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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

BGG Roundtable 9/23/2015   Part 1 of 2

Bgg roundtable 9/23/2015   Part 1 of 2


BGG says(1:35 PM):  Let's get this Round Table kicked off!!

BGG says(1:35 PM): I rcookie - you had the perfect start to Round Table in your commnets to me earlier...

rcookie says(1:36 PM): I think the major theme for news at every level is Corruption...Corruption...Corruption!!!

BGG says(1:37 PM): and... "they are attacking it on every level"...
BGG says(1:38 PM): attacking coruption - this is a good thing
rcookie says(1:38 PM): Counted today 12 Different Depts & Ministries with pending corruption

BGG says(1:38 PM): NICE.

BGG says(1:39 PM): I hear plenty of speculation (behind the scenes)... I rarely bother to pass as much on...

BGG says(1:40 PM): however, recently (last day or two) I have been hearing as early as the 24th thru about the 29th and if they miss that one then just prior ot the UN Gen assembly - if they miss that window, no later than the end of the first week of October.

BGG says(1:41 PM): LET ME BE CLEAR... this is not my opinion.

BGG says(1:41 PM): in fact, the only reason I bothered to mention it - it was based on them dealing with a bit more of this corruption and then they would move ahead...

BGG says(1:42 PM): which only means the purveyor of such rumor/speculation has read our Blogs and opinions carefully and jumped ahead a little :D

rcookie says(1:42 PM): But BGG the AML ACt & Investment LAws ned to be fully implemented to prosecute these cases as they come into Money Laundering Courts that have been set up

BGG says(1:43 PM): so I believe any of this?? Maybe 50/50...

poppy3 says to rcookie(1:43 PM): why is it always a round table instead of square ?? have they been watching the corrupion in our country, they are rookies. They got training here. coruption and security there nothing to here and many other functioning countries it just a determent to their real 400 year old disputes , my opinion but i am never wrong lol,lol poppy38-|

BGG says(1:43 PM): 40/60 :D
BGG says to rcookie(1:43 PM): I agree - I read that...
BGG says to rcookie(1:44 PM): and I really think that is the key...

rcookie says to poppy3(1:44 PM): (y)

rcookie says(1:45 PM): The committees are investigating & uncovering the sorted details but the laws have to be implemented to prosecute with the new standards applied

BGG says to rcookie(1:45 PM): I was in a conversation earlier - and was asked what I thought about 2016 and then something along the lines of "what if we get to this first week of Oct - does that mean we're into 2016"???

dinarmassa says(1:46 PM): ??

BGG says(1:46 PM): My response was - "we will really have to get to that place and see what's been done"... I highly doubt there is any guarantee we land in 2016 without some shift in value - however, I am much more focused on these reforms and attacking corruption than anything else.

BGG says(1:47 PM): the progress they make (on this corruption) will decide for me what my opinion will be....

(1:48 PM)THE BLOG - Dinar Daily NEWS Blog -

dinarmassa says(1:48 PM): Isn't their fiscal year begin 10/1, thus doesn't their budget run on the fiscal year as well. At that point, doesn't the revaluation have to be implemented into the 2016 budget

BGG says to dinarmassa(1:49 PM): I highly doubt any of that is fact.
BGG says to dinarmassa(1:49 PM): too many "have to's" in there for my liking...

dinarmassa says(1:49 PM): of   dinarmassa says(1:49 PM): ok

BGG says to dinarmassa(1:51 PM):  when they have dealt with the theives and obstructionists - the door is open... when they move it is just a calculation. I doubt it has to parrallel a budget time-line.


BGG says to quicktolegit96(1:52 PM): I doubt that - the airstrikes (and the spectre of a coming Mosul advance) may be causing them to rethink - but it is hard to tell, from here.

quicktolegit96 says(1:52 PM): THX

 subgirl says(1:52 PM):

buck says(10:41 AM): i have a thought, we have an anti money laundering bill because of the threat from IMF. do we need more threats to get the federal court law, national guard law and amnesty laws??? anyone kow where we stand with these important laws???? thx

this is for Buck :)

subgirl says(1:53 PM): He was wondering bout where the other laws stand????

BGG says to subgirl(1:53 PM):  tell Buck - great comment!!

subgirl says to BGG(1:53 PM): do you know where the other laws stand tho?

subgirl says to BGG(1:54 PM): National guard, Investment law?

BGG says to subgirl(1:54 PM): I doubt those three laws get done until "post-Malik" - they arrest him, they sail right through. You watch.

subgirl says to BGG(1:54 PM): ok thanks :)

BGG says to subgirl(1:54 PM): Investment Law may go right after the 29th (according to the news).

subgirl says to BGG(1:55 PM): ? do you know what is taking so long to arrest him? He is right there???

bluedog says to BGG(1:55 PM): I completely agree. Once Maliki cannot present a threat, progress will progress. Not before.

BGG says to subgirl(1:56 PM): officially revoked immunity...

BGG says to rcookie(1:57 PM): What is the best article today??

subgirl says to BGG(1:57 PM): thank you :)

_firefly_ says to BGG(1:57 PM): (y)
rcookie says(1:57 PM): Abadi announce new measures  18:32 09/23/2015

Said Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Wednesday, with new measures with the judges of integrity, money laundering and economic crime. Information Office of the Prime Minister said in a press statement received by the agency, "and our response," a copy of it, 

"Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi held a meeting with the judges of integrity, money laundering and economic crime, adding to tighten measures to reduce the financial and administrative corruption and speed up the resolution of the issues and the development of new strategies to assist in the process of deterring corruption and recover money stolen by corrupt ". He 

Read More at :

BGG says(1:58 PM): :D

rcookie says(1:58 PM):  Abadi, said that "corruption terrorism of the type last and most dangerous of cancer and corrupt owners of mafias and gangs trying to buy receivables and intimidation of witnesses and confuse the freeing some minor things and we must confront them by methods contributing Brdahm and detection and arrest them and recover the money they had stolen from the state." The statement, that "It is your task to achieve justice and not allow the corrupt evasion and strike with an 

Read More at :

rcookie says(1:58 PM): iron fist on those pointing to the importance not to arrest innocent people and not notice the employee honest fear, because it will lead to failure and will lead to the loss of citizen confidence in the system and the importance of cooperation between the three authorities, and not be a conflict between them for the sake of the country. "

http://translate.googleusercontent.c...4V6zWgWTB8bZoA  This webpage is not available  BAD LINK

Read More at :

rcookie says(1:59 PM): Its putting the "read more" at the end

BGG says to rcookie(1:59 PM): I know 

rcookie says(2:00 PM): I think they want to be sure that all the corrupt are brought to justice and the innocent not charged so a credible and uniform standard is appled to all

BGG says to rcookie(2:00 PM): since everyone on the web copies us - I thought we ought to at least get a link out of it :D

rcookie says(2:00 PM): (y)

 Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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