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Saturday, September 19, 2015

Saturday Night Dinarland Chatter 9-19-15


SassyD:  In Iraq... their business week starts on Sunday..... all banking around the world is closed for a few hours on OUR late Saturday night

Iko Ward:
  Sassy...the retail branches are closed, the books are closed out for the weekend, and the processing centers along the pacific rim and India are working.

Iko Ward : Another little tidbit..why did Forex wait until 12:22AM to finalize the rate for this weekend?

Iko Ward : They always poll out and close around 8PM Friday night. Instead, they polled at 12:22AM EST Saturday morning. BTW, the Time in NYC (at least for now) is the only time that matters.

Letitbe:  IKO, they tried to push the button but did not go and had to post the rate? Just a guess
Iko Ward : I would guess they were waiting to see if an attempt was going this weekend and were waiting to sync with the CBI.

Iko Ward: I am not really expecting any hard news until 3 or 4AM EST tomorrow morning.

Mssylvia:  ... I heard from a friend this morning that dinar rate is $5.25 and dong is $3.88.

Iko Ward:  Mssylvia, I am hearing all kinds of wild rates. If Dinar comes out above 5 and Dong above 3 and Zim above .20 I'm not sure I'll be able to get through exchange without being heavily sedated.

Mssylvia: I cannot prove anything. i just have a friend who has some contacts.. they have private conference calls daily. I understand contacts are high in knowing what is happening. Hey! I will be happy for it to come out at $1 just let it be now.

Regina:  The bank paying salaries now abroad is a very good thing.. it means that their banking system has put on their big boy pants and can handle this.  All the better to be ready for international transactions.


   Hi Everyone! Here is what I can report from the Forex. Yes forex made an attempt to do something at the 6:00 EDT hour. Everything went blank, then everything was populated with zeros and it sat like that for quite awhile. The usd/iqn chart made alot of changes in a very short period of time. Then the entire site went static (that one really got me excited because the TNT site was still working)...

part 2:
Once the site came back up the monitor of all the currencies I watch was populated with "Current, Bid & Offer" values, but the High, Low & Open was still zeros. A few minutes later the High, Low & Open was populated which then caused my usd/iqn chart to go to a pips screen, but than it showed a Current Value of 0.0 and a range from its usual high all the way down to here we sit...waiting on their next move.

  Isa I have no idea what that all means but if you're excited then ok.......!!!

  You are ALL VERY WELCOME. Only time will tell where they go with this between now and when forex opens tomorrow evening.

Here is the link for forex hours of trading in the US, please copy and past it for your future reference!


ALlonghorn:   My bank story

I have a friend who is a branch manager at a Regions bank in Alabama and she owns currency.  She called me yesterday to tell me that when she comes in her office in the morning that she turns on her computer and goes to her FOREX page. 

She said that Thursday morning, for the first time in her history at the bank, she saw Zim listed as a currency with a rate. 

 After I recovered and got back on the road, she said it had never been there before and showing a rate.  The rate showing on her screen was $0.0027 per Zim. 

 I asked her if I could exchange some right now and she said her bank did not handle or trade the Zim, so no I could not. 

She was very excited to see it listed for the very first time and she is holding currency as well and I am sure will be watching rates come Monday morning.



Dinar Updates:

tlm724   Article:  "Parliament surprised by the government's decision to withdraw 100 law including "federal" and "Service Board".  

This is interesting... there is controversy about the COM deciding to back burner these laws but it was done to make sure the laws are up to speed with the reforms,

The laws were done during Maliki's term so I would do the same thing.

PM Abadi obviously wants the financial laws front and center, as do we...


: KTFA FAMILY .............. My Heart goes out to You ......So......... Wanna play a game?

It has been almost a year and a half since we last shared with You a Time Frame. Yet i know we all seek a DATE.

Yesterday i posted that it takes skills to ask the correct question.

Then i said ........... Ask me a question.

Let me help You................. In this game of questions to walk You into Your MONDAY CC.

True ....... We give no DATE of the MR ........ BUT .......... With 1 and 2 ready to bring 3 .......... What would You like to see in our TEAMS TIME FRAME STUDY manifest itself before the end of the year?

Now note .......... This is a TIME FRAME ......... But of WHAT?

Do not say DRS because that is 3.

Instead consider that if 3 comes ......... What will he need prior to implementing the MR steps of the IQD?

Do not say to lift the three zeros because that is an RV and we FIRST MUST SEE an RI.

An RI is a SEPERATE part of the MR !!!

So go for it ........... Tell me ....... In the Time Frame of this second until the end of 2015 ......... What question would You ask of Iraq?

Have fun .......... Aloha ........ On MONDAY CC will tell You who won or got close.

KTFA    Frank........


  OK ........ Please enjoy:

Does A sanctioned country RI its currency by First adding value but by giving the international community a reason to use it called ............ THE LAWS !!!

Then starts the process of RI with value via the lifting of 1 or 2 zeros which is an RV of the currency.

KTFA   Frank


   Has Germany released it new currency? Signaling debt being wiped out?????

Has the new UST notes been released in the good ole USA?????

Does the US have a budget for the first time in 10/11 years.....

Has the stock markets and currency started readjusting themselves ?

Has HCL been implemented?

Are citizens inside and outside the country receiving their Salary via the Que Cards?


Naphtali:  » September 19th, 2015, 8:44 pm  

I enjoy a good riddle and mystery.....and this one truly has me on pins and needles.

So I am going to toss out a few of my ideas ---

First and foremost, Iran. Sanctions lifted so that they can sell their oil. Maybe then they will not hassle Iraq and let them run their country without interferance.

Dr.S Fighting to receive a higher credit rating. Looking for the final and third credit rating coming from Moody's and is higher than a B-/B from S&P and Fitch.

Article 8.... Lower Denoms.....release of bonds.....

Okay, come out, come out where ever you are..... I would really like to see other's ideas.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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