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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tidbits From Frank26 and KTFA Members Tuesday Morning


Lexi » July 27th, 2015, •   So if the bonds come out at 1095 then is it safe to say we will probably not see the dinar get to $1.00 or anywhere close this year or by Dec.?

Thanks for anyone who understands this better. When we hear 1-1 with the dollar are they wanting like WS said a long time ago1-1000 so they can drop the 3 0's at that time?

Or in other words go down 95 more pips to get to 1000-1. Thanks because I'm not really understanding. It seems like if they come out at 1095 seems like it will still take a long time to ever even see 1-1 especially if they have 2 yrs before those bonds mature?    Right?

Frank26:  Ahhhhhhhhh?   No.    Yes.     No.    Left.   KTFA   Frank

Big Tex:  MO I believe you missed some points in the call. For example IMO Frank said the 1095 rate would mean they were Article 8 compliant. That would be huge.

   They travel in that direction ...... 1166 to 1095 ....... BUT it needs the lifting of The Three Zeros to be article 8.

iMO when they get to 1000 they are 1 to 1.

My prayer is that they will not need to reach 1000.......... Simply lift The Three Zeros when conditions are suited to do so.

KTFA    Frank....... My apologies if i over extended myself.


Question.... Could the bonds just be another way to get some dinar off the streets? They'll be collecting dinar and paying out in dollars....and making a decent return..


Frank26:  We said this was a part but may i repeat ........ A very small part of it.   
KTFA     Frank


» July 28th, 2015, 8:02 am 

Call Iraq Stock Exchange trading system to provide online offers
  July 28, 2015 10:42

For more details please refer to the attached file :   Market announcement ISX


lraq Stock Exchange Automated SYstems DePartment
Invitation JulY 2015

On-Line Tradins Svstem

We are inviting you to offer your offers of On-Line Trading System to perform the
following functions:

l- The System Hosting in Iraq Stock Exchange, and All the Equipment and
Applications of this Froject will be inside the Iraq Stock Exchange.

2- Th; system must be compatible with the ISX X-Stream System

3- System consists of two Modules, the First Module is for Investor Services, and
the Second Module is for Brokers Services'

4- The Investors Services include :
View market Data feed in Real time'
View their portfolios in the market, and their shares in the CSD'
Get all specific data, studies and news that are generated by ISX

5- The Brokers Services include:
Ensure feeding market data to clients and investors
Trading service via the Intemet in reat tirne to its investors
Ensure open a hading account in the csD and in the Broker.
Granting the ability to investors to view their portfolios and data
Financial transfers between banks and the clearing bank and brokers

Technical Analysis of the problems
6- The System must be compitible with IBM WebSphere Portal
7- The system must be compatible with IBM Mobile solution
8- The System Providing the Services vi Intemet , Mobil App , sMS , Email'

Bid Conditions:
l- - Offers (commercial and technical) should be delivered within the next 15
days after the announcement date

2- The company bears the cost of the system and the costs of operating the
equipment oi th. system, with an exclusive contract for the company to
manage service

3- The company must give a technical support , And Training the ISX Technical

Thunderhawk  » July 28th, 2015, 9:28 am 

Eurozone Crisis: A Disaster Waiting to Happen

The current crisis in the Eurozone, which has thrown Greece into disarray was a disaster waiting to happen, according to many economists, the currency is inherently unstable.

As talks over a third bailout for Greece begin Tuesday, many economists are watching with a sense of foreboding amid a dismal forecast outlook for the Eurozone from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which said the euro area "remains vulnerable to shocks".

The IMF said medium-term prospects are less bright. "Several factors cloud the outlook for growth over the next five years," said Mahmood Pradhan, mission chief for the euro area. "These include high unemployment, especially among the youth; large corporate debt; and, rising non-performing loans (NPLs) in the banking system."

Slow progress on structural reforms has also dampened the business climate and reduced growth potential.
Amid this dismal outlook, many economists believe the very foundations on which the euro was predicated were creaky from the start and dates back as far as 1979 with the creation of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) to reduce exchange rate variability and achieve monetary stability in Europe ahead of the introduction of the euro in 1999.

Fundamentally Flawed System

Philippe Pochet, General Director of the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), writing in its current newsletter, said a report by his organization and the European Social Observatory, published in 1997 concluded that: "…insofar as EMU is not an optimal monetary zone, it will be vulnerable to asymmetrical shocks and adjustment mechanisms will be needed by both the national and the European institutions." The diagnosis was renewed by the organizations in both 2000 and 2010.

Central to the problem with the euro is that member states have differing fiscal policies and taxation regimes, among many other financial indicators. For a currency to work, there needs to be harmonization of fiscal policies, which is inherently impossible in the current Eurozone, because of political differences.

Neil Woodford, head of investment at Woodford Investment Management, said this goes to the heart of the current battle between Germany — which is leading calls for Greece to make fundamental changes to its tax and state pension regimes — and Greece. Woodford told Sputnik:
"In a simple sense, pretending that Greece was Germany was a fundamental error. Having the same monetary policy for two economies that are so different seems to me to have been a flawed assumption from the start of the project."

"Ultimately, Greece shouldn't have been allowed into the euro in the first place but, having squeezed into the exclusive single currency club, it suddenly had access to deep and cheap credit lines, which it made full use of," he said.

Martin Feldstein, writing in the magazine of the International Economic Policy in 2010 at the start of the Greek bailout crisis said:

"The attempt to establish a single currency for sixteen separate and quite different countries was bound to fail."

"The shift to a single currency meant that the individual member countries lost the ability to control monetary policy and interest rates in order to respond to national economic conditions. It also meant that each country's exchange rate could no longer respond to the cumulative effects of differences in productivity and global demand trends."


Jdtolle:   » July 28th, 2015, Good place for everyone

There are a lot of other people in this world. You’ll do much better in life when you are good to those people.

There is one of you, and billions of everyone else. The more of those billions who have a positive experience with you, the better.

Being considerate to others is old fashioned. That means it has stood the test of time.

Before you act, before you speak, think of the impact it will have on everyone else. Then make the choice that makes the world where you live a better one.

Take care not to sacrifice the goodwill of others just to grab yourself a momentary advantage or convenience. Live with respect and consideration, even when it is not noticed.

The behavior of each person directly influences the kind of world we all live in. Make it a good place for everyone to be.

 Ralph Marston   Wishing All a safe and blessed day   JDT

P.S. All good is hard. All evil is easy. Dying, losing, cheating, and mediocrity is easy. Stay away from easy.-- Scott Alexander

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