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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wealthwatch Late Evening Chat  9-22-15  Part 1 of 2 

Post From Chat Room  9-22-15
Wealthwatch Late Evening Chat  9-22-15  Part 1 of 2   (News From Sczin11)

Tootsie: ‹@lonegunman› Hi, just poppin in to read the Hx ~~ how goes it up North? still hot here

Tootsie: Someone, please tell someone that all capitals signifies SHOUTING at us. LOL.

Tootsie: ‹@Doug_W› sorry, history, short like Rx for prescription , throwback to older work times for me . oops   Tootsie: Not much going on, it appears,

Tootsie: I have not seen anything in particular , ~ Have a good day - going to flee this scene and be lazy in other ways HAHAHA

Tootsie: Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
chattels: Baghdad (AIN) –A member of the Power Union, MP Raad al-Dihlaki ruled out on Monday endorsing the National Guard Law by parliament because of the fundamental disagreements on the origin of the Law. “It is possible to resent it to the government to make some amendments or rejected by parliament ,” Dahelaki added to AIN.   chattels:

Tootsie: I have read too much re: 10 , and, cross the street works at HP, in systems design, mgmt., etc. I asked if they were going to go to 10. They did not even go to 8, still using 7. So, , nuf said

Tootsie: Anyway, they, Msft, is going to support win 7 for appx another 4 years and by then we will be ready for new putters I betcha

MichelleL: I never bothered with 8 - had 7 pro, it worked
MichelleL: betcha tootsie lol but will we still be waiting for an rv? fraid we might be

 Tootsie: I have win7 pro. Had a dickens of a time finding one , after both lap top and desktop bit the dust, that had win7pro on. but found !! yea

] chattels: Baghdad (AIN) –Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said on Monday that “ISIL’s influence is not limited to Iraq but also on Turkish and Jordanian security, which is a real and de facto threat, not theoretical speech, therefore, ISIL must be fought.”  chattels:

 chattels: Baghdad (AIN) -Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi said on Saturday that the young are the hope of this nation and we strive to form a foundation that supports them, because young people have skills that should be developed and made use of for the country's progress and prosperity.

chattels: In his speech during the fifth TEDX Baghdad conference promoting youth and talent and new ideas, Abadi said, "the country is facing many challenges the most important of which is our battle with ISIL terrorist group who wants to kill our children and destroys our country and so we must unite to confront it and gain victory over the enemy," the office of the PM said in a statement.   chattels:

Tootsie: just what they need on top of everything else

Tootsie: Cabinet allocates money for the purchase of chlorine in an effort to contain the cholera epidemic Tuesday 22-09-2015 | 4:23:22 Twilight News / Iraqi Council of Ministers decided in its weekly meeting on Tuesday to allocate funds for the purchase of chlorine in order to contain the cholera epidemic spread in the outskirts of Baghdad.

The prime minister's office said Haider al-Abadi said in a statement seen by Twilight News, that the Council of Ministers held today under the chairmanship of its regular-Abadi, was in the beginning of the meeting to discuss the terrorist attacks against citizens, and measures to confront the cholera epidemic.

According to the statement, the Council decided to "authorize the Minister of Industry and Minerals to negotiate with the power company (Lafarge) concerning the French investment Karbala cement plant, and suffered as a result of the negotiation of the President of the Council of Ministers for approval."

 It also decided to "do the Ministry of Finance and urgently exchange amount of ten billion dinars to the Ministry of Construction and Housing and municipalities for the purpose of buying chlorine and alum and the General Water Directorate at the ministry allocations."

Tootsie: As well as the Council approved the recommendation of the Committee on Energy on the Assignment of tender design, processing and implementation of the works for the water treatment plant of the field Garraf / first phase custody of the Chinese company project (cppb) and the duration of the implementation of standing 21 months, and has an assignment on the basis of lower prices conformity with the technical specifications.

Also included decisions to make the necessary controls on the themes payment on credit processing, as well as address the ongoing investment projects. translate.googleuserconte...

Tootsie: Maliki is beating the drums again ~~ Maliki calls the popular crowd to protect the political process of "co-conspirators" Tuesday 22-09-2015 | 4:19:06 / Vice President Nuri al-Maliki called on the popular crowd formations to the political process and protection schemes "conspirators and critics of support."

Maliki said in his speech today by honoring the victims of the crowd ceremony that "formations crowd the popular resistance foiled the conspiracies and plots woven against Iraq to topple the political process," adding that "in the absence of such a solid will and generous sacrifices Iraq was now in a last and managed all the schemes hatched against him. "

"The crowd commemorated the sacrifices of the popular culture of jihad that nearly die, and this tender and the determination to meet the legitimate and should be addressed to the enemies of religion and humanity contributed to thwart all conspiratorial schemes."

He stressed "the need to support the formations of the popular crowd and their families and to provide all the power supplies, because power does not mean the weapon but only means of faith in the political process and to achieve solidarity and a culture of jihad and martyrdom."

He called the "stand-by-side children of martyrs and provide full attention and care for them, as well as upbringing valid fulfillment of those heroes who sacrificed their lives for this country and its people." /

Vice President Nuri al-Maliki called on the popular crowd formations to the political process and protection schemes "conspirators and critics of support."

Maliki said in his speech today by honoring the victims of the crowd ceremony that "formations crowd the popular resistance foiled the conspiracies and plots woven against Iraq to topple the political process,"

adding that "in the absence of such a solid will and generous sacrifices Iraq was now in a last and managed all the schemes hatched against him. " "The crowd commemorated the sacrifices of the popular culture of jihad that

Tootsie: darn, sorry, ended up doubling, bummer

Tootsie: Remember the oil tanker that sat in Galveston Bay, outside limits, for so long?? ~~ US Dismisses KRG Tanker Case September 22, 2015 An American court has dismissed an attempt by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to overturn a previous decision against its planned sale of oil to a US-based customer.

The case arose when Iraq’s central government sued to seize a tanker loaded with crude oil from Iraqi Kurdistan — the United Kalavryta (pictured) — off the coast of Texas.

According to the court ruling, “the KRG mooted this appeal through its voluntary decision to discharge the Cargo in Israel. In so doing, the KRG severely weakened its argument for equitable relief.“

 Laith Al-Shaher, director general of the Iraqi Oil Ministry’s legal department, told Bloomberg that Baghdad won’t rule out taking further legal action against the Kurds if they continue trying to export oil that the central government considers to belong to the whole nation.

Tootsie: In a statement, the KRG’s Ministry of Natural Resources said: “Yesterday’s procedural decision from the U.S. Court of Appeals means that the Ministry of Oil will finally be forced to drop its baseless lawsuit, because the KRG oil that the Ministry tried to seize has already been sold and delivered.

“Although the KRG believes that the case should have been dismissed earlier, and for different reasons, the state of play remains the same: there is no prohibition on the KRG’s export of oil to the United States or elsewhere, and the KRG will continue to export hydrocarbons as the Iraqi Constitution permits.” (Sources: US Dept of Justice, KRG, Bloomberg)

Tootsie: Time for my nap ~ haha - DOOL (days of our lives) instead to DOOD (days of our dinar) Have a great afternoon !!!!

*SCZIN11: Vice-President of the Republic challenged the decision of dismissal ... and Abadi and infallible looking for a legal way out Author: Editor: 09/22/2015 21:02 Number of Views: 228 Long-Presse / Baghdad Political parties confirm the continuation of dialogue between the Prime Minister and the President of the Republic to find a constitutional way out of the dismissal of the last Congress, in spite of the criticism addressed to the first against the backdrop of the decision taken in isolation.

Parties revealed that some Vice-Presidents of the Republic of appeal against the decision to cancel their positions issued by the Prime Minister in August. And stresses the need for the parties to the decision letter addressed to the President of the Republic Parliament to scrap the three positions.

The House voted unanimously, on 11 August, on the first package of reforms that the government has under which the dismissal of the Vice-President of the Republic from office.

 He says the National Alliance MP Ibrahim Bahr al-Ulum that "the mandate he received the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi by the House of Representatives, in August last to implement and papers parliamentary and government reform, you need some legal paragraphs to the legislation in Parliament."

*SCZIN11: Bahr al-Ulum said, in an interview with the (range), "The decision to cancel the posts of Vice-President of the Council of Ministers before the law was complemented by reforms made by al-Abadi aim of harmony with the Constitution and the law."

He continued, spokesman for the National Alliance, saying that "the bill abolishing the posts of Vice-President of the Republic Act will be included on the agenda of the meetings agenda after the Eid in order to speed up the legislation."

The new recall that "some reforms need to legislation to address constitutional laws." Although the House vote to abolish the post of the Vice-President of the Republic, but the three deputies continue to conduct their business everyday, and enjoy the same privileges earlier.

Bahr al-Ulum and comment by saying that "this issue affects the President of the Republic and needs to take his consent in these reforms and thus there must be a message by President Fuad Masum to Parliament legislation urging him to cancel the posts of Vice President of the Republic Act."

And confirms the leadership of the National Alliance, "the existence of constant contact, over the past periods, the President Fuad Masum collected with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi," likely to be the subject abolish the post of Vice-Presidents at the heart of these discussions.

*SCZIN11: According to the Law of the Vice President of the Republic, No. 1 of 2011 in force, the Vice-Presidents are either exemption request submitted by the President to the House of Representatives to exempt one of his deputies, or the accountability of Parliament to the Vice President and then a majority vote on his removal from office.

And reveals Bahr al-Ulum that "some of the Vice-Presidents of the Republic made an appeal to the Federal Court on dismissed by the Prime Minister because they considered it unconstitutional."

In turn, confirms the judge Wael Abdul Latif, a former deputy minister and "the need to harmonize all the reforms carried out by the head of government with the Constitution and the law." He said Abdul Latif, told the (range), that "the election of the President of the Republic, which began in Parliament in 2011 law, requires the election of one or more Deputy President of the Republic and that is associated with acceptance or exempted from office with the consent of the President and the House of Representatives."

He said the former MP, saying that "the House of Representatives to authorize the Prime Minister and the resignation of the Vice-President of the Republic must be coupled with the approval of the President of the Republic", adding that "the Council of Ministers violates the Constitution through interventions that get here and there."
*SCZIN11: Optical political and draws out that "Article 86 of the Constitution recommends the implementation of a law that regulates the number of ministries and the powers of every minister and terms of reference of the ministry,"

noting that "this law is disabled because of the political will, which means that we will notice the feminine operations in the current and next and previous governments."

And confirms the judge Wael Abdul Latif that "the law will eliminate the reforms that might collide with the wishes of lagging political processes."


chattels: Maliki is a " fly on the wall ", " gone " or " technically gone " say the pundits at D(inar) U(phoria),so not to worry about him, eh ?

chattels: I have said for some time now that I believed that Mr. Maliki had appealed the Abadi declaration

chattels: Visser has opined since day one that the Iraqi constitution requires at least one VP
chattels: amendment of the Constitution will likely be required, IMO
chattels: hucksters and carnival barkers abound

Doug_W: wonder how many ppl know waht a "barker" is "C" ?

Doug_W: AKA Drummer

TxBrand: BREAKING: The House just passed legislation holding President Obama accountable for breaking the very law he signed by failing to provide Congress with the Iran-IAEA side agreements. Withholding these documents from the American people and their elected representatives completely discredits the transparent review process the Administration was legally obligated to provide. 

In light of this vote, I believe the House should pursue legal action against the Administration for its blatant disregard for the law. I want to thank Congressman Pompeo and Congressman Zeldin for their relentless efforts to expose these side deals and push for this important vote

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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