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Thursday, July 30, 2015

Wealthwatch Morning Chat 7-30-15  Part 1 of 2

Post From Chat Room 7-30-15

Wealthwatch Morning Chat 7-30-15  Part 1 of 2

vtech: So any big news yet today?

Donnie: Customs tariff application centers starting next Saturday

BOBBY: good morning all

Donnie: 7/30/2015 0:00 Thwarting two attempts to enter the narcotic pills and foodstuffs corrupt Basra Saad al-Sammak, General Administration of Customs confirmed its readiness to implement the pricing tariff law on imports through border ports of the country, 

to be implemented from next Saturday, at a time when the elements of Customs Safwan border Directorate foiled in the province of Basra , two attempts to enter the narcotic pills and food unfit for human consumption coming from Kuwait.

BOBBY: hope all are well today

vtech: ‹@BOBBY› not until RV lol

BOBBY: lol

Winnerdinar: Parliamentary Finance confirms the continuation of the "central" to print new banknotes: will go within days 30/07/2015 16:48 pm (Baghdad time) Special-scales News Approved the decision of the parliamentary finance committee Ahmed Hama, Thursday,

the central bank is constantly in the process of printing banknotes category 50 000 dinars to put forward in the Iraqi market early next month. He said Hama's / scales News /, that "it is possible to introduce new banknotes category 50 000 in the Iraqi market early next month after he managed the Central Bank of print,"

explaining that "the expansion of the scope of the private sector, one of the solutions that must be introduced to promote the economy Iraq ".

He added that "2016 will see a new printing papers 100 000 dinars class to put on the market," noting that "the country needs to be run by the mixed sector first and then move to the stage of the private sector."

He said, "The obstacles that hinder the work of the private sector in Iraq is very much the most prominent insecurity."

This said Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Mohsen Keywords earlier, that early 2016 will see the issuance of new categories of paper currency is the 100 000 dinars, the Iraqi currency notes series underlined that the new banknotes put revive the Iraqi dinar against the dollar, ".anthy 29 / 28  LINK


Winnerdinar: Any thoughts on the above

Winnerdinar: I am wondering with the tariffs going into effect this weekend if they are attempting to keep speculation low

Winnerdinar: On a possible rise in value of the Iraqi dinar

Winnerdinar: Will go within days

Winnerdinar: That's the part I am interested in

Winnerdinar: Someone please chime in

Doug_W: its a fascinating premis

Winnerdinar: Thanks Doug

Donnie: IMO the 50k and 100k notes will be used to replace the flood of 25k notes coming in from initiating the Monetary Reform (commonly referred to as RV) IMO

BOBBY: winnerdinar..... are you thinking a slow rise in value?

Winnerdinar: ‹@Donnie› that's what I believe

Winnerdinar: I think we will see a slight rise with the tariffs

Doug_W: why only slight?

Winnerdinar: i think to offset the rise in prices the tariffs will take

Doug_W: thats AWFULLY controlled

Winnerdinar: I hope they do go for a massive rise

Donnie: What is the CBI going to do with millions of 25k notes? Replace them with 100k notes for easier transportation and storage.

Winnerdinar: I am wondering donnie if they lying to us

Donnie: have they ever lied to us before?

Winnerdinar: There is no comma on the figures in the article above

Winnerdinar: So I am kinda hoping they mean 50 and 100

BOBBY: lying about what?

vtech: ‹@Donnie› Iraq news/Iraq lie........NEVER

Winnerdinar: The higher denims

vtech: LLMAO

Donnie: i believe thats a translation issue because they use , for a decimal point

Winnerdinar: Denoms

Doug_W: virtual currency is a great ides HOWEVER it will take A) a great deal of yet to be earned trust by the people and B) much more infrastructure to facilitate that

Doug_W: thus the need for 100K notes

Winnerdinar: Check the above article out chattels



Winnerdinar: It's raining heavily here and the climate is getting cold again typical UK weather lol

Winnerdinar: I'm feeling ok and how are you chattels

Winnerdinar: The 50000 and 100000 articles are coming out again chattels

Winnerdinar: ‹@Doug_W› I'm a terrible lier I always get found out lol

chattels: ‹@Winnerdinar " How much pain they have cost us, the evils which have never happened. " - Thomas Jefferson

chattels: ‹@Winnerdinar› My point is that we sometimes worry about things that never do happen :)

chattels: ‹@Winnerdinar› I try not to worry about things over which I have no control

Winnerdinar: I will keep that in mind and your right we have no control over this

whitelions: Love Love Love This one he is going to take it to the people if they don't get off their **!!!

whitelions: Jubouri threatening display of important laws for public vote if the blocks unresolved disputes thereon ......House Speaker Salim DisplayLink threatened in today's session introduced controversial legislation to a vote in the upcoming public hearings for approval.

Winnerdinar: Go on Jubouri get rocking TY whitelions

Winnerdinar: Jubouri to me has shown all indications that he wants good for the Iraqi people and the economy

Winnerdinar: I am wondering if there will be a basket of laws passed at once in the coming weeks

chattels: ‹@Winnerdinar› I do not believe in a " basket of laws " pragmatically or constitutuionaly

whitelions: ‹@Winnerdinar› AGREED

disciple7: ‹@whitelions› wow!! very nice!!

chattels: ‹@Winnerdinar› is it possible that there may be an agreement / understanding between the political blocs to pass these laws for those laws, yes

Winnerdinar: Jubouri: We'll show more than 60 bill in the coming sessions of the legislation 30/07/2015 03:36 Conscious / Jubouri: We'll show more than 60 bill in the coming sessions of the legislation Conscious / follow-up

The President of the House of Representatives Saleem al-Jubouri, that the Presidency of the Council decided that all bills, amounting to more than 60 bill on the agenda during future meetings for the purpose of legislation. He called al-Jubouri in the parliament session today,

"the heads of blocs decisively final positions of legislation laws reached its final stages with the importance of resolving their opinions about it,"

adding that "ready-made laws of the vote are projects parties and the National Guard and the Federal Court and the amnesty and accountability, justice and labor and international conventions laws."

"The presidency of the Council will resort in the absence of agreement between the heads of blocs to put bills on the agenda to be resolved."

 The Chairman of the House of Representatives to "the existence of decisions of the Federal Court regarding the procedures followed within the Council," adding that "next week will see the presentation on the decisions of the Council to take a position in question."

whitelions: ‹@chattels› I'm with you on the laws no basket but Jubouri and Abadi are getting frustrated at the non movement in parliament

Winnerdinar: This next session looks to be huge

chattels: there is legislative gridlock and governmental dysfunction

whitelions: ‹@Winnerdinar› omg I hope so I'm just as tired as the iraqi people

Winnerdinar: ‹@whitelions› me to I have been in this since 2005

whitelions: you got 1 year on me lol

zidziljian: I read that the parliament is taking a heat holiday for 4 days

zidziljian: Im only seeing that on 2 sites

chattels: ‹@zidziljian› they have taken " heat holidays " before

zidziljian: ‹@chattels› yes 124° sounds like no fun, must be ** for women wearing a berka

Tootsie: That '4 days' is interesting, as they have the agenda on Parliament site for 8/1 and 8/3 posted?? who knows  :dizzy: surely not me

zidziljian: my cat takes "Heat Holidays" as well, but nothing to do with the weather....

zidziljian: some even more conflicting reports about the new currency

Tootsie: Parliament plans to hold a regional meeting next week to discuss the transfer of powers to the provinces Thursday July 30, 2015 18:17 Baghdad Committee announced the regional and provincial parliamentary, Thursday, it will hold an expanded meeting next week in the House of Representatives to discuss the implementation of the transfer of powers to the provinces law.

A member of the committee MP Mohammad Reza Amin in a joint press conference with a number of members of the Committee held, today, the House of Representatives and attended by Alsumaria News ,

that "the fifth date of August next Second Amendment No. 19 to the 2013 Act will be amended to the law of governorates not organized province No. 21 for the year 2008 shall take effect, it was Article 45 was amended by paragraph one of him. " CONTINUED >

Tootsie: Parliamentary Finance: the cost of maintenance and fuel cars officials up to 100 billion dinars per month Thursday July 30, 2015 11:21 Baghdad A member of the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives Masood Haider, Thursday,

that the cost of maintenance and fuel cars state officials with the exception of members of parliament up to about 100 billion dinars per month, as he emphasized that the Federal Service Act will achieve the desired justice.

 Haider said during his speech to the program "10 of 11" which aired "Alsumaria TV", "The cost of maintenance and fuel cars state officials from the prime minister to the ministers to directors general with the exception of members of the House of Representatives is estimated between 50 to 100 billion dinars a month."

 Haider added that "reducing the number of cars will provide officials to the state treasury an estimated one billion dollars annually." CONT >>

chattels: ‹@Tootsie› ‹@Tootsie› holiday may not include the Parliament

chattels: according to sczin11 this morning :)

Tootsie: Deputy proposes to deduct 5% of the total salary for all employees and retirees July 30, 2015 14:51 Baghdad It suggested MP from the Union of National Forces MP Ahmed al-Jubouri, Thursday, deduction of 5% of the total salary for the staff of Iraqis and retirees as "compulsory savings",

to be re-withholdings them yet overcome the crisis, as called for raising taxes on goods except food. Jubouri said during a press conference held today, the parliament building and attended by Alsumaria News ,

 that "in light of the low world oil prices and the need for the state to cover the war expenses Daash and for the state treasury support,

we suggest that is shut down and re-allocation of all of the benefits and social solidarity in the three presidencies, including the independent bodies and special grades. "

 "We also propose a reduction in the expenses of the diplomatic corps and officials, including the House of Representatives by 50%, and the deduction of 5% of the total salary for all Iraqis, including retired Kedjar compulsory re after them overcome the crisis." CONT >>

 Tootsie: ‹@chattels› Correct!

Tootsie: my faux pas

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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