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Thursday, July 30, 2015

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Thursday Morning


: Good morning TNT - had dinner last night with my co-pilots father and mother. I knew nothing about his family until last night. As we were chit chatting my Co-pilots father indicated he was a call center supervisor for a large wealth managing firm (ML/BoA) I asked him a simple question

Do you know anything of the GCR or currency that will be RV anytime soon . . . . He indicated that they are expecting a major currency event in the next few days. And

I also ask what currencies that he is aware of and he said that the IQD is the pivotal currency. I did not lead him by mentioning any currency

He also indicated that all of the wealth maniager groups are VERY CONCERNED that of the amount of wealthy that will be generated in a very short period of time
He also indicated that his office will be used as a exchange center

So there you have it . . That is all I have to share. Oh....I also ask about rates he did not know

All this happened in Jxxxxxxxxxx, FL


Iko Ward:  Full report. Forex Dinar is flat at 1132.4 and polling at 0.00. Rest of the basket little activity. World Stock Markets are mixed. ISX took another 1.5% hit and ks down to 903 from a high of 990 two weeks ago. Gold lost 10.00 last night. Oil still close to 54.00

Iko Ward:  It's all about pushing the button now. Then the fun really begins both for us and the markets.

JimBake: closes friday approx. 5pm edt...:)

Angel8:  yesterdayTony said: It’s my understanding that the RV has to happen for the bonds to be paid out. The bonds will happen a day or two after the RV, because they need the RV, not the other way round.

Cody661:  -bonds are no good without the RV!

Dusty:  Did everyone hear that Maliki ( stepped Down ) :)) This morning!!

Iko Ward:  Ding dong the witch is dead!

JimBake:  Watch for the blue moon might have some green in it this time! :)

blackjack7: SUPER STOKED!!!! my wm contacted me and said he was waiting to get the all clear to bring me in to exchange


   Dad sets strict rules for daughters' $20m inheritance

An astute businessman, Maurice Laboz amassed a fortune in real estate over his lifetime. After his recent death at 77, his two daughters were happy to learn that their daddy had left them $10 million each, but the stipulations for the payoff would only come with good behavior.

Marlena, 21, and Victoria, 17, will each inherit $10 million when they turn 35 but Laboz's will states that the daughters could earn early bonuses if they can prove that they are living according to his standards by finishing college, getting good jobs and not having children out of wedlock.

The Manhattan realtor had other strict hoops his daughters would have to jump through in order to earn the fortune he left behind.  

Marlena will get $500,000 for tying the knot, but only if her husband signs a sworn statement promising to keep his hands off the cash.

She nets another $750,000 if she graduates "from an accredited university" and writes "100 words or less describing what she intends to do with the funds" — with the trustees appointed by her dad to oversee her money responsible for approving her essay.

Both daughters get a big incentive to earn decent salaries by 2020. Each young woman is guaranteed to receive an annual payout of three times the income listed on their personal federal tax return. In a not-so-subtle nod to the taxman, their checks will be cut every April 15.

If the daughters have kids and don't work outside the house, the trustees will give them each 3 percent of the value of their trust every Jan. 1. There's one catch: The money flows only for a "child born in wedlock."

The sisters could earn the same amount being "a caregiver" to their mother, Ewa Laboz, 58.

Laboz left behind a $37 million dollar estate, with $20 million allocated for his daughters and the remainder divided between his favorite charities. His wife Ewa Laboz was left out of the will, which he signed 9 months prior to his death. He indicated in the legal documents that his wife is not entitled to anything due to a prenuptial agreement.

His wife is legally contesting the document, claiming she deserves a portion of the inheritance because they had not yet legally divorced when he died.


Dinar Updates:

Q: [If the World Bank has imposed a 60-day deadline on Iraq, do any of you seeing Iraq trying at all to comply with what they want? Have they approached compliance at all? Are they even talking about it?

tman23   The FED COURT ACT... Unless they get this done, all other laws are in question...It appears that they are ready to vote by majority even if the Kurds boycott the vote...

They are in dire straits and by the words of the World Bank, time is of the essence...a deadline was placed.

tman23  Anytime they get close like 2012...a group reacts with creating chaos to delay the like the removal of Shabibi after Abadi announced the change...

So now we are witnessing some real reactions across the board...since start of July it has gotten crazy insane...and the contradictions are numerous in all articles and actions...

So if using confusion as an indicator...We are on the door step...waiting ring the bell...

Jdtolle:  » July 30th, 2015, Desirable place to go

You can do more than you think you can do, if you will start thinking you can. You can reach higher than you’ve chosen to reach, if you will choose to do so.

There are obstacles you must move past, and some of those obstacles are in your own expectations. Raising your expectations won’t magically make things happen, but it will stimulate you to make more things happen.

If you expect you can’t, you won’t. If you expect you can, you give birth to the possibility.

There’s no way around the fact that achievement requires focused effort. Your expectations put you in the frame of mind to make that effort.

Expectations also open your eyes to opportunities you never would have otherwise seen. And expectations set your imagination to work.

Positive expectations give you a desirable place to go. Then, you can put forth the effort to follow where they lead.

Ralph Marston   Wishing All a safe and blessed day   JDT

P.S. Integrity is the essence of everything successful.-- Buckminster Fuller


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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