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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Memphis: "Drawing On What We Know"

Message From Memphis - Emailed To Dinar Recaps

Allow me to point back to a quote from Armstrong because it is so very true, we have many clueless politicians in the world who think that simply writing a new law will "fix it":

"[Today] We are plagued by people who want to rule the world yet are clueless about how it functions."

~ Martin Armstrong 

(In a closing remark to punctuate a July16 blog titled: "the long depression" (1873-1899))


Despite the truth in those words, every now and then, there is a glimmer of hope in the news such as this week we have seen that something has caused the game to change in Iran.  
Most people would conclude that the back story here is purely political such as "USA vs. Russia" but let's not jump to ANY conclusion before we look deeper and consider the macro view just in case we might find a whole new "perspective"!  I love that word...

In reading the following article brought by Sager:

"Iran scored a major under-the-radar economic victory in the nuclear deal"

We see the article speaks of the recent lifting of sanctions against Iran and specifically in the banking sector thus allowing them to again be part of the global economy.  I would submit tho that what many of us might not have considered is the WHY.  WHY is Iran back?

If you'll indulge me a moment there may be real profit here for us all.  ( I include myself for we are all STUDENTS!)

The question we will be attempting to answer is; Why has this happened?  What facilitated this sudden reversal towards Iran.  Before we attempt to answer that question let's look at the need, the benefit, the profit to us, in doing this PROPERLY!

In attempting to answer any question we must first be sure to approach it properly and this can only be done with a proper perspective including:

being open to being wrong.

being careful that we are looking thru our macro (big picture) lens.

If you’re unable to pass the above test then stop because your not after the truth!


I am convinced that the biggest reason so many (even some supposed experts) fall short in their analysis is because they limit their thinking to a one dimensional, linear plane (that's my word for it anyway) such that they see everything simply as a single cause and effect.

 Rarely do such "thinkers" allow for error or possible new discovery later and so they must reject any opposing idea.  Sad? yes.  Prevalent?  yes. 

Importantly, none of us are above such error!  It seems to be our default position as humans and going beyond this level requires conscious effort.  None of us have "arrived". 

Not intending to pick on anyone here; I noticed just two days ago someone posted their conclusion that the thing which they were speaking to could not be easily explained and thus could only be explained as a conspiracy (I am paraphrasing here), a grand plot by deep dark men that are controlling things and imposing their will. 

Their question then posed was limited to WHO is the culprit?   I submit that often we reach such conclusions in error because we stopped short and further, that with deep reflection we would find that it is our own failure that caused us to stop short of discovery and that we have thus cheated ourselves!

Will Rogers SAID IT BEST

"The problem ain't what people don't know, it's what people know that ain't so."

Let's dig deeper as I try to help folks see the great importance in our perspective...

(extra emphasis on the following paragraph!)

As we are about to see in our glimpse into Iran things are rarely (almost NEVER) so simple as to be given a label of this or that.  As you may have guessed by now, my intent today in delving into the story of Iran is to open news paths for us to think critically when we see change taking place in the world.  There is potentially great benefit here to us all!   Still with me?  Let's get into the meat now...


To answer our question from above let's first ask: "What do we KNOW?" and consider that the entire global economy is languishing from a cycle of decline that is being fed by many forces such as, changes in demographics (aging population), a ballooning obligation to service decades of socialism, advances in innovation (that reduce the NEED for workers), unprecedented levels of sovereign (public) debt that must be serviced, the list goes on...

And added to these DEFLATIONARY forces we see ever growing gov't regulations that ( adding fuel to the fire) stifle economic growth in many ways such as; incentivize business NOT to employ workers, mandated healthcare that is just now beginning to show it full effects, various forms of other taxation coming at the WORST possible time when industry is not expanding but rather is contracting (parking capital), again the list is long...

Considering that the above forces are but a small glimpse of those at work that are suppressing any hope of turning things around I find it of value to point to what we suddenly (out of nowhere) have seen this week with sanctions lifted off of Iran! 


(based on our knowledge of the world as a whole!)

My point here is that every now and then cooler heads prevail and BORN OUT OF NECESSITY we see a move that actually makes sense in our crazy world.  I submit that the forces that finally caused the nation of Iran to be welcomed back into the world were almost entirely economic forces. 

When viewed from an unbiased economic perspective and considering all the forces of deflation presently at work we would be hard pressed to think of a smarter and bigger event to help "kick start" the globe and help it's economic engine to slowly start spinning again!

Will this be the big "cure" to all that ails us?  Not even close but it is a very VERY smart move wherein I am confident that some really smart people were finally given the microphone and their words fell on ears that were finally tuned to "hear" their message! 

Importantly, tho such a move may have been in the works for a long time?  The momentum to allow the event was not there!   The season was not yet but now is.

Was there a political element to all this?  I strongly suspect "yes" BUT (shouting):

this is secondary to the economic side that truly precipitated it and that is important to recognize for that gets to the heart of our...perspective!

Remember the news headline(s) this week that said the sanctions against Iran were destined to fail soon anyway?  

John (swift boat) Kerry even held a mic and I suspect that if we were all brutally honest would we not confess that our initial reaction was "Kerry is a liar!" or "That's just filler for the masses!" ??  and yet with some pause for reflection can we not NOW conclude that (regardless of the motivation in their press releases) the TRUTH is that they were right?  

These sanctions were destined to fall (very much like the Berlin Wall) BECAUSE Adam Smith's "invisible hand" is ever moving silently thru the world and at some point things must be made right.  Again, a momentum driven by necessity.

So Iran is coming back and from the perspective of the global economy it is a 100% good thing and that means good for Europe, America, Russia, the Far East, the Middle East, Saudi Arabia...(well not so much). 

My journey into speaking (writing) publicly over two years ago was initially bent towards sounding an alarm.  It seemed needful at the time as no one in our circles was pointing to the worlds great (economic) sickness and some were even doing more harm than good by telling fairy tales to their followers! 

And so began my efforts to show others WHAT the mess is and then WHY we are in this mess.  WHY we have all this debt in the world,  WHY socialism is bad and is killing our future, WHY history repeats and, WHY that should matter to us, etc.

But today, in reflection, I see that the need is no longer so great.  People are now either awakened to the threats and their causes or they are at least rolling over and wiping their eyes and so without even recognizing the shift I see a role that is now more of an encourager.

As to those around us who remain in a slumber?  Make note of them.  Their willful ignorance will become a millstone around their neck in the next few years and you'll spot them at a glance; the first to panic when their normalcy bias is ripped in two.  

Even if only a handful show interest, I feel driven to now encourage others to see things in a fresh way.  To ask questions from an elevated mindset and to experience the exciting journey that can be had (and the confidence that comes with it) by simply thinking on a different level.

This is available to us all!

Blessings,   Memphis


link to the Armstrong blog where you'll learn of the long depression (a form of which we face in the years to come) and a look at President Grover Cleveland and his deep insight into how the world works.  Oh, to have such men in leadership today:

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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