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Thursday, July 30, 2015

Wealthwatch Afternoon / Evening Chat 7-30-15  Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room 7-30-15
Wealthwatch Afternoon / Evening Chat 7-30-15  Part 2 of 2

Winnerdinar: IMF Executive Board Approves US$1.24 Billion in Financial Support for Iraq Press Release No.15/363 July 30, 2015 On July 29, 2015, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved SDR 891.3 million (about US$1.24 billion or 75 percent of quota) for Iraq under the Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI)1.

 The purpose of this financial assistance is to help Iraq address present and urgent balance of payment and budget needs in 2015 related to the ISIS insurgency and a decline in oil prices. The IMF financing will support the authorities’ current economic program,

 which includes fiscal adjustment measures and structural reforms. Following the Executive Board’s discussion of Iraq, Mr. Mitsuhiro Furusawa, IMF Deputy Managing Director and Acting Chair of the Board, issued the following statement: 
“The twin shocks faced by Iraq from the ISIS insurgency and the drop in global oil prices have severely widened the government deficit and caused a decline in international reserves. The authorities’ policies to deal with the shocks, including sizable fiscal adjustment and maintenance of the exchange rate peg, go in the right direction.

 Access under the IMF’s Rapid Financing Instrument will help address Iraq’s urgent balance of payments and budget needs. However, large fiscal and external financing gaps remain.

“The large financing gap calls for the rigorous implementation of the authorities’ policies, but also additional fiscal adjustment measures and identification of domestic and internal financing.

 In this context, it will be important to implement the new electricity tariff schedule as soon as possible, or adopt compensatory measures.

Looking ahead, the authorities should lay the ground for medium-term structural reforms that would better support macroeconomic policy management and boost the economy’s resilience to shocks.”

1 The RFI provides rapid and low-access financial assistance to member countries facing an urgent balance of payments need, without the need to have a full-fledged program in place.

Winnerdinar: Monetary give Iraq urgent help to cope with Daash [image] The loan which will be paid immediately would help Iraq in the face of this double shock suffered by the Iraqi state budget cuts have caused the cash reserves. BAGHDAD / Obelisk:

The International Monetary Fund emergency aid to Iraq $ 1.2 billion to face the economic consequences resulting from organizing Daash terrorist attack and the deterioration of oil prices.

The IMF said in a statement that the loan will be repaid immediately, which would help Iraq in the face of this "double shock" suffered by the Iraqi state budget cuts have caused the cash reserves.

Winnerdinar: The authorities’ policies to deal with the shocks, including sizable fiscal adjustment and maintenance of the exchange rate peg, go in the right direction

Winnerdinar: I hope the direction is a gain in value

newbieDA: including sizable fiscal adjustment, sounds good to me

Winnerdinar: ‹@newbieDA› Me to

newbieDA: ‹@Winnerdinar› ty for the article

Winnerdinar: ‹@newbieDA› I don't think 1.24 billion will last very long - hmmmmmmmm

newbieDA: maybe they are just using to the IMF money to build creditability

Winnerdinar: Or what we want

newbieDA: yay! I hope so

Winnerdinar: Dinar goggles are on

Doug_W: ‹@Winnerdinar› what does that mean?

Winnerdinar: ‹@Doug_W› I see the rv in everything

Doug_W: ahhh ok TY

EdoBini: Take Note of this IMF statements among others: quote " large fiscal adjustment measures and identification of domestic and internal financing in this context". This means RV for Iraq. JMHO.

newbieDA: yep, sounds sizable when they say large

] Winnerdinar: The IMF provides emergency assistance to Iraq worth $ 1.2 billion Thu 30 Jul 2015 11:31 p.m. | (Voice of Iraq) - Erbil International Monetary Fund announced on Thursday, to provide urgent assistance to Iraq worth $ 1.2 billion to address the economic consequences resulting from the attack of the "Islamic State" Daash and the deterioration of oil prices.

The IMF said in a statement that "This is a loan that will be repaid immediately would help Iraq in the face of this" double shock "suffered by the Iraqi state budget and caused the reduction of cash reserves."

The head of the IMF mission to Iraq Carlo Sidr Alevich, could be signed in early the month of July 2015 oil production growth in Iraq at a rate of 11% and increase exports by 23%,

confirming the pursuit Fund to help Iraq funded "potential" of $ 830 million to be provided to Iraq under the "rapid financing instrument". Add Comment Read more:

Donnie: ‹@EdoBini› When?

Winnerdinar: Rapid financing instrument

Winnerdinar: ‹@EdoBini›

Winnerdinar: I like you take

EdoBini: For sure, l, too am seeing RV and RV everywhere l look in this IMF statements above.

Winnerdinar: How long would 1.24 billion last in Iraq - a week

Donnie: ‹@Winnerdinar› against $25-30 billion deficit? it's already spent :)

Donnie: Gold 1,088.50    -4.20      -0.38%

Winnerdinar: ‹@Donnie› I really have my fingers crossed that they will utilise the grossly undervalued dinar to finance the deficit

Donnie: where is that Goldxxx dude that said Gold would never close below it's 5 year low.... it's been below it's five year low for almost a month now.

Donnie: ‹@Winnerdinar› agree!!

EdoBini: Winnerdinar, l like your take. including "sizable fiscal adjustment an maintenance of the EXCHANGE RATE peg, to go in the right direction," Folks, this a condition Iraq have to meet or there will be no assistance going to their way.

EdoBini: and maintenance.

EdoBini: Donnie. when ? As soon as the money is dispensed or before the money is dispensed.

tourman: my bank account is ready for a "sizable fiscal adjustment"

Winnerdinar: ‹@tourman› Consider not giving the banks your money the robbing @&£&@@£&

 [05:56:19 PM] gold642: so DOUGW do you even know what spot price is in gold vs market sell price

Doug_W: ‹@gold642› 1088.30

Doug_W: and ID care one way or another

gold642: I guess ypu dont

vtech: Spot is next months futures delivery on the stock gold, its just a game right?

gold642: Correct

Doug_W: more to life than gold prices Horatio

gold642: Gold has not gone done in a 5 year low just the pare spot gold stock game that the stock world plays to push people out of metals to stock....PAPER GOLD

gold642: if you can ever buy a piece of gold at stock price I'll give you a million dollars

vtech: IMF Executive Board Approves US$1.24 Billion in Financial Support for Iraq Press Release No.15/363 July 30, 2015 On July 29, 2015, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved SDR 891.3 million (about US$1.24 billion or 75 percent of quota) for Iraq under the Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI)

vtech: “The twin shocks faced by Iraq from the ISIS insurgency and the drop in global oil prices have severely widened the government deficit and caused a decline in international reserves. The authorities’ policies to deal with the shocks, including sizable fiscal adjustment and maintenance of the exchange rate peg, go in the right direction.

vtech: “The large financing gap calls for the rigorous implementation of the authorities’ policies, but also additional fiscal adjustment measures and identification of domestic and internal financing. In this context, it will be important to implement the new electricity tariff schedule as soon as possible, or adopt compensatory measures.

vtech: Office of the Prime Minister signed a memorandum between the adoption of the United States government and the United Nations and the Government of Iraq and the US Grant to achieve immediate stability in liberated areas

vtech: The United States will begin under that delivery amounts premium first $ 8.3 million to the United Nations, which will manage the implementation of quick-impact projects for the rehabilitation of basic services and humanitarian needs, which will receive payments donor countries successively under what was decided at the Paris Conference in the month of June.
EdoBini: Delivery of this premium of $8.3 by US to the UN demonstrated that Iraq met the conditions set at Paris Conference in June,2015

KiwiDoc: All good I would say

EdoBini: Things are really moving our ways my friends.

MzDiva: ‹@EdoBini› i cant wait to see whats going to happen next

 [07/30/2015 07:20:11 PM] chattels: BAGHDAD / Nina / MP Aram Sheikh Mohammed, and there is a real willingness by the federal and province governments Kurdistan to end financial problems and address the oil dispute. and his office said in a press release that "Sheikh Mamedaltqy today, Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari, and discussed financial issues and outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil, 

where Mohamed that financial problems between Erbil and Baghdad on the way to solution through meetings and meetings between the two sides hold stressing the existence of a genuine will and direction to end the differences through the application concluded the oil agreement between the parties or to modify other words. "

EdoBini: Its going to be very interesting indeed, my friend


BOBBY: Chattels. .. gets any better i won't be able to stand it

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› very excellent

BOBBY: according to XXX XXX XXX, Kurdistan has rv ed  lol

KiwiDoc: ‹@BOBBY› good thanks,,,,enjoying the news for very good reason I think

BOBBY: someone on recaps has a story to back it up..

Dianne777: soooooooooooo ready for this

MzDiva: ‹@Dianne777› ‹@Dianne777› same here dont want it to go into 2016

Dianne777: oh me either

vtech: 2011 statements and articles relate to what TODAY 2015....LMAO

] MzDiva: its hard to follow anyone its so much going on i just want the 100% truth thats all i want no strings

BOBBY: mountian goat is saying 4 to 7 days.... full blown rv

MzDiva: ‹@vtech› it will all come together soon

vtech: IF NOT

vtech: Your


BOBBY: lol

MzDiva: lol

MzDiva: all i want is the facts thats why im here

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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