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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Wealthwatch Evening Chat  9-01-15  Part 1 of 2

Post From Chat Room  9-01-15
Wealthwatch Evening Chat  9-01-15  Part 1 of 2

chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — A rocket suspected of carrying chemical substances was fired by the Islamic State at a Peshmerga position near Mosul Dam on Monday at 11:30 am, and upon impact produced yellow smoke, according to a statement released by the Kurdistan region security council on Tuesday. One Peshmerga is receiving treatment for wounds received in the attack.

 The remains of the rocket have been removed from the field and are now stored in a secure location in the Kurdistan region, according to the statement. “We are working with the International Coalition to collect samples for immediate tests abroad.

 This is one of increasing numbers of attacks in recent months suspected of carrying chemical substances,” the statement said. "We remain deeply concerned with the escalation and delivery method of these attacks, and urgently call on the International Coalition to provide protective equipment to Peshmerga forces," it added. 
ISIS has previously been suspected of using chemical weapons against Kurdish forces in separate attacks in Makhmur southwest of Erbil and a previous attack near the Mosul Dam.

chattels: Anyone else suspect that DAESH is attempting to draw the U.S. into a ground force presence in Iraq or Syria ?

chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — Twenty-five Kurdish prisoners managed to escape into civilian homes in the Islamic State’s stronghold of Mosul a few days ago, claims a Kurdish official, adding that some of the escapees were recaptured by ISIS and others remained protected and harbored in civilian homes.

“After the people of Mosul realized that several captives fled ISIS, they welcomed them, guiding them to escape Mosul in order for them to return to their homes outside ISIS territories, but unfortunately, some of the escapees were recaptured,” Ismat Rajab, head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party branch in Mosul, told Rudaw on Tuesday.

 Rajab, who is currently based at Mount Zartik, the closest Peshmerga-held territory to ISIS in Mosul, added that the prisoners were held at an ISIS prison in the Christian neighborhood of Khalisiya.

“When the people realized these hostages escaped an ISIS jail, they—both Kurds and Arabs in the nearby areas—showed their willingness to harbor them from ISIS,” Rajab said of the positions of Mosul’s Arabs and Kurds concerning the escapees.   chattels:

chattels: WASHINGTON DC — According to United Nations figures released on Tuesday, 1,325 people, including members of security forces, were killed in Iraq, and 1,811 others wounded in various acts of violence and terrorism in August.

The UN statistics showed that a total of 585 civilians, including 20 police, were killed and 1,103 others wounded in armed conflicts and terrorist acts, while 740 members of the Iraqi security forces, including members of the Peshmerga and pro-government militias, were killed, and 708 others wounded.

The figures show a reduction of civilian casualties as compared to July, in which 844 civilians were killed and 1,616 others wounded.

Speaking on the casualty figures, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq (SRSG) Jan Kubis deemed the successful implementation of reforms initiated by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi as a step towards restoring order in the country.  chattels:

chattels: Baghdad continues to top the number of casualties in August, with 1,069 civilian casualties (318 killed, 751 injured). Diyala suffered 108 killed and 162 injured; Nineveh 69 killed and three injured; Salahadin 23 killed and 13 injured and Kirkuk 17 killed and 15 injured.

There were 187 civilian casualties (39 killed and 148 injured) in Anbar province, based on the figures the UN received from the health directorate in Anbar.

chattels: MP from the Union of Iraqi forces *** Alloizi Abdul Rahman, on Tuesday, protesters called for the popular movement to demonstrate in front of the House of Representatives for the purpose of lobbying parliament and leaders of political blocs to complete the reform of the judiciary system.

chattels: *** Sunni Political faction    chattels:

 chattels: He said the "change the Chief Justice Medhat al-Mahmoud is through legislation of the Federal Court Act, which provided according to the latest draft arrived in Parliament that the mandate of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Council for the 12-year-old only 6 months was left as Mahmood said recently."

chattels: It appears from the foregoing that even if the Federal Court Act is passed that Medhat would have six more months to serve UNLESS he resigns of course.

chattels: "Dozens of people, on Monday, in front of the Supreme Judicial Council building in the capital, Baghdad, to demand the resignation of President of the Council Medhat al-Mahmoud, and reforms in the judiciary.

chattels: Masum US ambassador: government seeks to ensure the success of reforms in accordance with the Constitution and the law   chattels:

 chattels: September 1, 2015 Political sources revealed that former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is trying to escape from prosecution in the case of the fall of Mosul through his quest to return to Parliament in anticipation of immunity on the one hand and appeal to the judiciary to cancel his other hand.

This comes in conjunction with the description of Abbas Moussawi, media adviser to the owners in a statement to the London-based Asharq al-Awsat last sacking from the post of Vice President of the Republic is unconstitutional, noting that such impeachment must be subject to the law.

chattels:; LINK

chattels: Courtesy of Bond Lady's Corner

chattels: What / Who is Abbas Moussawi, media advisor to the " owners " ?

chattels: " Abbas Moussawi, media adviser to Maliki, ................. "

chattels: Najafi and Allawi confirm their intention not to return to parliament and Maliki keeps the door open Najafi and Allawi confirm their intention not to return to parliament and Maliki keeps the door open Posted 01/09/2015 10:17 AM   chattels:

chattels: Courtesy of IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY    chattels:

chattels: The Abbas Moussawi, media adviser to Maliki, told the newspaper the Middle East London, that the former Prime Minister supports the reforms succeeded Haider al-Abadi “But Iraq is a democratic country, and since the position of the Vice-President of the Republic is subject to the law, the dismissal unconstitutional.”

 In response to a question whether Al-Maliki will return to parliament, al-Moussawi said that “such an order declaring at the time and did not submit an appeal to the Federal Court so far said.”

chattels: Denied two former vice-president Fuad Masum, three, two, Osama al-Nujaifi and Iyad Allawi, their desire to return to Parliament after the abolition of the posts of Vice President, while According to information that the third deputy Nuri al-Maliki is trying to escape from prosecution,

 in the case of the fall of Mosul of trying to return to Parliament in the hope in immunity, on the one hand, and the appeal before the court to cancel the office, on the other hand.

chattels: So it appears that Maliki's strategy is two fold - return to Parliament for immunity pending an appeal to the Judiciary over the purported cancellation of the office(s) of VP

chattels: Visser has stated that in his opinion the Iraqi Constitution requires at least one VP

chattels: All I find in the constitution is : Article 69 : First: The provisions for nomination to the office of the President of the Republic shall be regulated by law. Second: The provisions for nomination to the office of one or more Vice Presidents of the Republic shall be regulated by law.   chattels:

Doug_W: but no actual law to back that up

Doug_W: ?

chattels: Article 93: The Federal Supreme Court shall have jurisdiction over the following: First: Overseeing the constitutionality of laws and regulations in effect.

Second: Interpreting the provisions of the Constitution. Third: Settling matters that arise from the application of the federal laws, decisions, regulations, instructions, and procedures issued by the federal authority. The law shall guarantee the right of direct appeal to the Court to the Council of Ministers, those concerned individuals, and others.

chattels: Article 94: Decisions of the Federal Supreme Court are final and binding for all authorities.

chattels: ‹@Doug_W› No sir, not really.

chattels: Article 78: The Prime Minister is the direct executive authority responsible for the general policy of the State and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. He directs the Council of Ministers, presides over its meetings, and has the right to dismiss the Ministers, with the consent of the Council of Representatives.

chattels: Tariq Harb has interpreted the foregoing as authorizing Abadi to act as he did, but the context / term Ministers does not seem to apply to the VP on the face of it to me.

chattels: But, I concede that i am no expert.

Fit2beFit: And the Iraq news has yet to match what it states outright for many years now

chattels: ‹@Fit2beFit› The news is all that I have or think that I " know " - I have no " intel ".

chattels: I invite any and all to review the constitution in an effort to determine what they can for themselves and share with us.
chattels: 55 deputies for Iraqi Forces coalition urge to set the draft of amnesty law on the parliamentary agenda. 31/08/2015 17:10 Baghdad/ NINA /-- 55 deputies for the parliamentary bloc of Iraqi Forces coalition submitted to the presidency of House of Representatives a request for the inclusion of the draft of general amnesty law on the agenda of the parliament for discussion and vote on . 

MP Hassan Shwered stressed in a joint press conference with a number of deputies of the coalition that the demand is principally submitted to end the suffering of innocent detainees in many prisons. 

Shwered added the "Amnesty Law represent a message to reassure the interests of the masses and the oppressed detainees as well as to get them out of prison as soon as possible and providing compensation .


chattels: Abadi stresses the need to the development of strategies to increase oil exports and electricity production 31/08/2015 21:55 BAGHDAD / Nina / Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi stressed on Monday the need to develop strategies that contribute to increase oil exports and increase the production of electric energy. 

A statement by the Office of Abadi said while chairing a meeting of the Ministerial Committee of energy that the country faces many challenges, especially the financial crisis as a result of lower oil prices globally, and we have many plans to address them by putting strategies that contribute to increase oil exports and make more efforts to increase the production of electric energy in order to serve the citizen.


Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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