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Friday, July 31, 2015

Wealthwatch Chat 7-31-15 Late Nite Early Morn  Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room 7-31-15
Wealthwatch Late Night & Early Morning Chat 7-31-15  Part 2 of 2

Donnie: Majlis deputies finished seventh in its session of the first legislative term of the legislature enacted the second, which was held under the chairmanship of Dr. Salim al-Jubouri, President of the Council and in the presence of 239 deputies on Thursday, 30.07.2015 the first and second readings of the five bills. 

At the outset of the meeting President al-Jubouri called for the heads of blocs decisively final position on the legislation laws it reached its final stages with the importance of resolving their opinions about it, noting that the ready-made laws of the vote are projects parties and the National Guard and the Federal Court and the amnesty and accountability,

 justice and labor and international conventions laws, stressing that the presidency of the Council will resort in the absence of agreement between the heads of blocs to put bills on the agenda to be resolved ..

Donnie: ‹@ladyfox› TY

Donnie: Laws read today in Parliament

ladyfox: IMO ALL things are set in place smoke screen till all line up for world order which will be short LIVED

Donnie: ‹@ladyfox› explain: "all line up for world order which will be short LIVED"

chattels: WASHINGTON DC-- A bipartisan pair of congressmen proposed a resolution on Wednesday, calling on the United States government to recognize the genocidal campaign perpetrated by the former Iraqi regime against the Kurds in the late 1980s.

“Thousands of people lost their lives and hundreds of thousands lost their homes. Today, Kurds around the world are still dealing with the consequences of that tragedy,” said Maryland Democratic Congressman Chris Van Hollen on his website.

 Van Hollen, who introduced the resolution along with Republican Congressman Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, said, “This resolution is a message to the world, and especially the survivors and families of those touched by this calamity – we have not forgotten, our hearts go out to those affected, and we will not let the memory of this crime fade away,”


keli15: Donnie does the article mean that all laws will be passed soon?

Donnie: ‹@keli15› what article says that?

keli15: The article you just posted above

Donnie: ‹@keli15› House of Representatives finish reading the five bills and vote on the recommendations of the bombing investigation of Khan Bani Saad 30/07/2015

keli15: It's above your comment laws read today in parliament

Donnie: ‹@keli15› This reads like the parliament meeting minutes for yesterdays session.

keli15: It said ready made laws amnesty, etc yes it's the article you posted in this thread

Donnie: ‹@keli15› That picture is just a pic of the website of Parliament showing the activity of yesterdays session.

keli15: Oh so they were talking about the basket of laws, hcl, amnesty etc

chattels: laws are passed after two readings and a scheduled vote at least four days after the second reading - no votes have been scheduled recently that i have seen

chattels: there is NO basket of laws

Donnie: ‹@keli15› i don't see any mention of a basket of laws

chattels: that is " *** " garbage

Donnie: ‹@keli15› please go to the link posted and read the whole article, not just the snippet I posted

keli15: Thanks chattels just trying to be understand the article that Donnie posted it did mention about being absence. I already read it

Donnie: I post a little teaser to get people to go to the article and read it all so they will be educated.

 Donnie: ‹@keli15› please post the link to the article you're referring to - I posted like 6 articles tonight.

keli15: No the article is in Iraq writing sorry

Donnie: All articles I read/refer to are in Arabic then translated to English

keli15: I don't know how to read in Iraq writing and besides the article is not on this thread . Sorry can't read it. Since you posted the article you should be able to comment on it

Donnie: ‹@keli15› I just post the news. I'm not required to interpret what the article is conveying especially after it has been automatically translated.

chattels: the ready-made laws of the vote are projects parties and the National Guard and the Federal Court and the amnesty and accountability, justice and labor and international conventions laws, stressing that the presidency of the Council will resort in the absence of agreement between the heads of blocs to put bills on the agenda to be resolved ..

chattels: the presidency of the Council will resort in the absence of agreement between the heads of blocs to put bills on the agenda to be resolved ..

 Donnie: my personal OPINION doesn't mean anything.

chattels: my take is that Jobourri is going to place bills that have been read twice and ready for a vote on the agenda for a vote whether the political blocs agree or not

chattels: NO laws have yet been passed nor will they as a basket, IMO

Donnie: i figured being this was on the parliament website if had valid meaning
Donnie: *it

Winnerdinar: I'm feeling bright for the first time in three months so it's a good day for for once lol

Winnerdinar: The future gonna be great for all of us

Doug_W: SOON _ LY
Winnerdinar: Within days I am hoping lol I hate the word soon
Doug_W: thats why I tag on the _LY

Winnerdinar: I seen that lol

Doug_W: as we longing_LY wait  lol
Winnerdinar: Lmao

Doug_W: AmucK ™® ♥♥♥ Stupid RV Anyhow ♥♥♥© ™® Pat pend. AmucK ™® ♥♥♥ Stupid RV Anyhow ♥♥♥© ™® Pat pend.

Winnerdinar: I waited ten years now
Doug_W: ditto

Winnerdinar: It's like a bus that never comes

Doug_W: in my case its a fishing boat that never comes   

Winnerdinar: I hope you get the cottage

[Doug_W: I sent the guy 200K Dinar to hold it 4 me

Winnerdinar: wow
Winnerdinar: He is holding it then for you
Doug_W: if it rvs at a dollar OR more that 200K is his and its paid in full

Winnerdinar: Cool
Winnerdinar: Nice one

Doug_W: he wants 138 for it
Winnerdinar: I think the dinar will get well over the dollar mark

Doug_W: thats boat motor Dock trailers Everything except his fish on teh wall
Doug_W: Lawn tractor garage etc

Winnerdinar: Wow that's a bargain
Doug_W: he even has a plot tilled up 4 a garden :)

Winnerdinar: I will keep my fingers crossed for you dougie

Doug_W: in that picture U can just see the boat life on the dock (to teh left)
Winnerdinar: Let's hope this happens within days
Doug_W: thanks

Winnerdinar: I see it the picture is beautiful

Doug_W: the property is at the end of a one mile long PRIVATE road
Doug_W: look to the right of the pic it shows U a map

Winnerdinar: I personally haven't thought too much of what I would want when the event happens

Winnerdinar: I seen that
Winnerdinar: See you soon Doug
Winnerdinar: Nuclear bunker for me

Doug_W: lol

Winnerdinar: I'm serious Doug
Winnerdinar: Lol

Doug_W: I am too old to worry about that
Doug_W: but I was trained in Chemical Biological and Nuclear warfare and treatment for all

Winnerdinar: I have seen to much stuff of what governments are capable of since being a dinarian - if the event happens I'm going underground

Doug_W: I don't wanna live like that
Doug_W: i have trained to do JUST that NO thanks!!

Winnerdinar: Me to but I trust no one lol
Winnerdinar: Your right though Doug what will be will be in life

Doug_W: being a combat veteran I know when ur number is up its BINGO
Doug_W: Xzactly

Winnerdinar: I still want one though lol

Doug_W: its UR money GO 4 it
Doug_W: I want an 80 MPH Speed boat too

Winnerdinar: I have not been the type of person who wants fast cars ect
Winnerdinar: But a nice secluded house will do me
Winnerdinar: Nothing to big or fancy

Doug_W: thas about 150 KM hr
Winnerdinar: Wow

Doug_W: I also want my 1st new car at 19 back too

Winnerdinar: They are fun are speed boats

Doug_W: it was a 1971 Dodge Challenger Convertible purple with white top N interior

Winnerdinar: Is it still out there Doug your first car
Winnerdinar: Oh ok cool

Doug_W: had a 426 CU In Hemi motor
 Doug_W: yes I found the build sheet weith its VIN on it and I did a search

Winnerdinar: Wow
Winnerdinar: What will you offer

Doug_W: BUT they want 50K 4 it
Doug_W: hich itw well worth
Doug_W: but money talks and U know what walks .....

Winnerdinar: That will be chump change if we get a dollar plus

Doug_W: which^
Doug_W: yes

Winnerdinar: I would love to retire over in America or Australia when the event happens

Doug_W: I saw this week on the car auction channel a 71 hard top sell for 65K

Winnerdinar: Wow

Doug_W: mine was a rag top
Doug_W: lol 1st thing I did was chop off original exhause N put on glass packs

Winnerdinar: I can see your passionate about that car
Doug_W: very

Winnerdinar: Keep my fingers crossed and toes to for you

Doug_W:; LINK
Doug_W: but mine had a white top not black

Winnerdinar: When the Rv happens I need out of the UK

Doug_W: this is a better pic
Doug_W:   LINK
Doug_W: I guess we ALL want eh

Winnerdinar: I want never gets is what my mum used to say lol
Winnerdinar: I hope she is wrong

Doug_W: indeed

Doug_W: ok its AM Mayhem time here
Doug_W: bbl
Doug_W: behave now!!

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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