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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

KTFA Monday Night CC Notes by FrostyTheSnowman: Part 1

FrostyTheSnowman » July 28th, 2015, 1:17 am 


*** The comments made by Frank26 and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***


Frank26:  Greetings family! Welcome to another one of your conference calls!

We have a lot to talk about tonight.
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We will do our very best to condense this call tonight so that it’s only runs about 1½ hours.

Right now we are being “pinged” – so give me a few minutes while I take this information.

There are people that are helping that my wife and I don’t even know how to express our gratitude – wonderful Christian gratitude … and we’d like to thank our new (and old) webmaster(s). Unfortunately, when we migrated over to the new server, something went wrong, and our site went down for a while – but it’s back online now. Webmasters, from my heart … I thank you!!!

So let’s talk about the Iraqi dinar.

Our files that we have to talk tonight (1,2, and 3) are huge!

First, we’ll cover Intel … then info … then eliminate confusion.

As you know family … the main thing that we have been concerned about in the IQD investment is the SECURITY in Iraq.

Obviously you wouldn’t let your children play with grenades --- with or without a pin in it. They are dangerous.

As far as the “fine-tuning” – I think we’re walking on that right now.

We believe that the info coming out right now is so concentrated towards the monetary reform of the IQD that it is very clear.

We want security … where? On the land … against ISIS and terrorists.

Dr. Shabibi and Dr. Abadi are now one = “DRS” … and the GOICBI.

So, what’s been one of the biggest problems?

Let’s go back in time … in the 80’s and 90’s when Iraq had value. What was it worth? About $3.22.

What was the IQD worth when Saddam was captured?

What it is it worth now? About nine-tenths of a penny.

Back then, the conditions were not proper because Saddam artificially inflating their currency.

So, after we went in and got Saddam … the IMF took the rate down to a more realistic program rate.

The IQD is the only currency (in the last 10 years) that has not gone down in value compared to other world currencies. That is a purpose … a mission … a mission that needs to be accomplished … with or without the Executive Order.

I think the conditions are now good to raise the value of the IQD.

The environment of Iraq is good for the IQD to reinstate it’s value … just like Dr. Shabibi wants.

The conditions of the GOI and CBI are one. (GOICBI)

We are almost there … I don’t know WHEN … we offer no date here.

You can’t raise the value of the IQD if the GOI and the CBI are fighting – and there is none!

Maliki decided to say some bad things about Kurdistan.

As you know, Kurdistan is the “proud-son” of the USA.

So Maliki comes out of his fox-hole … he wanted his money / possessions back … a powerless man … so he said that he would tell EVERYTHING if we’d help him with his family. All of the sudden … WMD’s (Weapons of Mass Destruction) pop up. Knuckle head ISIS tried to use them, but they don’t know how … and if they did they would probably kill themselves. “SYRI-OUSLY” … you know that country and know where those WMD’s went.

While Maliki was trying to save his donkey … (giving up all of his possessions) … he wanted help with his family. They may help with his family … but not M. It’s too late. Laws have been passed for Maliki. They need to remove him from all types of power – not all at once … (because that’s not necessarily good) … and I can’t really say why.

ISIS is being painted into a corner. The leader (Baghdadi) called a meeting … last Tues/Wed … (at a private location) … which there is nothing “private” about them anymore.
As they are watched … Baghdadi calls the remainder of his military structure (less than 100 of his commanders that are left) … no one can see them … they decide to change their strategy. At this time, one of the commanders challenges Baghdadi … guns were pulled … shots fired … [and just like a Hollywood action movie] … it turned into the Ok Corral. LOL! Over 50 high-ranking officers were killed.

The SECURITY that we want … is growing rapidly … almost like bacteria. “Cannibalism” – just like we told you.

We were expecting this. As you know … our military is not stupid … nor the leaders, commanders, officers … nor our Commander of Chief.

We were not to declare this as a “victory” … it will be declared as a middle-east or Arab victory.

The movie is almost over with.

All coalition flights must not be visible.

The F-16’s must fly high above Iraq … while the F-35’s (and high-altitude drones) fly high above … unseen

SECURITY -- city after city … things are being secured and next, in my opinion … Hidithia will be the next target city. Why? Look at the banks.

By the way … they are kicking butt!

The Iraqi Army is kicking butt … removing ISIS< capturing cities, ground, banks, etc.

The citizens are helping. This is why we wanted!

Our monetary reform is not military … but the military brings the peace and security … in a dualism effect!

The IMF watches all of this and says on their website that the IQD is 1166 … but 2 days AFTER this military action … the IMF removes the rate of the IQD … and puts up there … “HOLDING.”

What are they holding? Not much … you know the IMF already gave Iraq the green-light.

Why isn’t this on the front page of the Wall Street Journal? LOL – that one is too easy to answer.

Does that mean that the IMF is waiting in that loooooong line? Yep!

Wells Fargo … I sincerely hope you like raspberries!

Because when this thing is over with … I am going to give you all of my raspberries!

Did you see the Chinese stock market? Last week … we told you … China … you gotta work on your stock – but I didn’t know you were going to do it that way. Even the IMF yelled at them

Speaking of getting yelled at … Maliki gets his butt chewed out … and he sees his loyal followers dwindling in front of him. His time is measured. Good luck to you.

Maliki even tried to give problems to the Kurds. Normally they would have come out after him – but they did nothing.

Where do you keep your enemies? As close to you as possible.

IMO – the Kurds are the primer to the monetary reform of the IQD currency.

To see that the primer didn’t ignite after Maliki’s comments about the Kurds is impressive. The Kurds are keeping quiet.

The Minister of Finance of Kurdistan, announced that they are going to start the distribution of the salary tables, and to distribute the national cards (for the citizens). Why bother? You don’t have any liquidity. (Shhhhhhh)

The Kurds are the primer of the monetary reform of the IQD currency. They are the ones who will trigger everything for the funding.

They are so far advanced that they now could care less about Maliki. They are worried about the rule of law! Kurdistan and Baghdad are committed together as one on the OIL LAW … that is why the RULE OF LAW … the Kurds are committed … because that is where most of the oil is being sent out of Iraq right now. They know that M is about to be committed, so they are committed too!

Where is the HCL? It’s in the 2015 budget. What’s next to the HCL is the RIDER.

Who’s was extremely influential in making sure the RIDER was right next to the HCL?

In my opinion … Kurdistan! They don’t care about Maliki! The lava-flow is working!

166 Billion Dinar … Kurdistan’s quarterback bank … they are loading Kurdistan … the proud-son … who is far advanced … who is extremely influential with the RIDER along-side the HCL. Who’s oil is being shipped left and right. The rider is being used by Kurdistan. Why not? I’d give my proud-son anything he wanted.

Meanwhile … all of these laws are being activated and used … using a rider … and they don’t have to necessarily tell you about it.
You’re not supposed to know about it. You will … when they are ready.

166 Billion Dinars being sent to the Kurdistan’s regional bank and you can’t figure that out yet?

The GOI said that the investment law is being passed … and IMO … is being done for Kurdistan.

It is being done to “SUIT” the conditions of Iraq. Pay attention!

ARTICLE – many laws being put in right now. The conditions “SUIT” these laws. They use calculated words in Iraq. Pay attention to that translation.

If the Kurds are doing everything with the budget … that is activating many things for the monetary reform … and M is being a pain … but he can’t do anything …
because he’s neutered … but he now knows that they are coming after him to take him to court … to hang him.

The INVESTMENT LAW was passed a long time ago. It was amended 3 times. Why? To “SUIT” the conditions for the Investment Law … to grow the private sector and their economy. They have to get this done by October.

Oh no Frank … October? Ahhhh!!!! I don’t care about a date or rate … I care what they do.

Will the BONDS be ready by August the 1st?

Family, look at your notes. If they do it August the 1st – and the BONDS are out there … the domestic and international bonds are out there … how many days will you need? Do you know the rate? No.

Can you buy bonds? I don’t know how.

Can you? Add 30 to 45 days to it … and where are you? Is that a date or rate? Of course not.

That’s what they say their goals are.

Maliki … what are you going to do?

Will he go to Iran on an “un-announced visit?” Humm.

History repeats itself. Yes, it took 2 extra years because O wanted to keep a campaign promise.

Maliki finds a fox hole in Iran.

But just a minutes … we just made a deal with Iran. Of course we did. LOL!

Was that part of the “deal?”

I told you 3 weeks ago … I don’t care if you have no money (middle-east) … let me forgive your debt … from A to Greece … let’s make money together … we’re about ready to start this thing. There is no terrorism … everybody just wants to make money now.

Do you know what kind of hole Saddam was found in? It’s called a spider-hole – filled with spiders. Spiders take cover underground … it’s very hot on the sand.
Especially Camel Spiders
I don’t know why I tell you that … yet. LOL!

Remove Maliki … this is getting deeper and deeper. M is the snake … he is the reason why we don’t have a monetary reform yet. He leads ISIS. Not anymore! LOL!

M was expected to RUN! Especially after what he said about the Kurds … he ran!

Perhaps parliament will sack M and remove him as Vice President.
It’s called surgery.

It is possible that Masum (the President of the GOI) is no longer doing to try to help Maliki.

Last Friday … he picked up the phone and called Maliki … he said he was going to release him of his VP position … and M will be going to court. Maliki runs … and hides in Iran – mainly because Masum threatened to do things to him.

I think JJ found one article about it … guess who showed up? The whole contingency that used to support Maliki – hundreds of them showed up … and everyone was prepared to squeal against Maliki.

The monetary reform conditions are “SUITED” for it. End of Keyword.

Link to Part 2 

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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