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Friday, July 31, 2015

News, Rumors, and Opinions Friday Morning


Iko Ward : No news is no news...all quiet on the eastern front. See you on the call.

Totally Blessed:
  Hey is the day of the Blue Moon! How perfect for an RV. T​his happens "once in a blue moon" or LESS!

Turtle13 : I was in San Antonio this weekend went to mall by river walk and guess what we saw!! A currency exchange office in the mall, with large signs saying "Dinar, Dong, etc" talk about a shock!!

I ran down the escalator to talk with them but they were closed!!!  

it have large print signs of numerous currencies, and dong was one of them... what shocked me was that "Dinar" was listed in several places..

Finance Minister meets with US delegation ways to strengthen the financial system in Iraq

BAGHDAD / Sky Press: Search Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari, on Wednesday, with a US delegation, including Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury for terrorist financing and financial crimes, and a representative of the US Federal Reserve ways to strengthen the financial system in Iraq, and the reduction of access Daash funding gangs and draining their resources.

According to a statement of the ministry he received "Sky Press," that "the Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari evening received Wednesday Daniel Klazer Minister US Treasury Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes, and representative of the Federal Reserve Bank in the presence of Stuart Jones, US ambassador in Baghdad, and his accompanying delegation ".

"The meeting discussed ways to strengthen the financial system in Iraq, particularly in the field of combating money laundering, and reducing the capacity of gangs Daash terrorist in access to finance, and work to dry the financial resources as an integral part in the global campaign against terrorism, and the role of President of Iraq in this side. "

Iraq has been a financial crisis as a result of the fall in world oil prices, which have increased the fiscal deficit in the federal budget.

Iraq relies 85% on oil revenues, while the other 15% on revenue.  Link



Topic: Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open. John Barrymore



Alan:   Any ideas on why they are paying the mature bonds in US Dollars?

If the are still using the USD when the bonds mature (1 year ) how can we see an RV?

It's been my thought from here that in order to see an RI/RV Iraq needs to use one currency.


Toyvp:  Alan by their own laws they can only use the IQD this is just asking to use the USD as repayment which would be smart of them to do as they have a large surplus of usd and removing it from there reserves would only strengthen the dinar


Walkingstick » July 31st, 2015, 9:02 am 

Gang arrested while trying to withdraw funds frozen belonging to Saddam's regime in Basra

A security source in Basra, on Thursday, that the joint security forces arrested a gang while trying to pull the frozen funds belonging to members of the former regime of one of the banks in the governorate.

The source said in an interview to the (long-Presse), I followed agency N. news reporting that "gang tried, This afternoon, the withdrawal of frozen funds belonging to members of the former regime from a State-owned banks to maintain, "noting that" the elements of intelligence and counter-terrorism were able to spotted and arrested. "

The source, who asked not to be named, said "the funds have been frozen, according to the Iraqi judiciary." , noting that "the force transferred detainees to a detention center for the purpose of interrogation." Experiencing the province of Basra occasional armed robberies on the offices of commercial companies and the theft of money, with some of them riding SUV without carrying the identities of personal knowledge or government.  Link
Walkingstick  » July 31st, 2015, 10:49 am 

Abadi confiscated Maliki's plane     Date: 2015/07/31

Palm-issued Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, an order to confiscate private plane with Vice President of the Republic, former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, and forwarded to the "Iraqi Airways".

Sent General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers a letter to the Ministry of Transport, an approach in which the transfer of private ownership Maliki presidential plane, to the company "Iraqi Airways", and registered name of the company.

The book explained that the plane made a gift from Iran to Iraq at a time when Nuri al-Maliki as prime minister, registered the plane in his name, and the day had to be transferred to the company, "airlines" of the Iraqi Ministry of Transport, calling for the formation of a committee of experienced and competent to conduct detection on the plane, and install and unchanged reality, a statement of disposition, according to the controls.

In a related context, revealed a source in the company, "Iraqi Airways", rejection of al-Maliki, the aircraft delivery, although his company by the claims, saying during his speech for the "new Arab", that "airlines addressed through the Ministry of Transport Maliki's office more than once without getting a satisfactory answer. "

Previously, sources in the Iraqi Council of Ministers, confirmed that al-Maliki's refusal, delivered his private plane to the custody of the new government; being a gift from Iran, indicating that the gift was for the government in his capacity as prime minister and not someone al-Maliki, who is now focused Therifia.

She explained that the plane refused to hand over a buzz and disquiet among close to Abadi. It is noteworthy that the plane, which was used by al-Maliki, the Iraqi aircraft originally, landed in Iranian territory within dozens of aircraft ordered by former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, transferred to Tehran during the 1991 Gulf War for fear of being targeted American Aviation.  Link


JDTolle  » July 31st, 2015,
Just let yourself

Instead of fighting against the work, just let yourself do it. Rather than worrying about the outcome, just let yourself make it happen.

What is the best technique for doing this or doing that, for ending procrastination, for staying focused, for seeing the world in a positive light? Stop obsessing over the best technique, and just let yourself.

There is power in you that you cannot explain, yet you can always use it. Just let yourself.

Create the intention, and hold it firmly within your awareness. Persist in just letting yourself do what that intention tells you to do.

You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve if you’ll just let yourself. Open your mind, open your heart, take a deep breath, step forward, and just let yourself.

Making progress is hard work, but not mysterious or complicated. Just let yourself.

Ralph Marston   Wishing All a safe and blessed day/weekend   JDT

P.S. The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen.
-- Rachel Naomi Remen

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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