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Thursday, July 30, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments : Tariffs  7-30-15

Morning News Comments Tariffs 07/30/2015

Zebari discuss with senior US delegation procedures to prevent the arrival of Daash funding gangs and drying resources

[tlm724] Zebari on Wednesday, with Daniel Klazer Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury for terrorist financing and financial crimes, and a representative of the US Federal Reserve to reduce access to finance Daash gangs and drying resources

[tlm724] "The meeting discussed ways to strengthen the financial system in Iraq *hallelujah* 

[tlm724] particularly in the field of combating money laundering, and reducing the capacity of gangs Daash terrorist in access to finance

[tlm724] great news !
[tlm724] if you wanna refresh your memory about part of this read this BLC Admin tlm724 Chat 07/17/2015

** Recaps note: Chat posted at the end of this post for your reading convenience **


Customs tariff application centers starting next Saturday

[tlm724] General Administration of Customs confirmed its readiness to implement the pricing tariff law on imports through border ports of the country, to be implemented from next Saturday,

[tlm724] this is according to General Administration of Customs !

[tlm724] that the authority has completed all administrative and accounting preparations to amend the fees rates in accordance with the pricing of the tariff law in all customs centers in ports, airports and border crossings

[tlm724] now how sweet is that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[tlm724] all ready and to maximize the economic resources of the state and protect the national economy from dumping commodity bad, and to ensure the smooth completion of customs formalities as soon as.

[cstacy] love it

[tlm724] cstacy me too

[tlm724] that the application of this law will result in a range of benefits, such as encouraging the private sector to run small and medium-sized plants

[tlm724] he said: that the law is not without some drawbacks that need to be addressed to protect consumers and local markets

[tlm724] that was to be expected

[tlm724] The government has issued the end of the month of June a decision to apply the tariff system on imported goods As of August , but that ran into opposition from among traders and some economic entities that divided between supporters and opponents of the application

[tlm724] no surprise there !

[tlm724] The government has issued the end of the month of June a decision to apply the tariff system on imported goods As of August , but that ran into opposition from among traders and some economic entities that divided between supporters and opponents of the application

[therealbubbie] like I said they have 2 days left !!!

[tlm724] revealed Customs for enabling a group of employees of the Customs Center Safwan in Basra province, from foil two attempts to enter the narcotic pills food items damaged to come to the country from Kuwait,

[tlm724] ahh theres Basra again ! drugs !

[tlm724] that port first was an attempt to enter pills narcotic hidden inside cans of chocolate

[tlm724] uh huh

[therealbubbie] thiefs !

[tlm724] so there we have it right from the General Administration of Customs that the tariffs will begin on August 1st in full force

[therealbubbie] Basra= stupid!!

[tlm724] the question remains will they tax the people at 1166 dinars per dollar or will they increase the purchasing power of the dinar to offset the burden on the poor ?

[therealbubbie] August 1st in full force ummm 2 days left !!!                     

[tlm724] this is the litmus test to see how Iraq will respond, will they do what needs to be done for the sake of their people and their country ??

[cstacy] hope so

[therealbubbie] tlm724 in there minds if they droped it to 1156 . in their minds they would have offset the burden on the poor

[tlm724] just hang on and we will see this through together ! Bondlady and her staff are here for you !

 [tlm724] there is much riding on their decisions going forward. As I told you all on July 17th the US Treasury is there, the IMF is there and the UN and World Bank !

[tlm724] these guys play for keeps !

[tlm724] blacklist is looming and we all know the consequences of that !

[tlm724] keep the faith ! This is a good investment and we are gonna make it !

[therealbubbie] tlm724 we know .. but do they !?

[tlm724] yes I truly believe they do bubbies ! big meetings going on as we speak with the US Treasury etc

[therealbubbie] tlm724 well you know my answer to all of this

[tlm724] yep sure do bubbies but regardless I am really excited !

[cat] I'm real hopful for next month or so


Abadi economic adviser confirms no change in the date of the application of the tariff decision

The appearance of Mohammed Saleh 07/29/2015 17:11 Tomorrow Press / Baghdad: The head of the minister for economic affairs adviser appearance of Mohammed Saleh, Wednesday, that the application of the decision tariff will not change schedule will apply on time.

 Saleh said for "tomorrow Press," that "taxes and the application of the customs decision has economic level goals to improve the lives the citizen and the provision of services,

"stressing that" the application of the decision tariff schedule will not change and will be implemented on time. " He added that "the tax will be taken from specific financial revenue will not be random,"

pointing out that "the tax will contribute to the solution of economic problems concerning the social reality citizen and re-infrastructure projects. "

[tlm724] Mohammed Saleh, Wednesday, that the application of the decision tariff will not change schedule will apply on time *wolfwhistle* it is getting hot in Iraq and I am not talking about the weather Wink


Zebari: Kurdish official delegation will visit Baghdad in the coming days to discuss the outstanding issues

[tlm724] that the financial problems between Erbil and Baghdad on the way to a solution, with Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari revealed an official visit Kurdish delegation to Baghdad in the coming days.

[tlm724] noting that "financial problems between Erbil and Baghdad on the way to the solution of During the meetings, and the meetings held between the two sides. "

[tlm724] the UN may be involved in this, let me grab that article

[tlm724] Barzani he is willing to visit Baghdad asserts: do not mind the United Nations to monitor exports


Long-Presse / Erbil - The President of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani, on Wednesday, his willingness to visit Baghdad to solve the problem of oil and salaries, and confirmed no objection by the United Nations to monitor the region's oil exports, while Germany promised way "better" dialogue to resolve the problems between the two parties.

The presidency of the Kurdistan Regional Government in a statement received (long-Presse) a copy of it, "Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani today received the German consul in Iraq, Eckhard Baliose".

He said Barzani, according to the statement that "the government is ready to visit Baghdad again to address the oil problem and the salaries of the region," stressing "no objection from the United Nations to monitor oil exports to the region to ensure transparency."

[tlm724] if they can agree to have the UN monitor the agreement then we can finally call it a done deal !

***********     BLC Admin tlm724 Chat 07/17/2015    ***************

tlm724     O.d.abdalhasin Anbuge *: Iraqi dinar exchange rate ...

The exchange rate of the basic economic variables that change per day continuously in response to the forces of currency supply and demand.

And the importance of the effect of the exchange rate in economic performance varies from country to country according to the country's circumstances and the type of economy and the stage through which the ladder of development and the nature of the economic structure of the country and the diversity of income and wealth sources in it,

 and therefore the exchange rate once be independent variables affect the dependent variables and once again be the same He changes holds in other variables variable, and there is no one to do with the deltoid causality of the exchange rate trend,

 I have personally I ask not to raise the dinar exchange rate since 2006 and I wish I stayed (US $ 1 = 1500) to the economy was put on the best and we have provided a reasonable level of protection the domestic product and provided funds of the general budget of the state.

First: General features of the philosophy of the exchange rate in Iraq:  LINK

Thank you emmaduke for posting this. Sorry it's taken so long to respond but life has a tendency to interrupt at times.

This is a good article in so far as laying out the current status of the Iraqi economy with a good comparison to Jordan and how they have structured their economy.

It basically states that Iraq has a ways to go according to the author in so far as setting the stage for conditions that will support the dinar and any value that we hope to see.

Iraq has not built the infrastructure needed to show us real growth outside the government structure ie: state owned industry etc..

The author points that the workforce in Iraq is so used to not actually working that they have become complacent and have no individual desire for growth.

That said we have known since the time of Dr. Shabibi that the private sector needed attention and that would in essense support the country. We have seen the plans for a massive influx of liquidity from the CBI still to be released to the tune of 1 trillion dinars. That will go far in boosting the local economy.

Economic growth is and will happen as Iraq grows out of the infancy stage they are in. As I have said time and time again they let the bus run.

There was little to no growth in the sectors that can really propel Iraq into a market economy. We are seeing strides in these measures and with legislation that will support this sectors all the better for them as well as us !

The investment law is ready and that will be a shot in the arm as far as bringing money into Iraq instead of money fleeing Iraq !

It seems to me that Iraq is finally waking up to the fact that if they allow the continued corruption and allowing the economy to stay in this stall that they will fall and fall hard.

 The oil price drop and ISIS invasion has been a huge wake up call and IMO they are heeding that call ! They have gone so far as to agree to have the World Bank help them restructure the economic reform !

This brings me hope for Iraq and despite the devastating security situation we see them making strides against the terrorist.
Iraq has been through a three phase shock so to speak. Corruption, political apathy and terrorism ! One is bad enough but all three combined has created a most extreme situation. Iraq has asked for help and they are receiving it. They are wise enough to understand that they cannot continue on this path.

Their currency can and will reflect the true wealth of Iraq. We cannot expect overnight success with so much on their plate at once.

 They will show us the true value of the dinar WHEN it reflects the supply and demand. In order to have demand their must be an economic plan that will create the demand. 

The World Bank is there, right now ! The US Treasury is there, right now ! The United Nations is there right now ! All with a commom goal in mind. To help Iraq SUCCEED ! 

When they succeed we succeed ! The entities are there with a plan and this new government, to me at least, seem receptive to the plan. This means that things are moving forward for us !

The economy predicates the dinar value not the dinar makes the economy ! Once it shows a value and surpasses the use of the dollar then it will play a supportive role . Thanks

tlm724:    Per Shredd :

The author does well to state the case for a float and also describes the imbalance in the economy around oil being the only real contributor to Iraq's GDP. I agree that if the rate were to float it wouldn't be a good rate and that the CBI's involvement in the dinar's stability has been unsuccessful. 

I don't think there is very much confidence in the CBI based on recent actions, their leadership issues and the ongoing stability problems. Nothing is for sure regarding the future of the dinar, the use of the dollar and the calming of the security problems.

Mdmtexas:    Ok I am very uneducated on the subject, I am hoping this doesn't sound stupid. What would happen if they raised the currency to say fifty cent to the dollar. Wouldn't they benefit especially market wise and purchasing. ?


tlm724:   Zebari discuss with US Secretary of Treasury Assistant anti-money laundering 

July 29, 2015 21:15 

(Independent) .. Search Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari, Msaoualeom, with US Treasury Secretary Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes Daniel Klazer and representative Feds ways to strengthen the financial system in Iraq. 

The meeting addressed in particular the fight against money laundering and the reduction of the terrorist entity Daash capabilities in access to finance and work to dry the financial resources as an integral part in the global campaign against terrorism and the role of Iraq's President in this aspect

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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