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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Wealthwatch Early AM News - Links & Discussion 7-25-15


sczin11: Government launches national card and Abadi calls for parliament to approve the law

sczin11: The Iraqi government launched on Saturday, the national card project, and with the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi called for the House of Representatives to law and security benefits to legislation, the Conservatives called for the provision of buildings and facilities for the issuance of the card the fact that simplification of procedures and a means of dealing with corruption.

He said the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in a speech on the sidelines of the opening of the national card project and attended (range Press), said that "from within the government's plan to counter terrorism is to simplify administrative procedures, 

including the national card issuance and there blessing movement to issue this card," noting that "the project card National security benefits. "
 He called al-Abadi, the House of Representatives to "national legislation the law of the card being a means of simplifying the procedures," asserting that "corruption must be addressed not only to speak but to take steps and a means of treatment is to simplify the procedures." 

He called al-Abadi, conservatives as "actors to contribute to the provision of buildings and facilities for the issuance of national card", calling for a "concern for the privacy of the citizen."

The General Directorate of Nationality, confirmed in (the 13th of October 2013), it will give all Iraqis the single card within five years, indicating that the first card will be given during the next two years after the end of the German company set up its equipment, and that the new card will enrich the citizen from the use of Msthompskath During the review of the four state departments.

The Iraqi government has contracted, in (the eighth of October 2013), with a German company to issue a unified smart card, in a move she said was "abbreviated routine winning in state institutions and the removal manipulation of important documents and enhancing security and ensure the functioning of the electoral process by about sound."


chattels: "The thing that sets the American Christian apart from all other people in the world is he will die on his feet before he'll live on his knees." — George Washington

chattels: “I also give it in charge to you to avoid all disrespect of the religion of the country, and its ceremonies. Prudence, policy, and a true Christian spirit will lead us to look with compassion upon their errors without insulting them.

While we are contending for our own liberty, we should be very cautious not to violate the rights of conscience of others, ever considering that God alone is the Judge of the hearts of men, and to Him only in this case they are answerable.”

chattels: Turkey targets PKK, peace deal broken By RUDAW


chattels: NEW YORK—Kurdish entrepreneur and founder of America's most popular yogurt brand Chobani, Hamdi Ulukaya, is traveling to the Kurdistan Region this fall to visit two refugee camps funded by his company.

chattels: Recently, Ulukaya pledged to give half of his estimated US$1.3 billion to charity and in this exclusive Rudaw interview he talks about his plans for helping refugees in the Kurdistan Region and the rest of the Middle East.


chattels: Immigration Minister: appeal to some budget materials caused significant damage to the displaced 07/24/2015 16:01 BAGHDAD / Nina / announced Minister of Displacement and Migration Jassim Mohammed: "The Federal Court's decision to challenge some of the budget law materials, reduced the displaced allocations by a large margin.


chattels: The displaced people are not just need to shelter and food, but need health care and the provision of necessary living supplies of services, etc., and these things require a large financial allocations to secure the needs of the largest number of displaced families, "

stressing the need for concerted efforts to find quick solutions to this intractable problem. The court Supreme Federal, decided on the sixth of July of this rule unconstitutional a number of materials for the federal budget in 2015, asserting that the legislation was contrary to the contexts provided for in the Constitution.

 chattels: BAGHDAD / Nina / accused the organization / mobilization of the oppressed / of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards head Mohammad Reza cash the United States to provide support for Daash and make its embassy in Baghdad served as the headquarters of its operations


BOBBY: chattels.... have you ever seen the movie the railway man?

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› not that i recall

BOBBY: Chattels. .. just got done watching it.... excellent!

chattels: Hilla / Nina / assassinated by an armed group traveling by car on Friday at the borders of the province of Babylon with Latifiya south of Baghdad lawyer Ibrahim al-Janabi

chattels: is no one safe ! ? :)

chattels: "The first thing we do," said the character in Shakespeare's Henry VI, is "kill all the lawyers."

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› I shall look for it

BOBBY: Chattels. ... i think you will like it .... based on a true story

UNEEK: I just read the psa at recaps -- no names were mentioned but many have been brought up over time - it is best to be very cautious

chattels: Contrary to popular belief, the proposal 9 " Kill all the lawyers " was not designed to restore sanity to commercial life. Rather, it was intended to eliminate those who might stand in the way of a contemplated revolution -- thus underscoring the important role that lawyers can play in society.

chattels: " the surest way to chaos and tyranny even then was to remove the guardians of independent thinking."


chattels: i like to think of myself as a " guardian of independent thinking "

chattels: we must all think for ourselves on this journey - there is no substitute for independent thought and action - we are responsible for ourselves and our influence upon others

BOBBY: Chattels. ... independent thinking. ... few and sadly far between these days

UNEEK: ‹@chattels› glad you were able to handle your situation and recover - PIF really comes across as genuine but I still have a very healthy skepticism about his "way" of doing things

 chattels: ‹@UNEEK› i consider myself fortunate rather than competent in that matter

UNEEK: ok blessed for sure in that situation

chattels: we are all a bit desparate and tired which makes for errors in judgment

Donnie: Subject: PIF sets up GROUP CASH OUT then TAKES IT ALL BACK - What Happened? Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:55 pm   Yesterday Markmeersman gets everyone excited about the Group Cash out then Today he Tells everyone to forget about it. WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!? YESTERDAY'S MESSAGE Instructions for starting the exchange process

UNEEK: ‹@chattels› that is for sure - and i admit i have fallen prey with good intentions and over trusting heart

BOBBY: Chattels. ... all the more reason the con men will be coming out

Donnie: To begin the process, go to This link will allow you to update your currency holdings that you wish to exchange. Once completed, you will be given access to the forms that need to be completed. Below, please find your instruction e-mail.

All paperwork must be completed accurately in BLUE INK ONLY. Once the forms are filled out, make copies for yourself, but send the originals with your currency. Copies of ALL receipts must also be provided. If you do not have a receipt, send an affidavit.

Donnie: The link is dead so not to worry.

Donnie: if you want to read more about this:

Donnie: appears the guy backed away and is refusing any shipments of Dinar and is returning any Dinar received.

UNEEK: ‹@Donnie› thank you for the post - am just curious and read to be informed as to his actions - he and Dave are in together to make money charging people --for classes to instruct on how to submit applications for funding or something like that -

Donnie: ‹@BOBBY› read the article. It pretty much explains it all.

BOBBY: Uneek.... if its the dave i am thinking of i still have emails he sent me regarding cashing out/contracts

] chattels: Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi stressed the government's commitment to facilitate procedures for citizens and that contribute effectively in the fight against corruption and speed up the completion of transactions. "

chattels: He said Abadi, that "the card of national will help in controlling the security measures at the same time, the citizen privacy will be saved which is very important for us. "

BOBBY: Doug.... desperation would be my guess


chattels: the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary said Minister of Electricity [Qassim Mohammed Fahdawi] Advanced and his staff in the ministry did not provide "adequate justification" for the causes of the current electricity crisis in the country

chattels: Committee hosted today Minister of Electricity and officials in his ministry to discuss the electricity crisis taking place in the capital Baghdad and a number of provinces with a long interruption of hours of processing to coincide with an unprecedented rise of temperatures in excess of in the days of 50 ° C.


chattels: According to a ministry statement received by the agency all of Iraq [where] a copy of the al-Obeidi lose the pieces fighter in the axes of Anbar operations, he said in a speech that "Daash gangs have become paralyzed movement within Anbar after tightened our security forces cordon it."


chattels: criticized the Investment Committee and the economy in the province of Babylon, the investment law, describing him as a "non-integrated

chattels: Committee Chairman Asaad Amuslimawi, told all of Iraq [where], "The provinces complain of the investment law, it is not integrated because it contains a number of obstacles and barriers, while the law in the Kurdistan region is quite different from the investment law in the other provinces."

chattels: The House of Representatives passed in 2006, the Iraqi investment law, which was said at the time that it "will open the doors wide open to foreign investment, due to submit a lot of facilities to foreign investors,"

 but that many foreign companies are still hesitant because of fears of security reality unstable in Iraq, adding that the law did not give investors the right ownership of the property the project, and equated the Iraqi and foreign investors in all the privileges, except for real estate ownership, as can the foreign investor lease the land for 50 years, subject to renewal, according to Paragraph 11 of the Investment Law.

chattels: many foreign companies are still hesitant because of fears of security reality unstable in Iraq, adding that the law did not give investors the right ownership of the property the project,

chattels: many foreign companies are still hesitant because of fears of security reality unstable in Iraq,

chattels: many foreign companies are still hesitant because of fears of security reality unstable in Iraq,

chattels: many foreign companies are still hesitant because of fears of security reality unstable in Iraq,


chattels: the law in the Kurdistan region is quite different from the investment law in the other provinces."

 chattels: approached the price of Brent crude from the lowest level in four months, on Friday, after data factory sector shrinking in China and a stronger dollar against a basket of currencies


BOBBY: Chattels. .. do see the Kurds eventually going there own way?

chattels: the price of oil is now below the amount projected in the Iraqi budget for 2015

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› in time, yes

BOBBY: Chattels.... how would that work for the dinar?

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› likely in the form of a federation of states of Iraq

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› some federated states share a common currency, but the answer to your question cannot be known, at least by me

BOBBY: Chattels... that makes for some interesting views lol

chattels: perhaps a confederation

chattels: confederation is " voluntary ", federation is " involuntary "

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› i posted a lengthy article in the forum a few days ago - check the thread on Kurdistan independence

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› there are so many variables in this speculation that we have made

BOBBY: Chattels.... perfect! i am greatly interested in this matter

chattels: ‹@BOBBY›

BOBBY: Chattels..... i do believe this will be the future of Iraq

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› page two ( 2 ) Iraq’s Path to Decentralization

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› Asymmetric federalism or asymmetrical federalism is found in a federation or confederation in which different constituent states possess different powers: one or more of the states has considerably more autonomy than the other substates, although they have the same constitutional status. The division of powers between substates is not symmetric.

This is in contrast to symmetric federalism, where no distinction is made between constituent states.

As a result, it is frequently proposed as a solution to the dissatisfactions that arise when one or two constituent units feel significantly different needs from the others, as the result of an ethnic, linguistic or cultural difference.

The difference between an asymmetric federation and federacy is indistinct; a federacy is essentially an extreme case of an asymmetric federation, either due to large differences in the level of autonomy, or the rigidity of the constitutional arrangements.

An asymmetric federation however has to have a federal constitution and all states in federation have the same formal status ("state"), while in a federacy independent substate has a different status ("autonomous region").

chattels: By definition the difference between a confederation and a federation is that the membership of the member states in a confederation is voluntary, while the membership in a federation is not.
chattels: ‹@BOBBY› there are links, of course, :), throughout

BOBBY: Chattels. ... thank you for all the research you do.... makes all the difference in the world

chattels: ‹@BOBBY›

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› it is no burden that which we do gladly - my pleasure

BOBBY: Chattels. .... some people can handle the truth

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, so we must strive daily to improve upon our understanding of things

chattels: the greatest danger is what we think that we know and not what we know

BOBBY: Chattels. ... its the only way things will work with this... before and after

chattels: The beginning of wisdom is found in doubting; by doubting we come to the question, and by seeking we may come upon the truth.

chattels: Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom.

chattels: The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms - Socrates

BOBBY: Chattels. ... well spoken words.... should be this site mantra

chattels: "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." - Socrates

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› none of us is so very good or wise, but together we are formidable

BOBBY: chattels... like i said earlier. .. this site has all the making of being a positive in the community

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› glad that you are amongst us

BOBBY: Chattels... thank you much sir

BOBBY: Chattels. ... i remember something Lj said before, it would be great if the sites could share intel and not let ego and greed get in the way of the truth

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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