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Sunday, July 26, 2015

OOTW & News Discussion 7-26-15  Part 1 of 2

Post From Chat Room 7-26-16

OOTW & News Discussion Part 1 of 2

chattels: Peshmerga Minister talks Mosul, morale and arming Kurds By Kurt Nagl and Arina Moradi


chattels: Q. How is the war with ISIS now compared to when it started? A. The situation of the war is much better than before. Peshmerga could recapture most of the areas previously lost to ISIS. I can say that 90-95 percent of Kurdistan Region territory is now under the control of Peshmerga forces.

chattels: Q. How is the morale of the Peshmerga? A. They are very strong even though they haven’t been paid for two months. From the beginning of this war until now, the Peshmerga have remained strong and the financial crisis has not affected them.
chattels: Q. How will this problem of not being paid be solved? A. There are two ways. One, reach an agreement with Baghdad on the budget. The second is self-efficiency, by selling oil or other ways of economic independence. I prefer the quicker solution. The fastest option is the best option.

chattels: Q. You said that 90-95 percent of land taken by ISIS has been recaptured by Peshmerga. Where is the focus now? A. Most of the focus is in Mosul province – Shingal, Bashiqa and Qaraqush.

Also, in Khabat, there are some areas yet to be liberated. Also, there are areas in Kirkuk province yet to be liberated. Q. You said that 90-95 percent of land taken by ISIS has been recaptured by Peshmerga.

Where is the focus now? A. Most of the focus is in Mosul province – Shingal, Bashiqa and Qaraqush. Also, in Khabat, there are some areas yet to be liberated. Also, there are areas in Kirkuk province yet to be liberated.

chattels: Q. What is the plan for Mosul city? A. We are now discussing and planning the operation with the Iraqi government, US and coalition forces. We are investigating a plan to liberate Mosul.

Q. And the Peshmerga will participate? A. It is certain the Peshmerga will participate, but we will participate the way we want. Mosul is important to liberate both for Iraq and the Kurdistan Region because ISIS made it the capital of its caliphate. ISIS has paid too much attention to the city. If we repel ISIS from Mosul, it’s the key to clearing them from Iraq.

chattels: Q. When will it happen? A. There is no time set for the Mosul operation. We will move when the success is guaranteed, but the sooner the better. The outcome is the most important thing. If we need to delay for a successful outcome, it’s better to do so.


chattels: Q. Did you talk about the US directly arming Peshmerga? A. Yes. Arming Kurds will be through Baghdad. The KRG repeated once again that we prefer to be armed directly. But due to the US’s own reasons, it cannot do so. What is important is they ensure us that the weapons they are giving will be received by us.

Donnie: ‹@chattels› very good conversation. TY for posting this!

Donnie: Central Bank: the low price of the dollar to 1203 dinars

Donnie: Brother - Baghdad Central Bank of Iraq, said Sunday, for the low price remittance market in dollars, indicating that the price reached 1203 dinars.

The bank said in a brief statement Tlguettlguet for News Agency (et) a copy of it, that "the dollar in Alihulaat market price dropped to 1203 dinars."

 And it established the Central Bank of Iraq independent bank under the law issued on the sixth of March 2004, as an independent body, is responsible for maintaining price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including exchange rate policies are being daily for the sale and purchase of foreign currencies sessions except public holidays which stops them Bank for these auctions.


Donnie: ‹@chattels› i wasn't sure if it was all links or just the one I tried that was giving an error.

Donnie: How's your day going?

chattels: ‹@Donnie› being lazy today - the heat here is so oppressive

chattels: i am ready for a change in altitude and latitude

Donnie: ‹@chattels› that's good to do when needed. It's going to be hot here but nothing like you have it

chattels: my attitude may need some work as well :)

Donnie: ‹@chattels› you know I'm ready for a change now!!

chattels: i forget where you are located ?

Donnie: upstate NY

chattels: ah yes

chattels: beautiful countryside

Donnie: yes - near the Finger lakes

chattels: Saratoga ?

Donnie: saratoga is north of Albany.

Donnie: finger lakes are between Buffallo and Riochester and almost to syracuse

Donnie: western NYS

chattels: i see now from google

Donnie: i'm at the bottom to NY - 15 mins from PA

Donnie: Central plans to put up for the benefit of financial bonds worth two billion dollars

chattels: interesting geological origins - i suspected glacial impact

Donnie: Baghdad scales News The central bank announced on Sunday his intention to put up bonds for the benefit of the Ministry of Finance worth two billion dollars, and as pointed out that the bonds due and payable by the end of 2016, said it can be used as collateral for loans or facilities require collateral.

The bank said in a statement received / scales News / copy of which he "will ask the delivery term bonds in dollars to the bearer on behalf of the Ministry of Finance, starting from the second of next August to 31 of the same month,"

adding that "Asdarih will be four categories (in 2500 and 10000 and 50000 and 100,000) US dollars and the total amount of two billion dollars. "

 The bank said it "will sell that amount in Iraqi dinars and the price of 1095 dinars per dollar and payable by the Ministry of Finance in December 31 2016, to be paid in dollars at maturity" .anthy 29 / d 25


Donnie:    LINK

Donnie: ‹@chattels› yes - very deep valleys and some lakes are over 200 ft deep

chattels: The Native Americans who lived in this area, and left the first recorded history, believed the Finger Lakes were the fingerprints of the Great Spirit, who reached down and, in touching the earth, transformed this land into sacred ground, blessed by Nature.

chattels: Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca and other tribes viewed themselves as a kinship that enjoyed the fruits of the land, not exercising dominion over it.

Donnie: yes - and if you look to east of syracuse there is Oneida lake which is where the Spirits thumb rested

chattels: After the Revolutionary War, many veterans were awarded land grants in a two million acre tract of land that stretched across the Finger Lakes and the surrounding area, and these settlers began farming the area, an industry that continues to this day.

 Donnie: luckily the finger lakes bank are steep so not really good for much - except growing grapes for wine

chattels: Satellite view. Lake Ontario is at top, Oneida Lake upper right, Cazenovia Lake directly below Oneida.;

Donnie: scattered houses along the shores

chattels: Oneida Lake is generally not considered one of the Finger Lakes, but it is sometimes called the "thumb", while Seneca is the middle finger.

Donnie: so if u lay a hand on NY, with thumb on Oneida lake then your fingers (pointing down) will be resting on the finger lakes region

Donnie: exactly

 chattels: very interesting - i love to learn

chattels: but have an nostalgic / romantic ache for the past to my soul

chattels: we are all so different, but so similar

Donnie: i love natural and Spiritual history but never really cared for the history of the wars

Donnie: the highlights of who started the war and for what reason was enough information for me

Donnie: one thing that still amazes me is how many wars were started (commissioned) by catholic Bishops and popes

chattels: Historic Mansion "Belwood" 3551 Groveland Rd, Groveland, NY | Livingston County, NY

Donnie: is that your house?

Donnie: what a beautiful barn also

Doug_W: tha is the finger lakes region 3551 Groveland Rd, Groveland, NY

chattels: no, just looking :)

chattels: i love old estates

Donnie: oops - missed that you posted NY

Donnie: i have to drive over and check that place out

chattels: the stable is magnificent

Donnie: BBL - need to feed some hungry kids...

Donnie: TY for the information and chat!

chattels: ‹@Donnie› my pleasure, laterz

whitelions: Question how can they start this in 15 days if they don't have the investment laws set ???

whitelions: Dhi Qar oblige departments to grant investment approvals within 15 days .......Alsumaria News / Dhi Qar - The local government has committed in the province of Dhi Qar , Sunday, government departments granting approvals for investment projects during the period of 15 days, as pointed out that this procedure comes to facilitate the work of investors.

chattels: ‹@whitelions› they still have the 2006 Investment law in place

whitelions: My Brain must be getting addled I forgot thanks Chattels

chattels: ‹@whitelions› :)

chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – The process of returning refugees to the Diyala province towns of Jawla and Sadia, which have been long-liberated from the Islamic State (ISIS) group, has begun and will continue, officials told Rudaw on Sunday.

“There is very good coordination between Kurds and us to help bring back families who had fled Jalawla when ISIS took it over last year,” said Brig. Ghalib Atiya, a media officer in the provincial police force.

“The process got recently underway, and will continue until all refugees are returned home. Currently, more than 240 families have been assisted to return to the town of Sadia,” he said.

chattels: The two towns are part of the so-called “disputed territories” that are claimed both by the central government in Baghdad and the autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in the north.

Last month, the Diyala provincial council and the Kurdish coalition agreed to set up a road map to return life to liberated but deserted Jalawla and Sadia. They have remained unpopulated despite liberation from ISIS in November, in a joint operation by the Kurdish Peshmerga and Iraqi forces in which several Kurdish soldiers died.


chattels: a broader road map to return areas that are part of the so-called “disputed territories” that are claimed both by the central government in Baghdad and the autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) may be a harbinger of cooperation between Baghdad and the KRG

chattels: BAGHDAD, Iraq — Iraqi government forces recaptured Anbar University from the Islamic State militant group Sunday after hours of fierce clashes, provincial officials said, as part of its push to reclaim territory across the embattled province.

 The university, located 5 kilometers (3 miles) south of Anbar's provincial capital, the militant-held city of Ramadi, was under the full control of government forces, which had entered the complex early Sunday amid intense combat with the militant group.


Sam: GA ... anything good to report on

chattels: ‹@Sam› the news day in / out of Iraqi is done I think

Sam: have to bounce in and grab a nugget... life's winds are blowing hard and taking a brief break to rest

 KiwiDoc: Interesting reads about the Kurds, and their taking more ground, and now Turkey getting into the mix
KiwiDoc: Funny Turkey wouldn't help initially when ISIS was taking that city just south of their border

chattels: corn on the cob smothered in butter is on the menu tonight

chattels: Kobane

KiwiDoc: Now as long as they attacking the Kurds they are ok with it

chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – On the second day of Turkish airstrikes against the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), Kurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani urged both sides to resort to peaceful means and preserve the Kurds’ recent political gains in Turkey. 

“What you can achieve through peace won’t be achieved through fighting,” Barzani said in a personal message, explaining he wanted to clarify his and Kurdistan’s role in helping the PKK negotiate peace with Ankara. His message came as Turkey carried out a number of airstrikes against PKK positions in the Qandil Mountains for a second day.




Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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