my life, I was a smoker - case closed

MichelleL: ‹@Donnie› ‹@Donnie› ‹@Donnie› whats your sell date now?

Donnie: ‹@newbieDA›

MichelleL: how badly did the market wind up doing Donnie?

 newbieDA: ‹@Donnie› I had it done as passed, and in my readings of what was going on, noticed it wasnt yet, only 2nd reading

Donnie: ‹@MichelleL› have to recalculate cause Iraq meet the NON-blacklist deadline.

Stash: down 179

Donnie: ‹@newbieDA› i didn't rememeber it passing and there's proof now

MichelleL: thanks Stash - when my cable goes completely, I'll have no more financial news networks

MichelleL: came back a bit from the low

newbieDA: ‹@Donnie› ya I cant use the seach feature on the computer browser, sucks

Donnie: ‹@MichelleL› down 1 to 1.5%

MichelleL: 'splain it to me Donnie - the non blacklist deadline met - now what?

Donnie: ‹@newbieDA› i manually go through each page of laws and search for a keyword

Stash: I have it on my iphone

Donnie: ‹@MichelleL› i have to recalculate... don't have a deadline now

MichelleL: stash who's your carrier? I'm thinking of getting off verizon and going somewhere less expensive   MichelleL: till we "hit it" lol

Stash: Verizon is mine.

MichelleL: i find the inet is very flukey even though I never come near my gigs per month of usage


OOTW: ;)

newbieDA: ty Donnie for your help, that helped out alot

MichelleL: autumnal equinox is tomorrow morning, does that mean anything?
MichelleL: lol I was thinkin of those silly Eye Rackies

Stash: how abt that 500 year old man lol
Stash: I remember the talk abt the Dragon family

Doug_W: I don't   splain plz Stash

newbieDA: why I leave up chat, you never know when it's about pop lol please alot of great articles too

newbieDA: I made a big mistake, I thought the National Card Law passed in my notes, but I am glad I got the mistake taken care of

MzDiva: ‹@newbieDA› yeah i been reading a lot just want to know the when

newbieDA: I have been keeping track since July, alot has happen too, very good progress
newbieDA: ya the when lol  -  my name should tell you I will never know when lol I dont even know what is going on yet

newbieDA: well sorta now I do, getting better
newbieDA: I can tell you what I am looking for next is all
newbieDA: they need to adopt the AML law and implement it asap

newbieDA: would be nice to have the National Card Law and Investment Law need to be passed too

newbieDA: any any Reconciliation at all, anything lol
 newbieDA: and if we could find out the results of the CBI - Electronic RTGS Payment System Test

newbieDA: or we call listen to some Guru everyday lol
newbieDA: I like my ideas

*SCZIN11: Decisions of the Council of Ministers at its thirty-seventh regular Baghdad -arac Press -23 September / September: Hold the Iraqi Council of Ministers, on Tuesday, its regular thirty-seventh, headed by Haidar al-Abbadi, was in the beginning of the meeting to discuss the terrorist attacks against citizens, and measures to confront the cholera epidemic.

And issued by the Council of Ministers several resolutions, including: First, authorize the Minister of Industry and Minerals to negotiate with the power company (Lafarge) concerning the French investment Karbala cement plant,

and suffered as a result of the negotiation of the President of the Council of Ministers for approval.

Second, the Ministry of Finance and urgently exchange amount of ten billion dinars to the Ministry of Construction and Housing and municipalities for the purpose of buying chlorine and alum and the General Water Directorate at the ministry allocations.

Third, the adoption of the recommendation of the Committee on Energy on the Assignment of tender design, processing and implementation of the works for the water treatment plant of the field Garraf / first phase custody of the Chinese company project (cppb) and the duration of the implementation of standing 21 months, and has an assignment on the basis of lower prices conformity with the technical specifications.

Fourthly: Adoption put the necessary controls on the themes payment on credit processing, as well as address the Almstmrh.anthy investment projects (1)


newbieDA: at least we can see progress and piece it together this year

newbieDA: I sorta want to go back and collect the big investment projects I have been seeing in articles, its been big time

newbieDA: ISIS turned over southern Mosul today, just left if I am correct, this is more chattels department though, the security issues

newbieDA: a gymnastics group in Yasir is posting videos today, like a normal life we all should have, very impressive video

newbieDA: not all doom and gloom

chattels: [Baghdad-where] Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said that his government did not pay for its share of the Kurdistan region of the financial budget "when refrained from payment and we will not be fighting a propaganda war with them, but there are measures taken on this matter,"   chattels:

 chattels: " Abadi: we have taken action against the province for not delivered oil "

chattels: [Follow-where] a US court ruled in favor of Baghdad to prevent the Kurdistan region of export shipment of oil to the United States. 

The court rejected the appeal of American Fifth Circuit in New Orleans Monday, a lawsuit from the Kurdistan Regional Government to overturn a previous ruling against a planned deal to sell a shipment of oil to an unknown buyer in the United States.    

TxBrand: gezzz im bored

Donnie: ‹@TxBrand› with the internet at your finger tips?!?!?!

Donnie: no one should ever be bored again :)

TxBrand: maybe im just sad .. sister inlaw passed away


TxBrand: Brain cancer but she we quick after they figured out what was wrong ... within a month

TxBrand: ‹@OOTW› ty


Tootsie: ‹@TxBrand› oh my goodness, sending prayers & wishes to you and family.
Tootsie: Report: U.S. foils assassination bids of Iraqi PM [font][font]Tuesday, 22 September 2015[/font][/font]The U.S. embassy has foiled two attempts to assassinate Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, a high-level Iraqi official told the London-based [font]Asharq al-Awsat[/font] in an interview published Tuesday.

The official, who spoke under the condition of anonymity, said the first operation to eliminate Abadi, who took power last September and has been hailed for his sweeping reforms, was in its early stages.

However, the second bid – at Baghdad’s heavily fortified Green Zone - to assassinate the premier was “advanced” in reaching its target, and led to the arrests of suspects, who are army officers.

The official said these assassination attempts were due to Abadi’s reforms.Abadi’s predecessor Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki was denounced by critics for estranging Sunnis in the country, leading to the seizure of Iraq’s northern city of Mosul by Islamist militants in June last year.

The report came after Abadi said he expected a coup against him, and this might cost him his life as well.Last month, Abadi abolished the positions of vice-president and vice-premier.

As a result, Maliki, the-then vice president, was the most senior politician to be removed from his post.According to the official, Abadi recently criticized a government convoy - seen in the southern city of Basra – awaiting Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani, head of the powerful Revolutionary Guard’s elite Quds unit.

The official said the premier did not know of Soleimani’s visit to Iraq and expressed surprise and concern that the Iranian general’s visit was not official.

Images circulating online showed Soleimani with the mainly Shiite militia volunteer groups of the Population Mobilization units in Iraq fighting Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militants.

ISIS controls much of the country’s Sunni-dominant north and western regions.


Tootsie: No wonder he , Abadi, is stating he will push reforms even if gives up his life. Goodness


TxBrand: tys all of you... she was 74 and still working full time   TxBrand: thanks

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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