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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

BGG Roundtable 9/23/2015   Part 2 of 2

Bgg roundtable 9/23/2015   Part 2 of 2

rcookie says(2:01 PM): There are reports today that Integrity sent half (83) cases to Judiciary

BGG says to rcookie(2:01 PM): and  ..."and detection and arrest them and recover the money they had stolen from the state."...  they want Maliki arrested - but THEY WANT THE MONEY BACK TOO.

samuel says(2:01 PM): have there been any arrests yet?

rcookie says(2:02 PM): Its gonna take some time just because of the sheer numbers!

BGG says to rcookie(2:02 PM): I think (my opinion)... the WB/IMF put thier foot down because...
samuel says(2:02 PM): they can start with one, would like to see real teeth in this

rcookie says(2:02 PM): agreed...he needs to be the posterchild for corruption erradication!

BGG says to rcookie(2:03 PM): why should they swoop in and loan Iraq billions (5-10 Billion)... when Maliki may have stolen as much as 50-100 billion??

quicktolegit96 says(2:03 PM): TOO MUCH LIABILITY

BGG says to samuel(2:04 PM): in the News Forum - there have been numerous arrests - I noted a biggie on THE BLOG for today...

rcookie says(2:04 PM): And not enough investment protections built in to attract

BGG says to quicktolegit96(2:04 PM): yes..

BGG says to rcookie(2:04 PM): and yes...

jtank says(2:04 PM): why should he give back any money if going to jail--some of the money has a trail and I think that would be locked up already with the gov

samuel says(2:04 PM): does Abaidi have clean enough hanks to realy make this go thru


rcookie says(2:04 PM): Customs & Health Minister today

BGG says to samuel(2:05 PM): Abadi documents ordering the arrest of the Director General of Customs after being found guilty of corruption

BGG says to samuel(2:05 PM):

samuel says(2:05 PM): thanks

rcookie says(2:05 PM): Bribes...Forgeries of Certificates etc.......

Mrs BGG says(2:05 PM): Anymore ?'s

mimi3 says to Mrs BGG(2:07 PM):  yes! rate and date! j/k:D

BGG says to mimi3(2:07 PM):  no clue...

mimi3 says to BGG(2:07 PM):  Kidding!

BGG says to mimi3(2:07 PM):  something - at sometime... (was the plan)...

mimi3 says to BGG(2:08 PM):  :D

BGG says to mimi3(2:08 PM): but who knows what the plan really is now - really?!?

maine says(2:08 PM): or in the coming days!!

jd says(2:08 PM): rate 1166 date 9/23/15

_firefly_ says(2:08 PM): Jaafari up to New York to attend the General Assembly and Security Council meeting

BGG says to mimi3(2:08 PM): the main thing is Corruption, corruption, corruption... they are dealing with it.

mimi3 says(2:09 PM): I know!

_firefly_ says(2:09 PM): World | Wed Sep 23, 2015 5:33am EDT

Related: World  Turkish jets pound Kurdish militant camp in northern Iraq: security sources

BGG says to _firefly_(2:09 PM): these idiots can't resist the urge - can they??

_firefly_ says(2:09 PM): lol, you know it

BGG says to _firefly_(2:10 PM): Turkey is settling old scores...

_firefly_ says(2:10 PM):  Turkish jets launched air strikes on a Kurdish militant camp in northern Iraq late on Tuesday, targeting a facility being used as an "education and logistics" hub, security sources said.

The jets took off from an air base in Diyarbakir, southeast Turkey, the sources added. Turkish security forces have regularly targeted camps belonging to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) since the collapse of a ceasefire in July.

(Reporting by Seyhmus Cakan and Humeyra Pamuk; Writing by David Dolan; Editing by Andrew Heavens)

_firefly_ says(2:10 PM):

BGG says to _firefly_(2:11 PM): as soon as you said that though - I knew what it was...

_firefly_ says(2:11 PM): interesting 2 headers

_firefly_ says to BGG(2:11 PM): (y)

BGG says to _firefly_(2:11 PM): which is sad... PKK doing business against ISIS - but Turkey JUST HAS TO BOMB THEM

BGG says to _firefly_(2:11 PM): they cannot lay off.

BGG says to _firefly_(2:12 PM): we should have taken Barzani up on building an airbase up there.

_firefly_ says to BGG(2:12 PM): They are certainly pushing it aren't they

BGG says to _firefly_(2:12 PM): then none of this would be going on...

_firefly_ says to BGG(2:14 PM): So why is Jaafari in NY?

BGG says to _firefly_(2:14 PM): Same reason Abadi will be.

BGG says to _firefly_(2:14 PM): and the Pope.

_firefly_ says to BGG(2:14 PM): BINGO !

BGG says to _firefly_(2:14 PM): UN Gen Ass'y

_firefly_ says to BGG(2:15 PM):  Follow-up - and babysit - arrived in the Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari to New York to attend the session the 70th General Assembly of the United Nations, take the word Iraq in the Security Council meeting, and in the 39 th Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Group of 77, the private economic development of Member States and China.

_firefly_ says to BGG(2:15 PM):  A statement by the Office of al-Jaafari said on Wednesday that "al-Jaafari will address Iraq in the private acts of sabotage Forum, and looting of the effects, and the presence of Arab League foreign ministers meeting, and address Iraq at the top of the development agenda,

and the conference's ninth facilitating start to enter the Convention on the comprehensive nuclear test ban into force, and attend a summit of the leaders of your countries to fight Daash terrorist gangs,

 and participate in a meeting of peacekeeping operations, and disposal of mines, and the meeting of Arab foreign ministers, and Latin America, and address Iraq on the occasion of the World Day final of nuclear weapons to eliminate. "

_firefly_says to BGG(2:16 PM): Hmmmmm 

_firefly_ says to BGG(2:16 PM): It is expected that al-Jaafari will meet at meetings with foreign ministers of Romania Bogdan Aworisko margin, and Turkey Feridun Sinarla Ihsanoglu, France, Laurent Fabius, and South Korea Yun Byung-Se, and Syria's Walid Muallem, and the Czech Republic Lubomir Zaoralek, and Finland's Timo Sweeney, Austria Sebastian Kurz, Italy Paolo Jnthelona, and Iran, Mohammad Javad Zarif, Tunisia Tayeb Baccouche, and Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Sabah, and Armenia Edward Nalbandian, and Spain's Jose Garcia Margalo, Albania Dittmer Bocati, Mexico Claudia Ruiz Massieu, Australia Ms. Julie Bishop; to discuss bilateral relations and promotion.

_firefly_ says to BGG(2:17 PM): In addition to meeting with the High Commissioner for Human Rights to the United Nations, Prince Zeid bin Hussein, and represented by foreign policy and the security of the European Union Ms. Federica Mgrena, and the representative of the Secretary-General for children in Ms. Leila Zerrougui of armed conflict, and the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mr. Yukiya Amano, Executive Director the Office of the fight against terrorism by the United Nations Jean-Paul Laborde, and the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Dr. Iyad Madani bin.

_firefly_ says to BGG(2:17 PM):  It is likely that al-Jaafari attend the meetings to be conducted by the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi with Jordan's King Abdullah II of Jordan, Lebanese Prime Minister Tammam Salam, and Iranian President Hassan Rohani, and US Vice President Joe Biden, and Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-moon.

_firefly_ says to BGG(2:18 PM): US Vice President Joe Biden, and Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-moon.

_firefly_ says to BGG(2:19 PM): Sounds like a pretty serious meeting to me !

(2:21 PM)THE BLOG - Dinar Daily NEWS Blog -

BGG says to maine(2:26 PM):

Thanks to everyone who came in - helped - tuned in and helped out - you guys are awesome!!

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